

KAKEN 科学研究費助成事業データベース で見る
研究課題番号 KAKENHI-PROJECT-21403005
研究種目 基盤研究(B)
研究分野 理工系
研究機関 香川大学
代表研究者 寺尾 徹
研究分担者 林 泰一
研究分担者 村田 文絵
研究分担者 一柳 錦平
研究期間 開始年月日 2009/4/1
研究期間 終了年度 2011
研究ステータス 完了 (2011/4/1)
配分額(合計) 19,630,000 (直接経費 :15,100,000、間接経費 :4,530,000)
配分額(履歴) 2011年度:1,170,000 (直接経費 :900,000、間接経費 :270,000)
2010年度:8,320,000 (直接経費 :6,400,000、間接経費 :1,920,000)
2009年度:10,140,000 (直接経費 :7,800,000、間接経費 :2,340,000)
キーワード バングラデシュ


[学会発表] Rainfall in the Northeastern Indian Subcontinent

Hayashi, T., Terao, T., Murata, F., Kiguchi, M., Yamane, Y. 2012

[学会発表] Rainfall in the Northeastern Indian Subcontinent

Hayashi, T., T. Terao, F. Murata, M. Kiguchi, Y. Yamane 2012

[学会発表] バングラデシュにおける2011年5~8月の水蒸気変動と気象擾乱の関係.京都大学防災研究所一般共同研究集会23K-07

村田文絵, 寺尾徹, 田中幹人, 田部井隆雄, 林泰一 2012

[学会発表] バングラデシュにおける2011年5~8月の水蒸気変動と気象擾乱の関係

村田文絵, 寺尾徹, 田中幹人, 田部井隆雄, 林泰一 2012

[学会発表] 全球・南アジア・バングラデシュの気象水文環境変動とダッカの下痢症.京都大学防災研究所一般共同研究集会23K-07

寺尾徹, 林泰一, A. S. G. Faruque, 我妻ゆき子 2012

[学会発表] 全球・南アジア・バングラデシュの気象水文環境変動とダッカの下痢症

寺尾徹, 林泰一, A.S.G.Faruque, 我妻ゆき子 2012

[雑誌論文] Characteristic intraseasonal variability of rainfall and its effect on interannual variability over Bangladesh during boreal summer

H.Fujinami, D.Hatsuzuka, T.Yasunari, T.Hayashi, T.Terao, F.Murata, M.Kiguchi, Y.Yamane, J.Matsumoto, Md.N.Islam, A.Habib 2011

[学会発表] The impact of spring abrupt termination of El Nino on the summer monsoon activity over the northeastera Indian subcontinent

Toru Terao; Fumie Murata; Arjumand Habib; M.S.H. Bhuiyan; Taiichi Hayashi 2011

[学会発表] Daytime thermodynamic and air flow structures over northeast Bangladesh during the pre-monsoon season : a case study on25April2010

Murata, F., T. Terao, M. Kiguchi, A. Fukushima, K. Takahashi 2011

[学会発表] Long-term Changes in Precipitation Extremes Over the Bangladesh

Matsumoto, J., N. Endo, T. Hayashi, T. Terao, F. Murata 2011

[雑誌論文] Daytime thermodynamic and airflow structures over northeast Bangladesh during the pre-monsoon season : a case study on 25 April 2010

F.Murata, T.Terao, M.Kiguchi, A.Fukushima, K.Takahashi, T.Hayashi, A.Habib, S.H.Bhuiyan, S.A.Choudhury 2011

[雑誌論文] Collection of meteorological, hydrological and public health data in Bangladesh and their implications

Toru Terao; Fumie Murata; Md.Nazrul Islam; Arjumand Habib; Md.Shameem Hassan Bhuiyan; Prasanta Bhattacharya; Nityananda Deka; Dhrubajyoti Sahariah; Abani Kumar Bhagabati; Subashisa Dutta; Yukiko Wagatsuma; Taiichi Hayashi 2011

[雑誌論文] Collection of meteorological, hydrological and public health data in Bangladesh and their implications

Terao, T., F. Murata, M. N. Islam, A. Habib, M. S. H. Bhuiyan, P. Bhattacharya, N. Deka, D. Sahariah, A. K. Bhagabati, S. Dutta, Y. Wagatsuma and T. Hayashi 2011

