市川 哲雄

- 職名
- 名誉教授 (2024.4)・教授
- 電話
- 研究者総覧に該当データはありませんでした。
- 電子メール
- 研究者総覧に該当データはありませんでした。
- 学歴
- 1983/3: 徳島大学歯学部卒業
1987/3: 徳島大学大学院歯学研究科博士課程修了 - 学位
- 歯学博士 (徳島大学) (1987年3月)
- 職歴・経歴
- 1987/4: 徳島大学歯学部助手
1990/4: 徳島大学歯学部附属病院講師
1997/5: 徳島大学歯学部教授
- 専門分野・研究分野
- 歯科補綴学 (Prosthodontics)
- 専門分野・研究分野
- 歯科補綴学 (Prosthodontics)
- 担当経験のある授業科目
- 研究者総覧に該当データはありませんでした。
- 指導経験
- 研究者総覧に該当データはありませんでした。
- 専門分野・研究分野
- 歯科補綴学 (Prosthodontics)
- 研究テーマ
- 顎口腔機能回復と維持に関する研究 (インプラント (implant), 音声, 摂食·嚥下, 高齢者)
- 著書
- 渡邉 恵, 市川 哲雄 :
咀嚼関連検査 評価と検査の使い分けは?,
2024年1月. 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
Part 6 力への対応-どう判断し,どう対応したのか-.歯の喪失率の年代変化から探る力の問題,
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 2024年1月. 市川 哲雄, 後藤 崇晴, 岩脇 有軌 :
Part 5 力を診査,診断する.生体に危険な力を理解し,治療に生かす,
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 2024年1月. 市川 哲雄 :
永末書店, 東京, 2023年2月. 渡邉 恵, 市川 哲雄 :
永末書店, 2023年2月. 市川 哲雄, 噛むことと認知症の関係はありますか? 口のエクスサイズのプログラムはありますか? :
口腔保健協会, 東京, 2022年12月. 渡邉 恵, 市川 哲雄 :
一般財団法人 口腔保健協会, 2022年12月. 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
咀嚼の本3―噛むことの大切さを再認識しよう―, --- 第4章―1 咀嚼の効能とは∼体との関係∼.Q2 噛むことと認知症の関係はありますか? ---,
口腔保健協会, 2022年12月. 市川 哲雄, 後藤 崇晴 :
2章 人体の構造と機能 6)口の構造と機能,
2022年9月. 市川 哲雄 :
無歯顎補綴治療学 第4版,
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 2022年2月. 市川 哲雄, 鴨居 浩平, 岸本 卓大, 後藤 崇晴 :
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 2022年1月. 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
第Ⅶ章 スピーチの検査 CASE F パラとグラフィーを用いて構音障害に対応した症例,
永末書店, 京都, 2021年6月. 市川 哲雄 :
永末書店, 京都, 2021年6月. 市川 哲雄, 永尾 寛 :
永末書店, 2021年1月. 市川 哲雄, 岸本 卓大, 後藤 崇晴 :
歯科におけるSpeechを再認識する:「発声・発語・構音」から「Speech」への転換.4 Speechの機能を利用した補綴歯科治療,
2020年8月. 市川 哲雄, 後藤 崇晴 :
高齢者の状態に合わせた義歯・補綴治療―フレイル,長期入院後,麻痺,認知症,在宅療養患者の口腔機能改善― 第3章 フレイル患者への義歯・補綴治療の考え方,
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 2020年7月. 渡邉 恵, 市川 哲雄 :
2020年2月. 市川 哲雄, 渡邉 恵 :
2019年10月. 市川 哲雄 :
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 2019年9月. 市川 哲雄 :
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 2019年6月. 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会編 お口のトラブル解決します,
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 2019年5月. 市川 哲雄 :
永末書店, 京都, 2018年9月. 市川 哲雄, 渡邉 恵 :
2018年8月. 市川 哲雄 :
歯学生のパーシャルデンチャー 第6版,
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 2018年8月. 石田 雄一, 市川 哲雄 :
1-3 7義歯のメインテナンスとケア,
インターアクション株式会社, 2018年3月. 市川 哲雄 :
インターアクション, 東京, 2018年3月. 渡邉 恵, 市川 哲雄 :
2018年1月. 市川 哲雄 :
複製義歯 -慣れた義歯こそ高齢者の求める義歯,
永末書店, 京都, 2017年10月. 渡邉 恵, 市川 哲雄 :
歯科がかかわる地域包括ケアシステム入門, --- 歯科的対応の実際 インプラント治療 ---,
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 2017年9月. 白山 靖彦, 市川 哲雄 :
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 2017年9月. 渡邉 恵, 市川 哲雄 :
2017年8月. 市川 哲雄 :
咀嚼の本2 -ライフステージから考える咀嚼・栄養・健康-,
口腔保健協会, 東京, 2017年8月. 後藤 崇晴, 中道 敦子, 市川 哲雄 :
咀嚼の本2 ‐ライフステージから考える咀嚼・栄養・健康‐ Q18 一口30回以上噛むようにしていますが,なかなかできません.もっといい工夫はありませんが?,
2017年. 市川 哲雄, 馬場 拓朗, 矢儀 一智 :
第4部 臼歯部咬合支持.In:咬合のサイエンスとアート.Martin Gross 著. 古谷野 潔 監訳.,
クインテッセンス出版株式会社, 東京, 2016年8月. 市川 哲雄 :
無歯顎補綴治療学 第3版,
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 2016年2月. 市川 哲雄 :
Implant Dentistry Encyclopedia,
クインテッセンス出版 株式会社, 東京, 2014年12月. Teruaki Ito, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Nevan C. Hanumara and Alexander H. Slocum :
Teaching Creativity in Design Through Project-Based Learning in a Collaborative Distributed Educational Setting, --- in Cloud-based Design and Manufacturing (CBDM) (Dirk Schaefer, Ed.) ---,
Springer-Verlag, London, Jul. 2014.- (要約)
- 本稿では,徳島大学と米国MITとの設計教育授業を例として,学生の創造性向上に向けた取り組みについて述べている.中でも,PBLを通じたチームワーク型学習の重要性を紹介し,そのために必要となるグローバルコミュニケーション能力の取得に向けた取り組みについても言及している.
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1007/978-3-319-07398-9_9
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84930260759
(DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07398-9_9, Elsevier: Scopus) 市川 哲雄 :
口腔インプラント学学術用語集 第3版,
クインテッセンス出版 株式会社, 東京, 2014年6月. 市川 哲雄 :
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 2014年5月. 内藤 禎人, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
見る目が変わる「欠損歯列」の読み方,「欠損補綴」の設計(本多正明,宮地建夫,伊藤雄策,武田孝之 編著), --- Section2 学術の世界から 1部分歯列欠損の分類とその意義 -症型の重症度(回復のための難易度)を知る ---,
クインテッセンス出版 株式会社, 東京, 2013年1月. 友竹 偉則, 石田 雄一, 市川 哲雄 :
2012年12月. 友竹 偉則, 内藤 禎人, 市川 哲雄 :
力学の基本 -生体に危険な力の理解のために-,
2012年12月. 市川 哲雄, 永尾 寛, 友竹 偉則, 石田 雄一, 石田 修 :
リンガライズドオクルージョン -義歯の咬合・インプラントの咬合-(松本直之,市川哲雄 監著),
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 2010年9月. 市川 哲雄, 後藤 崇晴 :
インターディシプリナリー治療計画 改訂版(Michael Cohen 編集) 第7章 咬合高径の設定へのアプローチ,
クインテッセンス出版 株式会社, 東京, 2010年8月. 佐藤 裕, 市川 哲雄 :
ファンクショナル・オクルージョン(Peter E. Dawson 著,小出薫 監訳) PartⅢ治療 31章診断用ワックスアップ,
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 2010年6月. 市川 哲雄 :
義歯のケア -歯科衛生士のための副読本-,
株式会社 デンタルダイヤモンド社, 東京, 2010年2月. 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
2008年11月. 市川 哲雄, 友竹 偉則, 井上 孝 :
外科 即時埋入,
2008年11月. 市川 哲雄, 友竹 偉則, 井上 孝 :
外科 即時荷重,
2008年11月. 吉田 有里, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
診断と診断用機器 画像診断-コンピュータガイドシステム,
2008年6月. 吉田 有里, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
診断と診断用機器 三次元画像検査用機器,
2008年6月. 和田 匡史, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
インプラント補綴 インプラントの生物学的幅経,
2008年6月. 長尾 大輔, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
インプラント補綴 負荷の分類,免荷期間.,
2008年6月. 内藤 禎人, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
インプラント補綴 生体適合性/Biocompatibility,
2008年6月. 石田 雄一, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
インプラント補綴 インプラントの治療計画,
2008年6月. 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
インプラント補綴 インプラントの成功基準,
2008年6月. 佐藤 裕, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
「義歯の要件」...審美歯科・インプラント ワードブック...第3章 ベーシック補綴 2.デンチャー,
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 2008年6月. 市川 哲雄, 友竹 偉則, 蟹谷 英生 :
2006年1月. Yoritoki Tomotake, Wei Hau, Chen Jianrong and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Implant supporting retaining cases.,
Oct. 2005. Yoritoki Tomotake, 渋谷 恵子, Daisuke Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Clinical applications. Tissue supporting and implant retaining cases.,
Oct. 2005. 友竹 偉則, Hau Wei, Jianrong Chen, 市川 哲雄 :
2005年10月. 友竹 偉則, 渋谷 恵子, 長尾 大輔, 市川 哲雄 :
臨床への応用 粘膜支持,インプラント維持の症例,
2005年10月. 市川 哲雄, 北村 清一郎 :
総義歯を用いた無歯顎治療, --- 口腔解剖学の視点から ---,
クインテッセンス出版 株式会社, 東京, 2004年12月. Tetsuo Ichikawa and Naeko Kawamoto :
New Magnetic Applications in Clinical Dentistry, --- Biological Effects of Magnetic Attachment on the Human Body and Tissue ---,
Quintessence Publishing CO.,Ltd., Tokyo, Dec. 2004. 市川 哲雄 :
今日の治療指針 TODAY'S THERAPY 2004(山口徹,北原光夫 総編集), --- 歯の欠損と補綴,インプラント ---,
株式会社 医学書院, 東京, 2004年1月. 井上 三四郎, 岡 謙次, 市川 哲雄 :
2003年5月. 柏原 稔也, 市川 哲雄, 川本 苗子, 蟹谷 英生, 堀内 政信, 弘田 克彦, 三宅 洋一郎, 松本 直之 :
EBMに基づいた口腔ケアのために 必読文献集(日本歯科医師会 監修/静岡県歯科医師会 編), --- 老人病院入院患者の口腔状態とデンチャープラークの細菌構成について-第1報予備調査結果- ---,
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 2002年3月. 友竹 偉則, 蟹谷 英生, 河野 文昭, 市川 哲雄 :
2000年1月. 細木 秀彦, 上村 修三郎, 上田 実, 赤川 安正, 市川 哲雄, 河野 文昭 :
先端医療技術研究所, 東京, 2000年1月. 河野 文昭, 市川 哲雄, 淺岡 憲三 :
クインテッセンス出版, 1999年10月.- (キーワード)
- レジン材料 / 金属材料 / ハイブリッド材料
クインテッセンス出版, 1999年10月.- (キーワード)
- ハイブリッド材料 / ブリッジ / アクリルファイバー
パーシャルデンチャーテクニック(藍稔,井上宏,野首孝祠,松本直之 他編),
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 1999年6月. 市川 哲雄, 永尾 寛, 松本 直之 :
強電解酸性水の歯科臨床, --- 強電解酸性水の補綴への応用 ---,
クインテッセンス出版 株式会社, 東京, 1997年9月.- (キーワード)
- 強電解水
- 論文
- Mio Kitamura, Takaharu Goto, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Yasuhiko Shirayama :
Clarifying the actual situation of old-old adults with unknown health conditions and those indifferent to health using the National Health Insurance Database (KDB) system,
Geriatrics, Vol.9, No.6, 156, 2024. Takaharu Goto, Yukako Masutomi and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Distribution of main occluding area and associated factors in adolescents,
Journal of Oral Science, Vol.66, No.4, 237-240, 2024.- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2334/josnusd.24-0197
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2334/josnusd.24-0197
(DOI: 10.2334/josnusd.24-0197) Takaharu Goto, Shinji Fujiwara, Tomoya koda, Takashi Matsuda, Mio Kitamura, Yasuhiko Shirayama and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Biopsychosocial consideration of Ikigai in older adults in Japan through a cross-sectional study.,
Geriatrics, Vol.9, No.3, 78, 2024.- (要約)
- -a Japanese concept that includes elements such as life's purpose and meaning-has been reported to be associated with various systemic health conditions, such as the risk of developing physical dysfunction or death in older adults. However, there are no reports that comprehensively examine the psychological and social aspects of . We attempted to clarify the characteristics of by examining it from a biopsychosocial model using physical, psychological, and social perspectives through a cross-sectional study on sarcopenia, frailty and healthy life expectancy in a hilly and mountainous area of Japan. Koyadaira in Mima City, which is located in a hilly and mountainous region on Shikoku Island in Japan, was targeted. This cross-sectional study included 105 outpatients aged 65 and over, with an average age of 79.02 ± 6.91 years. (self-rating score on a scale of 0 (no ) to 5 (the highest )) participants' level of physical activity (the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly, PASE), degree of depression (the Geriatric Depression-15 Scale, GDS-15), cognitive function (the Mini-Mental State Examination, MMSE) and social isolation (the abbreviated Lubben Social Network Scale, LSNS-6) was assessed. Significant positive correlations were found between PASE and MMSE. The LSNS-6 significantly correlated with the MMSE and GDS-15. In a path model, out of four paths from PASE, GDS-15, MMSE, and LSNS-6 to , the path from the GDS-15 alone was significant (correlation coefficient -0.271, < 0.01). The adaptability of this model was good. This study indicates that depressive status has a large impact on , along with physical, cognitive, and social conditions; thus, it is appropriate to consider that an affective psychological status, such as depressive symptoms, is a fundamental condition for having .
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3390/geriatrics9030078
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 38920434
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85196857934
(DOI: 10.3390/geriatrics9030078, PubMed: 38920434, Elsevier: Scopus) Adityakrisna Putra Yoshi Wigianto, Megumi Watanabe, Yuki Iwawaki, Takaharu Goto, Tamaki Otsuki and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Antimicrobial Efficacy of a Portable UV-C-Based Coating Activation Device against Candida albicans Biofilm and SARS-CoV-2 as an Additional Feature: An In Vitro Study.,
Hygiene, Vol.4, No.1, 93-102, 2024.- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3390/hygiene4010006
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.3390/hygiene4010006
(DOI: 10.3390/hygiene4010006) Yukako Masutomi, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Mouth breathing reduces oral function in adolescence,
Scientific Reports, Vol.14, No.1, 3810, 2024.- (要約)
- Although humans breathe naturally through the nostrils, mouth breathing in children has recently gathered attention. In this study, we hypothesized that tongue function and its related maxillofacial morphology would affect breathing in adolescence. To verify this hypothesis, we examined the association between breathing patterns, including mouth and nasal breathing; oral functions, including tongue motor function; and craniofacial morphology during adolescence, which has not been investigated till date. C3-H, which indicates the anteroposterior position of the hyoid bone in relation to the third cervical vertebra, was significantly smaller in mouth-breathers than in nasal-breathers. Lip-closing force, tongue pressure, and masticatory efficiency were lower in the order of nasal-breathers, oronasal-breathers, and mouth-breathers, and the values for mouth-breathers were significantly lower than those for nasal-breathers. Tongue pressure alone was identified as a significant independent variable, with an odds ratio of 1.063 (95% confidence interval, 1.006-1.123; p < 0.05). Our results indicate a relationship between mouth breathing and the lip-closing force, tongue pressure, and masticatory efficiency, as well as the significance of tongue pressure on mouth breathing in adolescents. The findings highlight the importance of clarifying the pathophysiology of mouth breathing and its underlying causes.
