

KAKEN 科学研究費助成事業データベース で見る
研究課題番号 KAKENHI-PROJECT-19H01150
研究種目 基盤研究(A)
研究機関 愛媛大学
代表研究者 岩田 久人
研究分担者 国末 達也
研究分担者 石橋 弘志
研究期間 開始年月日 2019/4/1
研究期間 終了年度 2023
研究ステータス 完了 (2023/4/1)
配分額(合計) 44,850,000 (直接経費 :34,500,000、間接経費 :10,350,000)
配分額(履歴) 2023年度:8,060,000 (直接経費 :6,200,000、間接経費 :1,860,000)
2022年度:9,230,000 (直接経費 :7,100,000、間接経費 :2,130,000)
2021年度:9,750,000 (直接経費 :7,500,000、間接経費 :2,250,000)
2020年度:9,750,000 (直接経費 :7,500,000、間接経費 :2,250,000)
2019年度:8,060,000 (直接経費 :6,200,000、間接経費 :1,860,000)
キーワード 水棲哺乳類
in vitro
in silico


[学会発表] Transactivation potencies of killer whale (Orcinus orca) estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) by DDTs: In vitro and in silico approaches

Dave Arthur R. Robledo, Takahito Kumagawa, Mari Ochiai, Hisato Iwata 2024

[学会発表] In vitro and in silico assessment of dog estrogen receptor α transactivation potencies by UV absorbers and their molecular mechanisms

Takahito Kumagawa, Hoa Thanh Nguyen, Mayumi Sakata, Hisato Iwata 2023

[学会発表] In vitro and in silico assessment of transactivation potencies of environmental contaminants mediated by Baikal seal (Pusa sibirica) estrogen receptor α and β

Hoa Thanh Nguyen, Yuka Yoshinouchi, Masashi Hirano, Kei Nomiyama, Haruhiko Nakata, Eun-Young Kim, Hisato Iwata 2023

[学会発表] Effects of tris (2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate (TCIPP) on early chicken embryos in a shell-less incubation system: Continuous observation of phenotypes

Kaori Chigusa, Kazuki Kanda, Hisato Iwata 2023

[学会発表] Effects of tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP) on the gastrulation and mesoderm induction in chicken embryos

Kazuki Kanda, Hisato Iwata 2023

[学会発表] Effects of tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP) on the cardiovascular phenotypes and transcriptome in ex ovo chicken embryos

Kazuki Kanda, Shohei Ito, Dong-Hee Koh, Eun-Young Kim, Hisato Iwata 2023

[学会発表] Effects of tris (2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate (TCIPP) on early chicken embryos in a shell-less incubation system: New insight into molecular mechanisms

Kaori Chigusa, Kazuki Kanda, Hisato Iwata 2023

[学会発表] スナメリの誘導神経細胞を用いた環境汚染物質の神経毒性評価

落合真理,栗原 望,国末達也,岩田久人 2023

[学会発表] Transactivation potencies of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) by DDTs: Interspecies comparison of the killer whale, Baikal seal, and mouse using in vitro and in silico approaches

Dave Arthur R. Robledo, Takahito Kumagawa, Yuka Yoshinouchi, Mari Ochiai, Hisato Iwata 2023

[学会発表] 鯨類における化学物質の毒性・リスク評価のためのin vitro試験法の開発

落合真理, 栗原 望, Hoa Thanh Nguyen, 平野将司, 中田章史, 田島 木綿子, 山田 格, 岩田久人 2023

[学会発表] In vitro and in silico assessments of chemical-induced disruption of nuclear receptor-cytochrome P450 signaling pathways in aquatic mammals

Hisato Iwata 2023

[学会発表] Transactivation potencies of killer whale (Ornicus orca) estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) by DDTs exposure: in vitro and in silico approaches

