森 健治

- 職名
- 教授
- 電話
- 研究者総覧に該当データはありませんでした。
- 電子メール
- mori.kenji@tokushima-u.ac.jp
- 学歴
- 1984/3: 徳島大学医学部医学科卒業
- 学位
- 博士(医学) (徳島大学) (1994年3月)
- 職歴・経歴
- 〜: 徳島大学 講師, 病院 (-2007.4.)
2007/5: 徳島大学 准教授, 大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部 (-2012.3.)
2012/4: 徳島大学 教授, 大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部 (-2015.3.)
2015/4: 徳島大学 教授, 大学院医歯薬学研究部
- 専門分野・研究分野
- 医学 (Medicine)
- 専門分野・研究分野
- 医学 (Medicine)
- 担当経験のある授業科目
- こころの保健学演習 (大学院)
こころの保健学特論Ⅰ (大学院)
人体の構造とその機能及び疾病 (学部)
保健学特別研究 (大学院)
免疫学Ⅰ(臨床免疫学) (学部)
子どものメンタルヘルス (学部)
小児看護学実習 (学部)
生涯健康支援医療学特別研究 (大学院)
生涯健康支援医療学特講 (大学院)
生涯健康支援医療学特講演習 (大学院)
疾病論Ⅱ(感染症・循環器疾患・婦人疾患) (学部)
疾病論Ⅳ(消化器疾患・血液疾患・代謝・内分泌疾患) (学部)
疾病論Ⅶ(小児疾患) (学部)
病態生理学特論 (大学院)
看護研究Ⅱ (学部)
看護統合実習 (学部)
脳と神経学評価方法論 (大学院)
臨床医学概論 (学部)
臨床病理学総論 (学部)
英語論文作成法 (大学院)
解剖生理学Ⅱ(循環器・血液・腎臓) (学部)
解剖生理学Ⅳ(骨・筋肉・免疫・生殖・老化) (学部) - 指導経験
- 3人 (修士), 2人 (博士)
- 専門分野・研究分野
- 医学 (Medicine)
- 研究テーマ
- 研究者総覧に該当データはありませんでした。
- 著書
- 森 健治, 森 達夫 :
株式会社 中外医学社, 東京, 2021年1月. 森 健治 :
中外医学社,東京, 2021年1月. 森 健治 :
Diffusion-weighted image,
株式会社 診断と治療社, 2017年12月. 森 健治 :
2017年11月. 森 健治 :
丸善出版, 2016年. 森 健治, 東田 好広, 香美 祥二 :
2016年. 森 健治, 東田 好広, 香美 祥二 :
シンプル小児科 第16章神経・筋疾患,
2016年. 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広, 森 健治 :
南江堂, 2015年11月. 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広, 森 健治 :
2015年11月. 森 健治 :
2013年. 森 健治 :
株式会社 診断と治療社, 2010年. 森田 秀芳, 若泉 誠一, 宮田 政徳, 桂 修治, 森 健治, 中條 信義, 樋口 富彦, 原口 雅宣, 大橋 眞, 松浦 健二 :
大学開放実践センター, 徳島, 2005年1月.- (キーワード)
- 授業改善 / 実例集
- 論文
- Natsue Nozaki, Kenji Mori, Tetsuya Tanioka, Keiko Mori, Kumi Takahashi, Hiroko Hashimoto, Takahiro Tayama, Aya Gohji and Tatsuo Mori :
Bilateral Prefrontasl Cortex Blood Flow Dynamics during Silent and Oral Reading Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy,
The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.71, No.1,2, 92-101, 2024.- (要約)
- This study aimed to investigate blood flow dynamics in the bilateral prefrontal cortex during silent and oral reading using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). The subjects were 40 right-handed university students (20.5±1.8 years old, 20 men and 20 women). After completing the NIRS measurements, the subjects were asked to rate their level of proficiency in silent and oral reading, using a 5-point Likert scale. During oral reading, the left lateral prefrontal cortex (Broca's area) was significantly more active than the right side. During silent reading, prefrontal cortex activity was lower than that during oral reading, and there was no significant difference between both sides of the brain. A significant negative correlation was found between the change in oxy-hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) concentration in the left and right lateral prefrontal cortex during silent reading and silent reading speed. In addition, students with lower self-reported reading proficiency had significantly greater changes in oxy-Hb concentrations in the left and right lateral prefrontal cortex during silent/oral reading than did students with higher self-reported reading proficiency. Reading task assessment using NIRS may be useful for identifying language lateralization and Broca's area. The results demonstrate that NIRS is useful for assessing effortful reading and may be used to diagnose developmental dyslexia in children. J. Med. Invest. 71 : 92-101, February, 2024.
- (キーワード)
- 近赤外分光法 (near infrared spectroscopy) / Silent and Oral Reading
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2011958
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2152/jmi.71.92
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 38735731
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 38735731
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2152/jmi.71.92
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2011958, DOI: 10.2152/jmi.71.92, PubMed: 38735731) 三谷 勝, 岡田 勝彦, 藤田 真由美, 武田 衣織, 坂本 優香, 篠原 ゆきの, 浅野 登, 森 健治 :
小児保健とくしま, No.30, 23-27, 2023年.- (キーワード)
- 機能性構音障害 / 読み書きの症状チェック表
小児保健とくしま, No.30, 28-33, 2023年.- (キーワード)
- 限局性学習症 / 脳機能評価 / NIRS
The roles and competencies of welfare commissioners supporting children with developmental disorders and their families expected by Japans public health nurses,
Belitung Nursing Journal, Vol.9, No.1, 25-33, 2022.- (キーワード)
- welfare commissioner / role / competencies / children with developmental disorders / public health nurse / Japan
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2010970
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.33546/bnj.2408
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85160086969
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2010970, DOI: 10.33546/bnj.2408, Elsevier: Scopus) 松村 千寿, 岩城 咲良, 川本 あかね, 野崎 夏江, 河井 ちひろ, 森 慶子, 髙橋 久美, 橋本 浩子, 森 健治 :
小児保健とくしま, No.29, 31-35, 2022年.- (キーワード)
- 読字障害 / 光トポグラフィー / NIRS / 脳機能評価
黙読・音読時の脳血流動態, --- ーNIRSを用いた解析ー ---,
小児保健とくしま, No.29, 25-27, 2022年.- (キーワード)
- NIRS / 黙読 / 音読 / 脳血流動態
精神科, Vol.41, No.1, 126-132, 2022年.- (キーワード)
- dyslexia / near-infrared spectroscopy(NIRS) / brain activity / reading aloud / silent reading
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1520574181168742656
(CiNii: 1520574181168742656) 森 健治, 森 慶子, 野﨑 夏江, 河井 ちひろ, 髙橋 久美, 橋本 浩子 :
子どもの心とからだ, Vol.31, No.1, 2-7, 2022年.- (キーワード)
- 絵本の読み聞かせ / NIRS / 脳反応
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1520013010160311424
(CiNii: 1520013010160311424) Tatsuo Mori, Goji Aya, Toda Yoshihiro, Hiromichi Ito, Toshitaka Kawarai, Fujita Atsushi, Matsumoto Naomichi and Kenji Mori :
A partial ARID1B deletion in a female child with intractable epilepsy,
Epilepsy & Seizure, Vol.13, No.1, 45-50, 2021.- (キーワード)
- Epilepsy / Coffin-Siris syndrome / ARID1B, / partial gene deletion / sodium valproate
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2009113
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3805/eands.13.45
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.3805/eands.13.45
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2009113, DOI: 10.3805/eands.13.45) Tatsuo Mori, Hiromichi Ito, Masafumi Harada, Sonoka Hisaoka, Yuki Matsumoto, Aya Goji, Yoshihiro Toda, Kenji Mori and Shoji Kagami :
Multi-delay arterial spin labeling brain magnetic resonance imaging study for pediatric autism.,
Brain & Development, Vol.42, No.4, 315-321, 2020.- (要約)
- We concluded that patients with ASD showed a statistically significant decline in CBF in regions associated with the mirror neuron system. The advantages of ASL MRI include low invasiveness (no radiation exposure) and short imaging time (approximately 5 min). Studies with larger sample sizes are required to establish the diagnostic value of ASL MRI for ASD.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2007352
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2020.01.007
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 32088024
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 32088024
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2020.01.007
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2007352, DOI: 10.1016/j.braindev.2020.01.007, PubMed: 32088024) Reiko Okahisa, Saori Iwamoto, Miyuki Tada, Yasuko Matsushita, Hiroko Hashimoto and Kenji Mori :
Features of Difficulty in Child Raising and Resilience of Nurturing Mothers with Past Experience of Adversity,
International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices, Vol.6, No.312, 1-7, 2019.- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.15344/2394-4978/2019/312
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.15344/2394-4978/2019/312
(DOI: 10.15344/2394-4978/2019/312) Tatsuo Mori, Yoshihiro Touda, Hiromichi Ito, Kenji Mori, Tomohiro Kohmoto, Issei Imoto and Shoji Kagami :
A 16q22.2-q23.1 deletion identified in a male infant with West syndrome.,
Brain & Development, 2019.- (要約)
- In partial monosomy of the distal part of chromosome 16q, abnormal facial features, intellectual disability (ID), and feeding dysfunction are often reported. However, seizures are not typical and the majority of them were seizure-free. Here we present the case of a 16q22.2-q23.1 interstitial deletion identified in a male patient with severe ID, facial anomalies including forehead protrusions and flat nose bridge, patent ductus arteriosus, bilateral vocal cord atresia treated by tracheotomy, and West syndrome, which were developed 10months after birth. Although phenobarbital, sodium valproate (VPA), and zonisamide were not effective as monotherapies or combination therapies, the patient's epileptic seizures and electroencephalogram anomalies disappeared following combined therapy with lamotrigine and VPA. Although WW Domain Containing Oxidoreductase (WWOX), which is known as a cause of autosomal recessive epileptic encephalopathy, was included within the 6.8-Mb deleted region which identified by targeted panel sequencing and validated by chromosomal microarray analysis, no pathogenic variants were detected in the other allele of WWOX. Therefore, it is possible that other genes within or outside of the long deleted region or their interactions may cause West syndrome in this patient.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2007203
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2019.07.005
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 31353122
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 31353122
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2019.07.005
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2007203, DOI: 10.1016/j.braindev.2019.07.005, PubMed: 31353122) K Okamoto, M Fukuda, I Saito, R Urate, S Maniwa, D Usui, T Motoki, T Jogamoto, K Aibara, T Hosokawa, Y Konishi, R Arakawa, Kenji Mori, E Ishii, K Saito and H Nishio :
Incidence of infantile spinal muscular atrophy on Shikoku Island of Japan.,
Brain & Development, Vol.41, No.1, 36-42, 2019.- (要約)
- Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by homozygous mutations in the SMN1 gene. SMA has long been known to be the most common genetic cause of infant mortality. However, there have been no reports on the epidemiology of infantile SMA (types 1 and 2) based on genetic testing in Japan. In this study, we estimated the incidence of infantile SMA on Shikoku Island, which is a main island of Japan and consists of four prefectures: Ehime, Kagawa, Tokushima and Kochi. A questionnaire was sent to 91 hospitals on Shikoku Island to investigate the number of SMA infants born from 2011 to 2015. A second questionnaire was then sent to confirm the diagnoses of SMA based on clinical and genetic features. Responses were received from all of the hospitals, and four patients were diagnosed with infantile SMA among 147,950 live births. We estimated the incidence of infantile SMA patients as 2.7 per 100,000 live births (95% confidence interval, 0.1-5.4). A comparison of the four prefectures indicated that the incidence of infantile SMA was significantly higher in Ehime Prefecture than in the other three prefectures; 5.6 per 100,000 live births (95% confidence interval, -0.7 to 11.9) in Ehime Prefecture and 1.1 per 100,000 live births (95% confidence interval, -1.0 to 3.1) in the other prefectures. We estimated the incidence of infantile SMA in an isolated area of Japan. For more precise determination of the incidence of infantile SMA, further studies that include neonatal screening will be needed.