- (キーワード)
- Child / Humans / Adolescent / Mouth Breathing / Pressure / Cephalometry / Tongue / Cervical Vertebrae
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2012069
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1038/s41598-024-54328-x
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 38360938
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85185233184
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2012069, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-54328-x, PubMed: 38360938, Elsevier: Scopus) Takaharu Goto, Takahiro Kishimoto, Shinji Fujiwara, Yasuhiko Shirayama and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Social frailty as a predictor of all-cause mortality and functional disability: a systematic review and meta-analysis,
Scientific Reports, Vol.14, No.1, 3410, 2024.- (要約)
- The association between social frailty and adverse health outcomes, especially mortality and functional disability, which are essential health outcomes, has not been systematically summarized or meta-analyzed. In this study, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of social frailty on all-cause mortality and functional disability, while addressing the components of social frailty. In this study, social frailty was operationally defined in alignment with the previous literature, as follows: "a state of increased vulnerability to the interactive back-and-forth of the community, including general resources, social resources, social behaviors, and needs." Hazard ratios or odds ratios described in each selected literature were used as the meta-analytic results. Considering the impact of social frailty on all-cause mortality, the hazard ratio was 1.96 (95% CI 1.20-3.19), indicating a significant association between the two but high heterogeneity. The hazard and odds ratios for the impact of social frailty on functional disability were 1.43 (95% CI 1.20-1.69) and 2.06 (95% CI 1.55-2.74), respectively. A significant association was found between social frailty and functional disability; both hazard and odds ratios were found, and low heterogeneity between these articles was observed. These results highlight the importance of assessing social frailty using more standardized methods and examining its effects on various health outcomes.
- (キーワード)
- Humans / Aged / Frailty / Frail Elderly / 社会的行動 (social behavior) / Odds Ratio / Proportional Hazards Models
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2012137
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1038/s41598-024-53984-3
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 38341512
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85184791876
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2012137, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-53984-3, PubMed: 38341512, Elsevier: Scopus) 北村 美渚, 白山 靖彦, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄, 藤原 真治 :
日本老年医学会雑誌, Vol.61, No.1, 54-60, 2024年.- (キーワード)
- 畑作業 / 高齢者 / 生活行為 / 身体機能 / 認知機能 (cognitive function)
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3143/geriatrics.61.54
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390299749789002880
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.3143/geriatrics.61.54
(DOI: 10.3143/geriatrics.61.54, CiNii: 1390299749789002880) Megumi Watanabe, Lipei Liu and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Are Allergy-Induced Implant Failures Actually Hypersensitivity Reactions to Titanium? A Literature Review.,
Dentistry Journal, Vol.11, No.11, 263, 2023.- (要約)
- This literature review was performed to assess whether implant failures are associated with titanium allergy. An electronic search of the MEDLINE/PubMed, Cochrane Library, and Scopus databases up to April 2021 was conducted, and the obtained articles were independently assessed by two reviewers. Articles describing cases of implant failure in which the cause of implant failure was only identified as allergy were included. Twelve studies were included. Eight studies identified Ti allergy by clinical examinations, of which four used patch tests, three used the lymphocyte transformation test (LTT)/memory lymphocyte immunostimulation assay (MELISA), and one used both tests. Nine studies reported cases of titanium hypersensitivity in combination with other systemic allergy-related disorders, with eight cases also showing positive results for Ni, Hg, Cr, and Co hypersensitivity. Ten papers reported the improvement of symptoms after the removal of the Ti implants and their replacement with zirconia implants, and two of these papers showed good results. Cases of probable titanium allergy included those with true titanium allergies and those with a potentially different cause. However, the differentiation of these cases is difficult. Since no definitive method has been established for diagnosing titanium allergy, a comprehensive diagnosis based on the clinical course and clinical examination using a patch test/LTT/MELISA is necessary. Implant treatment should be performed with caution in patients with any preoperative allergies.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2000236
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3390/dj11110263
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 37999027
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 37999027
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.3390/dj11110263
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2000236, DOI: 10.3390/dj11110263, PubMed: 37999027) Hideki Suito, Keiko Fujimoto, Takaharu Goto, Kan Nagao, Hidehiko Hosoki and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Effective use of an extraoral vacuum in preventing the dispersal of particulate matter from metal dental materials.,
Journal of Occupational Health, Vol.65, No.1, e12412, 2023.- (要約)
- When dentists adjust prostheses at the dental chairside, particulate matter (PM) from the dental material is dispersed. Little is known about the effective use of an extraoral vacuum (EOV) in preventing PM dispersal. This study aimed to evaluate the effective use of an EOV in preventing the dispersal of metal PM in dental offices. The following experimental conditions were planned: the distance from the EOV to the metallic materials (50, 100, 150, and 200 mm), the horizontal angle between the long axis of the micromotor handpiece and EOV (0°, 45°, and 90°), and the operating time of the EOV (during grinding, during grinding and 1 min thereafter, during grinding and the preceding 1 min, 1 min before and after grinding, and during grinding). Carborundum and silicone points were used for grinding and PM dispersal. Diameters (0.3, 0.5, 1.0, and 3.0 μm) were measured using a laser particle counter. Depending on the instrument used to grind, there were undetectable PMs of different diameters (Carborundum point: 0.3 and 0.5 μm, Silicone point: 0.3 μm). PMNs were reduced as the distance from the EOV to metal materials decreased. Operating the EOV before grinding along the long axis of the micromotor handpiece was effective in reducing the PMNs. PMNs dispersed when grinding metals were effectively reduced by positioning the EOV closer to the grinding surface (within 150 mm) along the long axis of the micromotor handpiece and operating the EOV before grinding.
- (キーワード)
- Humans / Particulate Matter / Vacuum / Dental Materials
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2012086
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1002/1348-9585.12412
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 37347802
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85162829227
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2012086, DOI: 10.1002/1348-9585.12412, PubMed: 37347802, Elsevier: Scopus) Suguru Kimoto, Yasuhiko Kawai, Asako Suzuki, Yasuyo Koide, Hisatomo Kondo, Taro Nomura, Akito Tsuboi, Yoshihiko Ito, Guang Hong, Shunsuke Minakuchi, Gaku Ohwada, Yusuke Sato, Tetsuya Suzuki, Katsuhiko Kimoto, Makiko Saita, Noriyuki Hoshi, Yoshikazu Yoneyama, Yohei Sato, Masakazu Morokuma, Joji Okazaki, Takeshi Maeda, Kenichiro Nakai, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Kan Nagao, Keiko Fujimoto, Tadafumi Kurogi, Hiroshi Murata, Hitomi Okazaki, Masahiro Nishimura, Yasuhiro Nishi, Mamoru Murakami, Toshio Hosoi and Taizo Hamada :
Effect of denture adhesives on masticatory performance: Multicenter randomized controlled trial.,
Journal of Prosthodontic Research, 2023.- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2012019
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_22_00105
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 37316261
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 37316261
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_22_00105
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2012019, DOI: 10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_22_00105, PubMed: 37316261) 市川 哲雄, 石田 雄一, 渡邉 恵 :
日本顎顔面インプラント学会誌, Vol.22, No.1, 3-9, 2023年. Kan Nagao, Keiko Fujimoto, Hideki Suito, Takaharu Goto, Yuichi Ishida, Megumi Watanabe and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Effect of Palatal Augmentation Prosthesis on Speech and Swallowing in Tongue Dysfunction:A Literature Review,
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.35, No.2, 39-46, 2023.- (要約)
- Purpose: Palatal augmentation prosthesis (PAP) is used on patients with dysphagia and dysarthria. While several studies have evaluated the effects of PAP, evidence regarding the adaptation criteria, effects, and limitations of PAP are not well organized. This review aims to summarize its functions, limitations, and applications. Procedure: To investigate the adaptation criteria, effects, and limitations of PAP, we searched the English language literature published in PubMed from its inception through April 20, 2022. The leading search terms included ``palatal augmentation prosthesis.'' Main findings: The primary search used keywords that reflected 31 studies. Finally, nine cross-sectional studies and nine case reports were selected for full-text assessment after applying the inclusion criteria. Eleven studies described the efficacy of speech function: two for motility factors and nine for organic factors (with overlap). Thirteen studies described the effectiveness of swallowing function, four related to motility factors, and ten for organic factors (with overlap). Several studies have demonstrated that PAP effectively restores articulation and swallowing in patients with impaired tongue function after glossectomy for oropharyngeal cancer, sequelae of cranial nerve disease, or neuromuscular disease. However, few papers describe the scope of glossectomy and tongue movement restrictions, so it is impossible to describe the adaptation criteria, effects, and limitations. In this review, most case reports and cross-sectional studies did not provide information on the fabrication methods of PAP or the dentistsʼ experience. Thus, the effect of bias on palatal morphology in PAP patients remains unclear. Conclusions: The number of patients with dysarthria and dysphagia is increasing worldwide, similar to what is already occurring in Japan. Therefore, additional high-quality studies on the effects of PAP are required.
- (キーワード)
- Palatal augmentation prosthesis / Tongue dysfunction / Literature review
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2010947
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.20738/johb.35.2_39
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390014093884103040
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.20738/johb.35.2_39
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2010947, DOI: 10.20738/johb.35.2_39, CiNii: 1390014093884103040) Yoshihiro Tagami, Keiko Fujimoto, Takaharu Goto, Hideki Suito, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Can Measurement of Ultrasonic Echo Intensity Predict Physical Frailty in Older Adults?,
Diagnostics, Vol.13, No.4, 675, 2023.- (要約)
- Echo intensity (EI) of the tongue in ultrasonography is an easy and quantitative assessment of tongue function. Elucidating the relationship between EI and frailty, is expected to aid in the early detection of frailty and oral hypofunction in older adults. We assessed tongue function and frailty in older outpatients visiting a hospital. The subjects were 101 individuals aged 65 or older (35 men and 66 women, mean age 76.4 ± 7.0 years). Tongue pressure and EI were measured as assessments of tongue function and grip strength, and Kihon Checklist (KCL) scores were measured as assessments of frailty. In women, a significant correlation was not found between the mean EI and grip strength, whereas a significant correlation was noted between each score of the KCL and the mean EI; the scores increased as the mean EI increased. A significant positive correlation was found between tongue pressure and grip strength, but no significant correlation was observed between tongue pressure and the KCL scores. In men, no significant correlation was found between tongue assessments and frailty, except for a significant positive correlation between tongue pressure and grip strength. The results of this study suggest that EI of the tongue is positively associated with physical frailty in women and may be useful for early detection of physical frailty status.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2011131
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3390/diagnostics13040675
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 36832163
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 36832163
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.3390/diagnostics13040675
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2011131, DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics13040675, PubMed: 36832163) Yasufumi Nishikawa, Yoritoki Tomotake, Hiromichi Kawano, Koji Naruishi, Jun-ichi Kido, Yuka Hiroshima, Akikazu Murakami, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Hiromichi Yumoto :
Effects of Candidalysin Derived from Candida albicans on the Expression of Pro-Inflammatory Mediators in Human Gingival Fibroblasts,
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol.24, No.4, 3256, 2023.- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2011569
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3390/ijms24043256
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 36834667
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 36834667
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.3390/ijms24043256
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2011569, DOI: 10.3390/ijms24043256, PubMed: 36834667) Tadafumi Kurogi, Hiroshi Murata, Erika Yamaguchi, Yasuhiko Kawai, Asako Suzuki, Yasuyo Koide, Suguru Kimoto, Hisatomo Kondo, Taro Nomura, Akito Tsuboi, Guang Hong, Yoshihiko Ito, Shunsuke Minakuchi, Gaku Ohwada, Yusuke Sato, Tetsuya Suzuki, Katsuhiko Kimoto, Noriyuki Hoshi, Makiko Saita, Yoshikazu Yoneyama, Yohei Sato, Masakazu Morokuma, Joji Okazaki, Takeshi Maeda, Kenichiro Nakai, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Kan Nagao, Keiko Fujimoto, Masahiro Nishimura, Yasuhiro Nishi, Mamoru Murakami, Toshio Hosoi and Taizo Hamada :
Effects of denture adhesives on denture retention and occlusal forces in complete denture wearers: A multicenter, randomized controlled trial.,
Journal of Prosthodontic Research, 2023.- (要約)
- Application of cream-type denture adhesives effectively improves the denture retention and occlusal force in complete denture wearers with a moderate degree of difficulty during edentulism treatment.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2012097
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_22_00178
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 36740264
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 36740264
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_22_00178
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2012097, DOI: 10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_22_00178, PubMed: 36740264) Takahiro Kishimoto, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Stress Reduction Effects during Block-Tapping Task of Jaw in Healthy Participants: Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) Measurements of Prefrontal Cortex Activity,
Brain Sciences, Vol.12, No.12, 1711, 2022.- (要約)
- The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of simple jaw opening and closing task of chewing movements on the activities of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) from the viewpoint of stress reduction. We measured cerebral blood flow (CBF) in the PFC during a block-tapping task of the jaw in healthy participants. Eleven young healthy individuals with normal dentition (7 males and 4 females, mean age 28.0 ± 3.7 years) volunteered for this study. CBF was measured using a wearable, functional near-infrared spectroscopy device. Measurements were taken using the central incisors and first molars at interocclusal distances of 5 and 10 mm. The participants were asked to bite a hard/soft block. CBF in all conditions showed limited variability or decreasing trend compared to resting state before the task. The main effect was observed for interocclusal distance ( = 0.008), and there were no significant differences for measurement area of the PFC, tooth type, and material type. An interaction was found between tooth type and material type. In conclusion, these results suggest that simple and rhythmical chewing motion has an effect of reducing CBF in the PFC and resting the PFC, which is an especially notable aspect of periodontal sensory information in the molar.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2010976
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3390/brainsci12121711
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 36552170
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 36552170
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.3390/brainsci12121711
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2010976, DOI: 10.3390/brainsci12121711, PubMed: 36552170) 市川 哲雄 :
日本歯科医学会連合雑誌, Vol.1, No.1, 6-11, 2022年.- (要約)
- <p>一般社団法人日本歯科医学会連合(以下,連合)所属の臨床系会員学会において,歯科専門医制度の充実と,さらにはそれが広告可能であることは非常に重要な問題である.連合は,歯科専門医制度の認定機関である一般社団法人日本歯科専門医機構(以下,機構)の設立を主導し,その結果令和3年度の厚生労働省告示によって機構の認定する歯科専門医制度が広告可能の条件となった.</p><p>歯科専門医制度は,歯科医師の生涯研修制度の一つであり,国民に対して適切な歯科医療体制の構築に必要不可欠なものであるという観点から,この制度を考えなければいけない.当然機構だけの問題ではなく,連合,大学,歯科医師会も含めた歯科界全体の問題として捉えなければならない.そのために,連合は会員学会の専門医,認定医制度を支援するとともに,機構の定めた歯科専門医の定義と5つの理念に従って,歯科専門医制度の整備と充実のために機構を支援し,活動を進めていかなければならない.</p>
- (キーワード)
- キャリアパス / 歯科専門医 / 認定 / 日本歯科医学会連合 / 日本歯科専門医機構 / 生涯研修
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.57468/jjdsf.22-002
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390576215066537600
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.57468/jjdsf.22-002
(DOI: 10.57468/jjdsf.22-002, CiNii: 1390576215066537600) 枡富 由佳子, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
日本全身咬合学会雑誌, Vol.28, No.2, 12-15, 2022年.- (キーワード)
- 姿勢 / 口腔機能 / 咀嚼能力 / 不正咬合 / 猫背 / body posture / oral function / masticatory ability / malocclusion / slouching
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.34420/jjaoh.28.2_12
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390857136555623936
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.34420/jjaoh.28.2_12
(DOI: 10.34420/jjaoh.28.2_12, CiNii: 1390857136555623936) Kenji Maekawa, Tomoko Ikeuchi, Shoji Shinkai, Hirohiko Hirano, Masahiro Ryu, Katsushi Tamaki, Hirofumi Yatani, Takuo Kuboki, Aya Kimura-Ono, Takeshi Kikutani, Takashi Suganuma, Yasunori Ayukawa, Tomoya Gonda, Toru Ogawa, Masanori Fujisawa, Shoichi Ishigaki, Yutaka Watanabe, Akihiko Kitamura, Yu Taniguchi, Yoshinori Fujiwara, Ayako Edahiro, Yuki Ohara, Junichi Furuya, Junko Nakajima, Kento Umeki, Kentaro Igarashi, Yasuhiro Horibe, Yoshihiro Kugimiya, Yasuhiko Kawai, Hideo Matsumura, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Shuji Ohkawa and Kazuyoshi Baba :
Impact of number of functional teeth on independence of Japanese older adults.,
Geriatrics & Gerontology International, Vol.22, No.12, 1032-1039, 2022.- (要約)
- To examine the relationship between the number of present and functional teeth at baseline and future incidence of loss of independence. Participants were community-dwelling older individuals who participated in a comprehensive geriatric health examination conducted in Kusatsu town, Japan, between 2009 and 2015. The primary endpoint was the incidence of loss of independence among participants, defined as the first certification of long-term care insurance in Japan. The numbers of present and functional teeth at baseline were determined via an oral examination. Demographics, clinical variables (e.g., history of chronic diseases and psychosocial factors), blood nutritional markers, physical functions, and perceived masticatory function were assessed. This study included 1121 individuals, and 205 individuals suffered from loss of independence during the follow-up period. Kaplan-Meier estimates of loss of independence for participants with smaller numbers of present and functional teeth were significantly greater than for those with larger numbers of teeth. Cox proportional hazard analyses indicated that a smaller number of present teeth was not a significant risk factor after adjusting for demographic characteristics. However, the number of functional teeth was a significant risk factor after the adjustment (hazard ratio: 1.975 [1.168-3.340]). Additionally, higher hazard ratios were observed in other adjusted models, but they were not statistically significant. The number of functional teeth may be more closely related to the future incidence of loss of independence than the number of present teeth. This novel finding suggests that prosthodontic rehabilitation for tooth loss possibly prevents the future incidence of this life-event. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2022; 22: 1032-1039.
