田中 景子
- 職名
- 准教授
- 電話
- 研究者総覧に該当データはありませんでした。
- 電子メール
- 研究者総覧に該当データはありませんでした。
- 学歴
- 1997 長崎大学
2001 長崎大学大学院
2001 長崎大学 - 学位
- 博士(歯学) 長崎大学
博士(医学) 福岡大学 - 職歴・経歴
- 2001/04-2007/03 -:福岡大学医学部 公衆衛生学 助手
2001 -:Fukuoka University, Research Assistant
2007/04-2010/09 福岡大学医学部 公衆衛生学 助教
2010/10-2014/09 福岡大学医学部 衛生・公衆衛生学 特任講師
2014/10-2015/01 香川大学医学部 衛生学 助教
2015/02-2018/01 愛媛大学大学院医学系研究科 疫学・予防医学 助教
2018/02-2019/04 愛媛大学大学院医学系研究科 疫学・予防医学 特任講師
2019/05-現在 愛媛大学大学院医学系研究科 疫学・予防医学 准教授
- 専門分野・研究分野
- ライフサイエンス / 医療管理学、医療系社会学
ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含む
ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含まない
- 専門分野・研究分野
- ライフサイエンス / 医療管理学、医療系社会学
ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含む
ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含まない - 担当経験のある授業科目
- 疫学概論
疫学・公衆衛生学 講義・演習・実習
実践研究 - 指導経験
- 2024,前期,医農融合公衆衛生学環(修士課程),疫学概論
2024,通年,医学系研究科(博士課程),疫学・公衆衛生学 講義・演習・実習
- 専門分野・研究分野
- ライフサイエンス / 医療管理学、医療系社会学
ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含む
ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含まない
- 研究テーマ
- epidemiology
dental caries
periodontal disease
- 著書
- Epidemiological studies of specified rare and intractable disease 田中 景子 Case-control study of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease in Japan Singapore 2018
これからの公衆衛生学-社会・環境と健康 田中 景子 第7章6.歯科保健行動, 第8章6.歯科・口腔疾患 南江堂 2010 - 論文
- Relationship between hearing loss and prevalence of depressive symptoms in Japan: Baseline data from the Aidai Cohort study in Yawatahama and Uchiko. Nobori Junichiro,Miyake Yoshihiro,Tanaka Keiko,Senba Hidenori,Okada Masahiro,Takagi Daiki,Teraoka Masato,Yamada Hiroyuki,Matsuura Bunzo,Hato Naohito 2022 Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 102, 104735
Tryptophan intake is related to a lower prevalence of depressive symptoms during pregnancy in Japan: baseline data from the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study. Miyake Yoshihiro,Tanaka Keiko,Okubo Hitomi,Sasaki Satoshi,Arakawa Masashi 2022/12 European journal of nutrition 61/ 8, 4215-4222
Functional AGXT2 SNP rs37369 Variant Is a Risk Factor for Diabetes Mellitus: Baseline Data From the Aidai Cohort Study in Japan. Kumon Hiroshi,Miyake Yoshihiro,Yoshino Yuta,Iga Jun-Ichi,Tanaka Keiko,Senba Hidenori,Kimura Eizen,Higaki Takashi,Matsuura Bunzo,Kawamoto Ryuichi,Ueno Shu-Ichi 2022/12 Canadian journal of diabetes 46/ 8, 829-834
Association between parental occupations, educational levels, and household income and children's psychological adjustment in Japan Abdul Karim A. 2022/12/01 Public Health 213, 71-77
Sex differences in the association between smoking exposure and prevalence of wheeze and asthma in 3-year-old children. Yamada Maoka,Tanaka Keiko,Nagata Chisato,Arakawa Masashi,Miyake Yoshihiro 2022/12/01 The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma 1-8
Maternal Consumption of Dairy Products during Pregnancy Is Associated with Decreased Risk of Emotional Problems in 5-Year-Olds: The Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study. Nguyen Mai Quynh,Miyake Yoshihiro,Tanaka Keiko,Hasuo Shizuka,Takahashi Keiji,Nakamura Yoshitaka,Okubo Hitomi,Sasaki Satoshi,Arakawa Masashi 2022/11/08 Nutrients 14/ 22
Fish and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Intake and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Japan: the Aidai Cohort Study in Yawatahama, Uchiko, Seiyo, and Ainan. Miyake Yoshihiro,Tanaka Keiko,Nagata Chisato,Senba Hidenori,Hasebe Yasuko,Miyata Toyohisa,Higaki Takashi,Kimura Eizen,Matsuura Bunzo,Kawamoto Ryuichi 2022/09/30 Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis
Pre- and postnatal maternal hair dye use and risk of wheeze and asthma in 5-year-old Japanese children: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study. Tokinobu Akiko,Tanaka Keiko,Arakawa Masashi,Miyake Yoshihiro 2022/09/03 International journal of environmental health research 1-9
Maternal calcium intake during pregnancy and childhood blood pressure: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study. Miyake Yoshihiro,Tanaka Keiko,Okubo Hitomi,Sasaki Satoshi,Arakawa Masashi 2022/09 Annals of epidemiology 73, 17-21
Maternal metal intake during pregnancy and childhood behavioral problems in Japan: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study. Miyake Yoshihiro,Tanaka Keiko,Okubo Hitomi,Sasaki Satoshi,Tokinobu Akiko,Arakawa Masashi 2022/08 Nutritional neuroscience 25/ 8, 1641-1649
Perinatal maternal depressive symptoms and risk of behavioral problems at five years. Yamada Maoka,Tanaka Keiko,Arakawa Masashi,Miyake Yoshihiro 2022/07 Pediatric research 92/ 1, 315-321
IL12B rs6887695 polymorphism and interaction with alcohol intake in the risk of ulcerative colitis in Japan. Miyake Yoshihiro,Tanaka Keiko,Nagata Chisato,Furukawa Shinya,Andoh Akira,Yokoyama Tetsuji,Yoshimura Naoki,Mori Kenichiro,Ninomiya Tomoyuki,Yamamoto Yasunori,Takeshita Eiji,Ikeda Yoshio,Saito Mitsuru,Ohashi Katsuhisa,Imaeda Hirotsugu,Kakimoto Kazuki,Higuchi Kazuhide,Nunoi Hiroaki,Mizukami Yuji,Suzuki Seiyuu,Hiraoka Sakiko,Okada Hiroyuki,Kawasaki Keitarou,Higashiyama Masaaki,Hokari Ryota,Miura Hiromasa,Miyake Teruki,Kumagi Teru,Kato Hiromasa,Hato Naohito,Sayama Koji,Hiasa Yoichi, 2022/07 Cytokine 155, 155901
Active and passive smoking and risk of ulcerative colitis: A case-control study in Japan. Nishikawa Atsushi,Tanaka Keiko,Miyake Yoshihiro,Nagata Chisato,Furukawa Shinya,Andoh Akira,Yokoyama Tetsuji,Yoshimura Naoki,Mori Kenichiro,Ninomiya Tomoyuki,Yamamoto Yasunori,Takeshita Eiji,Ikeda Yoshio,Saito Mitsuru,Ohashi Katsuhisa,Imaeda Hirotsugu,Kakimoto Kazuki,Higuchi Kazuhide,Nunoi Hiroaki,Mizukami Yuji,Suzuki Seiyuu,Hiraoka Sakiko,Okada Hiroyuki,Kawasaki Keitarou,Higashiyama Masaaki,Hokari Ryota,Miura Hiromasa,Miyake Teruki,Kumagi Teru,Kato Hiromasa,Hato Naohito,Sayama Koji,Hiasa Yoichi, 2022/04 Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 37/ 4, 653-659
Dietary intake of vegetables, fruit, and antioxidants and risk of ulcerative colitis: A case-control study in Japan. Miyake Yoshihiro,Tanaka Keiko,Nagata Chisato,Furukawa Shinya,Andoh Akira,Yokoyama Tetsuji,Yoshimura Naoki,Mori Kenichiro,Ninomiya Tomoyuki,Yamamoto Yasunori,Takeshita Eiji,Ikeda Yoshio,Saito Mitsuru,Ohashi Katsuhisa,Imaeda Hirotsugu,Kakimoto Kazuki,Higuchi Kazuhide,Nunoi Hiroaki,Mizukami Yuji,Suzuki Seiyuu,Hiraoka Sakiko,Okada Hiroyuki,Kawasaki Keitarou,Higashiyama Masaaki,Hokari Ryota,Miura Hiromasa,Miyake Teruki,Kumagi Teru,Kato Hiromasa,Hato Naohito,Sayama Koji,Hiasa Yoichi, 2021 Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.) 91-92, 111378
Higher number of teeth is associated with decreased prevalence of hearing impairment in Japan. Tanaka Keiko,Okada Masahiro,Kato Hiromasa,Utsunomiya Hisanori,Senba Hidenori,Takagi Daiki,Teraoka Masato,Yamada Hiroyuki,Matsuura Bunzo,Hato Naohito,Miyake Yoshihiro 2021 Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 97, 104502
愛媛県の各医療機関におけるHIV/AIDS研修会後のアンケート調査を介した比較検討 末盛 浩一郎, 田中 景子, 石川 朋子, 小野 恵子, 芝田 佳香, 武田 玲子, 若松 綾, 宮崎 雅美, 中尾 綾, 乗松 真大, 木村 博史, 山岡 多恵, 井門 敬子, 竹中 克斗, 高田 清武 2021 日本エイズ学会誌 = The journal of AIDS research / 日本エイズ学会 編 23/ 1, 26-32
Maternal consumption of soy and isoflavones during pregnancy and risk of childhood behavioural problems: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study. Miyake Yoshihiro,Tanaka Keiko,Okubo Hitomi,Sasaki Satoshi,Tokinobu Akiko,Arakawa Masashi 2021/12 International journal of food sciences and nutrition 72/ 8, 1118-1127
Calcium intake during pregnancy is associated with decreased risk of emotional and hyperactivity problems in five-year-old Japanese children. Takahashi Keiji,Tanaka Keiko,Nakamura Yoshitaka,Okubo Hitomi,Sasaki Satoshi,Arakawa Masashi,Miyake Yoshihiro 2021/10 Nutritional neuroscience 24/ 10, 762-769
Hypertension and dyslipidemia are risk factors for herpes zoster in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a retrospective analysis using a medical information database. Tanaka Keiko,Kimura Eizen,Oryoji Kensuke,Mizuki Shin-Ichi,Kobayashi Tomoko,Nishikawa Atsushi,Yoshinaga Eiko,Miyake Yoshihiro 2021/09 Rheumatology international 41/ 9, 1633-1639
Education and household income and carotid intima-media thickness in Japan: baseline data from the Aidai Cohort Study in Yawatahama, Uchiko, Seiyo, and Ainan. Miyake Yoshihiro,Tanaka Keiko,Senba Hidenori,Hasebe Yasuko,Miyata Toyohisa,Higaki Takashi,Kimura Eizen,Matsuura Bunzo,Kawamoto Ryuichi 2021/09/09 Environmental health and preventive medicine 26/ 1, 88