- (キーワード)
- Female / Humans / Incidence / Infant / Japan / Male / Spinal Muscular Atrophies of Childhood / Survival of Motor Neuron 1 Protein / Survival of Motor Neuron 2 Protein
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2018.07.016
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 30093179
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 30093179
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2018.07.016
(DOI: 10.1016/j.braindev.2018.07.016, PubMed: 30093179) 森 健治, 田山 貴広, 郷司 彩, 森 達夫, 東田 好広 :
小児内科, No.50, 541-544, 2018年. Kaoru Furukawa, Kenji Mori, Keiko Mori, Saori Kamishirakawa, Kumi Takahashi, Hiroko Hashimoto and Tetsuya Tanioka :
Evaluation of Expression Recognition Function in Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy,
Open Journal of Psychiatry, Vol.8, No.1, 35-49, 2017.- (キーワード)
- Autism Spectrum Disorder / 近赤外分光法 (near infrared spectroscopy) / Autism-Spectrum Quotient / Facial Expression Recognition / Prefrontal Cortex
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2004800
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.4236/ojpsych.2018.81003
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.4236/ojpsych.2018.81003
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004800, DOI: 10.4236/ojpsych.2018.81003) 笹山 麻衣子, 大塚 朱莉, 髙橋 久美, 橋本 浩子, 森 健治 :
小児保健とくしま, Vol.25, 31-35, 2017年.- (キーワード)
- 外国人留学生 / 育児支援 / 困り事 / ニーズ
Relationship among Sleep Quality Physical Health Conditions and Lifestyle Habits among Elementary School Students,
Open Journal of Psychiatry, Vol.7, No.4, 235-247, 2017.- (キーワード)
- Elementary Students / Lifestyle Habits / Multimedia Use / Sleep Quality / Body Temperature
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.4236/ojpsych.2017.74021
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.4236/ojpsych.2017.74021
(DOI: 10.4236/ojpsych.2017.74021) Hiromichi Ito, Kenji Mori, Masafumi Harada, Sonoka Hisaoka, Yoshihiro Touda, Tatsuo Mori, Aya Gohji, Yoko Abe, Masahito Miyazaki and Shoji Kagami :
A Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Study in Autism Spectrum Disorder Using a 3-Tesla Clinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) System: The Anterior Cingulate Cortex and the Left Cerebellum.,
Journal of Child Neurology, Vol.32, No.8, 731-739, 2017.- (要約)
- The pathophysiology of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is not fully understood. We used proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy to investigate metabolite concentration ratios in the anterior cingulate cortex and left cerebellum in ASD. In the ACC and left cerebellum studies, the ASD group and intelligence quotient- and age-matched control group consisted of 112 and 114 subjects and 65 and 45 subjects, respectively. In the ASD group, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)+/ creatine/phosphocreatine (Cr) was significantly decreased in the anterior cingulate cortex, and glutamate (Glu)/Cr was significantly increased and GABA+/Cr was significantly decreased in the left cerebellum compared to those in the control group. In addition, both groups showed negative correlations between Glu/Cr and GABA+/Cr in the left cerebellum, and positive correlations between GABA+/Cr in the anterior cingulate cortex and left cerebellum. ASD subjects have hypoGABAergic alterations in the anterior cingulate cortex and hyperglutamatergic/hypoGABAergic alterations in the left cerebellum.
- (キーワード)
- Adolescent / Aspartic Acid / Autism Spectrum Disorder / 小脳 (cerebellum) / Child / Child, Preschool / Choline / Creatine / Female / Gyrus Cinguli / Humans / Imaging, Three-Dimensional / 磁気共鳴映像法 (magnetic resonance imaging) / Male / Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy / gamma-Aminobutyric Acid
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1177/0883073817702981
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 28420309
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85021191879
(DOI: 10.1177/0883073817702981, PubMed: 28420309, Elsevier: Scopus) Aya Goji, Hiromichi Ito, Kenji Mori, Masafumi Harada, Sonoka Hisaoka, Yoshihiro Touda, Tatsuo Mori, Yoko Abe, Masahito Miyazaki and Shoji Kagami :
Assessment of Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) and Left Cerebellar Metabolism in Asperger's Syndrome with Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS).,
PLoS ONE, No.1, e0169288, 2017.- (要約)
- Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) is a noninvasive neuroimaging method to quantify biochemical metabolites in vivo and it can serve as a powerful tool to monitor neurobiochemical profiles in the brain. Asperger's syndrome (AS) is a type of autism spectrum disorder, which is characterized by impaired social skills and restrictive, repetitive patterns of interest and activities, while intellectual levels and language skills are relatively preserved. Despite clinical aspects have been well-characterized, neurometabolic profiling in the brain of AS remains to be clear. The present study used proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) to investigate whether pediatric AS is associated with measurable neurometabolic abnormalities that can contribute new information on the neurobiological underpinnings of the disorder. Study participants consisted of 34 children with AS (2-12 years old; mean age 5.2 (±2.0); 28 boys) and 19 typically developed children (2-11 years old; mean age 5.6 (±2.6); 12 boys) who served as the normal control group. The 1H MRS data were obtained from two regions of interest: the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and left cerebellum. In the ACC, levels of N-acetylaspartate (NAA), total creatine (tCr), total choline-containing compounds (tCho) and myo-Inositol (mI) were significantly decreased in children with AS compared to controls. On the other hand, no significant group differences in any of the metabolites were found in the left cerebellum. Neither age nor sex accounted for the metabolic findings in the regions. The finding of decreased levels of NAA, tCr, tCho, and mI in the ACC but not in left cerebellar voxels in the AS, suggests a lower ACC neuronal density in the present AS cohort compared to controls.
- (キーワード)
- Aspartic Acid / Asperger Syndrome / 小脳 (cerebellum) / 子ども (children) / Child, Preschool / Choline / Creatine / Female / Gyrus Cinguli / Humans / Inositol / Male / Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2005514
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1371/journal.pone.0169288
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 28060873
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85009237719
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2005514, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0169288, PubMed: 28060873, Elsevier: Scopus) Tsuneo Ninomiya, Hiroko Hashimoto, Hiroe Tani and Kenji Mori :
Effects of primary prevention of child abuse that begins during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth.,
The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.64, No.1.2, 153-159, 2017.- (要約)
- Identification of at-risk parents during pregnancy and early intervention resulted in a decrease in the rate of referrals to child protective centers. The specific risk factors of "perceived lack of social support", "mental illness" and "teen pregnancy" may be mitigated by early intervention. J. Med. Invest. 64: 153-159, February, 2017.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2004293
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2152/jmi.64.153
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 28373614
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 28373614
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2152/jmi.64.153
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004293, DOI: 10.2152/jmi.64.153, PubMed: 28373614) 二宮 恒夫, 橋本 浩子, 森 健治, 谷 洋江 :
子どもの虐待とネグレクト, Vol.18, No.2, 242-246, 2016年.- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1522543654799925120
(CiNii: 1522543654799925120) 杉本 博子, 安原 由子, 谷岡 哲也, 郷木 義子, 森 健治, 冨士 翔子, 齋藤 憲 :
四国医学雑誌, Vol.72, No.1,2, 43-52, 2016年.- (要約)
- The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between sleep-wake rhythms and autonomic nerve activities using actigraphy and heart rate variability(HRV)analysis. Subjects were comprised of six children who were in the fourth to sixth grade levels of elementary school(four boys and two girls). The study was conducted between January and December 2015. The data collection procedure was performed following the Private Information Protection Law, with approval from Tokushima University Hospital Ethics Board(approval number 2021). These subjects were evaluated in an Attentive-Care-Needed stress state based on the PSI(Public Health Research Foundation Type Stress Inventory)and PSQI-J(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Japanese Version). In analyzing their sleep-wake rhythms, autonomic nervous activities were determined using an actigraph and HRV through RR interval sequence electrocardiography. The results of actigraph data of sleep efficiency in Subject Number 6 was low(76.47%). Regardless, the subject experienced subjective sleep satisfaction. However, Subject Number 2, insisted that she could not easily wake up in the morning because of being sleepy. Low Frequency(LF)/High Frequency(HF)data indicated sympathetic nervous activity showing that all subjects had significantlyhigher LF/HF value during wakefulness than when asleep. HF data indicated parasympatheticactivity of five out of the six children showing significantly higher value during sleep than when awake. Subject number 3 expressed that he was sleepy and could not get up in the morning,and also had trouble going to and maintaining sleep. However, this subject's results of the PSQI-Jindicated that he had no problem expressing subjective sleep satisfaction. Furthermore, in the actigraph and HRV analysis, findings showed that subjects had good sleeping patterns. These findings strongly signify the importance of determining the sleep-wake rhythms of school children based on data from subjective and physiological evaluation methods.
- (キーワード)
- Primary school children / Sleep-wake rhythm / Autonomic nervous activity / Sleep Quality / Stress
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2003577
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1050020697877396480
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2003577, CiNii: 1050020697877396480) 森 健治 :
めんたる・へるす, Vol.65, 11-16, 2016年. Hiroko Hashimoto, Hiroe Tani, Tsuneo Ninomiya and Kenji Mori :
The relationship between parents with a history of childhood problems and incidence of consequent child abuse.,
The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.63, No.3-4, 209-215, 2016.- (要約)
- The purpose of this study was to determine the factors related to the need for cooperation with child guidance centers with a focus on the presence or absence of a history of childhood problems in at-risk parents receiving support from their municipality. Among the 1890 parents who received child care support from public health nurses in the municipalities, 164 parents (8.7%) had a history of childhood problems. Among these, 50 parents (30.5%) received support from child guidance centers. The parents with a history of childhood problems had a higher incidence rate for receiving support from child guidance centers than other parents. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that "marital strife or domestic violence", and "financial problems" were associated with consultations with child guidance centers among parents with a history of childhood problems. The results showed that family situations of parents who had a history of childhood problems may, in time, become more severe, even if they have received support from public health nurses in the municipalities. Therefore, parents with a history of childhood problems need support as early as possible. In addition, those parents with "marital strife or domestic violence" and "financial problems" also need guidance and early nursing care interventions. J. Med. Invest. 63: 209-215, August, 2016.