[学会発表] Daytime thermodynamic and airfl ow structures over northeast Bangladesh during the pre-monsoon season : a case study on 25 April 2010

Fumie Murata; Toru Terao; Masashi Kiguchi; Azusa Fukushima; Koji Takahashi 2011

[学会発表] Asia monsoon year (2007-2012) climate monitoring over Bangladesh and northeast India

F.Murata, T.Hayashi, T.Terao, M.Kiguchi, Y.Yamane, J.Matsumoto 2011

[学会発表] Asia monsoon year(2007-2012) climate monitoring over Bangladesh and northeast India

Murata, F., T. Hayashi, T. Terao, M. Kiguchi, Y. Yamane, J. Matsumoto 2011

[学会発表] The impact of spring abrupt termination of El Nino on the summer monsoon activity over the northeastern Indian subcontinent

Terao, T., F. Murata, A. Habib, M. S. H. Bhuiyan, T. Hayashi 2011

[学会発表] Long-term Changes in Precipitation Extremes Over the Bangladesh

Jun Matsumoto; Nobuhiko Endo; Taiichi Hayashi; Toru Terao; Fumie Murata 2011

[学会発表] The observation of vertical structures of the atmosphere over Bangladesh in the pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons

Terao, T., F. Murata, K. Takahashi, K. Ichiyanagi, M. Kiguchi, A. Fukushima, A. Habib, M. S. H. Bhuiyan, S. A. Choudhury, T. Hayashi 2011

[学会発表] The observation of vertical structures of the atmosphere over Banbaldesh in the pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons

Toru Terao; Fumie Murata; Koji Takahashi; Kimpei Ichiyanagi; Masashi Kiguchi; Azusa Fukushima; Arjumand Habib; Md.Shameem Hassan Bhuiyan; Sayeed Ahmed Choudhury; Taiichi Hayashi 2011

[雑誌論文] Daytime thermodynamic and airflow structures over northeast Bangladesh during the pre-monsoon season : A case study on 25 April 2010

Murata, F., T. Terao, M. Kiguchi, A., Fukushima, K. Takahashi, T. Hayashi, A. Habib, M. S. H. Bhuiyan, S. A. Choudhury 2011

[雑誌論文] Characteristic intraseasonal oscillation of rainfall and its effect on interannual variability over Bangladesh during boreal summer

Fujinami, H., D. Hatsuzuka, T. Yasunari, T. Hayashi, T. Terao, F. Murata, M. Kiguchi, Y. Yamane, J. Matsumoto, M. N. Islam, and A. Jabib 2011

[学会発表] バングラデシュにおいて2011年5月11日に観測されたスコールライン

村田文絵, 寺尾徹, 山根悠介, 木口雅司, 林泰一, Arjumand Habib 2011

[雑誌論文] The Indian Ocean dipole and cholera incidence in Bangladesh : A time series analysis

Hashizume, M., A. S. G. Faruque, T. Terao, M. Yunus, K Streatfield, T. Yamamoto and K. Moji 2011

[雑誌論文] Weather variability and rainfall pattern of Sidr, the post-monsoon cyclonic storm of 15 november 2007 in the Meghalaya Plateau, India

Singh, S., T. Hayashi, H. J. Syiemlieh, L. Cajee and T. Terao 2011

[学会発表] バングラディッシュ・ダッカにおける降水安定同位体比の変動特性

田上雅浩, 一柳錦平, 嶋田純, 寺尾徹, 林泰一 2011

[学会発表] バングラディッシュ・ダッカにおける降水安定同位体比の変動特性

田上雅浩, 一柳錦平, 嶋田純, 寺尾徹, 林泰一 2011

[学会発表] バングラデシュにおいて2011年5月11日に観測されたスコールライン

村田文絵, 寺尾徹, 山根悠介, 木口雅司, 林泰一, Arjumand Habib 2011

[学会発表] Collection of meteorological, hydrological and public health data in Bangladesh and their implications

Terao, T., F. Murata, M. N. Islam, A. Habib, M. S. H. Bhuiyan, P. Bhattacharya, N. Deka, D. Sahariah, A. K. Bhagabati, S. Dutta, Y. Wagatsuma, T. Hayashi 2010

