

KAKEN 科学研究費助成事業データベース で見る
研究課題番号 KAKENHI-PROJECT-16H02706
研究種目 基盤研究(A)
研究分野 総合系
研究機関 愛媛大学
代表研究者 榊原 正幸
研究分担者 世良 耕一郎
研究分担者 畑 啓生
研究分担者 大森 浩二
研究分担者 佐野 栄
研究分担者 N.P Bhandary
研究分担者 田中 勝也
研究分担者 古川 慎哉
研究分担者 笠松 浩樹
研究分担者 小松 悟
研究分担者 武部 博倫
研究分担者 島上 宗子
研究期間 開始年月日 2016/4/1
研究期間 終了年度 2018
研究ステータス 完了 (2018/4/1)
配分額(合計) 41,210,000 (直接経費 :31,700,000、間接経費 :9,510,000)
配分額(履歴) 2018年度:11,830,000 (直接経費 :9,100,000、間接経費 :2,730,000)
2017年度:13,650,000 (直接経費 :10,500,000、間接経費 :3,150,000)
2016年度:15,730,000 (直接経費 :12,100,000、間接経費 :3,630,000)
キーワード インドネシア


[雑誌論文] Mangifera indica as Bioindicator of Mercury Atmospheric Contamination in an ASGM Area in North Gorontalo Regency, Indonesia

Prasetia Hendra、Sakakibara Masayuki、Omori Koji、Laird Jamie、Sera Koichiro、Kurniawan Idham 2018

[学会発表] Earthquake safety Activity Program For Young Children

Sakakibara, M. 2018

[学会発表] Transdisciplinary approaches for creating innovative livelihood alternatives in high environmental loading areas affected by mercury pollution in Indonesia.

Kasamatsu, H., Sakakibara, M., Tanaka, K., Komatsu, S. and Shimagami, M. 2018

[学会発表] The Researchers Role and Future View of TDCOPs from Case Study of Dihime Limboto-ko, Gorontalo District.

Kasamatsu, H., Shimagami, M. and Sakakibara, M. 2018

[学会発表] Kikigaki Program as a Transformative Boundary Object for Stimulating Sustainable Regional Innovation through Cross-generational Urban-Rural Interaction: Case studies from Japan and Indonesia.

Shimagami, M., Kasamatsu, H. and Sakakibara, M. 2018

[学会発表] Co-creation of Sustainable Regional Innovation for Reducing Risk of High-impact Environmental Pollution.

Sakakibara, M., Tanaka, K., Kasamatsu, H. and Shimagami, M. 2018

[雑誌論文] A Case Study of Heavy Metal Pollution in Water of Bone River by Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Mine Activities in Eastern Part of Gorontalo, Indonesia

Gafur Nurfitri、Sakakibara Masayuki、Sano Sakae、Sera Koichiro 2018

[学会発表] Heavy Metal Potential at Settling Pond of Coal Mining, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Andi, A., Sakakibara, M. and Sano, S. 2018

[学会発表] The Social Economic and Mercury Exposure of Goldsmith in Manggala Subdistrict of Urban Artisanal Gold Mining (UAGM) Area in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Abbas, H. H., Sakakibara, M., Sera, K. and Sididi, M. 2018

[学会発表] Co-Creation of Sustainable Regional Innovation for Reducing Risk of High-impact Environmental Pollution.

Sakakibara, M. 2018

[学会発表] Atmospheric Mercury Contamination Assessment Using Various Tree Bark in an ASGM Area in North Gorontalo Regency, Indonesia.

Prasetia, H., Sakakibara, M. and Sera, K. 2018

[学会発表] Co-creation of sustainable regional innovation for reducing risk of high-impact environmental pollution.

Sakakibara, M. 2018

[学会発表] Mercury contamination of cattle in artisanal and small-scale gold mining in Bombana, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Basri, Sakakibara, M., Sera, K. and Kurniawan, I. A. 2018

[学会発表] Lung function assessment as an early biomonitor of mercury-induced health disorders in an artisanal and small-scale gold mining area of Gorontalo province, Indoneisa.

Pateda, S. M., Sakakibara,M. and Sera, K. 2018

[学会発表] Transdisciplinary Research and Practice for Reducing Environmental Problems in ASEAN Countries.

Sakakibara, M. 2018

[学会発表] Futurability of Gorontalo Geopark -Promoting Earth Heritage & Sustaining Local Communities-.

Sakakibara, M. 2018

[学会発表] Co-creation of sustainable regional innovation for reducing risk of high-impact environmental pollution.