- (キーワード)
- Child / Child Abuse / Child Guidance / Humans / Incidence / Logistic Models / Parents / Referral and Consultation / Risk Factors
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2004371
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2152/jmi.63.209
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 27644560
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 27644560
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2152/jmi.63.209
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004371, DOI: 10.2152/jmi.63.209, PubMed: 27644560) Kenji Mori, Yoshihiro Touda, Hiromichi Ito, Tatsuo Mori, Keiko Mori, Aya Goji, Hiroko Hashimoto, Hiroe Tani, Masahito Miyazaki, Masafumi Harada and Shoji Kagami :
Neuroimaging in autism spectrum disorders: 1H-MRS and NIRS study,
The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.62, No.1-2, 29-36, 2015.- (要約)
- Using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H-MRS), we measured chemical metabolites in the left amygdala and the bilateral orbito-frontal cortex (OFC) in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The concentrations of N-acetylaspartate (NAA) in these regions of ASD were significantly decreased compared to those in the control group. In the autistic patients, the NAA concentrations in these regions correlated with their social quotient. These findings suggest the presence of neuronal dysfunction in the amygdala and OFC in ASD. Dysfunction in the amygdala and OFC may contribute to the pathogenesis of ASD. We performed a near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) study to evaluate the mirror neuron system in children with ASD. The concentrations of oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) were measured with frontal probes using a 34-channel NIRS machine while the subjects imitated emotional facial expressions. The increments in the concentration of oxy-Hb in the pars opercularis of the inferior frontal gyrus in autistic subjects were significantly lower than those in the controls. However, the concentrations of oxy-Hb in this area were significantly elevated in autistic subjects after they were trained to imitate emotional facial expressions. The results suggest that mirror neurons could be activated by repeated imitation in children with ASD.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2004430
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2152/jmi.62.29
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 25817280
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84925849527
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004430, DOI: 10.2152/jmi.62.29, PubMed: 25817280, Elsevier: Scopus) 森 健治 :
Lennox-Gastaut症候群, Dravet症候群に対するトピラマートの使用経験,
小児科臨床, Vol.67, No.7, 1161-1165, 2014年.- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1522825130065932288
(CiNii: 1522825130065932288) Tatsuo Mori, Kenji Mori, Hiromichi Ito, Aya Goji, Masahito Miyazaki, Masafumi Harada, Kenji Kurosawa and Shoji Kagami :
Age-related changes in a patient with Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease determined by repeated 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy.,
Journal of Child Neurology, Vol.29, No.2, 283-288, 2014.- (要約)
- A boy with Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease underwent repeated evaluations by 3-Tesla (1)H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). The patient showed overlap of the PLP1. Individuals selected as normal controls for (1)H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy consisted of healthy age-matched children. For (1)H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy, the center of a voxel was positioned in the right parietal lobe. (1)H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy was performed when the patient was 2, 6, 14, and 25 months old. γ-Aminobutyric acid concentration in early childhood was increased compared with that in normal controls. However, the γ-aminobutyric acid concentration in the Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease patient was normalized at 14 and 25 months. No remarkable changes were observed in choline-containing compounds concentration at any time. These results suggest that the changes in metabolite concentrations during growth can reflect the pathological condition of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease. Furthermore, the lack of change in the choline-containing compounds concentration can be useful for differentiating Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease from other white matter disorders.
- (キーワード)
- 加齢 (aging) / Aspartic Acid / Case-Control Studies / Child, Preschool / Creatine / Glutamic Acid / Humans / 小児 (infant) / Inositol / Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy / Male / Parietal Lobe / Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease / gamma-Aminobutyric Acid
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2007802
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1177/0883073813499635
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 24056155
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84892723051
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2007802, DOI: 10.1177/0883073813499635, PubMed: 24056155, Elsevier: Scopus) 森 健治, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広, 藤井 笑子, 宮崎 雅仁, 原田 雅史, 香美 祥二 :
自閉症における表情模倣時の脳血流変化 -NIRSによる検討-,
脳と発達, Vol.46, No.4, 281-286, 2014年.- (要約)
- 【目的】近赤外線スペクトロスコピー (NIRS) を用い, 顔表情の模倣課題を施行中の前頭葉活動について, 自閉症と定型発達の小児例で比較検討する. 【方法】対象は定型発達の男児10例, 知的障害を有さない自閉性障害の男児10例. NIRS測定のため左右前頭部にそれぞれ17チャンネルのプローブを装着した. 【結果】自閉症群において初回検査時, 両側下前頭回弁蓋部 (Broca野) での酸素化ヘモグロビン (oxy-Hb) 濃度の上昇は, 定型発達児に比べ有意に低かったが, 同じ課題を複数回練習してから, 再度, NIRSを施行したところ, 同部でoxy-Hb濃度の有意な上昇が認められた. 自閉症群におけるoxy-Hb濃度の変化量と感情ラベリング成績の間には正の相関関係が認められた. 【結論】自閉症においても模倣運動を繰り返すことによりミラーニューロンを賦活できる可能性が示唆された.
- (キーワード)
- 自閉症 / ミラーニューロン / 近赤外線スペクトロスコピー (NIRS) / 表情模倣 / Broca野
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.11251/ojjscn.46.281
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 25154225
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001205518257920
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84904503404
(DOI: 10.11251/ojjscn.46.281, PubMed: 25154225, CiNii: 1390001205518257920, Elsevier: Scopus) 宮崎 雅仁, 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広, 森 健治, 香美 祥二 :
簡易版就学前幼児(4-6歳)用発達障害チェック・リスト(BCD46) -5歳児検診での有用性の検討-,
外来小児科, Vol.17, No.3, 293-300, 2014年. Tatsuo Mori, Kenji Mori, Masashi Suzue, Hiromichi Ito and Shoji Kagami :
Effective treatment of a 13-year-old boy with steroid-dependent ocular myasthenia gravis using tacrolimus,
Brain & Development, Vol.35, No.5, 445-448, 2013.- (要約)
- Over the past several years, tacrolimus has attracted attention as a new therapeutic drug for myasthenia gravis (MG), but few reports have considered its use for MG in pediatric patients, and most of these have focused on severe systemic MG. In this case report, we used tacrolimus to successfully treat a 13-year-old boy with ocular MG who had suffered from severe steroid complications, including a failure of thrive and osteoporosis. He first showed symptoms of ocular MG at age 2 years 3 months. At age 13 years, he was receiving PSL (3.75 mg/day), but the symptoms of ocular MG recurred. We increased the dosage of oral PSL up to 30 mg/day, and three courses of mPSL pulse therapy were applied, but these therapies had only limited effect, and his symptoms worsened. Tacrolimus was started at 0.4 mg/day (0.011 mg/kg/day), and every 2 weeks the dose was gradually increased by 0.2 mg/day. His symptoms of MG began to improve 3 weeks after the initial administration of tacrolimus. Approximately 3 months after the start of tacrolimus administration, PSL was discontinued. Currently, at 1 year and 4 months after the start of tacrolimus administration, while slight ptosis is observed in the evening, it does not influence his daily life, and his condition remains comparable to that when he stopped taking PSL. No adverse effects of tacrolimus have been recognized. In pediatric patients with steroid-dependent ocular MG without thymectomy, tacrolimus may be a safe and effective alternative to steroid and thymectomy.
- (キーワード)
- Adolescent / Body Weight / Developmental Disabilities / Follow-Up Studies / Humans / Immunosuppressive Agents / Male / Myasthenia Gravis / Tacrolimus
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2007805
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2012.06.012
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 22840813
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84875894491
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2007805, DOI: 10.1016/j.braindev.2012.06.012, PubMed: 22840813, Elsevier: Scopus) Kenji Mori, Yoshihiro Touda, Hiromichi Ito, T Mori, A Goji, Emiko Fujii, M Miyazaki, Masafumi Harada and Shoji Kagami :
A proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic study in autism spectrum disorders: amygdala and orbito-frontal cortex.,
Brain & Development, Vol.35, No.2, 139-145, 2013.- (要約)
- We previously reported neural dysfunction in the anterior cingulate cortex and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in autistic patients using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H-MRS). In this investigation, we measured chemical metabolites in the left amygdala and the bilateral orbito-frontal cortex (OFC), which are the main components of the social brain. We also examined the association between these metabolic findings and social abilities in subjects with autism. The study group included 77 autistic patients (3-6years old; mean age 4.1; 57 boys and 20 girls). The control subjects were 31 children (3-6years old; mean age 4.0; 23 boys and 8 girls). Conventional proton MR spectra were obtained using the STEAM sequence with parameters of TR=5 sec and TE=15 msec by a 1.5-tesla clinical MRI system. We analyzed the concentrations of N-acetylaspartate (NAA), creatine/phosphocreatine (Cr), and choline-containing compounds (Cho) using LCModel (Ver. 6.1). The concentrations of NAA in the left amygdala and the bilateral OFC in autistic patients were significantly decreased compared to those in the control group. In the autistic patients, the NAA concentrations in these regions correlated with their social quotient. These findings suggest the presence of neuronal dysfunction in the amygdala and OFC in autism. Dysfunction in the amygdala and OFC may contribute to the pathogenesis of autism.
- (キーワード)
- Amygdala / Aspartic Acid / Child / Child Development Disorders, Pervasive / Child, Preschool / Choline / Creatinine / Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders / Female / Functional Laterality / Humans / Intelligence Tests / Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy / Male / Phosphocreatine / Prefrontal Cortex / Protons
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2012.09.016
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 23114054
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84872395357
(DOI: 10.1016/j.braindev.2012.09.016, PubMed: 23114054, Elsevier: Scopus) S Naruse, T Hashimoto, Kenji Mori, Y Tsuda, M Takahara and Shoji Kagami :
Developmental changes in facial expression recognition in Japanese school-age children.,
The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.60, No.1-2, 114-120, 2013.- (要約)
- Facial expressions hold abundant information and play a central part in communication. In daily life, we must construct amicable interpersonal relationships by communicating through verbal and nonverbal behaviors. While school-age is a period of rapid social growth, few studies exist that study developmental changes in facial expression recognition during this age. This study investigated developmental changes in facial expression recognition by examining observers' gaze on others' expressions. 87 school-age children from first to sixth grade (41 boys, 46 girls). The Tobii T60 Eye-tracker(Tobii Technologies, Sweden) was used to gauge eye movement during a task of matching pre-instructed emotion words and facial expressions images (neutral, angry, happy, surprised, sad, disgusted) presented on a monitor fixed at a distance of 50 cm. In the task of matching the six facial expression images and emotion words, the mid- and higher-grade children answered more accurately than the lower-grade children in matching four expressions, excluding neutral and happy. For fixation time and fixation count, the lower-grade children scored lower than other grade children, gazing on all facial expressions significantly fewer times and for shorter periods. It is guessed that the stage from lower grades to middle grades is a turning point in facial recognition.
- (キーワード)
- Age Factors / Asian Continental Ancestry Group / Child / Child Development / Facial Expression / Female / Humans / Male
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2002250
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2152/jmi.60.114
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 23614919
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 23614919
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2152/jmi.60.114
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2002250, DOI: 10.2152/jmi.60.114, PubMed: 23614919) 伊藤 弘道, 森 健治, 森 達夫, 香美 祥二 :
日本小児科学会雑誌, Vol.116, No.11, 1728-1732, 2012年.- (キーワード)
- ナルコレプシー / 日中の過剰な眠気 / 睡眠ポリソムノグラム
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1520290884349526912
(CiNii: 1520290884349526912) Tatsuo Mori, Kenji Mori, Emiko Fujii, Yoshihiro Touda, Masahito Miyazaki, Masafumi Harada, Toshiaki Hashimoto and Shoji Kagami :
Evaluation of the GABAergic nervous system in autistic brain: (123)I-iomazenil SPECT study.,
Brain & Development, Vol.34, No.8, 648-654, 2012.- (要約)
- To evaluate the GABA(A) receptor in the autistic brain, we performed (123)I-IMZ SPECT in patients with ASD. We compared (123)I-IMZ SPECT abnormalities in patients who showed intellectual disturbance or focal epileptic discharge on EEG to those in patients without such findings. The subjects consisted of 24 patients with ASD (mean age, 7.3±3.5 years), including 9 with autistic disorder (mean age, 7.0±3.7 years) and 15 with Asperger's disorder (mean age, 7.5±3.2 years). We used 10 non-symptomatic partial epilepsy patients (mean age, 7.8±3.6 years) without intellectual delay as a control group. For an objective evaluation of the (123)I-IMZ SPECT results, we performed an SEE (Stereotactic Extraction Estimation) analysis to describe the decrease in accumulation in each brain lobule numerically. In the comparison of the ASD group and the control group, there was a dramatic decrease in the accumulation of (123)I-IMZ in the superior and medial frontal cortex. In the group with intellectual impairment and focal epileptic discharge on EEG, the decrease in accumulation in the superior and medial frontal cortex was greater than that in the group without these findings. The present results suggest that disturbance of the GABAergic nervous system may contribute to the pathophysiology and aggravation of ASD, since the accumulation of (123)I-IMZ was decreased in the superior and medial frontal cortex, which is considered to be associated with inference of the thoughts, feelings, and intentions of others (Theory of Mind).