- (キーワード)
- Humans / Aged / Japan / Tooth Loss / Certification / Independent Living / Insurance, Long-Term Care
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2011687
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1111/ggi.14508
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 36408675
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 36408675
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1111/ggi.14508
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2011687, DOI: 10.1111/ggi.14508, PubMed: 36408675) Adityakrisna Putra Yoshi Wigianto, Yuichi Ishida, Yuki Iwawaki, Takaharu Goto, Megumi Watanabe, Kazumitsu Sekine, Kenichi Hamada, Keiji Murakami, Hideki Fujii and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine polymer treatment prevents Candida albicans biofilm formation on acrylic resin,
Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.67, No.3, 384-391, 2022.- (要約)
- We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of photoreactive 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) in inhibiting Candida albicans biofilm formation on polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and assess its mechanism and need for re-application by evaluating its interaction with salivary mucin and durability during temperature changes. PMMA discs were used as specimens. The MPC coating was applied using the spray and cure technique for the treatment groups, whereas no coating was applied to the control. The MPC treatment (MT) groups were further differentiated based on the number of thermal cycles involved (0, 1000, 2500, and 5000). The optical density was measured to assess mucin adsorption (MA). Contact angle (CA) was calculated to evaluate surface hydrophilicity. The presence of MPC components on the PMMA surface was assessed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). C. albicans biofilms were evaluated qualitatively (scanning electron microscope images) and quantitatively (colony-forming units (CFUs)). Statistical analysis was conducted using two-way analysis of variance and Tukey's multiple comparison test. MA rate and CA increased significantly in the MT groups, which exhibited significantly fewer CFUs and thinner biofilms than those of the control group. Based on the XPS, MA, and CFU evaluations, the durability and efficacy of the MPC coating were considered stable up to 2500 thermal cycles. Additionally, a significant interaction was observed between mucin concentration and MPC efficacy. The photoreactive MPC coating, which was resistant to temperature changes for approximately 3 months, effectively prevented C. albicans biofilm formation by modifying surface hydrophilicity and increasing mucin adsorption.
- (キーワード)
- Candida albicans / Acrylic Resins / Polymers / Polymethyl Methacrylate / Surface Properties / Biofilms / Mucins
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2007993
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_22_00102
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 36288959
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85166383313
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2007993, DOI: 10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_22_00102, PubMed: 36288959, Elsevier: Scopus) Lipei Liu, Megumi Watanabe, Norikazu Minami, Mohammad Fadyl Yunizar and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Semaphorin 3A: A potential target for prevention and treatment of nickel allergy,
Communications Biology, Vol.5, No.1, 671, 2022.- (要約)
- Metal allergy is one of the typical immune disorders encountered during the application of dental/medical materials and has a highly complex pathogenic mechanism. Semaphorin 3A (Sema3A), a member of the semaphorin family, is reported to be involved in various immune disorders. However, its role in metal allergy has not been clarified yet. Herein, we show that Sema3A expression was upregulated in nickel (Ni) allergy-induced mouse ear tissue and in NiCl-stimulated mouse keratinocytes. Moreover, Sema3A regulated tumor necrosis factor-alpha production and mitogen-activated protein kinase activation in keratinocytes. The specific deletion of Sema3A in keratinocytes did not affect immune cell infiltration but reduced edema and ear swelling; it also impeded Th1 responses to cause a slight alleviation in Ni allergy in mice. Our results demonstrate that Sema3A promotes the development of metal allergy and should be explored as a potential target for the prevention and treatment of metal allergy.
- (キーワード)
- Animals / Hypersensitivity / Keratinocytes / Mice / Nickel / Semaphorin-3A
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2010252
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1038/s42003-022-03641-0
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 35798870
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 35798870
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1038/s42003-022-03641-0
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2010252, DOI: 10.1038/s42003-022-03641-0, PubMed: 35798870) Lipei Liu, Megumi Watanabe, Norikazu Minami, Mohammad Fadyl Yunizar and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Dendritic Cells Directly Recognize Nickel Ions as an Antigen during the Development,
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.34, No.2, 40, 2022.- (キーワード)
- Metal allergy / Nickel ions / Phagocytosis / Dendritic cell migration
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2009669
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.20738/johb.34.2_40
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390854717498933632
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.20738/johb.34.2_40
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2009669, DOI: 10.20738/johb.34.2_40, CiNii: 1390854717498933632) Adityakrisna Putra Yoshi Wigianto, Yuichi Ishida, Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Megumi Watanabe and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Novel Magnetic Attachment System Manufactured Using High-Frequency Heat Treatment and Stamp Technique: Introduction and Basic Performance,
Dentistry Journal, Vol.10, No.5, 75, 2022.- (要約)
- Recently, a novel magnetic attachment with extremely low cost and high performance was developed. This article aims to introduce a novel magnetic attachment and to evaluate its basic eligibility for denture retention in clinical practice. The novel magnetic attachment system used in this study was the direct-bonding root-keeper-type Magteeth™ MT800 (MagneDesign, Nagoya, Japan). The retentive force without displacement (position 0) and after horizontal displacement to positions 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 mm were measured. The values relative to the retentive force without displacement were gradually decreased to 82.7 ± 16.3%, 68.8 ± 17.1%, 62.4 ± 15%, 47.2 ± 13.1%, 35.7 ± 9.9%, and 20.7 ± 6.5%, respectively. The retentive force and magnetic field strength did not change significantly after the load test (100 N load, 10,000 times). No new gap between the metal and resin was found in the root keeper- and magnet assembly-embedded blocks after the load test. Some scratches on magnetic assembly and root keeper surface, while no change in the resin texture after the load test were observed. Based on the findings of this preliminary study, this novel low-cost magnetic attachment exhibited favorable retention, strength, and durability for clinical use.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2011658
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3390/dj10050075
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 35621528
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 35621528
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.3390/dj10050075
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2011658, DOI: 10.3390/dj10050075, PubMed: 35621528) Mohammad Fadyl Yunizar, Megumi Watanabe and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Current development status of additive manufacturing technologies for fabricating removable partial denture frameworks: a literature review,
International Journal of Computerized Dentistry, Vol.25, No.1, 57-70, 2022.- (要約)
- The aim of the present study was to review the current development status of additive manufacturing (AM) technology for fabricating frameworks for removable partial dentures (RPDs) considering fit accuracy, surface condition, and mechanical strength. A search of the databases of MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and Science Direct was conducted using definite keywords ("removable partial denture" or "framework" or "dental prosthesis design") and ("additive manufacturing technology" or "rapid prototyping" or "3D-printing"). A total of 23 articles were selected according to certain inclusion criteria. The direct AM techniques were applied to manufacture metal RPD frameworks consisting of selective laser melting (SLM), selective laser sintering (SLS), and metal binder jetting (MBJ). The SLM technique showed a good surface and mechanical strength, but low accuracy. The SLS technique showed higher accuracy than indirect AM, but further studies are required. The MBJ technique showed lower accuracy and a rougher surface than the conventional method. AM techniques can produce RPD frameworks within the acceptable range for clinical practice; however, more clinical studies are needed.
- (キーワード)
- Denture, Partial, Removable / Humans / Lasers / Printing, Three-Dimensional
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 35322653
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 35322653
(PubMed: 35322653) Mohammad Fadyl Yunizar, Megumi Watanabe, Lipei Liu, Norikazu Minami and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Metal Allergy Mediates the Development of Oral Lichen Planus via TSLP-TSLPR Signaling,
Journal of Clinical Medicine, Vol.11, No.3, 519, 2022.- (要約)
- Metal allergy is a T-cell-mediated delayed type of hypersensitive reaction. The pathogenetic mechanisms underlying the allergy are unclear, although the condition has been reported to be related to oral lichen planus (OLP), despite an absence of immunological studies to support this relationship. In this study, histopathological samples of OLP patients were examined to compare the metal allergy-positive and -negative groups, with a focus on the network of epidermal keratinocytes and T cells induced by thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) and its receptor, TSLPR. Infiltration of T cells into the epithelium was revealed to be higher in the OLP lesions of metal allergy-positive patients than in those of metal allergy-negative patients. Moreover, TSLP-TSLPR signaling and TNF-α production were higher in the epithelial tissue samples of the metal allergy-positive patients than in the metal allergy-negative patients. Metal allergy is associated with both increased expressions of TSLP in keratinocytes and increased TNF-α levels in the epithelium. We propose that this would promote the accumulation of T cells at the lesion site, contributing to the formation of the disease. These results suggest that metal allergy may be an aggravating factor in the pathogenesis of OLP.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2009911
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3390/jcm11030519
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 35159975
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 35159975
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.3390/jcm11030519
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2009911, DOI: 10.3390/jcm11030519, PubMed: 35159975) Tetsuo Ichikawa, Takaharu Goto, Takahiro Kishimoto, Yuichi Ishida and Megumi Watanabe :
Does Prosthodontic Treatment Improve the Nutrition Status in the Elderly? Literature Review,
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, Vol.10, No.1, 26-31, 2022.- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.12691/jfnr-10-1-4
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.12691/jfnr-10-1-4
(DOI: 10.12691/jfnr-10-1-4) Yoshihiro Tagami, Keiko Fujimoto, Takaharu Goto, Hideki Suito, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Measurement of ultrasonic echo intensity predicts the mass and strength of the tongue muscles in the elderly,
Journal of Oral Science, Vol.64, No.1, 44-48, 2022.- (要約)
- The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the echo intensity (EI) on ultrasound images of the tongue, tongue thickness, and tongue pressure to examine the effectiveness of EI measurement for assessing the tongue function. A total of 100 elderly outpatients were enrolled. Tongue thickness and EI were measured using ultrasonography. The distance from mylohyoid muscle surface to dorsal surface of the tongue was measured for tongue thickness. Subsequently, this area was vertically divided into four areas: top of tongue dorsal side (DT), bottom of tongue dorsal side (DB), top of basal tongue side (BT), and bottom of basal tongue side (BB), and the EI was measured in each area. The mean EIs of DT and DB were lower than those of BT and BB. In the three areas apart from BB, the EI decreased with an increase in tongue thickness. In particular, a significant correlation between the EI in DB and tongue thickness was found. In all areas, the EI decreased with an increase in tongue pressure. The results of this study suggested that the measurement of EI could be an important indicator for assessing the tongue function in the elderly.
- (キーワード)
- Aged / Humans / Muscle Strength / Muscle, Skeletal / Muscles / Pressure / Tongue / Ultrasonics
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2334/josnusd.21-0351
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 34880146
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390290780268628096
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85123812584
(DOI: 10.2334/josnusd.21-0351, PubMed: 34880146, CiNii: 1390290780268628096, Elsevier: Scopus) 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
日本全身咬合学会雑誌, Vol.27, No.2, 8-12, 2021年.- (要約)
- <p>本研究では,歯根膜の触・圧覚への感覚刺激と前頭前野の活動の関連性を明らかにすることを目的とした.健常有歯顎を有する若年者11名を対象とし,対象歯は,上下顎左側中切歯および第一大臼歯とした.歯根膜触・圧覚の測定にはvon Freyの刺激毛を用いた.精神物理学的手法として,マグニチュード推定法を用い,Stevensのべき法則より歯根膜触・圧覚感受性値を算出した.前頭前野の血流量の測定には,ウェアラブル光トポグラフィーを用い,実験タスクとして,咬合力維持タスクを設定した.歯根膜触・圧覚の刺激物理量と感覚量の対数値はほぼ直線の関係を示し,有意に高い相関係数を示した.歯根膜触・圧覚感受性値に関しては,前歯と臼歯の間で有意な差は認められなかった.臼歯においてはすべての測定野で感受性値と血流の変化量との間に負の相関関係が認められた.また咬合力に関しては,臼歯のほうが前歯と比較し,有意に低い値を示した.以上の結果より,歯根膜触・圧覚において「Stevensのべき法則」が適用できることが示され,臼歯においてはその法則から導き出される感受性値が,前頭前野の血流量と咬合力の抑制に関連することが示され,咬合力維持というタスクにおける感受性値の部位特異的な重要性が示唆された.</p>
- (キーワード)
- 歯根膜触・圧覚 / 前頭前野 / 咬合力 / マグニチュード推定法 / periodontal tactile sensation / prefrontal cortex / occlusal force / magnitude estimation method
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.34420/jjaoh.27.2_8
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390853487384974464
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.34420/jjaoh.27.2_8
(DOI: 10.34420/jjaoh.27.2_8, CiNii: 1390853487384974464) Wigianto Yoshi Putra Adityakrisna, Takaharu Goto, Yuki Iwawaki, Yuichi Ishida, Megumi Watanabe and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Treatment outcomes of implant-assisted removable partial denture with distal extension based on the Kennedy classification and attachment type: a systematic review,
International Journal of Implant Dentistry, Vol.7, No.1, 111, 2021.- (要約)
- Implant-assisted removable partial dentures (IARPDs) have recently become popular, but little information is available on the treatment outcomes based on the Kennedy classification and attachment types. The objective of this review was to evaluate the treatment outcomes of IARPD delivered for distal extension edentulous areas based on the differences in the Kennedy classification and attachment type. English-language clinical studies on IARPD published between January 1980 and February 2020 were collected from MEDLINE (via PubMed), the Cochrane Library (via the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials), Scopus online database, and manual searching. Two reviewers selected the articles based on pre-determined inclusion and exclusion criteria, followed by data extraction and analysis. Eighty-one studies were selected after evaluating the titles and abstracts of 2410 papers. Nineteen studies were finally included after the perusal of the full text. Fourteen studies focused on Class I, 4 studies investigated both Class I and II, and only 1 study was conducted on Kennedy's class II. Eight types of attachments were reported. The ball attachment was the most frequently used attachment, which was employed in 8 of the included studies. The implant survival rate ranged from 91 to 100%. The reported marginal bone loss ranged from 0.3 mm to 2.30 mm. The patient satisfaction was higher with IARPD than with conventional RPDs or that before treatment. The results of prosthetic complications were heterogeneous and inconclusive. IARPD exhibited favorable clinical outcomes when used as a replacement for distal extension edentulous areas. The comparison between the clinical outcomes of Kennedy's class I and II was inconclusive owing to the lack of studies focusing on Kennedy Class II alone. The stud attachment was the most commonly used type in IARPDs. Overall, the different attachment systems did not influence the implant survival rate and patient satisfaction. Further high-quality studies are needed to investigate the attachment systems used in IARPD.