Sakakibara, M. 2018

[学会発表] Heavy Metal Pollution of Bone River Water and Sediment in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

Gafur, N. A., Sakakibara, M., Sano, S. and Sera, K. 2018

[学会発表] Co-Creation of Sustainable Regional Innovation for Reducing Risk of High-impact Environmental Pollution.

Sakakibara, M. 2018

[学会発表] Assessing impact of artisanal and small scale gold mining activities on inhabitants and miners: a case study in Bolaang Mongondow, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.

Arifin, Y. I., Sakakibara, M. and Sera, K. 2018

[雑誌論文] Lung Function Assessment as an Early Biomonitor of Mercury-Induced Health Disorders in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Areas in Indonesia

Pateda Sri、Sakakibara Masayuki、Sera Koichiro 2018

[学会発表] Co-Creation of Sustainable Regional Innovation for Reducing Risk of High-impact Environmental Pollution.

Sakakibara, M. 2018

[学会発表] Health Impact Assessment of Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining in Bombana, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Basri and Sakakibara, M. 2018

[学会発表] Early Detection of Mercury-induced Health Disorders in Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining Area in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

Pateda, S. M., Sakakibara, M. and Sera, K. 2018

[学会発表] Atomospheric mercury contamination assessment using various tree bark in an ASGM area in North Gorontalo Regency, Indonesia.

Prasetia, H., Sakakibara, M. and Sera, K. 2018

[学会発表] Temperature dependence for purification of leachate containing heavy metals by phytoremediation using the artificial channel.

Okazaki, K., Kurahashi, T., Yamazaki, S. and Sakakibara, M. 2018

[学会発表] Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Knowledge and Practice Based Mercury (Hg) Free Society Networks for the Reduction of Mercury Pollution Problems in ASEAN Countries.

Htun, M. H. and Sakakibara, M. 2018

[雑誌論文] Mercury Exposure and Health Problems in Urban Artisanal Gold Mining (UAGM) in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Abbas Hasriwiani、Sakakibara Masayuki、Sera Koichiro、Arma Lukmanul 2017

[雑誌論文] Economic features of the artisanal and small-scale gold mining industry in Bombana, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Basri, Masayuki Sakakibara, Ratnawati 2017

[学会発表] カヤツリグサ科ハリイ属マツバイによる放射性Cs除染の有効性.

榊原正幸、竹原明成、世良耕一郎 2017

[学会発表] An Artificial Channel Purification Experiment for Arsenic-rich Drainage from the Abandoned Mine by Using Eleocharis acicularis

Okazaki, K., Yamazaki, S., Kurahashi, T. and Sakakibara, M. 2017

[学会発表] Co-creation of regional innovation in the highly environmental polluted area by transdisciplinary approach

Sakakibara, M. 2017

[学会発表] Main source of mercury pollution in artisanal and small-scale gold mining, Bombana, Southeast Sulawesi

Basri and Sakakibara, M. 2017

[学会発表] Toxic element concentrations of human hair in upperstream area of Bone River, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia

Gafur, N. A.., Sakakibara, M., Sera, K and Arfin, Y. I. 2017

[学会発表] Reation of handmade net for soil erosion prevention using natural fiber of sugar palm and its significance refional innovation

Yamaguchi, T., Sakakibara, M. and Mohamad, J. 2017

[雑誌論文] Establishment of an aseptic culture system and analysis of the effective growth conditions for Eleocharis acicularis ramets for use in phytoremediation

Yasushi Sato, Shinpei Goto, Shoya Teraoka, Katsuya Takagaki, Akinari Takehara, Sakae Sano, Masayuki Sakakibara 2017

[雑誌論文] Mercury Contamination of Cattle in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Bombana, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Basri、Sakakibara Masayuki、Sera Koichiro、Kurniawan Idham Andri 2017

[雑誌論文] Petrological Studies of volcanic ash from Sakurajima volcano in 2013, Southern Kyushu, Japan

Idham Andri Kurniawan, Masayuki Sakakibara, Emmy Suparka 2017

[学会発表] Impact assessment research on atmospheric Hg contamination by using tree bark analysis of an ASGM area in North Gorontalo Regency, Indonesia

Prasetia, H. and Sakakibara, M. 2017

[雑誌論文] Establishment of an Aseptic Culture System and Analysis of the Effective Growth Conditions for Eleocharis acicularis Ramets for Use in Phytoremediation

Sato Yasushi、Goto Shinpei、Teraoka Shoya、Takagaki Katsuya、Takehara Akinari、Sano Sakae、Sakakibara Masayuki 2017