- (キーワード)
- Adolescent / 脳 (brain) / 子ども (children) / Child Development Disorders, Pervasive / Child, Preschool / Flumazenil / Humans / Iodine Radioisotopes / Radiopharmaceuticals / Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon / gamma-Aminobutyric Acid
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2007804
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2011.10.007
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 22099869
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84864781015
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2007804, DOI: 10.1016/j.braindev.2011.10.007, PubMed: 22099869, Elsevier: Scopus) T Oonishi, Yasunobu Hayabuchi, Miho Sakata, Kenji Mori and Shoji Kagami :
Stent placement in the ductus venosus of a neonate with total anomalous pulmonary venous return.,
Journal of Echocardiography, Vol.10, No.1, 27-29, 2012.- (キーワード)
- Total anomalous pulmonary venous return / Ductus venosus / Stent implantation / Neointimal proliferation / Pulmonary venous obstruction / Transthoracic echocardiography
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1007/s12574-011-0102-0
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1573950400547028864
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84857911299
(DOI: 10.1007/s12574-011-0102-0, CiNii: 1573950400547028864, Elsevier: Scopus) Kenji Mori, T Mori, Y Toda, Emiko Fujii, M Miyazaki, M Harada and Shoji Kagami :
Decreased benzodiazepine receptor and increased GABA level in cortical tubers in tuberous sclerosis complex.,
Brain & Development, Vol.34, No.6, 478-486, 2012.- (要約)
- To elucidate the functional characteristics of cortical tubers that might be responsible for epilepsy in tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H-MRS) and [123I] iomazenil (123I-IMZ) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) were performed. (1)H-MRS using a clinical 3-tesla magnetic resonance imager was performed in four children with TSC and 10 age-and sex-matched healthy control subjects. A single voxel was set on the right parietal lobe in control subjects. In patients with TSC, a single voxel was set on the epileptogenic tuber in the parietal or temporal lobe, and another voxel was set on the contralateral normal-appearing brain region. N-Acetylaspartate (NAA), myo-Inositol (mIns) and Glutamate (Glu) were analyzed using a conventional STEAM (Stimulated Echo Acquisition Mode) method. The concentration of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) was quantified using MEGA-Point Resolved Spectroscopy (PRESS). Interictal 123I-IMZ SPECT was examined in all four patients with TSC. A significant decrease in the NAA concentration and significant increases in the mIns and GABA concentrations were detected in the cortical tubers of all 4 patients. No significant difference was observed in Glu concentrations. In all of the cortical tubers detected by magnetic resonance imaging, 123I-IMZ binding was significantly decreased. Epileptogenesis in TSC might be caused by decreased inhibition secondary to the decrease in GABA receptors in dysplastic neurons of cortical tubers. An increase in the GABA concentration may compensate for decreased inhibition.
- (キーワード)
- Aspartic Acid / Brain / Case-Control Studies / Child / Child, Preschool / Female / Flumazenil / Glutamic Acid / Humans / Inositol / Iodine Radioisotopes / Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy / Male / Protons / Radiopharmaceuticals / Receptors, GABA-A / Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon / Tuberous Sclerosis / gamma-Aminobutyric Acid
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2011.09.001
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 21959128
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 21959128
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2011.09.001
(DOI: 10.1016/j.braindev.2011.09.001, PubMed: 21959128) Tatsuo Mori, Kenji Mori, Emiko Fujii, Yoshihiro Touda, Masahito Miyazaki, Masafumi Harada and Shoji Kagami :
Neuroradiological and neurofunctional examinations for patients with 22q11.2 deletion.,
Neuropediatrics, Vol.42, No.6, 215-221, 2011.- (要約)
- Since the neuroradiological features of patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome are not well-understood, examinations using functional imaging were performed in this study. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) were performed using a clinical 3-Tesla MR imager in 4 patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (2 boys and 2 girls; aged 2-6 years.) and 20 age- and sex-matched healthy control subjects. Furthermore, interictal 123I-iomazenil (IMZ) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) was examined in 2 of the 4 patients. Among the 4 patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, 2 patients showed polymicrogyria and 1 patient showed agyria. Those patients with brain malformations also showed abnormal brain artery patterns and decreased accumulation of IMZ in 123I-IMZ SPECT. Although all 4 patients showed epileptic discharges in their electroencephalograms (EEG), one patient with polymicrogyria had no seizure episodes. Decreases in γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) corresponding to the areas of polymicrogyria and/or epileptic discharges in EEG were shown in all patients except for the patient with agyria. Although consistent evidence was not seen in patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome in this study, brain malformations and disturbances of the GABAergic nervous system would be underlying mechanisms of the neurodevelopmental abnormalities in this syndrome.
- (キーワード)
- Case-Control Studies / 子ども (children) / Child, Preschool / DiGeorge Syndrome / Electroencephalography / Epilepsy / Female / Flumazenil / Humans / 水素 (hydrogen) / 磁気共鳴映像法 (magnetic resonance imaging) / 核磁気共鳴分光法 (nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy) / Male / Malformations of Cortical Development / Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon / gamma-Aminobutyric Acid
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2007803
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1055/s-0031-1295479
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 22131192
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-83655165118
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2007803, DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1295479, PubMed: 22131192, Elsevier: Scopus) Aya Fukumoto, Toshiaki Hashimoto, Kenji Mori, Yoshimi Tsuda, Kokichi Arisawa and Shoji Kagami :
Head circumference and body growth in autism spectrum disorders.,
Brain & Development, Vol.33, No.7, 569-575, 2011.- (要約)
- Research has shown that there is a relationship between increased head circumference and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This study examined this relationship during the first year of life in subjects with ASD. We compared 280 children with ASD and 609 controls. In the ASD-male group, increases were observed in head circumference from 3 to 12months, in height from 3 to 9months, and in body weight from 3 to 6 and 12months. On the other hand, in the ASD-female group increases in head circumference, in body height, and in body weight were only observed at 3months. After adjusting for height, weight, and age, only the head circumference in the male ASD group was significantly increased from 6 to 9months after birth, reaching a peak at 6months after birth. No difference was found in the female ASD group. Although body overgrowth in the ASD group also started early after birth, the increase in head circumference was more marked than that in body growth. The values of physical measurements in the first year may be useful, minimally invasive parameters for the early detection of autism in combination with observing the timing of certain behaviors such as smiling, eye contact, crawling, pointing, and joint attention.
- (キーワード)
- Body Height / Body Weight / Cephalometry / Child Development Disorders, Pervasive / Female / Head / Humans / 小児 (infant) / Infant, Newborn / 日本 (Japan) / Male
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2010.09.004
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 20934821
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1570291226212264576
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 20934821
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2010.09.004
(DOI: 10.1016/j.braindev.2010.09.004, PubMed: 20934821, CiNii: 1570291226212264576) Masafumi Harada, Masako M. Taki, Ayumi Nose, Hitoshi Kubo, Kenji Mori, Hiromu Nishitani and Tsuyoshi Matsuda :
Non-invasive evaluation of the GABAergic/glutamatergic system in autistic patients observed by MEGA-editing proton MR spectroscopy using a clinical 3 tesla instrument.,
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol.41, No.4, 447-454, 2011.- (要約)
- Amino acids related to neurotransmitters and the GABAergic/glutamatergic system were measured using a 3 T-MRI instrument in 12 patients with autism and 10 normal controls. All measurements were performed in the frontal lobe (FL) and lenticular nuclei (LN) using a conventional sequence for n-acetyl aspartate (NAA) and glutamate (Glu), and the MEGA-editing method for GABA. The GABA level and [GABA]/[NAA] ratio were significantly lower (p < 0.01) in the FL, but not the LN, in patients with autism compared to normal controls. The [GABA]/[Glu] ratio in the FL was also significantly lower (p < 0.05) in the patients than in the normal controls, thus suggesting a possible abnormality in the regulation between GABA and Glu.
- (キーワード)
- Analysis of Variance / Aspartic Acid / Autistic Disorder / Child / Child, Preschool / Corpus Striatum / Frontal Lobe / Glutamic Acid / Humans / Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy / gamma-Aminobutyric Acid
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1007/s10803-010-1065-0
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 20652388
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 20652388
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1007/s10803-010-1065-0
(DOI: 10.1007/s10803-010-1065-0, PubMed: 20652388) 岩佐 幸恵, 橋本 俊顕, 津田 芳見, 森 健治 :
自律神経, Vol.47, No.2, 132-137, 2010年.- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.autneu.2010.07.023
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1572543025869104640
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1016/j.autneu.2010.07.023
(DOI: 10.1016/j.autneu.2010.07.023, CiNii: 1572543025869104640) 原田 勝博, 飛田 泰斗史, 久保 宜明, 安齋 眞一, 荒瀬 誠治, 郷司 彩, 東田 好広, 森 健治 :
滑脳症を伴ったHypomelanosis of Itoの1例,
皮膚科の臨床, Vol.52, No.3, 429-431, 2010年.- (キーワード)
- *色素異常症(合併症,診断)
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1520010380961087616
(CiNii: 1520010380961087616) Yoshihiro Touda, Kenji Mori, Toshiaki Hashimoto, Masahito Miyazaki, Satoshi Nozaki, Yasuyoshi Watanabe, Yasuhiro Kuroda and Shoji Kagami :
Administration of secretin for autism alters dopamine metabolism in the central nervous system.,
Brain & Development, Vol.28, No.2, 99-103, 2005.- (要約)
- We evaluated the clinical effects of intravenously administered secretin in 12 children with autism (age range: 4-6 years, median age: 9 years, boy:girl=8:4). In addition, we investigated the association between improvement in symptoms and changes in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) homovanillic acid (HVA),5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid (5-HIAA), and 6R-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-L-biopterin (BH(4)) levels after administration. After administration of secretin, the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) score improved in 7 of the 12 children. However, the score deteriorated in 2 of the 12 children (in the item of 'restricted and repetitive, stereotyped interests and behaviors'). The HVA and BH(4) levels in CSF were increased in all children with improvement in the ADI-R score. In contrast, no patient without the elevation of the BH(4) level showed improvement in the score. These findings suggest that secretin activated metabolic turnover of dopamine in the central nervous system via BH(4), improving symptoms.
- (キーワード)
- Autistic Disorder / Biopterin / 中枢神経系 (central nervous system) / 子ども (children) / Child, Preschool / ドーパミン (dopamine) / Female / Homovanillic Acid / Hormones / Humans / Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid / Male / Psychiatric Status Rating Scales / Secretin / Time Factors
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2005.05.005
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 16168596
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 16168596
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2005.05.005
(DOI: 10.1016/j.braindev.2005.05.005, PubMed: 16168596) Yoshihiro Touda, Kenji Mori, Toshiaki Hashimoto, Masahito Miyazaki and Yasuhiro Kuroda :
[Efficacy of secretin for the treatment of autism].,
No to Hattatsu, Vol.36, No.4, 289-295, 2004.- (要約)
- We administered secretin intravenously to 14 patients with autism (9 to 14 years, 10 males; 4 females), and evaluated its clinical effect. We also measured cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of homovanillic acid (HVA) and 5-hydroxy-indole-3-acetic acid (5HIAA) before and after 4 weeks treatment, and compared them with the grade of improvement of the clinical symptoms assessed by the scores of Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R). After injection of secretin, the ADI-R score increased in 8 patients, but declined in 3. Improvement was observed in functions such as sociability (interpersonal relationships), communication and speech improved, whereas in the others. symptoms such as hyperkinesias and stereotyped behavior became worse. The CSF levels of HVA was significantly increased in all of the patients showing an improvement in the ADI-R score. SHIAA levels also tended to increase, although this increase was not significant. These findings suggest that secretin promotes the metabolism of serotonin and dopamine in the central nervous system, which may contribute to improvement in clinical symptoms of autism.