Maternal caffeine intake during pregnancy and risk of food allergy in young Japanese children. Tanaka Keiko,Okubo Hitomi,Sasaki Satoshi,Arakawa Masashi,Miyake Yoshihiro 2021/06 Journal of paediatrics and child health 57/ 6, 903-907
Maternal Use of Induction Heating Cookers During Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes: The Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study. Tokinobu Akiko,Tanaka Keiko,Arakawa Masashi,Miyake Yoshihiro 2021/05 Bioelectromagnetics 42/ 4, 329-335
Cesarean section is associated with increased risk of postpartum depressive symptoms in Japan: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study. Yokoyama Maki,Tanaka Keiko,Sugiyama Takashi,Arakawa Masashi,Miyake Yoshihiro 2021/01/01 Journal of affective disorders 278, 497-501
Season of birth is associated with increased risk of atopic dermatitis in Japanese infants: a retrospective cohort study. Kuwabara Y, Nii R, Tanaka K, Ishii E, Nagao M, Fujisawa T. 2020 Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol 16, 44 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Associations of job type, income, and education with postpartum depressive symptoms: The Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study. Miyake Y, Tanaka K, Arakawa M. 2020 Psychiatry Res 291, 113224 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Association between hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes and prevalence of hearing impairment in Japan. Hara K, Okada M, Takagi D, Tanaka K, Senba H, Teraoka M, Yamada H, Matsuura B, Hato N, Miyake Y. 2020 Hypertens Res 43/ 9, 963-968 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Perinatal smoking exposure and risk of asthma in the first 3 years of life: a prospective prebirth cohort study. Tanaka K, Arakawa M, Miyake Y. 2020 Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) 48/ 6, 530-536 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Hearing Impairment and Prevalence of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Japan: Baseline Data From the Aidai Cohort Study in Yawatahama and Uchiko. Miyake Y, Tanaka K, Senba H, Ogawa S, Suzuki H, Fujiwara Y, Okada M, Takagi D, Teraoka M, Yamada H, Nobuhara T, Matsuura B, Hato N. 2020 Ear Hear 41/ 2, 254-258 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Maternal consumption of vegetables, fruit, and antioxidants during pregnancy and risk for childhood behavioral problems. Miyake Y, Tanaka K, Okubo H, Sasaki S, Arakawa M. 2020 Nutrition 69, 110572 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Maternal prenatal stress and infantile wheeze and asthma: The Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study. Kawamoto T, Miyake Y, Tanaka K, Nagano J, Sasaki S, Hirota Y. 2020 J Psychosom Res 135, 110143 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Maternal B vitamin intake during pregnancy and childhood behavioral problems in Japan: The Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study. Miyake Yoshihiro,Tanaka Keiko,Okubo Hitomi,Sasaki Satoshi,Arakawa Masashi 2020/09 Nutritional neuroscience 23/ 9, 706-713
Association between hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes and prevalence of hearing impairment in Japan. Hara Kazuya,Okada Masahiro,Takagi Daiki,Tanaka Keiko,Senba Hidenori,Teraoka Masato,Yamada Hiroyuki,Matsuura Bunzo,Hato Naohito,Miyake Yoshihiro 2020/09 Hypertension research : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension 43/ 9, 963-968
Associations of job type, income, and education with postpartum depressive symptoms: The Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study. Miyake Yoshihiro,Tanaka Keiko,Arakawa Masashi 2020/09 Psychiatry research 291, 113224
Maternal prenatal stress and infantile wheeze and asthma: The Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study. Kawamoto Tetsuya,Miyake Yoshihiro,Tanaka Keiko,Nagano Jun,Sasaki Satoshi,Hirota Yoshio 2020/08 Journal of psychosomatic research 135, 110143
BAIAP2 rs8079781, postnatal smoking exposure, and emotional problems in Japanese children aged 5 years: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study. Miyake Yoshihiro,Tanaka Keiko,Arakawa Masashi 2020/07 Journal of neural transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996) 127/ 7, 1081-1087
Anti-coagulation therapy using rh-thrombomodulin and/or anti-thrombin III agent is associated with reduction in in-hospital mortality in septic disseminated intravascular coagulation: A nationwide registry study. Tanaka K, Takeba J, Matsumoto H, Ohshita M, Annen S, Moriyama N, Nakabayashi Y, Aibiki M. 2019 Shock 51, 713-717 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Association of household income and education with prevalence of hearing impairment in Japan. Fukui J, Nobutoh C, Okada M, Takagi D, Tanaka K, Senba H, Teraoka M, Yamada H, Matsuura B, Hato N, Miyake Y. 2019 Laryngoscope 129/ 9, 2153-2157 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Preterm birth is associated with higher prevalence of wheeze and asthma in a selected population of Japanese children aged three years. Takata N, Tanaka K, Nagata C, Arakawa M, Miyake Y. 2019 Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 47, 425-430 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Calcium intake during pregnancy is associated with decreased risk of emotional and hyperactivity problems in five-year-old Japanese children Takahashi K, Tanaka K, Nakamura Y, Okubo H, Sasaki S, Arakawa M, Miyake Y. 2019 Nutr Neurosci. 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Association between daptomycin susceptibility and teicoplanin resistance in Staphylococcus epidermidis. 11.Watanabe S, Kawakami Y, Kimura H, Murakami S, Miyamoto H, Takatori S, Suemori K, Tanaka M, Tanaka A, Tanaka K, Tauchi H, Maki J, Araki H. Yamaguchi T. 2019 Scientific Reports 9/ 1, 18533 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Maternal B vitamin intake during pregnancy and childhood behavioral problems in Japan: The Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study 2018/11 Nutritional Neuroscience
ITIH3 and ITIH4 polymorphisms and depressive symptoms during pregnancy in Japan: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaMasashi Arakawa 2018/10 Journal of Neural Transmission 125/ 10, 1503
High birthweight is associated with increased prevalence of dental caries in Japanese children K HisanoK TanakaC NagataM ArakawaY Miyake 2018/08 International Journal of Dental Hygiene 16/ 3, 404
Breastfeeding duration is inversely associated with asthma in Japanese children aged 3 years Jun-ichi WatanabeKeiko TanakaChisato NagataShinya FurukawaMasashi ArakawaYoshihiro Miyake 2018/05/04 Journal of Asthma 55/ 5, 511-516 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Maternal caffeine intake in pregnancy is inversely related to childhood peer problems in Japan: The Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaHitomi OkuboSatoshi SasakiMasashi Arakawa 2018/03 Nutritional Neuroscience 1
Dietary intake habits and the prevalence of nocturia in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Shinya FurukawaTakenori SakaiTetsuji NiiyaHiroaki MiyaokaTeruki MiyakeShin YamamotoKoutatsu MaruyamaKeiko TanakaTeruhisa UedaHidenori SenbaMasamoto TorisuHisaka MinamiTakeshi TanigawaBunzo MatsuuraYoichi HiasaYoshihiro Miyake 2018/03 Journal of diabetes investigation 9/ 2, 279-285