- (キーワード)
- Dental Implants / Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported / Denture, Partial, Removable / Humans / Patient Satisfaction / Treatment Outcome
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1186/s40729-021-00394-z
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 34773513
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 34773513
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1186/s40729-021-00394-z
(DOI: 10.1186/s40729-021-00394-z, PubMed: 34773513) 藤本 けい子, 岩脇 有軌, 後藤 崇晴, 岸本 卓大, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
老年歯科医学, Vol.36, No.1, 44-52, 2021年.- (要約)
- <p> 目的:ATP拭き取り検査キットを用いた口腔衛生状態不良の評価方法について,口腔機能低下症で示された評価法と比較し検討することを目的とした.</p><p> 方法:2019年10月から2020年4月までの間に徳島大学病院歯科にてメンテナンスを行っている高齢者102名に対し,残存歯数の測定および口腔衛生状態不良の検査を行った.口腔衛生状態不良の検査では,舌苔付着度(Tongue Coating Index,TCI),細菌数測定装置による細菌数測定,およびATP拭き取り検査キットによるATP+AMP量の測定を行った.被検体は来院時すぐに10 mLの水で5秒間含嗽を行って吐き出した含嗽溶液と綿棒で舌背部を拭ったものとした.また,口腔内の衛生状態の包括評価として,5段階で口腔粘膜および義歯の主観的評価を行った.</p><p> 結果:舌背部の測定に関して,ATP拭き取り検査値とTCIにおけるSpearmanの順位相関係数は0.374(p<0.001),TCIと細菌数における相関係数は0.429(p<0.001),細菌数とATP拭き取り検査値における相関係数は0.388(p<0.001)であった.また,包括評価に関して,口腔粘膜の衛生状態とATP拭き取り検査(舌背部),ATP拭き取り検査(含嗽溶液),TCI,細菌数(含嗽溶液)との相関係数はそれぞれ-0.257(p=0.009),-0.274(p=0.005),-0.209(p=0.035),-0.321(p=0.001)であった.義歯の衛生状態とATP拭き取り検査値(含嗽溶液),TCIとの相関係数はそれぞれ-0.317(p=0.001),-0.232(p=0.019)であった.</p><p> 結論:ATP拭き取り検査キットによる測定は,食物残渣などを含む総合的な口腔衛生状態不良を客観的に評価できる可能性が示唆された.</p>
- (キーワード)
- 高齢者 / 口腔衛生状態不良 / ATP拭き取り検査 / 細菌数測定 / 舌苔付着度(Tongue Coating Index,TCI)
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.11259/jsg.36.44
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390007282526004352
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.11259/jsg.36.44
(DOI: 10.11259/jsg.36.44, CiNii: 1390007282526004352) 友竹 偉則, 川野 弘道, 西川 泰史, 武川 香織, 富永 賢, 市川 哲雄 :
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.33, No.2, 39-44, 2021年.- (要約)
- <b>Purpose:</b> Oral Implant Center established in April 2014 as specialized clinical section at Tokushima University Hospital. The aim of this study was to report a survey of new patients of preoperative registration at Oral Implant Center during the five years since its establishment.<br> <b>Subjects and methods:</b> Investigation of gender and age, chief complaint, details of treatment requests, sites of missing teeth, number of missing teeth, cause of tooth extraction, and treatment status for patients registered at Oral Implant Center from April 2014 to March 2019 were performed.<br> <b>Results:</b> Regarding the chief complaint, 605 (88.3%) patients consulted preoperatively for a request for implant treatment, and 80 (11.7%) consulted about complain of previous implant treatment or a request for continued maintenance. The average number of missing teeth for which treatment was requested was 3.8. The proportion of patients who wished to be treated for the number of missing teeth was 32.2% for missing one tooth, 56.1% for missing few teeth (2 to 6 teeth), 7.8% for missing many teeth (7 or more teeth) and edentulous 3.9%. As for the details of treatment requests of 80 patients who had already received implant treatment, 33 (41.3%) consulted on the improper superstructure, 29 (36.3%) wished to examine and treat peri-implantitis, 4 (5%) wished to remove the implant and 14 (17.5%) requested continued maintenance.<br> <b>Discussion and conclusion:</b> The number of new patients regarding implant treatment has been about the same each year, and it was reconfirmed that it was recognized as a treatment method for dental prostheses. In particular, many patients wished to receive implant treatment for a single tooth missing, suggesting that the patients also recognized the importance of preserving the remaining teeth. On the other hand, the number of patients complaining of previous implant treatment tends to increase, and it is necessary to consider future correspondence.
- (キーワード)
- Oral Implant Center / implant treatment / preoperative registration
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.20738/johb.33.2_39
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1391975831240588672
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.20738/johb.33.2_39
(DOI: 10.20738/johb.33.2_39, CiNii: 1391975831240588672) Yoshihiko Ito, Guang Hong, Akito Tsuboi, Yasuhiko Kawai, Hisatomo Kondo, Taro Nomura, Suguru Kimoto, Atsuko Gunji, Asako Suzuki, Gaku Ohwada, Shunsuke Minakuchi, Yusuke Sato, Tetsuya Suzuki, Katsuhiko Kimoto, Noriyuki Hoshi, Makiko Saita, Yoshikazu Yoneyama, Yohei Sato, Masakazu Morokuma, Joji Okazaki, Takeshi Maeda, Kenichiro Nakai, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Kan Nagao, Keiko Fujimoto, Hiroshi Murata, Tadafumi Kurogi, Kazuma Takase, Masahiro Nishimura, Yasuhiro Nishi, Mamoru Murakami, Toshio Hosoi and Taizo Hamada :
Multivariate analysis reveals oral health-related quality of life of complete denture wearers with denture adhesives: a multicenter randomized controlled trial,
Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.65, No.3, 353-359, 2021.- (要約)
- <p><b>Purpose </b>To investigate the difference in improvement of oral health-related quality of life (OHR-QoL) depending on the oral and denture conditions of a complete denture wearer when using a cream or powder type denture adhesive in a 10-center parallel randomized clinical trial.</p><p><b>Methods </b>Two hundred edentulous subjects who wore complete dentures were allocated to each of the three groups according to denture adhesive type: cream, powder, and control (saline solution). The materials were applied to the mucosal surface of the dentures for 4 days, and baseline data and data after the intervention were collected. OHR-QoL was assessed using the Japanese version of the modified Oral Health Impact Profile for Edentulous Patients (OHIP-EDENT-J) scale for outcome. Multivariate analysis was used to investigate improvements in OHR-QoL according to participant characteristics among complete denture wearers using these materials.</p><p><b>Results </b>OHIP-EDENT-J scores were significantly decreased in all groups after the intervention (p < 0.05); however, there were no statistically significant differences among the groups. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed a significant association between the vertical height of the maxillary and mandibular alveolar ridge and OHIP-EDENT-J scores in the cream-type denture adhesive group. In contrast, there were no significant association between participant characteristics and OHIP-EDENT-J scores in the powder-type adhesive and control groups.</p><p><b>Conclusions </b>The use of denture adhesives could improve OHR-QoL for complete denture wearers. The cream-type denture adhesives may be expected to improve OHR-QoL in patients with poor residual ridge conditions compared with patients with good residual ridge conditions.</p>
- (キーワード)
- Multivariate analysis / OHR-QoL / Complete denture / Denture adhesive
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/jpr.jpr_d_20_00132
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390570620393827200
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/jpr.jpr_d_20_00132
(DOI: 10.2186/jpr.jpr_d_20_00132, CiNii: 1390570620393827200) Keiko Fujimoto, Hideki Suito, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Does Masticatory Ability Contribute to Nutritional Status in Older Individuals?,
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol.17, No.20, 2020.- (要約)
- Mastication plays a primary role in the process of eating. Hence, compromised masticatory ability may affect the nutrition and quality of life, which are particularly important concerns among older individuals. It remains unclear how is the masticatory ability assessed regarding the nutritional status. We examined the effect of various oral factors on three masticatory ability tests conducted among older individuals. A total of 100 older individuals were enrolled in this study. Body mass index (BMI) as an indicator of nutritional status; and age, sex, and the number of occlusal and molar occlusal supports as clinical attributes were recorded. Three masticatory ability tests (masticatory efficiency, masticatory score, and satisfaction with mastication) were conducted, and tongue pressure, cheek pressure, and occlusal force were assessed as oral functions. A significant but weak correlation was found between masticatory efficiency and the masticatory score, but not between masticatory efficiency and satisfaction score. Objective masticatory efficiency was strongly associated with objective oral factors, whereas subjective assessments of masticatory ability (masticatory score and satisfaction score) were not. Furthermore, BMI was significantly associated with subjective assessments of masticatory ability but not with objective masticatory efficiency. Both subjective and objective assessments of masticatory ability, along with considerations of nutritional formulations, are required for the maintenance and improvement of nutritional status in older individuals.
- (キーワード)
- Aged / Female / Humans / Male / Mastication / Nutritional Status / Pressure / Quality of Life / Tongue
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2009121
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3390/ijerph17207373
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 33050275
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 33050275
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.3390/ijerph17207373
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2009121, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17207373, PubMed: 33050275) Takaharu Goto, Takahiro Kishimoto, Yuki Iwawaki, Keiko Fujimoto, Yuichi Ishida, Megumi Watanabe, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Reliability of screening methods to diagnose oral dryness and evaluate saliva secretion,
Dentistry Journal, Vol.8, No.3, 2020.- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2008819
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3390/dj8030102
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85092017329
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2008819, DOI: 10.3390/dj8030102, Elsevier: Scopus) Takaharu Goto, Nobuaki Higaki, Takahiro Kishimoto, Yoritoki Tomotake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Does periodontal tactile input uniquely increase cerebral blood flow in the prefrontal cortex?,
Brain Sciences, Vol.10, No.8, E482, 2020.- (要約)
- We previously studied the effect of peripheral sensory information from sensory periodontal ligament receptors on prefrontal cortex (PFC) activity. In the dental field, an alternative dental implant without periodontal sensation can be applied for missing teeth. In this study, we examine whether periodontal tactile input could increase cerebral blood flow (CBF) in the PFC against elderly patients with dental implants lacking periodontal tactile (implant group), elderly individuals with natural teeth (elderly group), and young individuals with natural teeth (young group). The experimental task of maintaining occlusal force as closed-loop stimulation was performed. Compared with the young group, the elderly group showed significantly lower CBF. Contrastingly, compared with the young group, the implant group showed significantly lower CBF. There were no significant differences between the elderly and implant groups. Regarding the mean occlusal force value, compared with the young group and the elderly group, the implant group had a numerically, but not significantly, larger occlusal force exceeding the directed range. In conclusion, the periodontal tactile input does not uniquely increase PFC activity. However, increased CBF in the PFC due to the periodontal tactile input in the posterior region requires existing attention behavior function in the PFC.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2008806
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3390/brainsci10080482
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 32722618
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 32722618
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.3390/brainsci10080482
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2008806, DOI: 10.3390/brainsci10080482, PubMed: 32722618) Y Nishi, T Nomura, M Murakami, Y Kawai, M Nishimura, H Kondo, Y Ito, A Tsuboi, G Hong, S Kimoto, A Gunji, A Suzuki, G Ohwada, S Minakuchi, Y Sato, T Suzuki, K Kimoto, N Hoshi, M Saita, Y Yoneyama, Y Sato, M Morokuma, J Okazaki, T Maeda, K Nakai, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Kan Nagao, Keiko Fujimoto, H Murata, T Kurogi, K Yoshida, T Hosoi and T Hamada :
Effect of denture adhesives on oral moisture: A multicenter randomized controlled trial,
Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.64, No.3, 281-288, 2020.- (要約)
- The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of denture adhesives on oral moisture in a 10-center parallel randomized clinical trial. Two hundred edentulous subjects wearing complete dentures were allocated into three groups: cream-type adhesive, powder-type adhesive and control groups. The adhesives (and saline solution in the control group) were applied to the mucosal surface of the dentures for 4 days, and baseline data and data after the intervention for eight meals over 4 days were obtained. For the main outcome, oral moisture was measured with a moisture checking device. Secondary outcomes were denture satisfaction, masticatory performance, denture retention, and occlusal force. In addition to between-group and within-group comparisons of oral moisture, investigations for secondary outcomes were undertaken in subgroups classified according to the degree of oral moisture at baseline (normal subgroup and dry mouth subgroup). Intention-to-treat analysis was also performed. Between-group and within-group comparisons of oral moisture showed no significant differences. The cream-type and powder-type denture adhesives were significantly effective in the dry mouth group for denture satisfaction ratings of ability to masticate, stability, retention, and comfort of mandibular dentures (p<0.05). The masticatory performance and retentive force of the dry mouth denture adhesive using groups were significantly improved after intervention (p<0.05). The oral moisture of complete denture wearers was not influenced by the use of denture adhesives. Our findings showed that denture adhesives improved subjective denture satisfaction, masticatory performance, and retention for complete denture patients with oral dryness.
- (キーワード)
- Dental Cements / Denture Retention / Denture, Complete / Humans / Mastication / Mouth, Edentulous
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.jpor.2019.08.004
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 31501069
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85071848752
(DOI: 10.1016/j.jpor.2019.08.004, PubMed: 31501069, Elsevier: Scopus) Norikazu Minami, Megumi Watanabe, Lipei Liu, YUNIZAR Fadyl Mohammad and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Effect of Semaphorin7A during the Effector Phase of Nickel Allergy,
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.33, No.1, 8-14, 2020.- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2007772
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.20738/johb.33.1_8
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.20738/johb.33.1_8
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2007772, DOI: 10.20738/johb.33.1_8) Kenji Maekawa, Tomoko Ikeuchi, Shoji Shinkai, Hirohiko Hirano, Masahiro Ryu, Katsushi Tamaki, Hirofumi Yatani, Takuo Kuboki, Aya Kimura-Ono, Takeshi Kikutani, Takashi Suganuma, Yasunori Ayukawa, Tomoya Gonda, Toru Ogawa, Masanori Fujisawa, Shoichi Ishigaki, Yutaka Watanabe, Akihiko Kitamura, Yoshinori Fujiwara, Ayako Edahiro, Junichi Furuya, Junko Nakajima, Kento Umeki, Kentaro Igarashi, Yasuhiro Horibe, Yoshihiro Kugimiya, Yasuhiko Kawai, Hideo Matsumura, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Shuji Ohkawa :
Number of functional teeth more strongly predicts all-cause mortality than number of present teeth in Japanese older adults.,
Geriatrics & Gerontology International, Vol.20, No.6, 607-614, 2020.- (要約)
- Previous studies on the association between intraoral conditions and mortality in community-dwelling older individuals reported that fewer present teeth (PT) are significant risk factors for mortality. However, how the number of PT relative to the number of functional teeth (FT), including both present and rehabilitated teeth, influences mortality has not been investigated fully. This study examined the impact of the number of FT on mortality among community-dwelling Japanese older adults. This study was a retrospective, observational and population-based follow-up study, which examined 1188 older individuals who participated in an annual geriatric health examination from 2009 to 2015. The average follow-up period was 1697.0 774.5ays. The primary outcome was all-cause mortality at follow-up. The numbers of PT and FT of each participant were counted during an oral examination. In addition, demographics, clinical variables, blood nutrient markers, physical functions and perceived masticatory function were measured. Kaplan-Meier analysis, followed by a log-rank test, revealed that fewer PT (P < 0.001) and FT (P = 0.002) were significantly associated with a reduced survival rate. Cox's proportional hazard analysis indicated that the number of FT, but not the number of PT, was a significant independent mortality risk factor after adjusting for demographics, clinical variables, nutrient markers and physical functioning (P = 0.036, hazard ratio: 2.089). Current results suggest that the number of FT more strongly predicts all-cause mortality than the number of PT among community-dwelling older adults. Further studies are necessary to consider the confounding of socioeconomic status and disability status. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2020; : - .