- (キーワード)
- Adolescent / Autistic Disorder / 子ども (children) / Child, Preschool / Female / Homovanillic Acid / Humans / Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid / Interview, Psychological / Male / Secretin
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 15272612
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 15272612
(PubMed: 15272612) Mayumi Takeuchi, Masafumi Harada, Kenji Matsuzaki, Hiromu Nishitani and Kenji Mori :
Difference of signal change by a language task on autistic patients using functional MRI,
The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.51, No.1-2, 59-62, 2004.- (要約)
- OBJECTIVE: Cerebral function with a language task was evaluated by functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and the differences of activated pattern and signal changes were compared between autistic patients and normal controls. METHODS: Ten autistic and ten normal subjects were tested by fMRI with a language task requiring the attribution of complex mental states. Activation maps analyzed between two groups were generated and the asymmetry indexes calculated by the quotient of activated pixels of the right frontal lobe divided by those of the left frontal lobe were statistically compared by unpaired t-test. RESULTS: Both the autistic and the normal subjects showed activation at the bilateral prefrontal cortical areas and the ventral occipito-temporal regions. However, the autistic patients demonstrated more activation at the right frontal lobe than the normal controls. Thus it was considered that in the autistic patients the right-hemisphere was more dominant for the language task than that of the normal controls. The result is consist to the theory that autism is related to early left-hemisphere dysfunction. CONCLUSIONS: We considered that fMRI may be a useful non-invasive method to evaluate the cerebral functional abnormality in autistic patients.
- (キーワード)
- Adolescent / Autistic Disorder / Brain / Case-Control Studies / Child / Female / Humans / Language / Language Tests / Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Male
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2003912
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2152/jmi.51.59
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 15000257
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 15000257
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2152/jmi.51.59
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2003912, DOI: 10.2152/jmi.51.59, PubMed: 15000257) - MISC
- 二宮 瑞稀, 岡田 勝彦, 小山 萌歌, 篠原 優香, 篠原 ゆきの, 髙畑 直紀, 武田 衣織, 中内 洋介, 藤田 真由美, 三谷 勝, 森 拓麻, 浅野 登, 森 健治 :
小児保健とくしま, No.28, 2021年. 森 慶子, 野﨑 夏江, 河井 ちひろ, 髙橋 久美, 橋本 浩子, 森 健治 :
小児保健とくしま, No.28, 2021年. 森 健治, 森 慶子, 古川 薫, 髙橋 久美, 橋本 浩子, 伊藤 弘道, 郷司 彩, 森 達夫, 東田 好広, 香美 祥二 :
小児保健とくしま, Vol.26, 10-18, 2018年. 橋本 浩子, 髙橋 久美, 上白川 沙織, 増矢 幸子, 谷 洋江, 森 健治, 二宮 恒夫 :
小児保健とくしま, Vol.25, 36-38, 2017年. 梶芳 実央, 奥田 紀久子, 谷 洋江, 森 健治 :
小児保健とくしま, Vol.25, 15-20, 2017年.- (キーワード)
- 食物アレルギー / 母親 / ソーシャルサポート
小児保健とくしま, Vol.24, 5-8, 2016年. 岩本 里織, 岡本 玲子, 多田 美由貴, 松下 恭子, 谷 洋江, 橋本 浩子, 森 健治 :
小児保健とくしま, No.24, 23-29, 2016年. 岡本 真実子, 奥田 紀久子, 森 健治, 橋本 浩子 :
小児保健とくしま, No.24, 17-22, 2016年. 森 慶子, 余郷 裕次, 髙橋 久美, 橋本 浩子, 森 健治 :
小児保健とくしま, Vol.24, 11-16, 2016年. Y Funakoshi, M Harada, H Otsuka, Kenji Mori, Hiromichi Ito and T Iwanaga :
Default mode network abnormalities in children with autism spectrum disorder detected by resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging.,
The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.63, No.3-4, 204-208, 2016.- (要約)
- The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in the functional connectivity of the default mode network (DMN) in normal aging and in children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) by using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) and independent component analysis. Thirty-one healthy controls (HC) in four age groups (1-3, 4-8, 20-29, and 50-59 years) and 14 childhood ASD cases (1-8 years of age) were examined by rsfMRI echo-planar imaging on a clinical 3-T MRI scanner. Imaging of all children (1-8 years) was conducted under sedation, while adults were scanned in the awake state with eyes closed. The regions of DMN functional connectivity in the bilateral inferior parietal lobule and posterior cingulate cortex were smaller in HC children than in HC adults, and smaller in the ASD group than in the HC children. It is possible to observe developmental and pathological changes in the DMN by rsfMRI. Reduced DMN functional connectivity in children may be a useful biomarker for ASD diagnosis. J. Med. Invest. 63: 204-208, August, 2016.
- (キーワード)
- Adult / Autism Spectrum Disorder / Child / Child, Preschool / Female / Humans / Infant / Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Male / Middle Aged / Nerve Net
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2004370
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2152/jmi.63.204
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 27644559
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 27644559
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2152/jmi.63.204
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004370, DOI: 10.2152/jmi.63.204, PubMed: 27644559) 中窪 萌子, 奥田 紀久子, 岩佐 幸恵, 森 健治 :
小児保健とくしま, No.23, 17-23, 2015年. 森 慶子, 余郷 裕次, 髙橋 久美, 橋本 浩子, 森 健治 :
小児保健とくしま, Vol.23, 28-33, 2015年. 岡久 玲子, 多田 美由貴, 松下 恭子, 岩本 里織, 谷 洋江, 増矢 幸子, 橋本 浩子, 髙橋 久美, 森 健治 :
小児保健とくしま, Vol.23, 11-16, 2015年. 谷 洋江, 増矢 幸子, 橋本 浩子, 髙橋 久美, 森 健治, 岡久 玲子, 多田 美由貴, 松下 恭子, 岩本 里織 :
小児保健とくしま, Vol.23, 5-10, 2015年. Hiromichi Ito, Kenji Mori, Tatsuo Mori, A Goji and Shoji Kagami :
Case of early childhood-onset narcolepsy with cataplexy: comparison with a monozygotic co-twin.,
Pediatrics International, Vol.56, No.5, 789-793, 2014.- (要約)
- We describe here a rare case of early childhood-onset (5 years of age) narcolepsy. This case was interesting because of the ability to compare the patient's symptoms to the condition of her healthy monozygotic co-twin sister. The only environmental difference between the co-twins was head injury, which may be associated with the presence of narcolepsy. The co-twin was extroverted, sociable, reliable, and dexterous. In contrast, the patient could be described as introverted, gentle, honest and persevering, but was weak at conversation, assessment of a situation, memory, planning, activity (she was inactive), a sense of time, understanding of an analog clock, operating efficiency, and physical education (due to obesity). The sisters showed the same degree of appetite and dexterity with their fingers. Narcolepsy is often under-recognized or underdiagnosed, especially when the onset occurs in childhood. When we observe preschoolers with excessive daytime sleepiness, we should consider the possibility of narcolepsy with cataplexy.
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1111/ped.12377
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 25336002
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84939224466
(DOI: 10.1111/ped.12377, PubMed: 25336002, Elsevier: Scopus) 宮崎 雅仁, 西村 美緒, 村川 和義, 森 健治, 橋本 俊顕 :
小児の精神と神経, Vol.53, No.4, 333-341, 2014年.- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1523106605459446016
(CiNii: 1523106605459446016) 森 健治 :
小児保健とくしま, Vol.20, 29-33, 2012年. 宮崎 雅仁, 森 達夫, 森 健治, 香美 祥二 :
外来小児科, Vol.14, 24-28, 2011年. Hiromichi Ito, Kenji Mori, Miho Sakata, Etsuo Naito, M Harada and Shoji Kagami :
Transient left temporal lobe lesion in Menkes disease may influence the generation of tonic spasms.,
Brain & Development, Vol.33, No.4, 345-348, 2011.- (要約)
- We report a 7-month-old boy with Menkes disease who presented West syndrome. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed atrophy of the frontal and parietal lobes, subdural hematoma on the right side, and left temporal lobe lesion (low intensity in T1-weighted imaging (T1-WI), high intensity in T2-weighted imaging (T2-WI) and low intensity in diffusion-weighted imaging (DW-I)) at 7 months of age. The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) was 1.68×10(-3)mm(2)/s in the left temporal lobe lesion and 1.15×10(-3)mm(2)/s on the contralateral side. (1)H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H-MRS) revealed a decrease in N-acetylaspartate/(creatine+phosphocreatine) (NAA/Cr) (0.71) and a lactate peak in the left temporal lobe lesion. At 8 months of age, the left temporal lobe lesion disappeared, the ADC of this lesion was within the normal range (1.10×10(-3)mm(2)/s), and (1)H-MRS revealed a slight increase in NAA/Cr (1.12) and disappearance of the lactate peak. We suspected that the transient temporal lobe lesion in Menkes disease was mainly vasogenic edema. Electroencephalography (EEG) revealed left hemisphere dominant hypsarrhythmia and slowing in the left hemisphere. Ictal EEG revealed generalized slow wave burst with P3, T3 spike antecedence and the antecedent spike was consistent with left temporal lobe lesion. After disappearance of the left temporal lobe lesion, tonic spasms disappeared and EEG findings improved. In this case, the clinical course and ictal EEG suggested that epileptic activity from the left temporal lobe lesion may have given rise to tonic spasms.
- (キーワード)
- Electroencephalography / Humans / Infant / Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Male / Menkes Kinky Hair Syndrome / Seizures / Spasms, Infantile / Temporal Lobe
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2010.05.009
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 21382542
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 21382542
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2010.05.009
(DOI: 10.1016/j.braindev.2010.05.009, PubMed: 21382542) Emiko Fujii, Kenji Mori, Masahito Miyazaki, Toshiaki Hashimoto, Masafumi Harada and Shoji Kagami :
Function of the frontal lobe in autistic individuals: a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic study,
The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.57, No.1,2, 35-44, 2010.- (要約)
- In this investigation, we studied differences in chemical metabolites in certain brain regions between autistic patients and normal control subjects. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H-MRS) was used to evaluate functional activity in these regions. Specific regions studied were right and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex(DLPFC) and the anterior cingulated cortex(ACC). In the ACC, the N-acetylaspartate(NAA)/creatine/phosphocreatine(Cr) ratio in autistic patients (n=31) was significantly lower than that in control subjects (n=28). The decrease in the NAA/Cr ratio for the ACC was much greater in the group with worst social ability. NAA/Cr for the left DLPFC and social ability of autistic patients also correlated well. Furthermore, NAA/Cr for the left DLPFC in the group with intelligence quotient (IQ) below 50 was significantly less than in controls. NAA/Cr for the right DLPFC in autistic patients was not decreased compared to controls, and did not correlate with IQ or social ability. These findings suggest neuronal dysfunction in the ACC and left DLPFC in autism, and also a relationship between social disability and metabolic dysfunction in these regions. Dysfunction in the ACC and the left DLPFC may contribute to the pathogenesis of autism.
