

KAKEN 科学研究費助成事業データベース で見る
研究課題番号 KAKENHI-PROJECT-24560522
研究種目 基盤研究(C)
研究分野 理工系
研究機関 徳島大学
代表研究者 吉永 哲哉
研究期間 開始年月日 2012/4/1
研究期間 終了年度 2014
研究ステータス 完了 (2014/4/1)
配分額(合計) 4,030,000 (直接経費 :3,100,000、間接経費 :930,000)
配分額(履歴) 2014年度:1,300,000 (直接経費 :1,000,000、間接経費 :300,000)
2013年度:1,040,000 (直接経費 :800,000、間接経費 :240,000)
2012年度:1,690,000 (直接経費 :1,300,000、間接経費 :390,000)
キーワード 強度変調放射線治療


[雑誌論文] Robustification of a Nonlinear Dynamical System with a Stability Index and a Matrix Inequality

Oishi Yasuaki, Mio Kobayashi and Tetsuya Yoshinaga 2015

[雑誌論文] Robust bifurcation analysis based on optimization of degree of stability

Hiroyuki Kitajima, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Imura Jun-ichi and Kazuyuki Aihara 2015

[図書] Use of a Matrix Inequality Technique for Avoiding Undesirable Bifurcation

Yasuaki Oishi, Mio Kobayashi, Tetsuya Yoshinaga 2015

[雑誌論文] Dose-volume constrained optimization in intensity-modulated radiation therapy treatment planning

Yoshihiro Tanaka, Ken'ichi Fujimoto and Tetsuya Yoshinaga 2015

[図書] Robust Bifurcation Analysis Based on Degree of Stability

Hiroyuki Kitajima, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Jun-ichi Imura, Kazuyuki Aihara 2015

[図書] A Method for Constructing a Robust System Against Unexpected Parameter Variation

Hiroyuki Kitajima, Tetsuya Yoshinaga 2015

[図書] Parametric Control to Avoid Bifurcation Based on Maximum Local Lyapunov Exponent

Ken’ichi Fujimoto, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Tetsushi Ueta, Kazuyuki Aihara 2015

[学会発表] Iterative method as discretization of continuous-time method based on dose-volume constrained optimization for intensity-modulated radiation therapy treatment planning

Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Yoshihiro Tanaka and Ken'ichi Fujimoto 2015

[学会発表] 非線形微分方程式を用いた磁気共鳴画像再構成

山口 雄作, 藤本 憲市, 吉永 哲哉 2014

[雑誌論文] Bifurcation scenarios for a 3D torus and torus-doubling

Naohiko Inaba, Munehisa Sekikawa, Yoshimasa Shinotsuka, Kyohei Kamiyama, Ken'ichi Fujimoto, Tetsuya Yoshinaga and Tetsuro Endo 2014

[雑誌論文] Continuous-time method and its discretization to inverse problem of intensity-modulated radiation therapy treatment planning

Ken'ichi Fujimoto, Yoshihiro Tanaka, Omar M. Abou Al-Ola and Tetsuya Yoshinaga 2014

[学会発表] Improving image quality using an extended continuous-time CT image reconstruction system

Yusaku Yamaguchi, Ken'ichi Fujimoto and Tetsuya Yoshinaga 2014

[雑誌論文] 拡張BVP発振器における微小周期外乱下でのMMOsの挙動

伊藤 薫, 清水 邦康, 稲葉 直彦, 藤本 憲市, 吉永 哲哉, 遠藤 哲郎 2014

[学会発表] 連続時間法を用いたDual-Energy CT画像再構成

山口 雄作, 藤本 憲市, 吉永 哲哉 2014

[学会発表] 連続時間法による強度変調放射線治療計画の最適化

田中 義浩, 藤本 憲市, 吉永 哲哉 2014

[学会発表] 微分方程式の離散化に基づくCT画像再構成法

立石 貴代子, 藤本 憲市, 吉永 哲哉 2014

[学会発表] 1次元離散時間振動子の結合系にみられる振動応答を利用した動的画像領域分割

小林 美緒, 吉永 哲哉 2014

[雑誌論文] Identification of target image regions based on bifurcations of a fixed point in a discrete-time oscillator network

Ken'ichi Fujimoto, Mio Kobayashi, Tetsuya Yoshinaga and Kazuyuki Aihara 2013

[雑誌論文] Extended Continuous-Time Image Reconstruction System for Binary and Continuous Tomography

Yusaku Yamaguchi, Ken'ichi Fujimoto and Tetsuya Yoshinaga 2013

[雑誌論文] GPU Implementation of Oscillator Network System with Plastic Coupling for Dynamic Image Segmentation

Ken'ichi Fujimoto, Mio Kobayashi and Tetsuya Yoshinaga 2013

[雑誌論文] Continuous-Time Image Reconstruction for Binary Tomography

Yusaku Yamaguchi, Ken'ichi Fujimoto, Omar M. Abou Al-Ola and Tetsuya Yoshinaga 2013

[雑誌論文] Convergence of Iterative Method as Discretization of Continuous-Time Image Reconstruction System for Computed Tomography

Kiyoko Tateishi, Ken'ichi Fujimoto and Tetsuya Yoshinaga 2012

[学会発表] Nonlinear continuous method for non-negatively constrained inverse problem of IMRT planning

Yoshihiro Tanaka, Ken'ichi Fujimoto and Tetsuya Yoshinaga

[学会発表] Continuous-time method based on dose optimization for intensity-modulated radiation therapy treatment planning

Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Yoshihiro Tanaka, and Ken'ichi Fujimoto

[学会発表] Controlling Method to Avoid Bifurcations of Periodic Points Using Maximum Lyapunov Exponent

Ken'ichi Fujimoto, Tomohiro Otsu, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroyuki Kitajima and Kazuyuki Aihara

[学会発表] A coupling model of photon propagation based on the radiative transfer and diffusion equations

Fujii Hiroyuki, Hoshi Yoko, Okawa Shinpei, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Kohno Satoru and Yamada Yukio

[学会発表] Magnetic resonance image reconstruction using nonlinear continuous-time dynamical system

Yusaku Yamaguchi, Ken'ichi Fujimoto and Tetsuya Yoshinaga

[学会発表] Successive Algorithm Using Discrete-Time Oscillator Network for Three-Dimensional Image Segmentation

Ken'ichi Fujimoto, Mio Kobayashi and Tetsuya Yoshinaga

[学会発表] Image errors of timeresolved optical tomography based on the radiative transfer and diffusion equations

Fujii Hiroyuki, Okawa Shinpei, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Yamada Yukio, Hoshi Yoko and Kohno Satoru