Parental occupations, educational levels, and income and prevalence of dental caries in 3-year-old Japanese children Hiromasa KatoKeiko TanakaKen ShimizuChisato NagataShinya FurukawaMasashi ArakawaYoshihiro Miyake 2017/12/13 Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 22/ 1 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Obesity and the prevalence of nocturia in Japanese elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: The Dogo study Shinya FurukawaTakenori SakaiTetsuji NiiyaHiroaki MiyaokaTeruki MiyakeShin YamamotoKoutatsu MaruyamaKeiko TanakaTeruhisa UedaHidenori SenbaMasamoto TorisuHisaka MinamiTakeshi TanigawaBunzo MatsuuraYoichi HiasaYoshihiro Miyake 2017/12 Geriatrics & Gerontology International 17/ 12, 2460-2465 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Nocturia and prevalence of erectile dysfunction in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: The Dogo Study Shinya FurukawaTakenori SakaiTetsuji NiiyaHiroaki MiyaokaTeruki MiyakeShin YamamotoKoutatsu MaruyamaKeiko TanakaTeruhisa UedaHidenori SenbaMasamoto TorisuHisaka MinamiMorikazu OnjiTakeshi TanigawaBunzo MatsuuraYoichi HiasaYoshihiro Miyake 2016/09 JOURNAL OF DIABETES INVESTIGATION 7/ 5, 786-790 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Serum lipoprotein(a) levels and diabetic nephropathy among Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Hidenori SenbaShinya FurukawaTakenori SakaiTetsuji NiiyaTeruki MiyakeShin YamamotoTeruhisa UedaMasamoto TorisuHisaka MinamiHiroaki MiyaokaMorikazu OnjiKeiko TanakaBunzo MatsuuraTakeshi TanigawaYoichi HiasaYoshihiro Miyake 2016/07 JOURNAL OF DIABETES AND ITS COMPLICATIONS 30/ 5, 923-927 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Microvascular Complications and Prevalence of Nocturia in Japanese Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: The Dogo Study Shinya FurukawaTakenori SakaiTetsuji NiiyaHiroaki MiyaokaTeruki MiyakeShin YamamotoKoutatsu MaruyamaKeiko TanakaTeruhisa UedaHidenori SenbaMasamoto TorisuHisaka MinamiMorikazu OnjiTakeshi TanigawaBunzo MatsuuraYoichi HiasaYoshihiro Miyake 2016/07 UROLOGY 93, 147-151 研究論文(学術雑誌)
PARK16 polymorphisms, interaction with smoking, and sporadic Parkinson's disease in Japan Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaWakaba FukushimaChikako KiyoharaSatoshi SasakiYoshio TsuboiTomoko OedaHiroyuki ShimadaNobutoshi KawamuraNobutaka SakaeHidenao FukuyamaYoshio HirotaMasaki NagaiYoshikazu Nakamura 2016/03 JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 362, 47-52 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Feeding practices in early life and later intake of fruit and vegetables among Japanese toddlers: the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Hitomi OkuboYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaYoshio Hirota 2016/02 PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION 19/ 3, 650-657 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Association of prenatal exposure to maternal smoking and postnatal exposure to household smoking with dental caries in 3-year-old Japanese children Keiko TanakaYoshihiro MiyakeChisato NagataShinya FurukawaMasashi Arakawa 2015/11 ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 143, 148-153 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Higher vitamin D intake during pregnancy is associated with reduced risk of dental caries in young Japanese children Keiko TanakaShinichi HitsumotoYoshihiro MiyakeHitorni OkuboSatoshi SasakiNobuyuki MiyatakeMasashi Arakawa 2015/08 ANNALS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 25/ 8, 620-625 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Association Between TSLP Polymorphisms and Eczema in Japanese Women: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeShinichi HitsumotoKeiko TanakaMasashi Arakawa 2015/08 INFLAMMATION 38/ 4, 1663-1668 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Maternal total caffeine intake, mainly from Japanese and Chinese tea, during pregnancy was associated with risk of preterm birth: the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Hitomi OkuboYoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaSatoshi SasakiYoshio Hirota 2015/04 NUTRITION RESEARCH 35/ 4, 309-316 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Evaluation of psychological distress using the K6 in patients on chronic hemodialysis Akihiko KatayamaNobuyuki MiyatakeHiroyuki NishiHiroo HashimotoKazuhiro UzikeNoriko SakanoKeiko TanakaKiichi Koumoto 2015/03 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 20/ 2, 102-107 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Intake of dairy products and calcium and prevalence of depressive symptoms during pregnancy in Japan: a cross-sectional study Y. MiyakeK. TanakaH. OkuboS. SasakiM. Arakawa 2015/02 BJOG-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY 122/ 3, 336-343 研究論文(学術雑誌)
IL5RA polymorphisms, smoking and eczema in Japanese women: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Y. MiyakeK. TanakaM. Arakawa 2015/02 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMMUNOGENETICS 42/ 1, 52-57 研究論文(学術雑誌)
The linkage among ambulance transports, death and climate parameters in Asahikawa City, Japan Hiroaki KataokaKazumi Dokai MochimasuAkihiko KatayamaKanae Oda KandaNoriko SakanoKeiko TanakaNobuyuki Miyatake 2015/01 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 20/ 1, 63-67 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Dietary vitamin D intake and prevalence of depressive symptoms during pregnancy in Japan Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaHitomi OkuboSatoshi SasakiMasashi Arakawa 2015/01 NUTRITION 31/ 1, 160-165 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Authors' reply re: Intake of dairy products and calcium and prevalence of depressive symptoms during pregnancy in Japan: A cross-sectional study Miyake YTanaka KOkubo HSasaki SArakawa M 2015 BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 122/ 4, 586-587
Seaweed consumption and prevalence of depressive symptoms during pregnancy in Japan: Baseline data from the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaHitomi OkuboSatoshi SasakiMasashi Arakawa 2014/09 BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH 14/ 1 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Daily Smoking May Independently Predict Caries Development in Adults Takashi HaniokaMiki OjimaKeiko Tanaka 2014/09 JOURNAL OF EVIDENCE-BASED DENTAL PRACTICE 14/ 3, 151-153
Association Between 17q12-21 Variants and Asthma in Japanese Women: rs11650680 Polymorphism as Potential Genetic Marker for Asthma Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaMasashi Arakawa 2014/08 DNA AND CELL BIOLOGY 33/ 8, 531-536 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Maternal consumption of dairy products, calcium, and vitamin D during pregnancy and infantile allergic disorders Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaHitomi OkuboSatoshi SasakiMasashi Arakawa 2014/07 ANNALS OF ALLERGY ASTHMA & IMMUNOLOGY 113/ 1, 82-87 研究論文(学術雑誌)
IL3 rs40401 Polymorphism and Interaction with Smoking in Risk of Asthma in Japanese Women: The Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Y. MiyakeK. TanakaM. Arakawa 2014/06 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 79/ 6, 410-414 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Relationship Between IL1 Gene Polymorphisms and Periodontal Disease in Japanese Women Keiko TanakaYoshihiro MiyakeTakashi HaniokaMasashi Arakawa 2014/04 DNA AND CELL BIOLOGY 33/ 4, 227-233 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Low birth weight, preterm birth or small-for-gestational-age are not associated with dental caries in young Japanese children Keiko TanakaYoshihiro Miyake 2014/04 BMC ORAL HEALTH 14/ 1 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Dietary patterns in infancy and their associations with maternal socio-economic and lifestyle factors among 758 Japanese mother-child pairs: the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Hitomi OkuboYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaKentaro MurakamiYoshio Hirota 2014/04 MATERNAL AND CHILD NUTRITION 10/ 2, 213-225 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Case-control study of rhinoconjunctivitis associated with IL5RA polymorphisms in Japanese women: The Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaMasashi Arakawa 2014/02 CYTOKINE 65/ 2, 138-142 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy and birth outcomes: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaHitomi OkuboSatoshi SasakiMasashi Arakawa 2014/02 BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH 14/ 1 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Prognosis of primary aldosteronism in Japan: results from a nationwide epidemiological study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaTetsuo NishikawaMitsuhide NaruseRyoichi TakayanagiHironobu SasanoYoshiyu TakedaHirotaka ShibataMasakatsu SoneFumitoshi SatohMasanobu YamadaHajime UeshibaTakuyuki KatabamiYasumasa IwasakiHirotoshi TanakaYusuke TanahashiShigeru SuzukiTomonobu HasegawaNoriyuki KatsumataToshihiro TajimaToshihiko Yanase 2014/01 ENDOCRINE JOURNAL 61/ 1, 35-40 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Salivary Cotinine Concentrations and Prevalence of Periodontal Disease in Young Japanese Women: The Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Keiko TanakaRyoichi MatsuseYoshihiro MiyakeTakashi HaniokaMasashi Arakawa 2013/12 JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY 84/ 12, 1724-1729 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Maternal fat intake during pregnancy and wheeze and eczema in Japanese infants: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaHitomi OkuboSatoshi SasakiMasashi Arakawa 2013/11 ANNALS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 23/ 11, 674-680 研究論文(学術雑誌)