- (キーワード)
- Adolescent / Aspartic Acid / Autistic Disorder / Child / Child, Preschool / Choline / Creatine / Female / Frontal Lobe / Humans / Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy / Male / Prefrontal Cortex / Protons
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2001342
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2152/jmi.57.35
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 20299741
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 20299741
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2152/jmi.57.35
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2001342, DOI: 10.2152/jmi.57.35, PubMed: 20299741)
- 総説・解説
- 森 健治 :
小児心身症研究, No.29, 5-11, 2023年6月.- (キーワード)
- 近赤外分光法 (near infrared spectroscopy) / 神経発達症 / 心身症
2018年3月. 森 健治, 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広 :
Ⅵ.発達障害,心身症,精神疾患. 22.憤怒けいれん.,
小児内科, Vol.48, 834-836, 2016年. 森 健治, 阿部 容子, 森 達夫, 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広 :
[てんかん] ピンポイント小児医療 てんかんの診断 青年期以降にみられるてんかん.,
小児内科, Vol.47, No.9, 1468-1470, 2015年. 森 健治, 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広 :
[けいれん・意識障害] ピンポイント小児医療 てんかん,脳の機能的疾患 憤怒けいれん,
小児内科, Vol.46, No.9, 1342-1344, 2014年9月. 森 健治, 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広 :
[扁桃体-up to date] 扁桃体とその病態 自閉症スペクトラムにおける扁桃体,
Clinical Neuroscience, Vol.32, No.6, 690-692, 2014年6月. 森 健治 :
小児の精神と神経, Vol.51, No.1, 32-34, 2011年3月.- (キーワード)
- 自閉症 / 脳体積 / ミラーニューロン / 扁桃体 / プロトンMRS
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1522825129874970496
(CiNii: 1522825129874970496) Hiromichi Ito, Kenji Mori and Shoji Kagami :
Neuroimaging of stroke-like episodes in MELAS.,
Brain & Development, Vol.33, No.4, 283-288, 2011.- (要約)
- Mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS) shows sudden neurological deficits that are called 'stroke-like episodes'. With regard to the pathophysiology of stroke-like episodes, so-called mitochondrial angiopathy and cytopathy theories have been proposed, but the subject is still controversial. To clarify this matter and to contribute to the development of a treatment for MELAS, we review here current neuroimaging research and consider the pathophysiology of stroke-like lesions. With regard to diffusion-weighted imaging findings, early reports often showed an elevated apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in stroke-like lesions; this was considered to be mainly vasogenic edema in the acute phase and is a different pattern than that in stroke. However, there has recently been an increase in the number of reports of a decrease in ADC; these cases are considered to be cytotoxic edema in the acute phase, which is compatible with stroke. With regard to (1)H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy findings in stroke-like lesions, a decrease in N-acetylaspartate and an increase in lactate have been reported. With regard to single photon emission computed tomography findings for stroke-like lesions in MELAS, an overall trend is hyperperfusion in the acute stage (within 1 month) of stroke-like episodes and hypoperfusion in the chronic stage (several months later). With regard to positron emission tomography, nearly all of these reports are consistent with the mitochondrial cytopathy theory. With regard to neuropathology in MELAS, the most common findings during the chronic stage of stroke-like episodes include foci of necrosis and peculiar vascular changes (abnormalities of mitochondria in small arteries). Concerning the pathology of the acute stage of stroke-like episodes, extensive petechial hemorrhage along the gyri of the cortex corresponding to acute stroke-like lesions has been reported. To clarify the true pathophysiology of stroke-like episodes, we offer three suggestions. First, we must define the precise onset of stroke-like episodes. Second, current studies are limited by the difficulty of imaging just before and just after (within a few minutes) the onset of stroke-like episodes. Third, we hope to establish an experimental animal model. We should conduct a simultaneous multimodal imaging and histological study just before and just after (within a few minutes) the onset of stroke-like episodes in an experimental animal model.
- (キーワード)
- Animals / Diagnostic Imaging / Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Humans / MELAS Syndrome / Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy / Positron-Emission Tomography / Stroke / Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2010.06.010
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 20609541
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 20609541
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1016/j.braindev.2010.06.010
(DOI: 10.1016/j.braindev.2010.06.010, PubMed: 20609541) 森 健治, 藤井 笑子, 東田 好広, 伊藤 弘道, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 福本 礼, 成瀬 進, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二 :
臨床脳波, Vol.52, No.6, 332-338, 2010年6月.- (キーワード)
- 自閉症スペクトラム / アスペルガー障害 / 脳血流SPECT / 123I-iomazenil SPECT / PET
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1522262180046838656
(CiNii: 1522262180046838656) 森 健治 :
小児内科, Vol.42, 764-767, 2010年. 森 健治 :
脳と発達, Vol.42, 199-203, 2010年. - 講演・発表
- Yuko Tanaka, Kotera Sayaka, Kikuko Okuda, Yumiko Ishii, Hiroko Hashimoto and Kenji Mori :
Relationship between General Physical Complaints and Anxieties of Foreign-rooted Adolescents in Japan,
Proglam and abstract book The 4th International Joint Coference on Nursing Science, Seoul, Oct. 2023.- (キーワード)
- Foreign-rooted Adolescents
Preschool childrens sand-play activity may reveal poor parenting/maltreatment,
XXII Congress of International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Sep. 2018. Hiroe Tani, Hiroko Hashimoto, Fukuda Naoya, Ueta Mika, Moriuchi Hiromi, Kumi Takahashi, Sachiko Masuya, Sachi Kishida and Kenji Mori :
Caps activities at a maternity and perinatal care unit in Japan,
XXII Congress of International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Sep. 2018. Aya Gohji, Hiromichi Ito, Kenji Mori, S Hisaoka, Yoshihiro Touda, Tatsuo Mori, Y Abe, M Miyazaki and Shoji Kagami :
Metabolic dysfunction in anterior cingulate cortex using a magnetic resonance spectroscopy in Asperger's syndrome.,
Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 2016. Hiroko Hashimoto, Kumi Takahashi, Hiroe Tani, Sachiko Masuya, Kenji Mori and Tsuneo Ninomiya :
Identifying Risk Factors Leading to Serious Conditions among Parents with Parenting Stress, Anxiety,
10th Asia Pacific Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 2015. Nakakubo Moeko, Kikuko Okuda, Yukie Iwasa, Hiroe Tani, Kenji Mori, Kyoko Osaka and Kumiko Miyazaki :
Approach to Development of an Effective Sex Education Program to Improve Self-Efficacy of Battered Children,
10th Asia Pacific Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 2015. Hiroe Tani, Sachiko Masuya, Kumi Takahashi, Hiroko Hashimoto, Kikuko Okuda, Yukie Iwasa, Kenji Mori and Tsuneo Ninomiya :
The Present Condition and Tasks Related to Child Consultation Center Cases in One Prefecture,
10th Asia Pacific Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 2015. Keiko Miyoshi, Taigo Horiguchi, Ayako Tanimura, Hiroko Hagita, Yoshihiro Touda, Shoji Kagami, Kenji Mori, Daisuke Tsuji, Kouji Itou and Takafumi Noma :
Gaucher disease caused by possible atypical mechanism,