[雑誌論文] Social Demography of Traditional Gold Smelter in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Hasriwiani Habo Abbas, Masayuki Sakakibara, Lukmanul Hakim Arma, Iva Hardi Yanti 2017

[学会発表] The stakeholder's position map relating to the mercury pollution reduction program in artisanal and small-scale gold mining sector, Bombana, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Basri and Sakakibara, M. 2017

[雑誌論文] Ability of treated kapok (Ceibapentandra) fiber for removal of clay particle from water turbidity

Nurfitri Abdul Gafur, Masayuki Sakakibara 2017

[学会発表] Environmental Design of Phytotechnology for Sustainable Development in Social-ecological Systems

Sakakibara, M. 2017

[学会発表] Total mercury levels in Scalp hairs of Gorontalo Province

Arfin, Y. I., Sakakibara, M. and Sera, K. 2017

[学会発表] Preliminary study of atmospheric mercury sontamination assessment using tree bark in ASGM area, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia

Prasetia, H., Sakakibara, M. and Sera, K. 2017

[雑誌論文] Investigation about Creation Possibility of Pearl Farming in North Gorontalo, Indonesia for the Solution to Economical Poverty and Environmental Problem

Hiroki Kasamatsu, Mohamad Jahja, Masayuki Sakakibara 2017

[学会発表] The stakeholder’s position map relating to the mercury pollution reduction program in artisanal and small-scale gold mining sector, Bombana, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Basri, and Sakakibara, M. 2017

[雑誌論文] Effect of Crystallization on Microstructure and Elution Properties in Copper Slag

Takebe Hiromichi、Tomita Sayuri、Saitoh Akira、Kawahara Masayasu、Sueoka Yuri、Sakakibara Masayuki 2017

[学会発表] Peperite texture formed by middle Miocene andesitic dyke mingling with granitic fault gouge, northwestern Matsuyama, Japan: a preliminary result

Masulili, F. and Sakakibara, M. 2017

[学会発表] The Potential of Gorontalo province as world Geopark

Idham, A. K., Sakakibara, M., Indriati Arfin, Y. I. and Suly, E. S. 2017

[雑誌論文] Heavy metals accumulation by Athyrium yokoscence in a mine area, Southwest Japan

Hendra Prasetia, Masayuki Sakakibara, Akinari Takehara 2017

[雑誌論文] Phytoremediation of arsenic and molybdenum-contaminated alkaline wastewater by Eleocharis acicularis in winter in Japan

Shusaku Yamazaki, Kenji Okazaki, Toshiyuki Kurahashi, Masayuki Sakakibara 2017

[学会発表] Preliminary study of atmospheric mercury sontamination assessment using tree bark in ASGM area, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia

Prasetia, H., Sakakibara, M. and Sera, K. 2017

[学会発表] Field observation of peperite-like texture at contact between Middle Miocene andesitic dyke and granitic fault gouge, northwestern Matsuyama, Japan

Masulili, F. and Sakakibara. M. 2017

[雑誌論文] An Artificial Channel Experiment for Purifying Drainage Water Containing Arsenic by Using Eleocharis acicularis

Kenji Okazaki, Shusaku Yamazaki, Toshiyuki Kurahashi, Masayuki Sakakibara 2017

[雑誌論文] Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal-Polluted Mine Drainage by Eleocharis acicularis

Nurfitri Abdul Gafrur, Masayuki Sakakibara, Koichiro Sera 2017

[雑誌論文] A Tanganyikan cichlid Neolamprologus mustax selectively exploits territories of another cichlid Variabilichromis moorii due to its inter-individual variation in aggression.

Ochi, H., Awata, S., Hata, H., Kohda, M. 2017

[雑誌論文] Molecular phylogeny of obligate fish-parasites of the family Cymothoidae (Isopoda, Crustacea): Evolution of the attachment mode to host fish and the habitat shift from saline water to freshwater.

Hata, H., Sogabe, A., Tada, S., Nishimoto, R., Nakano, R., Kohya, N., Takeshima, H., Kawanishi, R. 2017

[雑誌論文] Laterality is universal among fishes but increasingly cryptic among derived groups.

Hori, M., Nakajima, M., Hata, H., Yasugi, M., Takahashi, S., Nakae, M., Yamaoka, K., Kohda, M, Kitamura, J., Maehata, M., Tanaka, H., Okada, N., Takeuchi, Y. 2017

[雑誌論文] 愛媛県松山平野におけるイシガイ科貝類個体群の衰退

桑原明大, 松葉成生, 井上幹生, 畑 啓生 2017

[雑誌論文] Diversification of functional morphology in herbivorous cichlids (Perciformes: Cichlidae) of the tribe Tropheini in Lake Tanganyika.