IL3 SNP rs40401 variant is a risk factor for rhinoconjunctivitis in Japanese women: The Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaMasashi Arakawa 2013/10 CYTOKINE 64/ 1, 86-89 研究論文(学術雑誌)
VDRGene Polymorphisms, Interaction with Smoking and Risk of Periodontal Disease in Japanese Women: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study K. TanakaY. MiyakeT. HaniokaM. Arakawa 2013/10 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 78/ 4, 371-377 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Active and passive smoking and prevalence of periodontal disease in young Japanese women K. TanakaY. MiyakeT. HaniokaM. Arakawa 2013/10 JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH 48/ 5, 600-605 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Socioeconomic status and risk of dental caries in Japanese preschool children: the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Keiko TanakaYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiYoshio Hirota 2013/08 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH DENTISTRY 73/ 3, 217-223 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Lack of Relationship between Birth Conditions and Allergic Disorders in Japanese Children Aged 3 Years Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko Tanaka 2013/08 JOURNAL OF ASTHMA 50/ 6, 555-559 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Active and passive maternal smoking during pregnancy and birth outcomes: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaMasashi Arakawa 2013/08 BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH 13 研究論文(学術雑誌)
The role of tobacco use on dental care and oral disease severity within community dental clinics in Japan Miki OjimaTakashi HaniokaKaoru ShimadaSatoru HaresakuMito YamamotoKeiko Tanaka 2013/06 TOBACCO INDUCED DISEASES 11/ 1 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Fish and fat intake and prevalence of depressive symptoms during pregnancy in Japan: Baseline data from the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaHitomi OkuboSatoshi SasakiMasashi Arakawa 2013/05 JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH 47/ 5, 572-578 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Case-Control Study of Eczema in Relation to IL4Rα Genetic Polymorphisms in Japanese Women: The Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Miyake YTanaka KArakawa M 2013/05 Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 77/ 5, 413-418 研究論文(学術雑誌)
MDR1 C3435T Polymorphism and Interaction with Environmental Factors in Risk of Parkinson's Disease: A Case-control Study in Japan Chikako KiyoharaYoshihiro MiyakeMidori KoyanagiTakahiro FujimotoSenji ShirasawaKeiko TanakaWakaba FukushimaSatoshi SasakiYoshio TsuboiTatsuo YamadaTomoko OedaHiroyuki ShimadaNobutoshi KawamuraNobutaka SakaeHidenao FukuyamaYishio HirotaMasaki Nagai 2013/04 DRUG METABOLISM AND PHARMACOKINETICS 28/ 2, 138-143 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Relationship between polymorphisms in IL4 and asthma in Japanese women: The Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and child health study Yoshihiro MiyakeK. TanakaM. Arakawa 2013 Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 23/ 4, 242-247 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Infant feeding practices and risk of dental caries in Japan: the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study. Tanaka KMiyake YSasaki SHirota Y 2013 Pediatr Dent. 35, 267-71
Lack of association between BST1 polymorphisms and sporadic Parkinson's disease in a Japanese population Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaWakaba FukushimaChikako KiyoharaSatoshi SasakiYoshio TsuboiTatsuo YamadaTomoko OedaHiroyuki ShimadaNobutoshi KawamuraNobutaka SakaeHidenao FukuyamaYoshio HirotaMasaki Nagai 2012/12 JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 323/ 1-2, 162-166 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Polymorphisms in the IL4 gene, smoking, and rhinoconjunctivitis in Japanese women: The Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaMasashi Arakawa 2012/10 HUMAN IMMUNOLOGY 73/ 10, 1046-1049 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Self-Reported Rate of Eating and Risk of Overweight in Japanese Children: Ryukyus Child Health Study Kentaro MurakamiYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaMasashi Arakawa 2012/08 JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY 58/ 4, 247-252 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Employment, income, and education and prevalence of depressive symptoms during pregnancy: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaMasashi Arakawa 2012/08 BMC PSYCHIATRY 12 研究論文(学術雑誌)
UCHL1 S18Y variant is a risk factor for Parkinson's disease in Japan Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaWakaba FukushimaChikako KiyoharaSatoshi SasakiYoshio TsuboiTatsuo YamadaTomoko OedaHiroyuki ShimadaNobutoshi KawamuraNobutaka SakaeHidenao FukuyamaYoshio HirotaMasaki Nagai 2012/07 BMC NEUROLOGY 12 研究論文(学術雑誌)
An energy-dense diet is cross-sectionally associated with an increased risk of overweight in male children, but not in female children, male adolescents, or female adolescents in Japan: the Ryukyus Child Health Study Kentaro MurakamiYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaMasashi Arakawa 2012/07 NUTRITION RESEARCH 32/ 7, 486-494 研究論文(学術雑誌)
ADAM33 polymorphisms, smoking and asthma in Japanese women: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Y. MiyakeK. TanakaM. Arakawa 2012/07 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TUBERCULOSIS AND LUNG DISEASE 16/ 7, 974-979 研究論文(学術雑誌)
SNCA polymorphisms, smoking, and sporadic Parkinson's disease in Japanese Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaWakaba FukushimaChikako KiyoharaSatoshi SasakiYoshio TsuboiTatsuo YamadaTomoko OedaHiroyuki ShimadaNobutoshi KawamuraNobutaka SakaeHidenao FukuyamaYoshio HirotaMasaki Nagai 2012/06 PARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS 18/ 5, 557-561 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Parental employment, income, education and allergic disorders in children: a prebirth cohort study in Japan Y. MiyakeK. TanakaS. SasakiY. Hirota 2012/06 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TUBERCULOSIS AND LUNG DISEASE 16/ 6, 756-761 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Maternal dietary patterns in pregnancy and fetal growth in Japan: the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Hitomi OkuboYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaKentaro MurakamiYoshio HirotaOsaka Maternal 2012/05 BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 107/ 10, 1526-1533 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Dietary patterns and risk of Parkinson's disease: a case-control study in Japan H. OkuboY. MiyakeS. SasakiK. MurakamiK. TanakaW. FukushimaC. KiyoharaY. TsuboiT. YamadaT. OedaH. ShimadaN. KawamuraN. SakaeH. FukuyamaY. HirotaM. Nagai 2012/05 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 19/ 5, 681-688 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Characteristics of under- and over-reporters of energy intake among Japanese children and adolescents: The Ryukyus Child Health Study Kentaro MurakamiYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaMasashi Arakawa 2012/05 NUTRITION 28/ 5, 532-538 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Dairy products and calcium intake during pregnancy and dental caries in children Keiko TanakaYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiYoshio Hirota 2012/05 NUTRITION JOURNAL 11, 33 研究論文(学術雑誌)