Gordon Research Conference, USA,Texas,Galveston(Hotel Galvez), Mar. 2015. 伊藤 弘道, 森 健治, 東田 好広, 藤原 敏孝, 多田 恵曜, 中島 公平, 影治 照喜, 飯田 幸治, 永廣 信治, 高橋 幸利, 香美 祥二 :
第9回日本てんかん学会中国・四国地方会, 2015年2月. Takashi Kaji, Kenji Mori, Souichirou Nakayama, Ryuuji Mitani, Kazuhisa Maeda, Shoji Kagami and Minoru Irahara :
Prenatal diagnosis of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to the portal vein with absence of ductus venosus : A case report,
20th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Prague, Czech, Oct. 2010. Mayumi Takeuchi, Masafumi Harada, Hiromu Nishitani and Kenji Mori :
Differences of activated area and hemodynamic response between autistic patients and normal subjects evaluated by fMRI with a language task using independent component analysis and t-test,
ISMRM 2003, Toronto, Jul. 2003. 森 健治 :
第75回中国四国小児科学会, 2023年10月.- (キーワード)
- 児童虐待 (child abuse) / 医療倫理 / 診療
小児保健とくしま, No.30, 2023年9月.- (キーワード)
- 箱庭 / 保育 / 子育て支援
小児保健とくしま, No.30, 2023年9月.- (キーワード)
- 機能性構音障害 / 読み書きの症状チェック表
小児保健とくしま, No.30, 2023年9月.- (キーワード)
- 限局性学習症 / 脳機能評価 / NIRS
第65回日本小児神経学会学術集会, Vol.55, 353, 2023年5月.- (キーワード)
- 読字障害 / 脳機能評価 / NIRS
第10回 全国てんかんセンター協議会総会 栃木大会 2023, 2023年3月. 多田 恵曜, 中瀧 理仁, 森 達夫, 藤原 敏孝, 郷司 彩, 山﨑 博輝, 泉 千恵, 高尾 里沙, 多田 雅美, 阿部 修司, 森 健治, 髙木 康志 :
第10回全国てんかんセンター協議会, 2023年2月. 田山 貴広, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 東田 好広, 森 健治, 漆原 真樹 :
脳と発達, Vol.54, No.6, 455, 2022年7月. 安積 麻衣, 中島 公平, 大野 卓也, 郷司 彩, 森 達夫, 森 健治, 髙木 康志 :
第50回日本小児神経外科学会, 2022年6月. 森 健治, 森 慶子, 髙橋 久美, 橋本 浩子, 野﨑 夏江, 河井 ちひろ, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広, 宮崎 雅仁 :
第64回日本小児神経学会学術集会, 2022年6月.- (キーワード)
- 読字障害 / NIRS / 脳機能評価
第29回日本小児心身医学会中国四国地方会学術集会, 2022年5月. 平野 愛子, 北村 愛里, 重根 裕代, 川原 みゆき, 藤原 敏孝, 多田 恵曜, 森 健治, 髙木 康志 :
長時間ビデオ脳波モニタリング実施時の発作時観察力向上のための取り組み∼発作観察時のビデオ作成 発作時対応のシミュレーションの実施∼.,
, 2022年3月. 高尾 里沙, 多田 雅美, 安部 修司, 中瀧 理仁, 森 達夫, 藤原 敏孝, 多田 恵曜, 山﨑 博輝, 森 健治 :
第9回 全国てんかんセンター協議会総会 鹿児島大会, 2022年3月. 多田 恵曜, 中瀧 理仁, 森 達夫, 藤原 敏孝, 郷司 彩, 山﨑 博輝, 高尾 里沙, 泉 千恵, 多田 雅美, 安部 修司, 森 健治 :
第9回全国てんかんセンター協議会総会, 2022年3月. 森 健治 :
第51回日本臨床神経生理学会学術大会 シンポジウム31, 2021年12月. 髙橋 久美, 橋本 浩子, 森 健治 :
保育の現場における気になる子どもへの遊びの援助を通しての子育て支援の検討 -箱庭あそびの実践より-,
日本子ども虐待防止学会第27回学術集会, 2021年12月. 森 健治, 森 慶子, 髙橋 久美, 橋本 浩子, 野﨑 夏江, 河井 ちひろ, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広, 宮崎 雅仁 :
第63回日本小児神経学会学術集会, 2021年5月. 森 健治 :
第38回日本小児心身医学会学術集会, 2020年9月. 森 健治, 森 慶子, 高橋 久美, 上白川 沙織, 河合 ちひろ, 橋本 浩子, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広, 宮崎 雅仁 :
絵本の読み聞かせ聴取時における脳反応について-NIRS および心拍変動を用いた解析-,
第62回日本小児神経学会学術集会, 2020年8月. 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 東田 好広, 伊藤 弘道, 瓦井 俊孝, 藤田 京志, 松本 直通, 森 健治 :
薬剤抵抗性てんかんを合併したARID1B 遺伝子欠失を伴うCoffin-Siris症候群の女児例.,
第31回日本小児神経学会中国・四国地方会, 2020年7月. 多田 恵曜, 東田 好広, 中瀧 理仁, 藤原 敏孝, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 飯田 幸治, 森 健治, 髙木 康志 :
第7回全国てんかんセンター協議会広島大会, 2020年2月. 中瀧 理仁, 江戸 宏彰, 多田 恵曜, 東田 好広, 藤原 敏孝, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 森 健治, 大森 哲郎 :
第53回日本てんかん学会学術集会, 2019年11月. 多田 恵曜, 東田 好広, 中瀧 理仁, 藤原 敏孝, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 飯田 幸治, 森 健治, 髙木 康志 :
第53回日本てんかん学会学術集会, 2019年10月. 森 健治 :
日本小児歯科学会専門医セミナー, 2019年9月. 森 健治 :
NIRS(近赤外線スペクトロスコピー;near-infrared spectroscopy )によって解き明かす神経発達症,
第152回 日本小児科学会徳島地方会, 2019年6月. 森 健治, 森 慶子, 髙橋 久美, 上白川 沙織, 橋本 浩子 :
第27回日本小児心身医学会中国四国地方会, 2019年6月. 森 達夫, 伊藤 弘道, 郷司 彩, 東田 好広, 森 健治, 原田 雅史, 香美 祥二 :
自閉症スペクトラム症におけるArterial Spin Labeling法を用いた脳血流評価,
第61回日本小児神経学会学術集会, 2019年5月. 森 健治, 郷司 彩, 森 達夫, 東田 好広, 伊藤 弘道, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二 :
第61回日本小児神経学会学術集会, 2019年5月. 多田 恵曜, 藤原 敏孝, 中島 公平, 森 健治, 髙木 康志 :
日本脳神経外科学会第77回学術総会, 2018年10月. 森 健治, 郷司 彩, 森 達夫, 東田 好広, 伊藤 弘道, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二 :
第60回日本小児神経学会学術集会, 2018年5月. 伊藤 弘道, 森 健治, 原田 雅史, 久岡 園花, 東田 好広, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 高見 容子, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二 :
第60回日本小児神経学会学術集会, 2018年5月. 多田 恵曜, 藤原 敏孝, 郷司 彩, 森 達夫, 東田 好広, 森 健治, 飯田 幸治, 里見 淳一郎, 髙木 康志 :
術前精査中にバルブロ酸の追加が著効したrolandic crtical dysplasiaに1例,
第41回日本てんかん外科学会, 2018年1月. 二宮 恒夫, 髙橋 久美, 橋本 浩子, 谷 洋江, 増矢 幸子, 岡久 玲子, 森 健治 :
日本子ども虐待防止学会第23回学術集会, 221, 2017年12月. 古川 薫, 森 健治, 橋本 浩子, 髙橋 久美, 上白川 沙織, 郷司 彩, 森 達夫, 東田 好広, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二 :
第118回日本小児精神神経学会, 10, 2017年11月.- (キーワード)
- 自閉症スペクトラム / NIRS / 表情処理 / 脳機能評価
徳島県小児保健協会第59回講演会, 2017年9月. 梶芳 実央, 奥田 紀久子, 谷 洋江, 森 健治 :
徳島県小児保健協会第59回講演会, 2017年9月.- (キーワード)
- 食物アレルギー / 母親 / ソーシャルサポート
小児保健とくしま第59回講演会, 2017年9月.- (キーワード)
- 外国人留学生 / 育児支援 / 困り事 / ニーズ
第59回日本小児神経学会学術集会, 2017年6月. 伊藤 弘道, 森 健治, 東田 好広, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 阿部 容子, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二 :
第59回日本小児神経学会学術集会, 2017年6月. 森 健治, 郷司 彩, 森 達夫, 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広, 宮崎 雅仁 :
NIRSによる読字能力評価 - 無意味単語速読・単語逆唱課題による検討 -,
第59回日本小児神経学会学術集会, 2017年6月. 鈴木 智子, 郷司 彩, 森 達夫, 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広, 森 健治, 香美 祥二 :
第34回四国小児神経症例検討会, 2016年9月. 郷司 彩, 伊藤 弘道, 森 健治, 原田 雅史, 久岡 園花, 東田 好広, 森 達夫, 阿部 容子, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二 :
Metabolic alteration in the brain of Asperger`s syndrome by using a magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
第58回日本小児神経学会学術集会, 2016年6月. 森 健治, 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広, 森 達夫, 阿部 容子, 宮崎 雅仁, 原田 雅史, 香美 祥二 :
言語活動時の前頭葉血流動態 -NIRSによる黙読・音読時の比較-,
第58回日本小児神経学会学術集会, 2016年6月. 伊藤 弘道, 森 健治, 東田 好広, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 阿部 容子, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二 :
第58回日本小児神経学会学術集会, 2016年6月. 伊藤 弘道, 森 健治, 原田 雅史, 久岡 園花, 東田 好広, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 阿部 容子, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二 :
第58回日本小児神経学会学術集会, 2016年6月. 森 健治 :
第57回日本神経学会学術大会, 2016年5月. 岡久 玲子, 岩本 里織, 谷 洋江, 松下 恭子, 多田 美由貴, 橋本 浩子, 森 健治, 水本 絢子, 岡本 真実子, 正木 李歩 :
日本子ども虐待防止学会 第21回学術集会にいがた大会 プログラム・抄録集, 195, 2015年11月. 多田 恵曜, 藤原 敏孝, 中島 公平, 影治 照喜, 東田 好広, 伊藤 弘道, 森 健治, 香川 幸太, 飯田 幸治, 永廣 信治 :
第49回日本てんかん学会学術集会, 2015年10月. 森 健治, 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広, 宮崎 雅仁 :
第57回日本小児神経学会, 2015年5月. 伊藤 弘道, 森 健治, 原田 雅史, 東田 好広, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二 :
注意欠如・多動性障害(AD/HD)における頭部1H-MRS所見 左小脳半球について,
第57回日本小児神経学会, 2015年5月. 橋本 浩子, 谷 洋江, 富永 早百合, 森 健治, 二宮 恒夫 :
第20回日本子ども虐待防止学会学術集会, 2014年9月. 森 健治, 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広, 宮崎 雅仁, 橋本 浩子, 谷 洋江, 香美 祥二 :
第56回日本小児神経学会, 2014年5月. 伊藤 弘道, 森 健治, 東田 好広, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二 :
注意欠如・多動性障害における前頭葉抑制機能不全 近赤外線スペクトロスコピーによる検討,
第56回日本小児神経学会, 2014年5月. 山口 真司, 中島 公平, 溝渕 佳史, 影治 照喜, 永廣 信治, 伊藤 弘道, 森 健治 :
第77回(一社)日本脳神経外科学会中国四国支部学術集会, 2014年4月. 谷 洋江, 橋本 浩子, 森 健治, 川西 節子, 森内 洋美, 桑内 敬子, 二宮 恒夫 :
日本子ども虐待防止学会第19回学術集会信州大会抄録集, 249, 2013年12月. 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広, 森 健治, 香美 祥二 :
第31回四国小児神経症例検討会, 2013年8月. 永井 隆, 万野 朱美, 漆原 真樹, 近藤 秀治, 森 健治, 香美 祥二 :
第48回日本小児腎臓病学会学術集会, 2013年6月. 宮崎 雅仁, 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広, 森 健治, 香美 祥二 :
第55回日本小児神経学会, 2013年5月. 森 健治, 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 宮崎 雅仁, 原田 雅史, 香美 祥二 :
第55回日本小児神経学会, 2013年5月. 伊藤 弘道, 森 健治, 森 達夫, 香美 祥二 :
第55回日本小児神経学会, 2013年5月. 東田 好広, 島川 清司, 森 健治, 香美 祥二 :
第55回日本小児神経学会, 2013年4月. 永井 隆, 万野 朱美, 漆原 真樹, 森 健治, 近藤 秀治, 香美 祥二 :
第116回日本小児科学会学術集会, 2013年4月. 森 健治, 東田 好広, 伊藤 弘道, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二 :
結節性硬化症のin vivo 1H-MRSによる検討,
第7回日本てんかん学会中国・四国地方会, 2013年2月. 伊藤 弘道, 漆原 真樹, 木下 ゆき子, 近藤 秀治, 森 健治, 森 達夫, 須賀 健一, 森 一博, 香美 祥二 :
日本小児科学会雑誌, Vol.117, No.3, 655, 2013年. 万野 朱美, 永井 隆, 漆原 真樹, 近藤 秀治, 森 健治, 香美 祥二 :