Dave Arthur Robledo, Takahito Kumagawa, Mari Ochiai, Hisato Iwata 2023

[雑誌論文] In silico simulations and molecular descriptors to predict in vitro transactivation potencies of Baikal seal estrogen receptors by environmental contaminants

Nguyen Hoa Thanh、Yoshinouchi Yuka、Hirano Masashi、Nomiyama Kei、Nakata Haruhiko、Kim Eun-Young、Iwata Hisato 2023

[学会発表] 環境汚染物質によるバイカルアザラシ エストロゲン受容体のin vitro転写活性化能を予測するin silico解析

Hoa Thanh Nguyen,Yuka Yoshinouchi,Masashi Hirano,Kei Nomiyama,Haruhiko Nakata,Eun-Young Kim,Hisato Iwata 2023

[雑誌論文] Transcriptomic Alterations in Water Flea (Daphnia magna) following Pravastatin Treatments: Insect Hormone Biosynthesis and Energy Metabolism

Lei Yuan、Guo Jiahua、Chen Qiqi、Mo Jiezhang、Tian Yulu、Iwata Hisato、Song Jinxi 2022

[学会発表] 新興およびレガシーPFASのバイカルアザラシPPARα結合親和性のin silico予測

石橋弘志,平野将司,岩田久人 2022

[学会発表] 油症患者におけるダイオキシン類の蓄積特性とin silico ドッキングシミュ レーションによるチトクロームP450 を介した代謝予測

平川周作,堀就英,香月進,宮脇崇,平野将司,岩田久人,辻学 2022

[学会発表] Ex-ovoニワトリ胚におけるリン酸トリス(2-クロロエチル)(TCEP)の心血管毒性メカニズムの解明

神田 宗欣,伊藤 匠平,Koh Dong-Hee, Kim Eun-Young, 岩田 久人 2022

[学会発表] ワンヘルスを推進するための環境毒性学の可能性

岩田久人 2022

[学会発表] 化学汚染・沿岸環境研究拠点(LaMer)の成果と展望

岩田久人 2022

[学会発表] 有機リン系難燃剤 リン酸トリス(2-クロロイソプロピル)(TCIPP)曝露による ニワトリ初期胚発生毒性の評価

千種 佳織, 神田 宗欣, 岩田 久人 2022

[雑誌論文] Transcriptomic Alterations in Water Flea (Daphnia magna) following Pravastatin Treatments: Insect Hormone Biosynthesis and Energy Metabolism

Lei Yuan、Guo Jiahua、Chen Qiqi、Mo Jiezhang、Tian Yulu、Iwata Hisato、Song Jinxi 2022

[学会発表] 養殖条件下でのオキシテトラサイクリン曝露によるマダイ(Pagrus major) 肝臓プロテオームへの影響評価

飯田 緑,Nguyen Thanh Hoa,高橋 郁也,Bak Su-Min, 神田 宗欣, 岩田 久人 2022

[学会発表] Multi-omics analysis reveals effects of gestational exposure to bisphenol A on rat dams and their offspring

Hoa Thanh Nguyen, Lingyun Li, Akifumi Eguchi, Kimika Yamamoto, Tetsuro Agusa, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Eun-Young Kim, Hisato Iwata 2022

[雑誌論文] Effects of 1,3,7-tribromodibenzo-p-dioxin, a natural dioxin on chicken embryos: Comparison with effects of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

Park Jae Gon、Iwata Hisato、Tue Nguyen Minh、Kunisue Tatsuya、Kim Eun-Young 2022

[雑誌論文] What Approaches Should be Used to Prioritize Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products for Research on Environmental and Human Health Exposure and Effects?