ADAM33 genetic polymorphisms, smoking, and rhinoconjunctivitis in Japanese women: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaMasashi Arakawa 2012/04 HUMAN IMMUNOLOGY 73/ 4, 411-415 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Dietary meat and fat intake and prevalence of rhinoconjunctivitis in pregnant Japanese women: baseline data from the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaHitomi OkuboSatoshi SasakiMasashi Arakawa 2012/03 NUTRITION JOURNAL 11/ 1 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Dairy food, calcium and vitamin D intake and prevalence of allergic disorders in pregnant Japanese women Y. MiyakeK. TanakaH. OkuboS. SasakiM. Arakawa 2012/02 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TUBERCULOSIS AND LUNG DISEASE 16/ 2, 255-261 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Association Between Breastfeeding and Dental Caries in Japanese Children Keiko TanakaYoshihiro Miyake 2012/01 JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 22/ 1, 72-77 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Smoking and prevalence of allergic disorders in Japanese pregnant women: baseline data from the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study. Tanaka KMiyake YArakawa M 2012 Environ Health 11, 15
Maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy and risk of wheeze and eczema in Japanese infants aged 16-24 months: The Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeHitomi OkuboSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaYoshio Hirota 2011/11 PEDIATRIC ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 22/ 7, 734-741 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Lack of association of mercury with risk of wheeze and eczema in Japanese children: The Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaAkira YasutakeSatoshi SasakiYoshio Hirota 2011/11 ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 111/ 8, 1180-1184 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Organochlorine concentrations in breast milk and prevalence of allergic disorders in Japanese women Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaYuko MasuzakiNobuyuki SatoYoshirou IkedaYouichi ChisakiMasashi Arakawa 2011/10 CHEMOSPHERE 85/ 3, 374-378 研究論文(学術雑誌)
IL13 genetic polymorphisms, smoking, and eczema in women: a case-control study in Japan Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaMasashi Arakawa 2011/10 BMC MEDICAL GENETICS 12 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Case-control study of IL13 polymorphisms, smoking, and rhinoconjunctivitis in Japanese women: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaMasashi Arakawa 2011/10 BMC MEDICAL GENETICS 12 研究論文(学術雑誌)
U-Shaped Association between Body Mass Index and the Prevalence of Wheeze and Asthma, but not Eczema or Rhinoconjunctivitis: The Ryukyus Child Health Study Keiko TanakaYoshihiro MiyakeMasashi ArakawaSatoshi SasakiYukihiro Ohya 2011/10 JOURNAL OF ASTHMA 48/ 8, 804-810 研究論文(学術雑誌)
APOE and CYP2E1 polymorphisms, alcohol consumption, and Parkinson's disease in a Japanese population Chikako KiyoharaYoshihiro MiyakeMidori KoyanagiTakahiro FujimotoSenji ShirasawaKeiko TanakaWakaba FukushimaSatoshi SasakiYoshio TsuboiTatsuo YamadaTomoko OedaTakami MikiNobutoshi KawamuraNobutaka SakaeHidenao FukuyamaYoshio HirotaMasaki Nagai 2011/09 JOURNAL OF NEURAL TRANSMISSION 118/ 9, 1335-1344 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Sibling number and prevalence of allergic disorders in pregnant Japanese women: baseline data from the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaMasashi Arakawa 2011/07 BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 11 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Genetic polymorphisms involved in dopaminergic neurotransmission and risk for Parkinson's disease in a Japanese population Chikako KiyoharaYoshihiro MiyakeMidori KoyanagiTakahiro FujimotoSenji ShirasawaKeiko TanakaWakaba FukushimaSatoshi SasakiYoshio TsuboiTatsuo YamadaTomoko OedaHiroyuki ShimadaNobutoshi KawamuraNobutaka SakaeHidenao FukuyamaYoshio HirotaMasaki Nagai 2011/07 BMC NEUROLOGY 11 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Dietary intake of metals and risk of Parkinson's disease: A case-control study in Japan Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaWakaba FukushimaSatoshi SasakiChikako KiyoharaYoshio TsuboiTatsuo YamadaTomoko OedaTakami MikiNobutoshi KawamuraNobutaka SakaeHidenao FukuyamaYoshio HirotaMasaki Nagai 2011/07 JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 306/ 1-2, 98-102 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Dietary glycemic index and glycemic load in relation to risk of overweight in Japanese children and adolescents: the Ryukyus Child Health Study K. MurakamiY. MiyakeS. SasakiK. TanakaM. Arakawa 2011/07 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY 35/ 7, 925-936 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Occupational risk factors for Parkinson’s disease: a case-control study in Japan. Tanaka KMiyake YFukushima WSasaki SKiyohara CTsuboi YYamada TOeda TMiki TKawamura NSakae NFukuyama HHirota YNagai MFukuoka Kinki Parkinson’sDisease Study Group 2011/07 BMC Neurology 11, 83. 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Intake of Japanese and Chinese teas reduces risk of Parkinson’s disease. Tanaka KMiyake YFukushima WSasaki SKiyohara CTsuboi YYamada TOeda TMiki TKawamura NSakae NFukuyama HHirota YNagai MFukuoka Kinki Parkinson’sDisease Study Group 2011/07 Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 17/ 6, 446-450 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Association between Prenatal and Postnatal Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Allergies in Young Children Keiko TanakaYoshihiro Miyake 2011/06 JOURNAL OF ASTHMA 48/ 5, 458-463 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Polyunsaturated fatty acid intake and prevalence of eczema and rhinoconjunctivitis in Japanese children: The Ryukyus Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaSatoshi SasakiMasashi Arakawa 2011/05 BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 11 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Does Secondhand Smoke Affect the Development of Dental Caries in Children? A Systematic Review Takashi HaniokaMiki OjimaKeiko TanakaMito Yamamoto 2011/05 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 8/ 5, 1503-1519
Nutritional adequacy of three dietary patterns defined by cluster analysis in 997 pregnant Japanese women: the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Hitomi OkuboYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaKentaro MurakamiYoshio Hirota 2011/04 PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION 14/ 4, 611-621 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Employment, income, and education and risk of postpartum depression: The Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaSatoshi SasakiYoshio Hirota 2011/04 JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS 130/ 1-2, 133-137 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Dietary patterns during pregnancy and the risk of postpartum depression in Japan: the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Hitomi OkuboYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaKentaro MurakamiYoshio Hirota 2011/04 BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 105/ 8, 1251-1257 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Causal assessment of smoking and tooth loss: A systematic review of observational studies Takashi HaniokaMiki OjimaKeiko TanakaKeitaro MatsuoFumihito SatoHideo Tanaka 2011/04 BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 11