Tada, S., Hori, M., Yamaoka, K., Hata, H. 2017

[学会発表] Heavy metals accumulation by Athyrium yokoscenece in a mine area, Southwest Japan

Hendra Prasetia, Sakakibara, M., and Takehara, A. 2016

[学会発表] 地衣類における重金属集積と土壌重金属汚染環境指標としての有効性

末岡裕理・榊原正幸・佐野 栄・大藤弘明・世良耕一郎 2016

[雑誌論文] The impact of slag weathering on heavy metal pollution

Sueoka, Y., Sakakibara, M. and Ofuji, H 2016

[学会発表] Artisanal and small-scale gold mining site of Bombana: the ore deposits type, exploration techniques, and economic potential

Basri and Sakakibara, M. 2016

[学会発表] ファイトレメディエーション技術による休廃止鉱山廃水の浄化に関する実用可能性について

榊原正幸・大川佳子・世良耕一郎 2016

[雑誌論文] Pteris cretica as a Potential Biomarker and Hyperaccumulator in an Abandoned Mine Site, Southwest Japan

Hendra Prasetia, Masayuki Sakakibara, Yuri Sueoka, Koichiro Sera 2016

[学会発表] Phytoremediation of arsenic and molybdenum-contaminated alkaline wastewater by Eleocharis acicularis in winter in Japan

Yamazaki, S., Okazaki, K., Kurahashi, T., and Sakakibara, M. 2016

[学会発表] The Economic Characteristic in Bombana Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Mining, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Basri, Sakakibara, M., and Ratnawati 2016

[学会発表] Potentials of phytoremediation of radiogenic Cs-polluted soil and water by aquatic macrophyte Eleocharis asicularis

Sakakibara, M., Takehara, A. and Sano, S. 2016

[学会発表] Urban medical geology of mercury pollution on traditional gold smelting in Makassar City, Indonesia

Habo, H.A., Sakakibara, M. and Sera, K. 2016

[学会発表] Phytoremediation of heavy metal-polluted mine drainage by Eleocharis acicularis

Nurfitri A.G., Sakakibara, M. and Sera, K. 2016

[学会発表] 地衣類による製錬スラグ風化過程における重金属の挙動

末岡裕理・榊原正幸・大藤弘明 2016

[学会発表] Petrological Studies of volcanic ash from Sakurajima volcano in 2013, Southern Kyushu, Japan.

Kurniawan, I. A., Sakakibara, M., and Suparka, E. 2016

[学会発表] Co-creation of regional innovation for reducing high-impact environmental pollution by transdisciplinary approach

Tanaka, K., Sato, T., and Sakakibara, M. 2016

[学会発表] Abillty of treated kapok(Ceibapentandra) fiber for remobal of clay particle from water turbidity

Nurfitri A. G., and Sakakibara, M. 2016

[学会発表] he impact of slag weathering on heavy metal pollution

Yuri Sueoka, Masayuki Sakakibara 2016

[学会発表] Transdisciplinary Study on Solving Problem of Sustainable Use of Renewable Energy in Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province: A Case Study of Isolated and Poor Community in Mongiilo Sub District

Lukman A.R.L., Panigoro, C., Jahja, M., and Sakakibara. M. 2016

[学会発表] Investigation about Creation Possibility of Pearl Farming in North Gorontalo, Indonesia for the Solution to Economical Poverty and Environmental Problem

Kasamatsu, H., Jahja, M., and Sakakibara, M. 2016

[雑誌論文] A New Method of Environmental Assessment and Monitoring of Cu, Zn, As, and Pb Pollution in Surface Soil Using Terricolous Fruticose Lichens

Sueoka, Y., Sakakibara, M., Sano, S. and Yamamoto, Y. 2016

[学会発表] Social Demography of Traditional Gold Smelter in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Habo, H. A., Sakakibara, M., Hakim K. A., and Hardi, I. Y. 2016

[学会発表] An Artificial Channel Experiment for Purifying Drainage Water Containing Arsenic by Using Eleocharis acicularis

Okazaki, K., Yamazaki, S., Kurahashi, T., and Sakakibara, M. 2016

[雑誌論文] Spatial variation in the parasitic isopod load of the Japanese halfbeak in western Japan.

Kawanishi, R., Sogabe, A., Nishimoto, R., Hata, H. 2016

[雑誌論文] Depth and substratum differentiations among coexisting herbivorous cichlids of the same ecomorphs in Lake Tanganyika

Hata, H., Ochi, H 2016