[学会発表] A pre-monsoon onset over the Bengal Plain

Murata, F., T. Hayashi, T. Terao, Y. Yamane, M. Kiguchi, A. Habib, H. J. Syiemlieh, S. Singh 2010

[学会発表] A pre-monsoon onset over the Bengal Plain

F.Murata, T.Hayashi, T.Terao, Y.Yamane, M.Kiguchi, A.Habib, H.J.Syiemlieh, S.Singh 2010

[学会発表] Environmental Field during the Premonsoon Period over Bangladesh and the Northeastern part of Indian Subcontinent

Kiguchi, M., Y. Yamane, F. Murata, T. Terao, T. Hayashi 2010

[学会発表] Heavy Rainfall and Severe Local Storm in the Northeastern Indian Subcontinent

Hayashi, T., Y. Yamane, M. Kiguchi, F. Murata, T. Terao, M. N. Islam, A. Dewan, F. Akter 2010

[学会発表] Rainfall Observation with Highly Temporal and Spatial Density in the Northeastern Region of Indian Subcontinent

Hayashi, T., T. Terao, F. Murata, M. Kiguchi, Y. Yamane, A. K. Bhagabati, P. Bhattacharia, S. Singh, H. Syemlieh, L. Cajee, A. Habib, J. Matsumoto 2010

[学会発表] Heavy Rainfall in the Northeastern Region of the Indian Subcontinent. Techno-Ocean2010

Hayashi, T., T. Terao, F. Murata, M. Kiguchi, Y. Yamane 2010

[学会発表] Heavy Rainfall in the Northeastern Region of the Indian Subcontinent

Hayashi, T., Terao, T., Murata, F., Kiguchi, M., Yamane, Y. 2010

[学会発表] チェラプンジにおける降水過程に関する研究(第6報)

村田文絵, 寺尾徹, 木口雅司, 福島あずさ, 高橋宏児, 林泰一, Arjumand Habib, Shameem Hassan Bhuiyan, Sayeed Ahmed Choudhury 2010

[学会発表] Heavy Rainfall and Severe Local Storm in the Northeastern Indian Subcontinent

Hayashi, T., Yamane, Y., Kiguchi, M., Murata, F., Terao, T., Islam, Md.N., Dewan, A., Akter, F. 2010

[学会発表] バングラデシュのプレモンスーン期・モンスーン期における降水の特徴

高橋宏児, 村田文絵 2010

[学会発表] Seasonal and Intraseasonal Variations of Surface Meteorological Factors, and Their Effect on Diarreheal Diseases

Hayashi, T., A. Teshima, Y. Wagatsuma, T. Terao, A. S. G. Faruque 2010

[雑誌論文] Diurnal Variation of Rainfall Intensity in Pre-Monsoon and Monsoon over Bangladesh and the Northeastern India

Toru Terao 2010

[雑誌論文] Diurnal variation of rainfall intensity in pre-monsoon and monsoon over Bangladesh and the northeastern India

Terao, T 2010

[学会発表] バングラデシュのプレモンスーン期・モンスーン期における降水の特徴

高橋宏児, 村田文絵 2010

[学会発表] チェラプンジにおける降水過程に関する研究(第6報)

村田文絵, 寺尾徹, 木口雅司, 福島あずさ, 高橋宏児, 林泰一, Arjumand Habib, Shameem Hassan Bhuiyan, Sayeed Ahmed Choudhury 2010

[学会発表] Surface observation network for heavy rainfall around Cherrapunjee

Murata, F 2009

[学会発表] ダッカにおける大気安定度の季節変化

村田文絵 2009

[学会発表] Surface observation network for heavy rainfall around Cherrapunjee

村田文絵 2009

[雑誌論文] Rainfall Characteristics in Northeastern Indian Subcontinent during Pre-monsoon and mature Monsoon Seasons

Toru Terao 2009

[雑誌論文] Rainfall characteristics in northeastern Indian subcontinent during pre-monsoon and mature monsoon seasons. Abstracts of papers

Terao, T 2009

[学会発表] Effects of Interannual Variations of SST over the Tropical Oceans on Summer Monsoon Trough and Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Western North Pacific

Terao, T 2009

[学会発表] ダッカにおける大気安定度の季節変化

村田文絵 2009