Maternal B vitamin intake during pregnancy and wheeze and eczema in Japanese infants aged 16-24 months: The Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaYoshio Hirota 2011/02 PEDIATRIC ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 22/ 1, 69-74 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Lack of association of dairy food, calcium, and vitamin D intake with the risk of Parkinson's disease: A case-control study in Japan Y. MiyakeK. TanakaW. FukushimaS. SasakiC. KiyoharaY. TsuboiT. YamadaT. OedaT. MikiN. KawamuraN. SakaeH. FukuyamaY. HirotaM. Nagai 2011/02 PARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS 17/ 2, 112-116 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Dietary intake of antioxidant vitamins and risk of Parkinson's disease: a case-control study in Japan Y. MiyakeW. FukushimaK. TanakaS. SasakiC. KiyoharaY. TsuboiT. YamadaT. OedaT. MikiN. KawamuraN. SakaeH. FukuyamaY. HirotaM. Nagai 2011/01 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 18/ 1, 106-113 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Case-Control Study of Eczema Associated with IL13 Genetic Polymorphisms in Japanese Children Yoshihiro MiyakeChikako KiyoharaMidori KoyanagiTakahiro FujimotoSenji ShirasawaKeiko TanakaSatoshi SasakiYoshio Hirota 2011 INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 154/ 4, 328-335 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Active and passive smoking and risk of Parkinson's disease K. TanakaY. MiyakeW. FukushimaS. SasakiC. KiyoharaY. TsuboiT. YamadaT. OedaT. MikiN. KawamuraN. SakaeH. FukuyamaY. HirotaM. Nagai 2010/12 ACTA NEUROLOGICA SCANDINAVICA 122/ 6, 377-382 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Alcohol drinking and risk of Parkinson's disease: a case-control study in Japan Wakaba FukushimaYoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaSatoshi SasakiChikako KiyoharaYoshio TsuboiTatsuo YamadaTomoko OedaTakami MikiNobutoshi KawamuraNobutaka SakaeHidenao FukuyamaYoshio HirotaMasaki Nagai 2010/11 BMC NEUROLOGY 10 研究論文(学術雑誌)
LRRIC2 Gly2385Arg polymorphism, cigarette smoking, and risk of sporadic Parkinson's disease: A case-control study in Japan Yoshihiro MiyakeYoshio TsuboiMidori KoyanagiTakahiro FujimotoSenji ShirasawaChikako KiyoharaKeiko TanakaWakaba FukushimaSatoshi SasakiTatsuo YamadaTomoko OedaTakami MikiNobutoshi KawamuraNobutaka SakaeHidenao FukuyamaYoshio HirotaMasaki Nagai 2010/10 JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 297/ 1-2, 15-18 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Dietary Folate, Riboflavin, Vitamin B-6, and Vitamin B-12 and Depressive Symptoms in Early Adolescence: The Ryukyus Child Health Study Kentaro MurakamiYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaMasashi Arakawa 2010/10 PSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINE 72/ 8, 763-768 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Fish and n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Intake and Depressive Symptoms: Ryukyus Child Health Study Kentaro MurakamiYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaMasashi Arakawa 2010/09 PEDIATRICS 126/ 3, E623-E630 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Dietary intake of folate, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12 and riboflavin and risk of Parkinson's disease: a case-control study in Japan Kentaro MurakamiYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaWakaba FukushimaChikako KiyoharaYoshio TsuboiTatsuo YamadaTomoko OedaTakami MikiNobutoshi KawamuraNobutaka SakaeHidenao FukuyamaYoshio HirotaMasaki Nagai 2010/09 BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 104/ 5, 757-764 研究論文(学術雑誌)
GST polymorphisms, interaction with smoking and pesticide use, and risk for Parkinson's disease in a Japanese population C. KiyoharaY. MiyakeM. KoyanagiT. FujimotoS. ShirasawaK. TanakaW. FukushimaS. SasakiY. TsuboiT. YamadaT. OedaT. MikiN. KawamuraN. SakaeH. FukuyamaY. HirotaM. Nagai 2010/08 PARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS 16/ 7, 447-452 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Intake of dairy products and the prevalence of dental caries in young children Keiko TanakaYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi Sasaki 2010/07 JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY 38/ 7, 579-583 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Dairy food, calcium and vitamin D intake in pregnancy, and wheeze and eczema in infants Y. MiyakeS. SasakiK. TanakaY. Hirota 2010/06 EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL 35/ 6, 1228-1234 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Consumption of vegetables, fruit, and antioxidants during pregnancy and wheeze and eczema in infants Y. MiyakeS. SasakiK. TanakaY. Hirota 2010/06 ALLERGY 65/ 6, 758-765 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Case-control study of risk of Parkinson's disease in relation to hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes in Japan Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaWakaba FukushimaSatoshi SasakiChikako KiyoharaYoshio TsuboiTatsuo YamadaTomoko OedaTakami MikiNobutoshi KawamuraNobutaka SakaeHidenao FukuyamaYoshio HirotaMasaki Nagai 2010/06 JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 293/ 1-2, 82-86 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Household smoking and dental caries in schoolchildren: the Ryukyus Child Health Study Keiko TanakaYoshihiro MiyakeMasashi ArakawaSatoshi SasakiYukihiro Ohya 2010/06 BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 10, 335. 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Dietary glycemic index is inversely associated with the risk of Parkinson's disease: A case-control study in Japan Kentaro MurakamiYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaWakaba FukushimaChikako KiyoharaYoshio TsuboiTatsuo YamadaTomoko OedaTakami MikiNobutoshi KawamuraNobutaka SakaeHidenao FukuyamaYoshio HirotaMasaki Nagai 2010/05 NUTRITION 26/ 5, 515-521 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Residential proximity to main roads during pregnancy and the risk of allergic disorders in Japanese infants: The Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaHiroshi FujiwaraYasuhiro MitaniHiroaki IkemiSatoshi SasakiYukihiro OhyaYoshio Hirota 2010/02 PEDIATRIC ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 21/ 1, 22-28 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Maternal meat and fat consumption during pregnancy and suspected atopic eczema in Japanese infants aged 3-4 months: The Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Kyoko SaitoTetsuji YokoyamaYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaYukihiro OhyaYoshio Hirota 2010/02 PEDIATRIC ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 21/ 1, 38-46 研究論文(学術雑誌)
The Effect of Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Postnatal Household Smoking on Dental Caries in Young Children COMMENT Keiko TanakaYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi Sasaki 2010/01 OBSTETRICAL & GYNECOLOGICAL SURVEY 65/ 1, 15-17
Dietary fat intake and risk of Parkinson's disease: A case-control study in Japan Yoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaWakaba FukushimaChikako KiyoharaYoshio TsuboiTatsuo YamadaTomoko OedaTakami MikiNobutoshi KawamuraNobutaka SakaeHidenao FukuyamaYoshio HirotaMasaki Nagai 2010/01 JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 288/ 1-2, 117-122 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Association between breastfeeding and allergic disorders in Japanese children. Tanaka KMiyake YSasaki S 2010 Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 14:, 513-518.
Active and passive smoking and risk of Parkinson’s disease. Acta Neurol Scand. Tanaka KMiyake YFukushima WSasaki SKiyohara CTsuboi YYamada TOeda TMiki TKawamura NSakae NFukuyama HHirota YNagai MFukuoka Kinki Parkinson’sDisease Study Group 2010 Acta Neurol Scand. 122, 377-82.
Maternal fat consumption during pregnancy and risk of wheeze and eczema in Japanese infants aged 16-24 months: the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Y. MiyakeS. SasakiK. TanakaS. OhfujiY. Hirota 2009/09 THORAX 64/ 9, 815-821 研究論文(学術雑誌)
The Effect of Maternal Smoking during Pregnancy and Postnatal Household Smoking on Dental Caries in Young Children Keiko TanakaYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi Sasaki 2009/09 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS 155/ 3, 410-415 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Sibship size and prevalence of allergic disorders in Japan: The Ryukyus Child Health Study Satoko OhfujiYoshihiro MiyakeMasashi ArakawaKeiko TanakaSatoshi Sasaki 2009/06 PEDIATRIC ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 20/ 4, 377-384 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Breastfeeding and atopic eczema in Japanese infants: The Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeKeiko TanakaSatoshi SasakiChikako KiyoharaYukihiro OhyaWakaba FukushimaTetsuji YokoyamaYoshio Hirota 2009/05 PEDIATRIC ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 20/ 3, 234-241 研究論文(学術雑誌)