第139回日本小児科学会徳島地方会, 2012年12月. 伊藤 弘道, 漆原 真樹, 木下 ゆき子, 近藤 秀治, 森 健治, 森 達夫, 香美 祥二, 須賀 健一, 森 一博 :
第139回日本小児科学会徳島地方会, 2012年12月. 橋本 浩子, 谷 洋江, 森 健治, 今村 麻依子, 岸田 佐智 :
日本子ども虐待防止学会第18回学術集会高知りょうま大会, 2012年12月. 永井 隆, 万野 朱美, 漆原 真樹, 近藤 秀治, 森 健治, 香美 祥二 :
第29回中国四国小児腎臓病学会, 2012年11月. 伊藤 弘道, 漆原 真樹, 木下 ゆき子, 近藤 秀治, 森 健治, 森 達夫, 須賀 健一, 森 一博, 香美 祥二 :
第64回日本小児科学会中国四国地方会, 2012年11月. 森 健治, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広, 宮崎 雅仁, 原田 雅史, 香美 祥二 :
第17回認知神経科学会学術集会, 2012年9月. 森 健治 :
特別講演 発達障害の脳内機序とその治療,
第54回徳島県小児保健協会総会, 2012年9月. 伊藤 弘道, 東田 好広, 森 健治, 香美 祥二 :
慢性進行性外眼筋麻痺症候群 (CPEO) が疑われる1例,
第30回四国小児神経症例検討会, 2012年9月. 東田 好広, 伊藤 弘道, 永井 隆, 阪田 美穂, 漆原 真樹, 近藤 秀治, 早渕 康信, 森 健治, 香美 祥二 :
第48回日本小児循環器学会総会・学術集会, 2012年7月. 藤岡 啓介, 東田 好広, 伊藤 弘道, 永井 隆, 阪田 美穂, 漆原 真樹, 近藤 秀治, 早渕 康信, 森 健治, 香美 祥二 :
第138回日本小児科学会徳島地方会, 2012年6月. 宮崎 雅仁, 森 達夫, 森 健治, 香美 祥二 :
第54回日本小児神経学会総会, 2012年5月. 伊藤 弘道, 森 健治, 原田 雅史, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二 :
第54回日本小児神経学会総会, 2012年5月. 森 健治, 伊藤 弘道, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 宮崎 雅仁, 原田 雅史, 香美 祥二 :
絵本の読み聞かせ時の前頭葉活動 -近赤外線スペクトロスコピーによる評価-,
第54回日本小児神経学会総会, 2012年5月. 森 達夫, 森 健治, 伊藤 弘道, 郷司 彩, 宮崎 雅仁, 原田 雅史, 黒澤 健司, 香美 祥二 :
第54回日本小児神経学会総会, 2012年5月. 森 達夫, 森 健治, 鈴江 真史, 伊藤 弘道, 香美 祥二 :
第115回日本小児科学会学術集会, 2012年4月. 森 達夫, 森 健治, 阿部 容子, 伊藤 弘道, 香美 祥二 :
第42回中国・四国点頭てんかん研究会, 2012年3月. 阿部 容子, 森 達夫, 伊藤 弘道, 森 健治, 香美 祥二, 吉本 勉 :
第137回日本小児科学会徳島地方会, 2011年12月. 森 達夫, 森 健治, 伊藤 弘道, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二 :
小児期に発症した難治性てんかんに対する Levetiracetam の有効性,
第137回日本小児科学会徳島地方会, 2011年12月. Kenji Mori :
Functional MRI and MRS studies in ASD,
Joint Academic Conference on Autism Spectrum Disorders, Dec. 2011. 森 健治, 森 達夫, 郷司 彩, 東田 好広, 伊藤 弘道, 藤井 笑子, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二 :
潜因性/特発性West症候群におけるsubtraction SPECTによるスパスム発現様式の検討,
第45回日本てんかん学会, 2011年10月. 森 達夫, 森 健治, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二 :
第45回日本てんかん学会, 2011年10月. 木下 ゆき子, 森 達夫, 須賀 健一, 松浦 里, 近藤 秀治, 漆原 真樹, 永井 隆, 中川 竜二, 西條 隆彦, 森 健治, 香美 祥二 :
第41回日本腎臓学会西部学術大会, 2011年9月. 森 達夫, 鈴江 真史, 伊藤 弘道, 森 健治, 香美 祥二 :
第26回徳島県小児科合同症例検討会, 2011年9月. 森 健治 :
第176回徳島県小児科医会学術講演会, 2011年9月. 森 達夫, 森 健治, 永井 隆, 小谷 裕美子, 香美 祥二 :
難治性の全身性ジストニアを来たしたHyperinsulinism-hyperammonaemia syndromeの1例,
第114回日本小児科学会学術集会, 2011年8月. 森 達夫, 森 健治, 永井 隆, 小谷 裕美子, 香美 祥二, 梶 龍兒, 後藤 惠 :
2次性に難治性の全身性ジストニアを来たしたhyperinsulinism-hyperammonaemia syndrome(HHS)の1女児例,
第22回日本小児神経学会中国・四国地方会, 2011年7月. 木下 ゆき子, 永井 隆, 森 達夫, 須賀 健一, 松浦 里, 漆原 真樹, 近藤 秀治, 森 健治, 香美 祥二, 中川 竜二, 西條 隆彦 :
伊藤白斑に VUR を合併した1例,
第136回日本小児科学会徳島地方会, 2011年6月. 森 達夫, 森 健治, 藤井 笑子, 東田 好広, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二, 原田 雅史, 橋本 俊顕 :
自閉症スペクトラム障害における 123I-IMZ SPECT を用いた GABA 神経系の機能評価,
第136回日本小児科学会徳島地方会, 2011年6月. 森 健治 :
福岡ADHD学術講演会, 2011年6月. 森 健治, 森 達夫, 東田 好広, 藤井 笑子, 宮崎 雅仁, 原田 雅史, 香美 祥二 :
第53回日本小児神経学会総会, 2011年5月. 宮崎 雅仁, 橋本 俊顕, 西村 美緒, 村川 和義, 森 健治, 香美 祥二 :
第53回日本小児神経学会総会, 2011年5月. 森 達夫, 森 健治, 藤井 笑子, 東田 好広, 原田 雅史, 宮崎 雅仁, 橋本 俊顕, 香美 祥二 :
第53回日本小児神経学会総会, 2011年5月. 森 健治, 森 達夫, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二 :
潜因性/特発性West症候群におけるsubtraction SPECTによるスパスム発現様式の検討,
第41回中国・四国点頭てんかん研究会, 2011年3月. 森 健治 :
Subtraction Ictal SPECT Co-registered to MRI (SISCOM) を用いた West症候群のスパスム発現様式の検討,
第23回徳島てんかん談話会, 2011年1月. 宮崎 雅仁, 森 達夫, 森 健治, 香美 祥二 :
第135回日本小児科学会徳島地方会, 2010年12月. 森 達夫, 森 健治, 藤井 笑子, 東田 好広, 宮崎 雅仁, 香美 祥二, 原田 雅史 :
てんかんを合併する22q11.2欠失症候群 -1H-MRSおよび123I-iomazenil (IMZ)SPECTによる検討-,
第135回日本小児科学会徳島地方会, 2010年12月. 森 健治 :
第104回日本小児精神神経学会, 2010年11月. 宮崎 雅仁, 森 健治 :
第104回日本小児精神神経学会, 2010年11月. 森 健治, 森 達夫, 東田 好広, 藤井 笑子, 宮崎 雅仁, 原田 雅史, 香美 祥二 :
脳室周囲白質軟化症を伴うWest症候群-subtraction SPECTによるスパスム発現様式の検討-,
第44回日本てんかん学会, 2010年10月. 森 達夫, 森 健治, 東田 好広, 藤井 笑子, 宮崎 雅仁, 原田 雅史, 香美 祥二 :
第44回日本てんかん学会, 2010年10月. 森 健治 :
東四国医療セミナー, 2010年9月. 森 達夫, 東田 好広, 小谷 裕美子, 藤井 笑子, 森 健治, 横田 一郎, 山上 貴司, 松岡 優, 香美 祥二 :
第21回日本小児神経学会中国・四国地方会, 2010年7月. 森 健治 :
第6回東かがわ市発達フォーラム, 2010年6月.
- 研究会・報告書
- 眞鍋 美晴, 橋本 浩子, 谷 洋江, 森 健治 :
小児保健とくしま, No.22, 20-26, 2014年. 中村 真理, 吉田 友紀, 谷 洋江, 橋本 浩子, 森 健治, 小谷 裕美子, 香美 祥二 :
小児保健とくしま, No.22, 13-19, 2014年. 小西 佑依, 宮本 美里, 若柳 早紀, 橋本 浩子, 谷 洋江, 森 健治 :
小児保健とくしま, No.22, 6-12, 2014年. 森 健治 :
四国医学雑誌, Vol.70, No.1,2, 25-29, 2014年.- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2002981
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2002981) 永井 隆, 万野 朱美, 漆原 真樹, 近藤 秀治, 森 健治, 香美 祥二 :
第14回四国小児腎疾患研究会, 2013年2月. 植野 美彦, 関 陽介, 衣川 仁, 森岡 久尚, 髙橋 章, 森 健治, 石丸 直澄, 尾崎 和美, 山﨑 哲男, 高田 篤, 宇都 義浩, 齊藤 隆仁, 上岡 麻衣子 :
令和4年度 徳島大学高等教育研究センターアドミッション部門 報告書,
令和4年度 徳島大学高等教育研究センターアドミッション部門 報告書, 2023年3月.
- 特許
- 研究者総覧に該当データはありませんでした。
- 作品
- 研究者総覧に該当データはありませんでした。
- 補助金・競争的資金
- ゲーム障害児・者の脳血流動態に関する研究-NIRSによる脳機能評価ー (研究課題/領域番号: 22K11029 )
小児における絵本の読み聞かせ聴取時の脳血流動態及びストレス軽減効果に関する研究 (研究課題/領域番号: 21K10911 )
大学生の健康観察の活用状況から、初等中等教育での自己管理能力育成の方策を提案する (研究課題/領域番号: 21K02579 )
外国人児童生徒の健康支援に向けた保健サービスシステム構築の検討 (研究課題/領域番号: 19K21722 )
子どもの読字活動時における脳反応について (研究課題/領域番号: 19K10978 )
絵本の読み聞かせ聴取時における脳反応について (研究課題/領域番号: 16K12145 )
MRI装置による脳機能評価法の開発と誤差や再現性を含めた限界についての検討 (研究課題/領域番号: 15591280 )
高機能自閉症における倫理的課題処理時の脳活動の機能的MRIによる研究 (研究課題/領域番号: 15530626 )
代謝物拡散能を利用した細胞内・外コンパートメント環境の疾患と発達による変化の検討 (研究課題/領域番号: 13670944 )
- その他
- 研究者総覧に該当データはありませんでした。
- 専門分野・研究分野
- 医学 (Medicine)
- 所属学会・所属協会
- 日本小児科学会
とくしま・子どもの心と発達の研究会 - 委員歴・役員歴
- 日本小児科学会 (代議員)
日本小児神経学会 (評議員)
日本てんかん学会中国四国地方会 (幹事)
中国四国点頭てんかん研究会 (幹事)
徳島てんかん談話会 (代表世話人)
四国小児神経症例検討会 (幹事)
とくしま・子どもの心と発達の研究会 (顧問) - 受賞
- 2020年9月, 最優秀地方会推薦演題賞 (第38回日本小児心身医学会学術集会)
- 活動
- 徳島県教育委員会 (特別支援教育体制推進事業にかかる専門家チーム員 [2011年5月〜2012年3月])
小松島市児童福祉課 (児童扶養手当障害判定業務委託医 [2011年5月〜2012年3月])
鳴門市 (児童扶養手当関係障害認定業務委託医 [2011年6月〜2012年3月])
徳島県 (特別児童扶養手当嘱託医 [2011年5月〜2012年3月])
徳島県 (児童扶養手当嘱託医 [2011年5月〜2012年3月])
徳島県 (徳島県児童相談所嘱託医 [2011年5月〜2012年3月])
- Jグローバル最終確認日
- 2025/3/8 01:29
- 氏名(漢字)
- 森 健治
- 氏名(フリガナ)
- モリ ケンジ
- 氏名(英字)
- Mori Kenji
- 所属機関
- 徳島大学 助手
- researchmap最終確認日
- 2025/3/9 02:22
- 氏名(漢字)
- 森 健治
- 氏名(フリガナ)
- モリ ケンジ
- 氏名(英字)
- Mori Kenji
- プロフィール
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- 登録日時
- 2002/12/3 00:00
- 更新日時
- 2022/7/17 06:55
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- 所属ID
- 0344001001
- 所属
- 徳島大学
- 部署
- 医学部 医学科 小児医学
- 職名
- 助手
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- 博士(医学)
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- Works
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- 社会貢献活動
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- 研究者番号
- 20274201
- 所属(現在)
- 2024/4/1 : 徳島大学, 大学院医歯薬学研究部(医学域), 教授
- 所属(過去の研究課題
情報に基づく)*注記 - 2018/4/1 – 2023/4/1 : 徳島大学, 大学院医歯薬学研究部(医学域), 教授
2016/4/1 – 2017/4/1 : 徳島大学, 大学院医歯薬学研究部(医学系), 教授
2004/4/1 – 2005/4/1 : 徳島大学, 医学部歯学部附属病院, 講師
2004/4/1 : 徳島大学, 大学院・ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部, 講師
2001/4/1 – 2003/4/1 : 徳島大学, 医学部, 助手
- 審査区分/研究分野
生物系 / 医歯薬学 / 看護学 / 生涯発達看護学
医学 / 内科 / 放射線科学
人文社会系 / 社会科学 / 教育学 / 特別支援教育
生物系 / 医歯薬学 / 内科系臨床医学 / 放射線科学
- キーワード
絵本の読み聞かせ / NIRS / 前頭前野 / デフォルトモードネットワーク / リラックス / Broca野 / 音読 / 黙読 / 小児看護学 / 発達性読み書き障害 / Broca / 読字障害 / NIRS / 無意味単語 / 機能的MRI / ゲーム障害 / 前頭葉機能 / Trail Making Test / Stroop課題 / 知能検査
MRS / 拡散能 / LCModel / 代謝物 / 脳梗塞 / 脳腫瘍 / NAA / 乳酸 / Proton MRS / 拡散 / コンパートメント / diffusion / metabolite / cerebral infarction / brain tumor / lactate / 高機能自閉症 / 機能的MRI / 脳血流 / モラル課題 / 画像 / high functioning autism / functional MRI / cerebral blood flow / moral task / imaging / FAIR / 3T MRI / Perfusion / Metabolism / Glutamate / GABA / LCmodel / LCModeol / proton MRS / fMRI / perfusion / ICC / ICA / 思春期 / 学校保健 / 在日外国人児童生徒 / 外国にルーツをもつ / 不定愁訴 / 健康支援 / 外国にルーツをもつ子ども / 相談体制 / 健康 / 支援 / 異文化理解 / 外国人児童生徒 / 健康観察 / 日常生活への活用 / 自己管理能力 / 絵本の読み聞かせ / ストレス軽減 / 脳血流動態 / NIRS / 心拍変動係数