Mo Jiezhang、Guo Jiahua、Iwata Hisato、Diamond Jerry、Qu Chengkai、Xiong Jiuqiang、Han Jie 2022

[学会発表] 紫外線吸収剤によるイヌ エストロゲン受容体の転写活性化能の評価と分子機序の解明

熊川貴仁,Nguyen Thanh Hoa,坂田真有美,尾﨑かおり,平野将司, Kim Eun-Young,岩田久人 2022

[雑誌論文] Effects of gestational exposure to bisphenol A on the hepatic transcriptome and lipidome of rat dams: Intergenerational comparison of effects in the offspring

Nguyen Hoa Thanh、Li Lingyun、Eguchi Akifumi、Agusa Tetsuro、Yamamoto Kimika、Kannan Kurunthachalam、Kim Eun-Young、Iwata Hisato 2022

[雑誌論文] 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin prompted differentiation to CD4+CD8?CD25+ and CD4+CD8+CD25+ Tregs and altered expression of immune-related genes in the thymus of chicken embryos

Cho Min-Kyung、Park Jae-Gon、Iwata Hisato、Kim Eun-Young 2021

[図書] 「環境ホルモンによる海洋汚染とクジラ・アザラシ・ホッキョクグマへの影響」海とヒトの関係学④ 疫病と海 秋道 智彌、角南 篤編

岩田久人 2021

[学会発表] Multi omics analyses revealed varying susceptibilities of rat offspring to prenatal bisphenol A exposure

Hoa Thanh Nguyen, Lingyun Li, Akifumi Eguchi, Kimika Yamamoto, Tetsuro Agusa, Rajendiran Karthikraj, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Eun-Young Kim, Hisato Iwata 2021

[学会発表] In vitro and in silico assessment of the activation of chicken estrogen receptor α by bisphenol analogs

Mayumi Sakata, Yuka Yoshinouchi, Haruhiko Nakata, Eun-Young Kim, Hisato Iwata 2021

[雑誌論文] Effects of tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate exposure on chicken embryos in a shell-less incubation system

Kanda Kazuki、Ito Shohei、Koh Dong-Hee、Kim Eun-Young、Iwata Hisato 2021

[学会発表] Effects on the cardiovascular system of ex ovo chicken embryos exposed to tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP)

Kazuki Kanda, Shohei Ito, Dong-Hee Koh, Eun-Young Kim, Hisato Iwata 2021

[学会発表] Effects of organohalogen compounds and temperature on the liver transcriptome and proteome of Baltic salmon

Mirella Kanerva, Nguyen Minh Tue, Tatsuya Kunisue, Kristiina Vuori, Hisato Iwata 2021

[学会発表] In vitro and in silico assessment of the interaction of PCBs and PBDEs with the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR): comparisons across species and congeners

Pham Thi Dau, Hiroshi Ishibashi, Le Huu Tuyen, Hiroki Sakai, Masashi Hirano, Eun-Young Kim, Hisato Iwata 2021

[学会発表] Application of cryopreserved samples in Ehime University’s Environmental Specimen Bank (es-BANK) to ecotoxicological study

Hisato Iwata 2021

[学会発表] スナメリ線維芽細胞を用いたTCDD曝露によるシトクロムP450 1誘導能評価

森田 浩平、落合 真理、須之内 朋哉、塩﨑 彬、栗原 望、天野 雅男、国末 達也、 岩田 久人 2021

[学会発表] In vitro evaluation of cytochrome P450 1 inducibility by exposure to TCDD and FICZ in finless porpoise fibroblasts

Kohei Morita, Mari Ochiai, Tomoya Sunouchi, Akira Shiozaki, Nozomi Kurihara, Masao Amano, Tatsuya Kunisue, Hisato Iwata 2021

[雑誌論文] Prediction of adverse effects of effluents containing phenolic compounds in the Ba River on the ovary of fish (Hemiculter leucisculus) using transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses

Guo Jiahua、Mo Jiezhang、Qi Qianju、Peng Jianglin、Qi Guizeng、Kanerva Mirella、Iwata Hisato、Li Qi 2021

[雑誌論文] Tetracycline Resistance Gene Profiles in Red Seabream (Pagrus major) Intestine and Rearing Water After Oxytetracycline Administration