- (キーワード)
- Aged / Aged, 80 and over / Diagnosis, Oral / Follow-Up Studies / Geriatric Assessment / Humans / Independent Living / Kaplan-Meier Estimate / Proportional Hazards Models / Retrospective Studies / Risk Factors / Tooth Loss
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2009430
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1111/ggi.13911
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 32227400
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 32227400
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1111/ggi.13911
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2009430, DOI: 10.1111/ggi.13911, PubMed: 32227400) Takashi Matsuda, Kosuke Kurahashi, Naoki Maeda, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Geometric assessment of imaging methods for complete denture form: Comparisons among cone-beam computed tomography, desktop dental scanning, and handheld optical scanning.,
Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.64, No.4, 485-489, 2020.- (キーワード)
- Algorithms / Computer-Aided Design / Cone-Beam Computed Tomography / Denture, Complete / Imaging, Three-Dimensional
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.jpor.2020.01.003
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 32063544
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 32063544
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1016/j.jpor.2020.01.003
(DOI: 10.1016/j.jpor.2020.01.003, PubMed: 32063544) 一ノ宮 実咲, 藤原 真治, 市川 哲雄, 後藤 崇晴, 柳沢 志津子, 白山 靖彦 :
四国公衆衛生学会雑誌, Vol.65, No.1, 69-75, 2020年.- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1010568455789506436
(CiNii: 1010568455789506436) 峯 篤史, 疋田 一洋, 高場 雅之, 澤瀬 隆, 山下 秀一郎, 榎並 裕美子[田中], 鮎川 保則, 上田 貴之, 江草 宏, 馬場 俊輔, 笛木 賢治, 槙原 絵理, 横山 紗和子, 大川 周治, 馬場 一美, 市川 哲雄 :
学生技能コンペティション「第1回JPS student clinical skills competition」,
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.12, No.1, 5-15, 2020年.- (要約)
- (公社)日本補綴歯科学会は,全国の歯学部学生を対象とした臨床技能コンペティション(課題:保険収載CAD/CAM冠を想定した支台歯形成,下顎右側第二小臼歯)を開催した.26校の代表者各1名が行った支台歯形成を審査し,上位6名の学生を選出した.これらの学生を対象としたオンサイトでの最終実技審査を行い,審査結果の公表および優秀者の表彰を同日に行った.審査は形成模型のデジタルスキャンデータを使用して算出されたテーパーと削除量を参考に,評価者による総括評価とした.事後アンケートでは肯定的な回答が寄せられ,特に参加学生にとって本企画が歯科技能向上に対する研鑽意欲を喚起するものであったことが明らかになった.(著者抄録)
- (キーワード)
- 質問紙法 / 学生 / 教育評価 / コンピュータ支援設計 / 臨床能力 / 歯学大学教育 / 支台歯形成 / ヒト / 成人(19∼44) / 歯学
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.12.5
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.12.5
(DOI: 10.2186/ajps.12.5) Hihara Tsukasa, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Assessment of potential clinical cascade between oral hypofunction and physical frailty: Covariance structure analysis in a cross-sectional study,
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Vol.47, No.1, 61-66, 2020.- (要約)
- No report has yet examined the impact of oral hypofunction on physical frailty in relation to intra-relationships of physical frailty assessment items. The purpose of this study was to verify the potential of a clinical cascade between oral hypofunction and physical frailty, and especially to support the hypothesis that the influence of oral hypofunction on physical frailty is greater than the intra-relationships among elements of physical frailty and that sex differences significantly affect these relationships. The participants were 272 older adults (101 men and 171 women; mean age 75.1 ± 7.5 years). Maximum occlusal force (MOF) and oral dryness (OD), as indicators of oral hypofunction, and grip strength (GS) and walking speed (WS), as indicators of physical frailty, were measured. Mutual relationship of four variables was verified using covariance structure analysis. In men, three paths from MOF to WS and GS and from WS to GS were confirmed, and those from MOF to WS and from WS to GS were found to be significant (P < .01). In women, three paths from MOF to WS and GS and from WS to GS were also confirmed, as with the men, and those from MOF to WS and from MOF to GS were found to be significant (P < .01). Model adaptability was shown to be good for both men and women. The results suggest our hypothesis was verified, and it is expected that the early detection of oral hypofunction, that is MOF, may be important for assessing physical frailty, especially in women.
- (キーワード)
- Aged / Aged, 80 and over / Bite Force / Cross-Sectional Studies / Female / Frail Elderly / Frailty / Geriatric Assessment / Humans / Male
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2007146
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1111/joor.12862
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 31332828
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85070675639
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2007146, DOI: 10.1111/joor.12862, PubMed: 31332828, Elsevier: Scopus) Tetsuo Ichikawa, Rudi Wigianto and Omar Maningo Rodis :
Bibliography on Academic Exchanges of Tokushima University Faculty of Dentistry with Seven Indonesian Faculties,
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.32, No.2, 41-47, 2020.- (要約)
- Tokushima University Faculty of Dentistry has signed academic agreements with seven faculties in Indonesia, and joint international meetings between these Indonesian universities have been held biannually. Moreover, undergraduate student exchange programs have been executed every year with three faculties. Behind the development of these successful outcomes is a story of a large amount of effort by pioneers. The purpose of this article is to present the process and history of the academic exchanges of Tokushima University Faculty of Dentistry with Indonesian faculties at present and to discuss future exchange programs.
- (キーワード)
- 徳島 (Tokushima) / Indonesia / Academic exchange / Dentistry
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2007655
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.20738/johb.32.2_41
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390565134826274560
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.20738/johb.32.2_41
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2007655, DOI: 10.20738/johb.32.2_41, CiNii: 1390565134826274560) Kosuke Kurahashi, Takashi Matsuda, Yuichi Ishida and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Effect of polishing protocols on the surface roughness of polyetheretherketone.,
Journal of Oral Science, Vol.62, No.1, 40-42, 2020.- (要約)
- The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of various polishing protocols on the surface roughness of polyetheretherketone (PEEK) and identify an effective polishing method of dental prostheses at the chairside. The PEEK specimens were assigned to seven groups with different protocols: no additional polishing (NT); polishing using a rubber point (C); polishing using "silky shine" (S); polishing using "aqua blue paste" (A); protocol C followed by protocol S (CS); protocol C followed by protocol A (CA); and protocol C followed by protocols S and A (CSA). The surface roughness (Sa and Ra) of the polished surfaces was measured. The surface roughness decreased in the following order of groups: NT, C, S, CS, CSA, CA, and A. In Groups C and S, wide deep pits formed by abrasive grains of SiC paper were observed, whereas only fine linear structures were observed on the surface in other groups. With respect to the polishing protocol of PEEK, clinically acceptable surface roughness was obtained using a soft polishing brush and agent for more than 3 min.
- (キーワード)
- Dental Polishing / Ketones / Materials Testing / Polyethylene Glycols / Surface Properties
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2334/josnusd.18-0473
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 31996521
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 31996521
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2334/josnusd.18-0473
(DOI: 10.2334/josnusd.18-0473, PubMed: 31996521) 窪木 拓男, 市川 哲雄, 馬場 一美, 藤澤 政紀, 佐藤 博信, 會田 英紀, 小山 重人, 秀島 雅之, 佐藤 裕二, 和気 裕之, 大野 彩, 永尾 寛, 上田 順加, 玉置 勝司, 貞森 紳丞, 津賀 一弘, 西 恭宏, 澤瀬 隆, 越野 寿, 鱒見 進一, 櫻井 薫, 石橋 寛二, 大山 喬史, 赤川 安正, 平井 敏博, 佐々木 啓一, 古谷野 潔, 矢谷 博文, 松村 英雄 :
治療の難易度を測定するプロトコルの妥当性の検討 ─(公社)日本補綴歯科学会による多施設臨床研究─,
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.11, No.4, 355-375, 2019年.- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.11.355
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390564227333416320
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.11.355
(DOI: 10.2186/ajps.11.355, CiNii: 1390564227333416320) 窪木 拓男, 馬場 一美, 大久保 力廣, 水口 俊介, 市川 哲雄, 大川 周治 :
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.11, No.4, 281-301, 2019年.- (キーワード)
- Escherichia coli Titanium / 義歯 / 口腔疾患 / 骨密度 / 歯科インプラント / 歯科補綴 / 歯垢 / 歯根膜 / 歯槽突起 / ポリマー (polymer) / 唾液腺 (salivary gland) / 日常生活活動 / 歯科学会 / SNPs / 歯ぎしり-睡眠時 / プロバイオティクス / 骨形成因子-2 / 消化管微生物叢 / 間葉系間質細胞 / Mitochondrial Aldehyde Dehydrogenase / 口腔内細菌 / 高齢化社会 / オーラルフレイル / ヒト (Homo sapiens) / 歯学
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.11.281
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001277378690304
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.11.281
(DOI: 10.2186/ajps.11.281, CiNii: 1390001277378690304) 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
日本全身咬合学会雑誌, Vol.25, No.2, 39-43, 2019年.- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.34420/jjaoh.25.2_39
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.34420/jjaoh.25.2_39
(DOI: 10.34420/jjaoh.25.2_39) 岩脇 有軌, 後藤 崇晴, 岸本 卓大, 南 憲一, 藤本 けい子, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.11, No.4, 376-382, 2019年.- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.11.376
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001277378697088
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.11.376
(DOI: 10.2186/ajps.11.376, CiNii: 1390001277378697088) Takahiro Kishimoto, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Prefrontal cortex activity induced by periodontal afferent inputs downregulates occlusal force,
Experimental Brain Research, Vol.237, No.11, 2767-2774, 2019.- (要約)
- The prefrontal cortex (PFC) plays an important role in several cognitive functions, such as planning, decision making, and social behavior. We previously reported that periodontal sensory input significantly increases PFC activity during the motor task of maintaining occlusal (biting) force. However, the relationships between periodontal sensation, PFC activity, and the performance of motor tasks have not been evaluated in detail. Therefore, using functional near-infrared spectroscopy, we investigated PFC activity by monitoring changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) to specific areas of the PFC that corresponded to changes in occlusal force generated during four different biting tasks: (1) occlusion with the central incisor with an interocclusal distance of 5 mm (BI-5 mm); or (2) 10 mm (BI-10 mm); (3) occlusion with the first molars with an interocclusal distance of 5 mm (BM-5 mm), or (4) 10 mm (BM-10 mm). Occlusion of molars generated increased PFC regional CBF as the interocclusal distance decreased (BM-10 mm vs BM-5 mm). No significant differences in CBF during occlusion of incisors were found when comparing 5 mm and 10 mm intercostal distances (BI-5 mm vs BI-10 mm). The mean occlusal force generated by BM-5 mm occlusion was significantly lower than that generated by BM-10 mm occlusion. Taken together, our results suggest that the PFC decreases efferent signaling to motor units, to reduce occlusal force generated when periodontal sensation, which is greater when the interocclusal distance is reduced, is primarily responsible for maintaining occlusal force in the absence of sensations from the temporomandibular joint and muscle spindles.
- (キーワード)
- Adult / Bite Force / Cerebrovascular Circulation / Dental Occlusion / Efferent Pathways / Female / Functional Neuroimaging / Humans / Male / Periodontium / Prefrontal Cortex / Sensation / Spectroscopy, Near-Infrared / Young Adult
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2008992
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1007/s00221-019-05630-y
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 31440800
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85071327486
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2008992, DOI: 10.1007/s00221-019-05630-y, PubMed: 31440800, Elsevier: Scopus) Tsukasa Hihara, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Investigating eating behaviors and symptoms of oral frailty using questionnaires,
Dentistry Journal, Vol.7, No.3, 66, 2019.- (要約)
- A questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate eating behavior and the subjective symptoms of oral frailty, and to examine the relationship between them. A total of 744 subjects with ages over 65 years were included. The questionnaire comprised 18 question items indicating eating behavior and seven question items indicating oral frailty. All items were assessed according to 4 grades on a scale of 1 (not applicable) to 4 (applicable). The total score of oral frailty gradually increased with age. Regarding the scores for "eating recognition" and "eating habits", no changes were observed, however the scores for "eating action" demonstrated a decreasing tendency with age and the scores of 85 years age group was significantly lower than the 65-69, 70-74, and 75-79 years age groups. As a result of multiple regression analysis, among the significant independent variable, the scores of "I do not chew foods well" under the category of "eating action" showed the highest standard partial regression coefficients for dependent variable of symptoms of oral frailty. The significant association was found between the eating behavior and subjective symptoms of oral frailty, and this study suggests that the good chewing habit might be an important criterion for the prevention of oral frailty.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2008021
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3390/dj7030066
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 31261847
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85070095009
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2008021, DOI: 10.3390/dj7030066, PubMed: 31261847, Elsevier: Scopus) G Ohwada, S Minakuchi, Yuji Sato, A Tsuboi, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Kan Nagao and Keiko Fujimoto :
Subjective Evaluation of Denture Adhesives: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial.,
JDR Clinical and Translational Research, Vol.5, No.1, 50-61, 2019.- (要約)
- Many reports show that denture adhesives improve the retention and stability of dentures. However, few randomized controlled trials have examined the effects of denture adhesives. This 10-center randomized controlled trial with parallel groups involving 200 edentulous patients wearing complete dentures aimed to evaluate the effects of short-term use of cream and powder denture adhesives. Patients were allocated into 2 cream- and powder-type adhesive groups and 1 control group. Intervention groups were treated with the 2 adhesives (1 each), and the control group received saline solution. Adhesive or control was applied to the denture-mucosal surface for 4 d, and data at baseline and after day 4 of intervention (i.e., 8 meals) were obtained. Patient satisfaction was evaluated with a 100-mm visual analog scale. Oral health-related quality of life was measured with the Japanese version of the Oral Health Impact Profile for Edentulous Patients. Perceived chewing ability was evaluated by a questionnaire regarding ease of chewing and swallowing food. Between-group comparisons were performed with Kruskal-Wallis tests with the Mann-Whitney test adjusted by Bonferroni correction. Within-group comparisons of pre- and postintervention measurements were performed with the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Intention-to-treat analysis was also performed. Between-group comparisons showed no significant differences for general satisfaction or Oral Health Impact Profile for Edentulous Patients. However, significant differences in satisfaction with various denture functions with cream- and powder-type adhesives were seen in pre- and postintervention comparisons ( < 0.05). Significant differences were also observed for perceived chewing ability of hard foods ( < 0.05). These results suggest that although denture adhesives do not invariably improve denture function, they do affect subjective evaluations and possibly chewing of hard foods. Therefore, the effects of denture adhesive use are insufficient to resolve any fundamental dissatisfaction with dentures ( ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01712802 ). The results of this study suggest that denture adhesives should be applied under certain conditions; however, an appropriate diagnosis is important before application. These practice-based data provide information to establish evidence-based guidelines for applying denture adhesives.