ADAM33 genetic polymorphisms and risk of atopic dermatitis among Japanese children Aya MatsusueChikako KiyoharaKeiko TanakaSatoshi SasakiYoshihiro Miyake 2009/04 CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 42/ 6, 477-483 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Education, but not occupation or household income, is positively related to favorable dietary intake patterns in pregnant Japanese women: the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Kentaro MurakamiYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaYukihiro OhyaYoshio Hirota 2009/03 NUTRITION RESEARCH 29/ 3, 164-172 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Dental caries in 3-year-old children and smoking status of parents Takashi HaniokaEtsuko NakamuraMiki OjimaKeiko TanakaHitoshi Aoyama 2008/11 PAEDIATRIC AND PERINATAL EPIDEMIOLOGY 22/ 6, 546-550 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Fatty acid intake and asthma symptoms in Japanese children: The Ryukyus Child Health Study Y. MiyakeS. SasakiM. ArakawaK. TanakaK. MurakamiY. Ohya 2008/10 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ALLERGY 38/ 10, 1644-1650 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Dietary glycemic index and load and the risk of postpartum depression in Japan: The Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Kentaro MurakamiYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaTetsuji YokoyamaYukihiro OhyaWakaba FukushimaChikako KiyoharaYoshio Hirota 2008/09 JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS 110/ 1-2, 174-179 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Breastfeeding and the risk of wheeze and asthma in Japanese infants: The Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Y. MiyakeK. TanakaS. SasakiC. KiyoharaY. OhyaW. FukushimaT. YokoyamaY. Hirota 2008/09 PEDIATRIC ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 19/ 6, 490-496 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Tuberculin reactivity and allergic disorders in schoolchildren, Okinawa, Japan Y. MiyakeM. ArakawaK. TanakaS. SasakiY. Ohya 2008/03 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ALLERGY 38/ 3, 486-492 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Ambient formaldehyde levels and allergic disorders among Japanese pregnant women: Baseline data from the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Ichiro MatsunagaYoshihiro MiyakeToshiaki YoshidaShoichi MiyamotoYukihiro OhyaSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaHajime OdaOsamu IshikoYoshio Hirota 2008/01 ANNALS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 18/ 1, 78-84 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Relationship between soy and isoflavone intake and periodontal disease: The freshmen in dietetic courses study II Keiko TanakaSatoshi SasakiKentaro MurakamiHitomi OkuboYoshiko TakahashiYoshihiro Miyake 2008/01 BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 8, 39 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Relationship between dietary fat and fish intake and the prevalence of atopic eczema in pregnant Japanese females: Baseline data from the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study | Chinese Source Miyake YSasaki STanaka KOhya YMatsunaga IYoshida THirota YOda H 2008 Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 17/ 4, 612-619
Genetic susceptibility to atopic dermatitis Chikako KiyoharaKeiko TanakaYoshihiro Miyake 2008 Allergology International 57/ 1, 39-56
Genetic predisposition to atopic dermatitis Kiyohara CTanaka KMiyake Y 2008 Genetic Predisposition to Disease 1-37
Beverage consumption and the prevalence of tooth loss in pregnant Japanese women: the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study. Tanaka KMiyake YSasaki SOhya YMatsunaga IYoshida THirota YHajime OKanzaki HKitada MHorikoshi YIshiko ONakai YNishio JYamamasu SYasuda JKawai SYanagihara KWakuda KKawashima TNarimoto KIwasa YOrino KTsunetoh IYoshida JIito JKaneko TSanfujinka KKamiya TKuribayashi HTaniguchi TTakemura HMorimoto Y 2008 Fukuoka igaku zasshi = Hukuoka acta medica 99/ 4, 80-89
Maternal Smoking and Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure and the Risk of Allergic Diseases in Japanese Infants: The Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Keiko TanakaYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiYukihiro OhyaYoshio Hirota 2008 JOURNAL OF ASTHMA 45/ 9, 833-838 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Dental Caries and Allergic Disorders in Japanese Children: The Ryukyus Child Health Study Keiko TanakaYoshihiro MiyakeMasashi ArakawaSatoshi SasakiYukihiro Ohya 2008 JOURNAL OF ASTHMA 45/ 9, 795-799 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Relationship between intake of vegetables, fruit, and grains and the prevalence of tooth loss in Japanese women Keiko TanakaYoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiYukihiro OhyaIchiro MatsunagaToshiaki YoshidaYoshio HirotaHajime Oda 2007/12 JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY 53/ 6, 522-528 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Prevalence of asthma and wheeze in relation to passive smoking in Japanese children Keiko TanakaYoshihiro MiyakeMasashi ArakawaSatoshi SasakiYukihiro Ohya 2007/12 ANNALS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 17/ 12, 1004-1010 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Cigarette smoking and tooth loss experience among young adults: a national record linkage study Miki OjimaTakashi HaniokaKeiko TanakaHitoshi Aoyama 2007/11 BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 7 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Home environment and suspected atopic eczema in Japanese infants: The Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeYukihiro OhyaKeiko TanakaTetsuji YokoyamaSatoshi SasakiWakaba FukushimaSatoko OhfujiKyoko SaitoChikako KiyoharaYoshio Hirota 2007/08 PEDIATRIC ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 18/ 5, 425-432 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Cross-sectional study of allergic disorders associated with breastfeeding in Japan: The Ryukyus Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeMasashi ArakawaKeiko TanakaSatoshi SasakiYukihiro Ohya 2007/08 PEDIATRIC ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 18/ 5, 433-440 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Relationship between smoking status and tooth loss: Findings from national databases in Japan Takashi HaniokaMiki OjimaKeiko TanakaHitoshi Aoyama 2007/07 JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 17/ 4, 125-132 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Fish and fat intake and prevalence of allergic rhinitis in Japanese females: the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaYukihiro OhyaShoichi MiyamotoIchiro MatsunagaToshiaki YoshidaYoshio HirotaHajime Oda 2007/06 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF NUTRITION 26/ 3, 279-287 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Association of total tooth loss with smoking, drinking alcohol and nutrition in elderly Japanese: analysis of national database Takashi HaniokaMiki OjimaKeiko TanakaHitoshi Aoyama 2007/06 GERODONTOLOGY 24/ 2, 87-92 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Environmental factors and allergic disorders Keiko TanakaYoshihiro MiyakeChikako Kiyohara 2007 Allergology International 56/ 4, 363-396
Fat and fish intake and asthma in Japanese women: baseline data from the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study. Miyamoto SMiyake YSasaki STanaka KOhya YMatsunaga IYoshida TOda HIshiko OHirota Y 2007 Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 11/ 1, 103-9