Obayashi Yumiko、Kadoya Aya、Kataoka Naoto、Kanda Kazuki、Bak Su-Min、Iwata Hisato、Suzuki Satoru 2020

[雑誌論文] De novo transcriptomic analysis predicts the effects of phenolic compounds in Ba River on the liver of female sharpbelly (Hemiculter lucidus)

Guo Jiahua、Mo Jiezhang、Zhao Qian、Han Qizhi、Kanerva Mirella、Iwata Hisato、Li Qi 2020

[雑誌論文] The AHR1-ARNT1 dimerization pair is a major regulator of the response to natural ligands, but not to TCDD, in the chicken

Koh Dong-Hee、Hwang Ji-Hee、Park Jae-Gon、Song Woo-Seon、Iwata Hisato、Kim Eun-Young 2020

[雑誌論文] In Vitro Cytotoxicity and Risk Assessments of Environmental Pollutants Using Fibroblasts of a Stranded Finless Porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis)

Ochiai Mari、Kurihara Nozomi、Hirano Masashi、Nakata Akifumi、Iwata Hisato 2020

[雑誌論文] Assessment of Risks of Dioxins for Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Mediated Effects in Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) by in Vitro and in Silico Approaches

Hwang Ji-Hee、Kannan Kurunthachalam、Evans Thomas J.、Iwata Hisato、Kim Eun-Young 2020

[学会発表] ex-ovo ニワトリ胚におけるリン酸トリス(2-クロロエチル)(TCEP)の心血管毒性作用機序の解明

神田宗欣, 伊藤匠平, Koh Dong-Hee, Kim Eun-Young, 岩田久人 2020

[学会発表] Introduction of ecotoxicology researches from Iwata’s lab and LaMer

Hisato Iwata 2020

[学会発表] Cetacean cells as a tool for risk assessment of environmental pollutants

Mari Ochiai, Nozomi Kurihara, Shusaku Sawa, Shuichi Iwata, Kunisue Tatsuya, Hisato Iwata 2019

[学会発表] Differences in POPs, Transcriptome and Proteome of Wild and Hatchery-Reared Baltic Salmons

Mirella Kanerva, Tue Nguyen, Tatsuya Kunisue, Kristiina Vuori, Hisato Iwata 2019

[学会発表] Differences in POPs, transcriptome and proteome of wild and hatchery-reared Baltic salmons

Mirella Kanerva, Tue Nguyen, Tatsuya Kunisue, Kristiina Vuori, Hisato Iwata 2019

[学会発表] Differences in POPs, Transcriptome and Proteome of Wild and Hatchery-Reared Baltic Salmons

Mirella Kanerva, Tue Nguyen, Tatsuya Kunisue, Kristiina Vuori, Hisato Iwata 2019

[学会発表] Transcriptomic profiling of 1,3,7-TriBDD exposure in developing chicken embryo liver

Jae Gon Park, Hisato Iwata, Nguyen Minh Tue, Tatsuya Kunisue, Eun-Young Kim 2019

[学会発表] Assessment of the effects of 1,3,7-TriBDD exposure on developing chicken embryos by hepatic transcriptome analysis

Jae Gon Park, Hisato Iwata, Hoa Thanh Nguyen, Tatsuya, Kunisue, Eun-Young Kim 2019

[学会発表] 残留性有機汚染物質による鯨類の汚染と培養細胞を用いた毒性影響評価

落合真理,川邊陸,田島木綿子,山田格,栗原望,国末達也,岩田久人 2019

[学会発表] スナメリ (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis sunameri) における染色体の種内変異に関する予備的研究

栗原望,中田章史,落合真理,岩田久人 2019

[学会発表] Multi-omics analyses reveal mechanisms of action of prenatal bisphenol A exposure in rat offspring

Hoa Thanh Nguyen, Kimika Yamamoto, Midori Iida, Tetsuro Agusa, Mari Ochiai, Lingyun Li, Rajendiran Karthikraj, Eguch Akifumi, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Eun-Young Kim, Hisato Iwata 2019