- (キーワード)
- Dental Cements / Denture Retention / Denture, Complete / Humans / Mouth, Edentulous
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1177/2380084419837607
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 30975019
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 30975019
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1177/2380084419837607
(DOI: 10.1177/2380084419837607, PubMed: 30975019) 白山 靖彦, 湯浅 雅志, 樫森 節子, 北村 美渚, 後藤 崇晴, 寺西 彩, 柳沢 志津子, 竹内 祐子, 市川 哲雄, 臼谷 佐和子 :
日本老年医学会雑誌, Vol.56, No.2, 156-163, 2019年.- (要約)
- To demonstrate the usefulness of a virtual reality device that authentically portrays the emotions of dementia patients and their families (VR Dementia Experience) for encouraging an understanding of and reducing and eliminating prejudice towards dementia patients among local residents. In Prefecture T, Town N, 85 residents of Neighborhood A were chosen as the intervention group, and 95 residents of Neighborhood B were chosen as the non-intervention group. The VR Dementia Experience was provided only to the residents of Neighborhood A. Residents of both neighborhoods completed a 35-item questionnaire regarding their degree of understanding and prejudice towards dementia patients before and after the intervention. Seventy-seven residents of Neighborhood A and 82 residents of Neighborhood B were analyzed. Their gender, age, and pre-intervention test baseline values were equivalent in the degree of understanding and prejudice. Significant increases were observed in 9 of 35 items for Neighborhood A residents (7 understanding-related, 2 prejudice-related) and 2 items for Neighborhood B residents (1 understanding-related, 1 prejudice-related). To ascertain the usefulness of the VR Dementia Experience, we compared the number of items with a significant increase: 9/35 (25.7%) in Neighborhood A and 2/35 (5.7%) in Neighborhood B. An effect (≥ 20%) was observed among the residents of Neighborhood A. Furthermore, after exposure to the VR Dementia Experience, the connection between understanding, prejudice, and dementia was strengthened among the residents of Neighborhood A compared to the residents of Neighborhood B. The VR Dementia Experience is a useful tool for encouraging an understanding of and reducing and eliminating prejudice towards dementia patients among local residents. However, to encourage the widespread usage of the technology, we should compare results with other public awareness campaigns as well as make improvements to the device and its VR content.
- (キーワード)
- 認知症 (dementia) / vertual reality / local residents
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3143/geriatrics.56.156
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 31092781
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85066838278
(DOI: 10.3143/geriatrics.56.156, PubMed: 31092781, Elsevier: Scopus) Yuki Iwawaki, Takashi Matsuda, Kosuke Kurahashi, Tsuyoshi Honda, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Effect of the temperature of water on ultrasonic denture cleaning,
Journal of Oral Science, Vol.61, No.1, 140-145, 2019.- (要約)
- Denture plaque is a biofilm composed of various microorganisms aggregated with saliva. Various denture cleansers and cleaning apparatuses have been developed and studied. However, the optimum water temperature for denture cleaning is unknown. Therefore, the present study investigated the effects of water temperature during ultrasonic denture cleaning. In vitro, resin disks with artificial Candida albicans biofilm were pressed onto Candida GE media after ultrasonic cleaning with water at different temperatures for 5 min. The media were subsequently cultured at 37°C for 24 h. The colonies formed were observed and colony areas were quantified using ImageJ software (US National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA). In situ, the bacterial count and degree of cleanliness on the tissue surface of maxillary dentures were measured before and after ultrasonic cleaning with water at different temperatures for 5 min. Changes in bacterial counts and cleanliness were calculated for each temperature. The ratio of the area occupied by bacterial colonies in vitro and reduction rates in situ after cleaning with warm water were markedly less than those observed after cleaning with cold water. Therefore, ultrasonic denture cleaning with warm water is more effective.
- (キーワード)
- Bacteria / Biofilms / Candida albicans / Colony Count, Microbial / Culture Media / Dentures / Disinfection / Hot Temperature / Ultrasonic Waves / Water
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2334/josnusd.17-0387
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 30918210
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85063941566
(DOI: 10.2334/josnusd.17-0387, PubMed: 30918210, Elsevier: Scopus) 吉田 みどり, 誉田 栄一, 伊藤 照明, 市川 哲雄, 芥川 正武, 榎本 崇宏, 木内 陽介 :
LED総合フォーラム2019 in 徳島 論文集, 131-136, 2019年. Yuki Iwawaki, Muraoka Yuki, Higashiyama Hiroaki, Takahiro Kishimoto, Liu Lipei, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Comparison between two assessment tests for oral hygiene: adenosine triphosphate + adenosine monophosphate swab test and bacteria number counting by dielectrophoretic impedance measurement,
Dentistry Journal, Vol.7, No.1, 10, 2019.- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2008022
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3390/dj7010010
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 30717111
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85064059150
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2008022, DOI: 10.3390/dj7010010, PubMed: 30717111, Elsevier: Scopus) Tetsuo Ichikawa, Kosuke Kurahashi, Lipei Liu, Takashi Matsuda and Yuichi Ishida :
Use of a Polyetheretherketone Clasp Retainer for Removable Partial Denture: A Case Report,
Dentistry Journal, Vol.7, No.1, 4, 2019.- (要約)
- Clasp retainers made of metal alloys may be esthetically unappealing or cause allergic reactions. To investigate alternative materials, we used the nonfiller polyetheretherketone (PEEK) to fabricate the clasp retainer of a removable partial denture for the mandibular bilateral distal free-end abutment of an 84-year-old female. Two years later, few color and texture changes of PEEK were found macroscopically. The rest part and the clasp arm fitted well without any deformation. There were no particular occlusal or periodontal problems. Subjective satisfaction was expressed by both the practitioner and the patient.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2008023
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3390/dj7010004
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 30609778
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 30609778
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.3390/dj7010004
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2008023, DOI: 10.3390/dj7010004, PubMed: 30609778) 友竹 偉則, 後藤 崇晴, 石田 雄一, 内藤 禎人, 荒井 安希, 清野 方子, 渡邉 恵, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.31, No.4, 309-319, 2018年.- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.11237/jsoi.31.309
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390564238077382016
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.11237/jsoi.31.309
(DOI: 10.11237/jsoi.31.309, CiNii: 1390564238077382016) Takuro Baba, Takaharu Goto, Keiko Fujimoto, Hideki Suito, Kazutomo Yagi, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Geniohyoid muscle affects directly masticatory function: Evaluation using a decision tree analysis,
The International Journal of Prosthodontics, Vol.31, No.6, 569-572, 2018.- (要約)
- To clarify the effect of geniohyoid (GH) muscle morphology and related function on masticatory ability using a decision-tree analysis. A total of 103 participants were enrolled. A cross-sectional area (CSA) of the GH muscle, neck circumference, body mass index, tongue pressure, jaw opening strength, and masticatory ability score were measured. The CSA of the GH muscle was selected as an independent variable for the first layer of the decision tree, with masticatory score as the dependent variable. These data suggest that the CSA of the GH muscle may have a large impact on the masticatory ability score when evaluating masticatory ability.
- (キーワード)
- Body Mass Index / Decision Trees / 女性 (female) / Humans / 男性 (male) / Mastication / Middle Aged / Muscle Strength / Neck Muscles / Pharyngeal Muscles / Pressure / Range of Motion, Articular
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.11607/ijp.5862
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 30408137
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85056396663
(DOI: 10.11607/ijp.5862, PubMed: 30408137, Elsevier: Scopus) Yoshihito Naitou, Hiromichi Yumoto, K Hs Kumar, Takashi Matsuo, Katsuhiko Hirota, Yoichiro Miyake, Kan Nagao, Yoritoki Tomotake, R Jimbo and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Antifungal and Mechanical Properties of Tissue Conditioner Containing Plant-Derived Component, --- An In Vitro Study ---,
Journal of Prosthodontics, Vol.27, No.7, 665-669, 2018.- (要約)
- To evaluate the antifungal activity and mechanical properties of a novel antifungal tissue conditioner containing Juncus powder. Juncus powder was mixed with GC tissue conditioner at concentrations of 2.5%, 5.0%, and 10.0% by mass. The cylindrical specimens of Juncus-mixed tissue conditioner (dimensions: 10 mm in diameter and 2 and 6 mm in height for antimicrobial and mechanical tests, respectively) were prepared. The specimens placed on the bottom of the 24-well tissue culture plate were cultured with Candida albicans CAD1 for 2 and 4 days. The proliferation of the C. albicans in the wells was determined by measuring the optical density of fungal culture, and the surface of the specimens were also observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). To assess the mechanical properties of the specimens, the fluidity and hardness of Juncus-mixed tissue conditioner were measured using the methods certified according to ISO 10139-1. Juncus-mixed tissue conditioner significantly exhibited growth inhibitory effect in a Juncus concentration-dependent manner after both 2- and 4- day cultures. SEM observation showed that the amount of C. albicans on Juncus-mixed specimens drastically decreased, and biofilm formation was markedly inhibited. Moreover, both mechanical properties were found to be within the ranges regulated and specified by ISO. These findings demonstrated that the tissue conditioner including Juncus powder has a significant growth inhibitory effect against C. albicans, and it is suggested that the application of Juncus-mixed tissue conditioner may prevent denture stomatitis and oral candidiasis in denture wearers.
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1111/jopr.12546
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 28901663
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 28901663
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1111/jopr.12546
(DOI: 10.1111/jopr.12546, PubMed: 28901663) Keiko Fujimoto, Tsuyoshi Honda, Hideki Suito, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Tongue thickness and its clinical significance,
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.31, No.1, 32-38, 2018.- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2005099
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.20738/johb.31.1_32
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.20738/johb.31.1_32
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2005099, DOI: 10.20738/johb.31.1_32) Gantumur Chimeddulam, Keisuke Nishigawa, Yoshihito Naitou, Junhel Dalanon, S Afroz, Rika Hayama, Masamitsu Ohshima, Yoritoki Tomotake, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Yoshizo Matsuka :
Radiographic investigation of the marginal bone loss on dental implants, a retrospective cohort study,
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.31, No.1, 13-24, 2018.- (要約)
- Background: During functional loading, the design of the dental implant may have an effect on the response of marginal bone.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to report the prevalence of peri-implantitis, and to compare radiographic parameters around Brånemark and Replace Select dental implants and evaluate whether disparities in the morphologic features of these two indistinct implant systems, particularly their abutment-implant attachment, had an influence on the health of surrounding tissues and marginal bone loss (MBL).Materials and Methods: Collection of data was done at the Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, the Department of Maxillo-Facial Prosthodontics, and Oral Implant Center of Tokushima University Hospital, in Tokushima, Japan; between March 2003 and followed until January 2017. Patients who have been treated with the Replace Select internal type implant and the Brånemark variety were selected as cohort. Marginal bone level measurements were evaluated via periapical and panoramic radiographs taken at regular follow-up visit. These dimensions were calculated, starting from the orientation mark at the implant abutment interface to the bottommost perceived contact area of marginal bone with the aforementioned implant system. The change in the level of bone was estimated by calculating the variation involving an initial reference value and the follow-up values.Results: An average loss of bone at 0.65 ± 1.51 mm (range 0.36 to 7.89 mm) in the Replace Select group was observed, while in the Brånemark group 0.7 ± 1.32 mm (range 0.62 to 8.64 mm) was observed. Spearman rank correlation exhibited a statistically significant positive correlation between progress of bone loss around implant body and interval from implantation in the Brånemark group, whereas in the Replace Select group it was not significant. The Brånemark group exhibited significant (P = 0.0269) negative correlation of MBL and its diameters, whereas the Replace Select group did not exhibit such correlation.Conclusion: Within the limits of this study, it can be concluded that deviations in the morphologic attributes of these two diverse implant systems had an influence on the health of surrounding tissues and MBL. The Brånemark implants showed a significant increase in MBL (> 1.8mm) as the time of placement elapses. This marked MBL was greater in females than males, in posterior than in anterior, and in the narrow platform implants than the regular platform implants or the wide platform implants. On the other hand, results suggested that this bone loss was greater in the mandible than the maxilla, in single-unit implant crowns than multiple implant restorations in the Replace Select group.
- (キーワード)
- dental implant / marginal bone loss / retrospective cohort study / implant design
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2005097
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.20738/johb.31.1_13
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390282763020251776
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.20738/johb.31.1_13
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2005097, DOI: 10.20738/johb.31.1_13, CiNii: 1390282763020251776) Takuo Kuboki, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Kazuyoshi Baba, Masanori Fujisawa, Hironobu Sato, Hideki Aita, Shigeto Koyama, Masayuki Hideshima, Yuji Sato, Hiroyuki Wake, Aya Kimura-Ono, Kan Nagao, Yorika Kodaira, Katsushi Tamaki, Shinsuke Sadamori, Kazuhiro Tsuga, Yasuhiro Nishi, Takashi Sawase, Hisashi Koshino, Shinichi Masumi, Kaoru Sakurai, Kanji Ishibashi, Takashi Ohyama, Yasumasa Akagawa, Toshihiro Hirai, Keiichi Sasaki, Kiyoshi Koyano, Hirofumi Yatani and Hideo Matsumura :
A multi-centered epidemiological study evaluating the validity of the treatment difficulty indices developed by the Japan Prosthodontic Society,
Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.62, No.2, 162-170, 2018.- (要約)
- The Japan Prosthodontic Society developed a multi-axis assessment protocol to evaluate the complex variations in patients who need prosthodontic care, and to classify the level of treatment difficulty. A previous report found the protocol to be sufficiently reliable. The purpose of this multi-center cohort study was to evaluate the validity of this multi-axis assessment protocol. The treatment difficulty was evaluated using the multi-axis assessment protocol before starting prosthodontic treatment. The time required for active prosthodontic treatment, medical resources such as treatment cost, and changes in the oral health-related QOL before and after treatment, were evaluated after treatment completion. The construct validity of this protocol was assessed by the correlation between the dentist's pre-operative subjective assessment of the treatment difficulty, and the level of difficulty determined by this protocol. The predictive validity was assessed estimating the correlations between a "comprehensive level of treatment difficulty" based on the four axes of this protocol and total treatment cost, total treatment time, and changes in the oral health-related QOL before and after treatment. The construct validity of this protocol was well documented except for psychological assessment. Regarding the predictive validity, the comprehensive level of treatment difficulty assessed before treatment was significantly correlated with the three surrogate endpoints known to be related to the treatment difficulty (total treatment cost, treatment time, and improvement in the oral health-related QOL). To further clarify the validity of the protocol according to patients' oral condition, a subgroup analysis by defects was performed. Analyses revealed that treatment difficulty assessment before treatment was significantly related to one or two surrogate endpoints in the fully edentulous patients and the partially edentulous patients. No significant relationship was observed in the patients with mixture of full/partial edentulism and the patients with teeth problems, possibly due to the small sample size in these groups. This study revealed that the multi-axis assessment protocol was sufficiently valid to predict the level of treatment difficulty in prosthodontic care in patients with fully edentulous defects and with partially edentulous defects.