Relationship between smoking status and periodontal conditions: findings from national databases in Japan M. OjimaT. HaniokaK. TanakaE. InoshitaH. Aoyama 2006/12 JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH 41/ 6, 573-579 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Risk of postpartum depression in relation to dietary fish and fat intake in Japan: the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiTetsuji YokoyamaKeiko TanakaYukihiro OhyaWakaba FukushimaKyoko SaitoSatoko OhfujiChikako Kiyohara 2006/12 PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE 36/ 12, 1727-1735 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Dietary folate and vitamins B-12, B-6, and B-2 intake and the risk of postpartum depression in Japan: The Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Yoshihiro MiyakeSatoshi SasakiKeiko TanakaTetsuji YokoyamaYukihiro OhyaWakaba FukushimaKyoko SaitoSatoko OhfujiChikako KiyoharaYoshio Hirota 2006/11 JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS 96/ 1-2, 133-138 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Association of smoking in household and dental caries in Japan Keiko TanakaTakashi HaniokaYoshihiro MiyakeMiki OjimaHitoshi Aoyama 2006/09 Journal of Public Health Dentistry 66/ 4, 279-281 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Magnesium intake is inversely associated with the prevalence of tooth loss in Japanese pregnant women: the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study Tanaka KMiyake YSasaki SOhya YMiyamoto SMatsunaga IYoshida THirota YOda H 2006 Magnes Res 19/ 4, 268-75
栄養摂取と疾患との関連 根拠に基づく医学(EBM):社会医学実習 田中景子岩田真悠子野口裕貴前田洋恵池田裕一黒川美穂平山雄大澤未来吉村茂修鎌田芳子竹井元三宅吉博 2006 福岡大学医学紀要 33/ 4, 341-361
Inhibition of dentine demineralization by zinc oxide: In vitro and in situ studies T TakatsukaK TanakaY Iijima 2005/12 DENTAL MATERIALS 21/ 12, 1170-1177 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Association of melanin pigmentation in the gingiva of children with parents who smoke T HaniokaK TanakaM OjimaK Yuuki 2005/08 PEDIATRICS 116/ 2, E186-E190 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Active and passive smoking and tooth loss in Japanese women: Baseline data from the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study K TanakaY MiyakeS SasakiY OhyaS MiyamotoMatsunaga IT YoshidaY HirotaH Oda 2005/05 ANNALS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 15/ 5, 358-364 研究論文(学術雑誌)
参加的な健康教育による生活習慣の認識とモチベーション形成のプロセス 2004 日本健康教育学会雑誌 12:19-28
Changes in the fatty acid composition and hydroxyproline content in rat lung in relation to collagen synthesis after paraquat administration. Fukushima TTanaka KLim HMoriyama M 2003 Fukushima journal of medical science 49/ 1, 33-43
Retrospective study of preventive effect of maize on mortality from Parkinson’s disease in Japan Fukushima TTanaka KUshijima KMoriyama M 2003 Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr 12/ 4, 447-50
水道水硬度と脳血管疾患死亡との生態学的関連 2003 日本循環器病予防学会誌 38,101-104
Mechanism of cytotoxicity of paraquat Tetsuhito FukushimaKeiko TanakaHeejin LimMasaki Moriyama 2002 Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 7/ 3, 89-94
Enamel fluoride uptake from mouthrinse solutions with different NaF concentrations 2002 Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 30/ 4, 248-53
医科における口腔機能と食支援理解のための参加的な実習の取り組み 2002 日本歯科医学教育学会雑誌 18/ 1, 131-136
Acid resistance of human enamel in vitro after bicarbonate application during remineralization 2001 Journal of Dentistry 29(6), 421-426
NaHCO3応用後の再石灰化エナメル質の耐酸性 2000 口腔衛生学会雑誌 50/ 2, 198-204
In vitroにおける重炭酸イオンがエナメル質および象牙質の再石灰化に及ぼす影響 1999 口腔衛生学会雑誌 49/ 2, 215-221 - MISC
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- 講演・発表
- 妊娠中の母親のカフェイン摂取と子の食物アレルギー発症リスクとの関連:九州・沖縄母子保健研究 第29回日本疫学会学術総会 2019/02/01
出生前後の喫煙曝露と子の喘鳴との関連:九州・沖縄母子保健研究 第76回日本公衆衛生学会総会 2017/11/01
出生前後の喫煙曝露と子のアトピー性皮膚炎との関連:九州・沖縄母子保健研究 第87回日本衛生学会学術総会 2017/03/27
出生前後の喫煙曝露と幼児の行動的・情緒的問題との関連:九州・沖縄母子保健研究 第75回日本公衆衛生学会総会 2016/10/28
IL18遺伝子多型と歯周病との関連:九州・沖縄母子保健研究 第85回日本衛生学会学術総会 2015/03/28
Higher vitamin D intake during pregnancy is associated with reduced risk of dental caries in young Japanese children 第25回日本疫学会 2015/01/23
カルシウム摂取と歯周病との関連:九州・沖縄母子保健研究 第63回日本口腔衛生学会総会 2014/05/31
VDR遺伝子多型と歯周病との関連:九州・沖縄母子保健研究 第72回日本公衆衛生学会総会 2013/10/25
親の社会経済的要因と齲蝕リスクとの関連:大阪母子保健研究 第23回日本疫学会 2013
母乳摂取期間、ほ乳瓶の使用および離乳食開始時期と乳歯齲蝕リスクとの関連:大阪母子保健研究 第60回日本口腔衛生学会総会 2011
カフェイン摂取とパーキンソン病リスクとの関連 第21回日本疫学会 2011
Body Mass Indexとアレルギー疾患との関連:琉球小児健康調査 第60回日本アレルギー学会秋期学術大会 2010
母乳摂取と乳歯齲蝕との関連 第59回日本口腔衛生学会総会 2010
周産期喫煙曝露と幼児アレルギー性疾患との関連 第22回日本アレルギー学会春期臨床大会 2010
乳製品摂取と乳歯齲蝕との関連 第58回日本口腔衛生学会総会 2009
母乳摂取と幼児アレルギー性疾患との関連 第21回日本アレルギー学会春期臨床大会 2009
喫煙習慣とパーキンソン病:症例対照研究 第19回日本疫学会 2009
母親の妊娠中の喫煙および家庭内喫煙と乳歯齲蝕との関連 第57回日本口腔衛生学会総会 2008
室内空気中ホルムアルデヒド曝露とアレルギー疾患との関連:大阪母子保健研究 第57回日本アレルギー学会秋期学術大会 2007
家庭内喫煙と小児齲蝕との関連:琉球小児健康調査 第56回日本口腔衛生学会総会 2007
齲蝕経験とアレルギー疾患との関連:琉球小児健康調査 第19回日本アレルギー学会春期学術大会 2007
妊娠前後の母親の喫煙及び出生後の受動喫煙と幼児の喘鳴及びアトピー性皮膚炎との関連:大阪母子保健研究 第17回日本疫学会学術総会 2007
大豆及びイソフラボン摂取と歯周病との関連 第55回日本口腔衛生学会総会 2006
受動喫煙とアレルギー疾患との関連:琉球小児健康調査 第56回日本アレルギー学会秋期学術大会 2006
家庭内喫煙と小児齲蝕との関連:国民栄養調査と歯科疾患実態調査のレコードリンケージ 第65回日本公衆衛生学会総会 2006
コーヒー摂取と歯牙喪失との関連:大阪母子保健研究 第16回日本疫学会学術総会 2006
Relationship between Intake of Vegetables, Fruit, and Grains and the Prevalence of Tooth Loss in Japanese Women: the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study. The 17th IEA World Congress of Epidemiology 2005/08
妊婦における魚介類及び志望摂取とアレルギー疾患との関連:大阪母子保健研究ベースラインデータ 第55回日本アレルギー学会秋期学術大会 2005
ミネラル摂取と歯牙喪失との関連:大阪母子保健研究 第54回日本口腔衛生学会総会 2005
健康危機発生時における情報源とその信頼度 第64回日本公衆衛生学会総会 2005
能動喫煙及び受動喫煙と歯牙喪失との関連:大阪母子保健研究 第15回日本疫学会学術総会 2005
参加的な健康教育による生活習慣の認識とモチベーション形成のプロセス 第62回日本公衆衛生学会総会 2003
日常生活からみた思春期の心の健康 第61回日本公衆衛生学会総会 2002
佐世保市民の成人歯科保健に対する意識と保健行動に関するアンケート調査 第51回日本口腔衛生学会総会 2002
pHサイクリング法によるエナメル質の病変形性の特徴-従来法との比較- 第50回日本口腔衛生学会総会 2001
Acid resistance of Enamel after Remineralization with Bicarbonate in vitro 79th General Session of the IADR 2001
Na CO3作用後の再石灰化エナメル質の耐酸性 第48回日本口腔衛生学会総会 1999
The effects of bicarbonate ions on enamel and dentin remineralization 46th JADR annual meeting 1998
重炭酸イオンの緩衝作用が歯質の再石灰化に及ぼす効果 第47回日本口腔衛生学会総会 1998
- 研究会・報告書
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- 中高齢者の歯周病のリスク要因を解明し、全身疾患を予防する:前向きコーホート研究 基盤研究(C) 2020/04/01-2023/03/31 競争的資金
中高齢者の歯周病のリスク要因を解明し、全身疾患を予防する:前向きコーホート研究 基盤研究(C) 2020/04/01-2023/03/01
幼児期行動的問題に関する遺伝要因と環境要因の交互作用解明を目的とした疫学研究 基盤研究(B) 2017/04/01-2020/03/31 競争的資金
幼児期及び学童期における齲蝕リスク要因の解明を目指した出生前コホート研究 基盤研究(C) 2017/04/01-2020/03/31 競争的資金
幼児期及び学童期における齲蝕リスク要因の解明を目指した出生前コホート研究 基盤研究(C) 2017/04/01-2020/03/01
母親の歯周病及び子の乳歯齲蝕のリスク要因解明に関する前向き母子コホート研究 基盤研究(C) 2013/04/01-2016/03/31 競争的資金
母親の歯周病及び子の乳歯齲蝕のリスク要因解明に関する前向き母子コホート研究 基盤研究(C) 2013/04/01-2016/03/01
歯周病の環境要因と遺伝要因の交互作用解明に関する疫学研究 若手研究(B)
乳歯齲蝕における胎児期及び出生後のリスク要因解明に関する前向きコホ-ト研究 基盤研究(C)
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- ライフサイエンス / 医療管理学、医療系社会学
ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含む
ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含まない - 所属学会・所属協会
- 日本口腔衛生学会
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- 2025/1/18 01:40
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- タナカ ケイコ
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- Tanaka Keiko
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- 愛媛大学 准教授
- researchmap最終確認日
- 2025/1/19 02:28
- 氏名(漢字)
- 田中 景子
- 氏名(フリガナ)
- タナカ ケイコ
- 氏名(英字)
- Tanaka Keiko
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- 特許
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- 学歴
- 委員歴
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- 社会貢献活動
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- 研究者番号
- 40341432
- 所属(現在)
- 2024/4/1 : 愛媛大学, 医学系研究科, 准教授
- 所属(過去の研究課題
情報に基づく)*注記 - 2019/4/1 – 2024/4/1 : 愛媛大学, 医学系研究科, 准教授
2017/4/1 – 2018/4/1 : 愛媛大学, 医学系研究科, 講師
2016/4/1 : 愛媛大学, 医学系研究科, 助教
2014/4/1 – 2015/4/1 : 愛媛大学, 医学(系)研究科(研究院), 助教
2014/4/1 : 愛媛大学, 医学研究科, 助教
2014/4/1 : 愛媛大学, 大学院医学系研究科, 助教
2010/4/1 – 2013/4/1 : 福岡大学, 医学部, 講師
2009/4/1 : 神岡大学, 医学部, 助教
2007/4/1 – 2009/4/1 : 福岡大学, 医学部, 助教
2006/4/1 : 福岡大学, 医学部, 助手
- 審査区分/研究分野
生物系 / 医歯薬学 / 歯学 / 社会系歯学
生物系 / 医歯薬学 / 社会医学 / 衛生学
生物系 / 医歯薬学 / 歯学 / 社会系歯学
生物系 / 医歯薬学 / 看護学 / 臨床看護学
生物系 / 医歯薬学 / 社会医学 / 疫学・予防医学
生物系 / 医歯薬学 / 社会医学 / 衛生学・公衆衛生学
- キーワード
前向きコホート研究 / 齲蝕 / 歯周病 / 妊婦 / 乳幼児 / リスク要因 / 横断研究 / 日本人妊婦 / 疫学 / 若年女性 / 社会医学 / 歯学 / 予防要因 / 若年成人女性 / 口腔衛生学(含公衆衛生学・栄養学) / コホート研究 / う蝕 / 遺伝子多型 / 若年成人 / 小児 / コーホート研究 / 疫学研究 / 前向きコーホート研究 / 歯周疾患 / 中高年 / 生活習慣病 / 口腔機能 / 舌圧 / 歯牙喪失 / 口腔機能低下
分子遺伝疫学 / 前向きコホート研究 / アトピー性皮膚炎 / 横断研究 / リスク要因 / 予防要因 / 生活習慣 / 生活環境 / 遺伝子多型 / 社会医学 / アレルギー・ぜんそく / 交互作用 / 出生前コーホート研究 / 栄養 / アレルギー疾患 / リスク / 環境要因 / 前向きコーホート研究 / う蝕 / 乳歯 / 受動喫煙 / 妊婦喫煙 / たばこ対策 / 萌出 / 1歳6カ月児健康診査 / 因果関係 / 歯の齲蝕 / 歯の萌出 / 齲蝕 / 唾液 / 口腔細菌 / エナメル質形成不全 / COPD / 慢性閉塞性肺疾患 / セルフケア / 気道感染 / 自己管理 / 予防行動 / 妊娠中うつ症状 / 有症率 / 魚介類 / 乳製品 / 海草 / 疫学研究 / うつ症状 / 遺伝子 / 睡眠 / 細小血管障害 / 糖尿病 / 合併症 / 行動的問題 / 周産期曝露 / 妊娠中栄養摂取 / 遺伝環境要因交互作用 / 遺伝要因 / 衛生 / ゲノム / 疫学 / 公衆衛生学 / 母子保健 / 愛大コーホート研究 / 遺伝ー環境要因交互作用