[学会発表] Cytotoxicity and proteomics analyses of POPs using cetacean fibroblasts

Mari Ochiai, Nozomi Kurihara, Ayaka Matsuda, Takashi Matsuishi, Shin Nishida, Kunisue Tatsuya, Hisato Iwata 2019

[学会発表] Evaluation of effects of oxytetracycline (OTC) on the immune system in red seabream (Pagrus major)

Su-Min Bak, Fumiya Takahashi, Suzuki Satoru, Eun-Young Kim, Hisato Iwata 2019

[学会発表] In vitro and in silico evaluations of binding affinities of pereluoroalkyl substances to baikal seal peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor A

Hiroshi Ishibashi, Masashi Hirano, Eun-Young Kim, Hisato Iwata 2019

[学会発表] In silico prediction of the metabolism of PCB congeners by cytochrome P450 isozymes in Yusho patients

Shusaku Hirakawa, Takashi Miyawaki, Tsuguhide Hori, Jumboku Kajiwara, Susumu Katsuki, Masashi Hirano, Yuka Yoshinouchi, Hisato Iwata, Chikage Mitoma, Masutaka Furue 2019

[学会発表] Effects of prenatal exposure to bisphenol A in rat offspring: assessment by multi-omics analyses

Hoa Thanh Nguyen, Kimika Yamamoto, Midori Iida, Tetsuro Agusa, Mari Ochiai, Lingyun Li, Akifumi Eguchi, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Eun-Young Kim, Hisato Iwata 2019

[雑誌論文] Hazard assessment of chemicals in avian embryos by using "OMICS" approaches: What are the challenges?

Jiahua Guo, Hoa Thanh Nguyen, Shohei Ito, Thomas Bean, Hisato Iwata 2019

[学会発表] Isoform- and ligand-specific activities of AHR and ARNT pairs in the chicken

Dong-Hee Koh, Ji-Hee Hwang, Jae-Gon Park, Woo-Seon Song, Hisato Iwata, Eun-Young Kim 2019

[学会発表] Sex-dependent disruption of lipid homeostasis in rat offspring by prenatal bisphenol A exposure

Hoa Thanh Nguyen, Kimika Yamamoto, Midori Iida, Tetsuro Agusa, Mari Ochiai, Lingyun Li, Akifumi Eguchi, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Eun-Young Kim, Hisato Iwata 2019

[学会発表] Introduction on Ehime Univ. Research Group: Strategy for establishing AOP in wildlife

Hisato Iwata 2019

[学会発表] Evaluation of CYP1A1, 1A2 and 1B1 induction in TCDD-exposed finless porpoise fibroblasts

Kohei Morita, Mari Ochiai, Hisato Iwata 2019

[学会発表] Ecotoxicology of aquatic mammals: in vitro and in silico approaches to predict the chemical-induced disruption of nuclear receptor signaling pathways

Hisato Iwata 2019

[図書] 生物の科学 遺伝~死体に学ぶクジラ・イルカの秘密~

落合真理・岩田久人 2019

[雑誌論文] In vitro and in silico AHR assays for assessing the risk of heavy oil-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fish

Su-Min Bak, Haruhiko Nakata, Dong-Hee Koh, Jean Yoo, Hisato Iwata, Eun-Young Kim 2019

[雑誌論文] In vitro assessment of effects of persistent organic pollutants on the transactivation of estrogen receptor α and β (ERα and ERβ) from the Baikal seal (Pusa sibirica)

Yuka Yoshinouchi, Sachiko Shimizu, Jin-Seon Lee, Masashi Hirano, Ken-ichi T.Suzuki, Eun-Young Kim, Hisato Iwata 2019

[学会発表] Effects of exposure to organochlorine compounds on testicular proteome of baleen whales

Tomomasa Taniyama, Thanh Hoa Nguyen, Hisato Iwata 2019