- (キーワード)
- Cohort Studies / Forecasting / Humans / Japan / Mouth, Edentulous / Oral Health / Process Assessment (Health Care) / Prosthodontics / Quality of Life / Societies, Dental / Time Factors
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.jpor.2017.08.002
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 28916466
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85029155171
(DOI: 10.1016/j.jpor.2017.08.002, PubMed: 28916466, Elsevier: Scopus) 倉橋 宏輔, 岩脇 有軌, 松田 岳, 後藤 崇晴, 石田 雄一, 伊藤 照明, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.9, No.4, 357-364, 2017年.- (要約)
- <p><b>目的</b>:われわれが提案した汎用デジタル機器を用いた複製義歯製作法の有用性を示すために,使用するアクリロニトリル-ブタジエン-スチレン(ABS)共重合樹脂,ポリ乳酸(PLA)樹脂の細胞毒性試験,シリコーン印象材および常温重合レジンとの接着試験,使用感に関する主観的評価を行った.</p><p><b>方法</b>:細胞毒性試験では,ABS樹脂とPLA樹脂の浸漬液を用いてマウスの線維芽細胞様細胞の細胞生存率を測定した.接着試験では,専用の保持体にそれぞれの試験片を固定し,シリコーン印象材および常温重合レジンを圧接した後に,万能試験機を用いて引張試験を行った.使用感の評価には,専用の評価票を作成し,PLA製の複製義歯を使用する術者に回答させた.</p><p><b>結果</b>:細胞毒性試験では,ABS樹脂,PLA樹脂ともに72時間までの細胞生存率の低下は認められなかった.接着試験では,トレー用レジンと比較して両試料ともにシリコーン印象材への接着強さは低かった.常温重合レジンとの接着強さでは,PLA樹脂は低かったが,ABS樹脂では従来のトレー用レジンと同等の接着強さであった.術者による複製義歯使用感の評価結果としては,従来のアクリルレジン製の義歯とほとんど変わらない評価が得られた.</p><p><b>結論</b>:三次元プリンターで製作した複製義歯における材料的,臨床的評価から本術式の有効性が示唆された.</p>
- (キーワード)
- CAD/CAM / 複製義歯 / 全部床義歯 / 三次元プリンター / デジタルデンティストリー
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2005019
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.9.357
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001205300772736
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.9.357
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2005019, DOI: 10.2186/ajps.9.357, CiNii: 1390001205300772736) 檜原 司, 後藤 崇晴, 柳沢 志津子, 中道 敦子, 市川 哲雄 :
老年歯科医学, Vol.32, No.1, 33-47, 2017年.- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2004982
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.11259/jsg.32.33
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390282679311159808
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.11259/jsg.32.33
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004982, DOI: 10.11259/jsg.32.33, CiNii: 1390282679311159808) Sachie Wada, Takaharu Goto, Keiko Fujimoto, Megumi Watanabe, Kan Nagao, Atsuko Nakamichi and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Changes in food bolus texture during mastication,
Journal of Texture Studies, Vol.48, No.2, 171-177, 2017.- (要約)
- The purpose of this study was to survey the changes that occur in bolus texture from intake to swallowing during the mastication process for four types of food materials and to identify how texture is related to the number of chews. We recruited 15 young Japanese participants for this study. The subjects were asked to spit the food bolus just before swallowing when eating four different foods: cracker, boiled rice, hard gelatine gel, and soft gelatine gel. Three physical properties (hardness, adhesiveness, and cohesiveness) were measured in the bolus after being chewed for 25, 50, 75, 100, and 125% of the normal number of chews. Occlusal force and pressure as well as stimulated whole saliva volume were also measured. Extensive variation in the number of chews existed between subjects, but minimal intra-subject variation was observed. Hardness was observed to decrease, whereas cohesiveness and adhesiveness increased in a chew-dependent manner for the cracker, soft gelatine gel, and hard gelatine gel, but not boiled rice. Bolus texture appears to be largely related to the number of chews. Hardness also tended to be influenced by occlusion. The adhesiveness and hardness of the boiled rice were also greatly influenced by saliva volume and occlusal force, respectively. Hardness is an important rheological factor in food bolus texture and likely plays a significant role in determining the appropriate number of chews. Adhesiveness and cohesiveness appear to be secondary factors in this process. We propose a model of oral processing for application in determining the appropriate number of chews for an individual. Hardness appears to be an important rheological factor in food bolus texture, with adhesiveness and cohesiveness being secondary aspects. When food is hard or difficult to swallow, chewing behavior will likely be more influenced by the perception of bolus texture.
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1111/jtxs.12228
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 28370114
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85016757531
(DOI: 10.1111/jtxs.12228, PubMed: 28370114, Elsevier: Scopus) Kosuke Kurahashi, Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Yuichi Ishida, Teruaki Ito and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Duplication of complete dentures using general-purpose handheld optical scanner and 3-dimensional printer: Introduction and clinical considerations,
Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.61, No.1, 81-86, 2017.- (要約)
- To introduce a new clinical procedure for fabricating duplicates of complete dentures by bite pressure impression using digital technology, and to discuss its clinical significance. The denture is placed on a rotary table and the 3-dimensional form of the denture is digitized using a general-purpose handheld optical scanner. The duplicate denture is made of polylactic acid by a 3-dimensional printer using the 3-dimensional data. This procedure has the advantages of wasting less material, employing less human power, decreasing treatment time at the chair side, lowering the rates of contamination, and being readily fabricated at the time of the treatment visit.
- (キーワード)
- Bite Force / Computer-Aided Design / Denture Design / Denture, Complete / Humans / Printing, Three-Dimensional
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.jpor.2016.06.002
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 27345254
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85006716925
(DOI: 10.1016/j.jpor.2016.06.002, PubMed: 27345254, Elsevier: Scopus) Yoshizo Matsuka, Yoshiyuki Hagiwara, Katsushi Tamaki, Hisahiro Takeuchi, Masanori Fujisawa, Takahiro Ono, Yoshihiro Tsukiyama, Kan Nagao, Kazuhiro Tsuga, Hideki Aita, Hisatomo Kondo, Kenji Fueki, Hiroaki Tsukasaki, Keisuke Nishigawa, Shogo Ozawa, Rika Kuwatsuru, Hajime Minakuchi, Toshimitsu Iinuma, Takashi Matsuura, Kanji Ishibashi, Shigehisa Fujii, Toshihiro Hirai, Keiichi Sasaki, Hirofumi Yatani, Yoshimasa Igarashi, Yuji Sato, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Tetsuo Yamamori, Takuo Kuboki, Kazuyoshi Baba, Kiyoshi Koyano, Hironobu Sato and Matsumura Hideo :
Reliability and validity of the patient disability-oriented diagnostic nomenclature system for prosthetic dentistry,
Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.61, No.1, 20-33, 2017.- (要約)
- The Japan Prosthodontic Society (JPS) has proposed a new diagnostic nomenclature system (DNS), based on pathogenesis and etiology, to facilitate and improve prosthodontic treatment. This system specifies patient disability and the causative factor (i.e. "B (disability) caused by A (causative factor)"). The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of this DNS. The JPS Clinical Guideline Committee assessed mock patient charts and formulated disease names using the new DNS. Fifty validators, comprising prosthodontic specialists and dental residents, made diagnoses using the same patient charts. Reliability was evaluated as the consistency of the disease names among the validators, and validity was evaluated using the concordance rate of the disease names with the reference disease names. Krippendorff's α was 0.378 among all validators, 0.370 among prosthodontic specialists, and 0.401 among dental hospital residents. Krippendorff's α for 10 validators (3 specialists and 7 residents) with higher concordance rates was 0.524. Two validators (1 specialist and 1 resident) with the highest concordance rates had a Krippendorff's α of 0.648. Common disease names had higher concordance rates, while uncommon disease names showed lower concordance rates. These rates did not show correlation with clinical experience of the validator or time taken to devise the disease name. High reliability was not found among all validators; however, validators with higher concordance rates showed better reliability. Furthermore, common disease names had higher concordance rates. These findings indicate that the new DNS for prosthodontic dentistry exhibits clinically acceptable reliability and validity.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2005135
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.jpor.2016.06.005
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 27514568
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84994339218
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2005135, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpor.2016.06.005, PubMed: 27514568, Elsevier: Scopus) Takuro Baba, Takaharu Goto, Keiko Fujimoto, Megumi Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Honda, Kazutomo Yagi, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Age-related changes in geniohyoid muscle morphology predict reduced swallowing function,
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.30, No.1, 18-25, 2017.- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2004254
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.20738/johb.30.1_18
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.20738/johb.30.1_18
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004254, DOI: 10.20738/johb.30.1_18) Tsuyoshi Honda, Takuro Baba, Keiko Fujimoto, Takaharu Goto, Kan Nagao, Masafumi Harada, Eiichi Honda and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Characterization of Swallowing Sound: Preliminary Investigation of Normal Subjects,
PLoS ONE, Vol.11, No.12, e0168187, 2016.- (要約)
- The purpose of this study was to characterize the swallowing sound and identify the process of sound generation during swallowing in young healthy adults. Thirty-three healthy volunteers were enrolled and allocated into three experimental groups. In experiment 1, a microphone was attached to one of eight cervical sites in 20 subjects, participants swallowed 5 ml water, and the sound waveform was recorded. In experiment 2, 10 subjects swallowed either 0, 5, 10, or 15 ml water during audio recording. In addition, participants consumed the 5 ml bolus in two different cervical postures. In experiment 3, the sound waveform and videofluoroscopy were simultaneously recorded while the three participants consumed 5 ml iopamidol solution. The duration and peak intensity ratio of the waveform were analyzed in all experimental groups. The acoustic analysis of the waveforms and videofluoroscopy suggested that the swallowing sound could be divided into three periods, each associated with a stage of the swallowing movement: the oral phase comprising posterior tongue and hyoid bone movement; the pharyngeal phase comprising larynx movement, hyoid bone elevation, epiglottis closure, and passage of the bolus through the esophagus orifice; and the repositioning phase comprising the return of the hyoid bone and larynx to their resting positions, and reopening of the epiglottis. Acoustic analysis of swallowing sounds and videofluoroscopy suggests that the swallowing sound could be divided into three periods associated with each process of the swallowing movement: the oral phase comprising the posterior movement of the tongue and hyoid bone; the pharyngeal phase comprising the laryngeal movement, hyoid bone elevation, epiglottis closure, and the bolus passage to the esophagus orifice; and the repositioning phase comprising the repositioning of the hyoid bone and larynx, and reopening of the epiglottis.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2004983
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1371/journal.pone.0168187
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 27959902
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85006056335
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004983, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0168187, PubMed: 27959902, Elsevier: Scopus) Takaharu Goto, Nobuaki Higaki, Kazutomo Yagi, Yuichi Ishida, Megumi Watanabe, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
An innovative masticatory efficiency test using odor intensity in the mouth as a target marker: a feasibility study,
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Vol.43, No.12, 883-888, 2016.- (要約)
- A large number of studies have reported the findings for masticatory efficiency tests; however, some objective masticatory efficiency tests have a drawback, in that subjects are required to spit out the test material. This study examined the possibility of a masticatory efficiency test that evaluates the intensity of odours released when chewing an odour compound-containing material. A total of 20 volunteers were used in this study. The odour intensity in the breath after chewing a gum was measured by portable odour sensor device. The odour intensity after chewing the gum was measured over four chewing durations and at four intervals between spitting out and measurement of the odour intensity. The volume of stimulated saliva was measured by calculating the difference in the weight of the gauze before and after chewing to examine the effect of saliva flow. With an increase in chewing duration, odour intensity reduced. The odour intensity was the highest immediately after chewing. There was a positive correlation between odour intensity and gummy jelly-related masticatory efficiency test value (G-METV), which was significant for 10-s chewing. The regression equation was calculated from three objective variables of odour intensity and G-METV as dependent variable. Pearson's correlation coefficient between G-METV and the odour intensity-related masticatory efficiency value (O-METV) was 0·68. The coefficient of variation of O-METV was significantly lower than that of G-METV. These results suggest that the masticatory performance can be estimated by measuring the odour intensity immediately after chewing food containing odour compounds for 10 s.
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1111/joor.12444
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 27658497
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84991648530
(DOI: 10.1111/joor.12444, PubMed: 27658497, Elsevier: Scopus) Katsuhiko Hirota, Hiromichi Yumoto, B Sapaar, Takashi Matsuo, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Yoichiro Miyake :
Pathogenic factors in Candida biofilm-related infectious diseases.,
Journal of Applied Microbiology, Vol.122, No.2, 321-330, 2016.- (要約)
- Candida albicans is a commonly found member of the human microflora and is a major human opportunistic fungal pathogen. A perturbation of the microbiome can lead to infectious diseases caused by various micro-organisms, including C. albicans. Moreover, the interactions between C. albicans and bacteria are considered to play critical roles in human health. The major biological feature of C. albicans, which impacts human health, resides in its ability to form biofilms. In particular, the extracellular matrix (ECM) of Candida biofilm plays a multifaceted role and therefore may be considered as a highly attractive target to combat biofilm-related infectious diseases. In addition, extracellular DNA (eDNA) also plays a crucial role in Candida biofilm formation and its structural integrity and induces the morphological transition from yeast to the hyphal growth form during C. albicans biofilm development. This review focuses on pathogenic factors such as eDNA in Candida biofilm formation and its ECM production and provides meaningful information for future studies to develop a novel strategy to battle infectious diseases elicited by Candida-formed biofilm.
- (キーワード)
- Biofilms / Candida / Candida albicans / Candidiasis / DNA (DNA) / Humans / Hyphae / クォーラムセンシング (quorum sensing) / Respiratory Tract Infections / Virulence Factors
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1111/jam.13330
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 27770500
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-85005943779
(DOI: 10.1111/jam.13330, PubMed: 27770500, Elsevier: Scopus) Nobuaki Higaki, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Periodontal tactile input activates the prefrontal cortex,
Scientific Reports, Vol.6, 36893, 2016.- (要約)
- The prefrontal cortex (PFC) plays a role in complex cognitive behavioural planning, decision-making, and social behaviours. However, the effects of sensory integration during motor tasks on PFC activation have not been studied to date. Therefore, we investigated the effect of peripheral sensory information and external information on PFC activation using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Cerebral blood flow (CBF) was increased around bilateral Brodmann areas 46 and 10 during visual and auditory information integration during an occlusal force (biting) task. After local anesthesia, CBF values were significantly decreased, but occlusal force was similar. In conclusion, the effects of peripheral sensory information from the periodontal ligament and external information have minimal impacts on occlusal force maintenance but are important for PFC activation.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2003310
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1038/srep36893
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 27833164
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84994887706
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2003310, DOI: 10.1038/srep36893, PubMed: 27833164, Elsevier: Scopus) Yuichi Ishida, Kumer Kiran, Takaharu Goto, Megumi Watanabe, Wigianto Rudi, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Magnet-retained two-mini-implant overdenture: Clinical and mechanical consideration.,
Dentistry Journal, Vol.4, No.4, 35, 2016.- (要約)
- Two-implant overdentures have become the accepted treatment for restoring mandibular edentulism. The dimensions of regular implants sometimes limit their use, such as in the case of narrow ridges. Mini-implants with reduced diameters (less than 3.0 mm) enable insertion into narrow ridges. A magnet-retained two-mini-implant overdenture system was developed and is described in this paper. Additionally, we describe a clinical mandibular procedure using the system and evaluate its biomechanical performance.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2004985
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3390/dj4040035
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 29563477
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 29563477
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.3390/dj4040035
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004985, DOI: 10.3390/dj4040035, PubMed: 29563477) Keiko Fujimoto, Norikazu Minami, Takaharu Goto, Yuichi Ishida, Megumi Watanabe, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Hardness, cohesiveness, and adhesiveness of oral moisturizers and denture adhesives: selection criteria for denture wearers.,
Dentistry Journal, Vol.4, No.4, 34, 2016.- (要約)
- The mechanical properties of seven denture adhesives and eight oral moisturizers, all of which are commercially available, were evaluated using a texture pro le analysis. A new assessment chart is proposed for the selection criteria of denture adhesive and oral moisturizers using a radar chart with three axes: hardness, cohesiveness, and adhesiveness.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2004984
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3390/dj4040034
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 29563476
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 29563476
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.3390/dj4040034
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004984, DOI: 10.3390/dj4040034, PubMed: 29563476) Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Kazutomo Yagi, Toshiya Kashiwabara and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Part-digitizing system of impression and interocclusal record for complete denture fabrication,
Journal of Prosthodontics, Vol.25, No.6, 503-509, 2016.- (要約)
- Few studies have reported the application of digital technology to removable dentures, particularly for the process of impression and interocclusal recording for complete denture fabrication. This article describes a part-digitizing system of impression and interocclusal records for complete denture fabrication. The denture foundation area in an edentulous mouth, including the border areas and residual ridge, is outlined by tracing the surfaces with a 3-D pen-type digitizer. Specialized trays for final impressions and interocclusal records were generated using computer-aided design and manufactured using the digital data. Final impression and interocclusal records were carried out using these specialized trays. The computer-aided method using preliminary digital impressions and specialized trays would be feasible for clinical use for complete denture fabrication.
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1111/jopr.12375
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 26619371
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84987923289
(DOI: 10.1111/jopr.12375, PubMed: 26619371, Elsevier: Scopus) 市川 哲雄, 友竹 偉則, 田島 登誉子, 内藤 禎人, 清水 裕次, 石田 雄一 :
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.28, No.2, 55-62, 2016年.- (要約)
- Mechanical strength to withstand occlusal force is required to the crown restorations of molars. Ag-Pd-Au alloy has been used as the acceptable material of the National Health Insurance system in Japan. However, the metallic color of prosthesis does not meet the aesthetic requirements of the patients, and there is also a problem to the provider side of the treatment that the price fluctuation is large by soaring material costs. A fiber reinforced metal-less bridge is proposed to resolve these problems and we began clinical application of this prosthetic treatment from September, 2012 on the approval of Tokushima University Hospital ethics committee. So far, six patients have been treated with 8 fiber reinforced bridges, and this treatment in Tokushima University Hospital was approved in Shikoku Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare as the advanced medical. We have followed the treatment for a maximum of more than two years, and it has been passed successfully with patient's satisfaction. Slightly problems which were caused in the hybrid resin material, could be easily solved by the direct procedures. This clinical results in short term suggested that the fiber reinforced metalless bridge have a sufficiently high therapeutic effect as a prosthetic method.
- (キーワード)
- 高強度コンポジットレジンブリッジ / グラスファイバー補強 / 金属代替材料
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2003099
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1050020697877560832
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2003099, CiNii: 1050020697877560832) Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Kosuke Kurahashi, Toshiya Kashiwabara, Megumi Watanabe, Yoritoki Tomotake, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Digital assessment of preliminary impression accuracy for edentulous jaws: Comparisons of 3-dimensional surfaces between study and working casts,
Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.60, No.3, 206-212, 2016.- (要約)
- The aim of this study was to compare 3-dimensional surfaces of study and working casts for edentulous jaws and to evaluate the accuracy of preliminary impressions with a view to the future application of digital dentistry for edentulous jaws. Forty edentulous volunteers were serially recruited. Nine dentists took preliminary and final impressions in a routine clinical work-up. The study and working casts were digitized using a dental 3-dimensional scanner. The two surface images were superimposed through a least-square algorithm using imaging software and compared qualitatively. Furthermore, the surface of each jaw was divided into 6 sections, and the difference between the 2 images was quantitatively evaluated. Overall inspection showed that the difference around residual ridges was small and that around borders were large. The mean differences in the upper and lower jaws were 0.26mm and 0.45mm, respectively. The maximum values of the differences showed that the upward change mainly occurred in the anterior residual ridge, and the downward change mainly in the posterior border seal, and the labial and buccal vestibules, whereas every border of final impression was shortened in the lower jaw. The accuracy in all areas except the border, which forms the foundation, was estimated to be less than 0.25mm. Using digital technology, we here showed the overall and sectional accuracy of the preliminary impression for edentulous jaws. In our clinic, preliminary impressions have been made using an alginate material while ensuring that the requisite impression area was covered.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2002942
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.jpor.2015.12.007
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 26822762
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84957824113
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2002942, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpor.2015.12.007, PubMed: 26822762, Elsevier: Scopus) 石田 雄一, 藤本 けい子, 檜垣 宜明, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.8, No.2, 161-166, 2016年. Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Kosuke Kurahashi, Toshiya Kashiwabara and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Development of a digital impression procedure using photogrammetry for complete denture fabrication,
International Journal of Computerized Dentistry, Vol.19, No.3, 193-202, 2016.- (要約)
- We developed an innovative procedure for digitizing maxillary edentulous residual ridges with a photogrammetric system capable of estimating three-dimensional (3D) digital forms from multiple two-dimensional (2D) digital images. The aim of this study was to validate the effectiveness of the photogrammetric system. Impressions of the maxillary residual ridges of five edentulous patients were taken with four kinds of procedures: three conventional impression procedures and the photogrammetric system. Plaster models were fabricated from conventional impressions and digitized with a 3D scanner. Two 3D forms out of four forms were superimposed with 3D inspection software, and differences were evaluated using a least squares best fit algorithm. The in vitro experiment suggested that better imaging conditions were in the horizontal range of ± 15 degrees and at a vertical angle of 45 degrees. The mean difference between the photogrammetric image (Form A) and the image taken from conventional preliminarily impression (Form C) was 0.52 ± 0.22 mm. The mean difference between the image taken of final impression through a special tray (Form B) and Form C was 0.26 ± 0.06 mm. The mean difference between the image taken from conventional final impression (Form D) and Form C was 0.25 ± 0.07 mm. The difference between Forms A and C was significantly larger than the differences between Forms B and C and between Forms D and C. The results of this study suggest that obtaining digital impressions of edentulous residual ridges using a photogrammetric system is feasible and available for clinical use.
- (キーワード)
- Aged / Aged, 80 and over / Anatomic Landmarks / Computer-Aided Design / Dental Impression Technique / Dental Models / Denture Design / Denture, Complete / Feasibility Studies / Female / Humans / Image Processing, Computer-Assisted / Imaging, Three-Dimensional / Jaw, Edentulous / Male / Maxilla / Photogrammetry
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 27644177
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 27644177
(PubMed: 27644177) Yuki Iwawaki, Noriko Mizusawa, Takeo Iwata, Nobuaki Higaki, Takaharu Goto, Megumi Watanabe, Yoritoki Tomotake, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Katsuhiko Yoshimoto :
MiR-494-3p induced by compressive force inhibits cell proliferation in MC3T3-E1 cells.,
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Vol.120, No.4, 456-462, 2015.- (要約)
- Mechanical stimuli regulate fundamental cell processes such as proliferation, differentiation, and morphogenesis. We attempted to identify microRNA (miRNA) whose expression is changed during compressive treatment in MC3T3-E1, a pre-osteoblastic cell line. Microarray analysis followed by reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction revealed that compressive force at 294 Pa for 24 h in MC3T3-E1 cells increased levels of miR-494-3p, miR-146a-5p, miR-210-3p, and miR-1247-3p. Among these miRNAs, miR-494-3p was found to inhibit cell proliferation in MC3T3-E1 cells. Furthermore, cells subjected to compressive force showed slower cell growth compared with control cells. Levels of mRNA for fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) and Rho-associated coiled-coil kinase 1 (ROCK1), which were predicted to be targets of miR-494-3p, were decreased by compressive force or overexpression of miR-494-3p mimics in MC3T3-E1 cells. Furthermore, binding sites of miR-494-3p within 3'-untranslated regions of Fgfr2 and Rock1 were determined using luciferase reporter assay. In conclusion, compressive force affected expressions of several miRNAs including miR-494-3p in MC3T3-E1 cells. Compressive force might inhibit cell proliferation in osteoblasts by up-regulating miR-494-3p followed by FGFR2 and ROCK1 gene repressions.
- (キーワード)
- 3' Untranslated Regions / Cell Line / Cell Proliferation / Down-Regulation / Gene Expression Regulation / Humans / Luciferases / MicroRNAs / Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis / Osteoblasts / RNA, Messenger / Receptor, Fibroblast Growth Factor, Type 2 / Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction / Stress, Mechanical / Up-Regulation / rho-Associated Kinases
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2002734
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2015.02.006
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 25795570
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84938332268
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2002734, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2015.02.006, PubMed: 25795570, Elsevier: Scopus) Prananingrum Widyasri, 内藤 禎人, 友竹 偉則, 田島 登誉子, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.28, 305, 2015年. 友竹 偉則, 岩脇 有軌, 後藤 崇晴, 西中 英伸, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.28, No.3, 326-333, 2015年.- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.11237/jsoi.28.326
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001205510925824
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.11237/jsoi.28.326
(DOI: 10.11237/jsoi.28.326, CiNii: 1390001205510925824) Tsuyoshi Honda, Keiko Fujimoto, Takuro Baba, Kan Nagao, Akira Takahashi and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Swallowing sound waveform and its clinical significance: Evaluation using ultrasonography,
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.28, No.1, 21-27, 2015.- (要約)
- Background: Cervical auscultation is a technique frequently used for the screening of dysphagia. However, this method is difficult to evaluate objectively and it is unclear how sound is generated during the swallowing process. The aim of this study was to analyze the waveform of swallowing sound and clarify the sound production process using recordings of swallowing sounds and ultrasound images (USI), performed simultaneously.Materials and Methods: Commercial natural spring water and natural carbonated water were used in experiments 1 and 2, respectively. In experiment 1, a microphone was attached to the skin of the neck of 20 young participants and swallowing sounds were recorded and analyzed. In experiment 2, swallowing processes in three participants were recorded by a medical ultrasonography apparatus. The ultrasonic probe was placed on the skin over one of the thyroid cartilages or the thyroid gland.Results: The swallowing sound wave (SSW) was divided into three sectional periods. The mean duration of the first, second, and third SSW was 210 ± 147 ms, 458 ± 113 ms, and 91 ± 61 ms, respectively. The mean intensity ratio of the first, second, and third SSW was 7.8 ± 5.2, 29.2 ± 16.5,and 5.8 ± 5.1, respectively. When the ultrasonic probe was placed on the skin over one of the thyroid cartilages, in the phase between the production of the second SSW and the silent period, the USI revealed an accumulation of swallowed material around the valleculae and oropharynx. In the silent period of the second SSW, the swallowed material accumulated around the hypopharynx. When the ultrasonic probe was placed on the skin over the thyroid gland, in the silent period of the second SSW, the USI revealed that the swallowed material had passed through esophagus.Conclusion: Waveform and USI findings from this study suggest that swallowing sound can be divided into three sectional periods: an oral phase, a pharyngeal phase, and a repositioning phase.
- (キーワード)
- Dysphagia / Swallowing sound / Ultrasonography
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2003095
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1520854805705094272
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2003095, CiNii: 1520854805705094272) Yuichi Ishida, Keiko Fujimoto, Nobuaki Higaki, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
End points and assessments in esthetic dental treatment.,
Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.59, No.4, 229-235, 2015.- (要約)
- There are two key considerations for successful esthetic dental treatments. This article systematically describes the two key considerations: the end points of esthetic dental treatments and assessments of esthetic outcomes, which are also important for acquiring clinical skill in esthetic dental treatments. The end point and assessment of esthetic dental treatment were discussed through literature reviews and clinical practices. Before designing a treatment plan, the end point of dental treatment should be established. The section entitled "End point of esthetic dental treatment" discusses treatments for maxillary anterior teeth and the restoration of facial profile with prostheses. The process of assessing treatment outcomes entitled "Assessments of esthetic dental treatment" discusses objective and subjective evaluation methods. Practitioners should reach an agreement regarding desired end points with patients through medical interviews, and continuing improvements and developments of esthetic assessments are required to raise the therapeutic level of esthetic dental treatments.
- (キーワード)
- Clinical Competence / Dental Prosthesis / Endpoint Determination / Esthetics, Dental / Humans / Maxilla / Outcome Assessment (Health Care) / Tooth
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.jpor.2015.05.002
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 26077379
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 26077379
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1016/j.jpor.2015.05.002
(DOI: 10.1016/j.jpor.2015.05.002, PubMed: 26077379) 市川 哲雄 :
認知症患者の歯科的対応および歯科治療のあり方 学会の立場表明2015,
日本老年歯科医学, Vol.30, No.1, 3-11, 2015年. Takaharu Goto, Atsuko Nakamichi, Megumi Watanabe, Kan Nagao, Miwa Matsuyama and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Influence of food volume per mouthful on chewing and bolus properties,
Physiology & Behavior, Vol.141, 58-62, 2015.- (要約)
- Behaviors relating to food intake, i.e., speed of chewing, number of chews, and bite size, are important for decreasing energy intake, which might reduce excess body weight and thus metabolic risk. This study aimed at investigating the influence of mouthful volume on the number of chews and food bolus properties in addition to clarifying appropriate eating behaviors related to mouthful volume. Fifteen young Japanese women volunteered to participate. The subjects were asked to spit the food bolus in a glass dish just before swallowing when eating 3 different foods: boiled rice, fish sausage, and peanuts. The 3 physical properties of solidity, adhesiveness, and cohesiveness were measured in the bolus, and the number of chews was noted. The number of chews significantly increased with increasing mouthful volume with all 3 foods; conversely, the number of chews per unit of food weight (g) decreased significantly with boiled rice and fish sausage. Trends were observed for solidity and cohesiveness, which varied with increasing mouthful volumes. Decreased mouthful volume resulted in a greater number of chews per weight of food and more appropriate bolus properties; therefore, a change in mouthful volume could be a useful behavior modification for regulation of energy intake.
- (キーワード)
- Eating / Energy Intake / Feeding Behavior / Female / Food / Humans / Mastication / Young Adult
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.physbeh.2015.01.007
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 25582518
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84921058803
(DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2015.01.007, PubMed: 25582518, Elsevier: Scopus) 松田 岳, 後藤 崇晴, 柏原 稔也, 市川 哲雄 :
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.28, No.1, 13-19, 2015年.- (要約)
- The maxillomandibular registration is one of important processes to achieve patientsatisfaction with the function and esthetics for complete denture fabrication. Over the years, clinical decision of vertical and horizontal jaw relationship has been mainly discussed in the maxillomandibular registration. With regard to the occlusal plane setting, many clinicians have believed to decide the occlusal plane parallel to Camper's plane, however there is little information on the effect of occlusal plane setting on clinical meanings and outcome. The aim of this study is to analyze published literature focusing on the occlusal plane and the related oral function and esthetics, and to clarify clinical implications of occlusal plane setting. Two databases, "PubMed" and "Japana Centra Revuo Medicina" were searched to retrieve research papers focusing on the occlusal plane.Seventy four papers were selected from the database, and they were reviewed.Literature reviews suggests that many landmarks were described on the occlusal plane setting for edentulous patients; and Camper's plane has been most frequently referred, showed a good result in function, but not always good in esthetics. The influence of occlusal plane setting on clinical results: oral function, esthetics, denture stability, and patient satisfaction after denture delivery has to be examined.
- (キーワード)
- 咬合平面 / 無歯顎 / カンペル平面
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2003094
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1050865122807695488
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2003094, CiNii: 1050865122807695488) Takaharu Goto, Kan Nagao, Yuichi Ishida, Yoritoki Tomotake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Influence of female attachment installation load on movement and resultant forces in implant overdentures,
Journal of Prosthodontics, Vol.24, No.2, 156-163, 2015.- (要約)
- This in vitro study investigated the effect of attachment installation conditions on the load transfer and denture movements of implant overdentures, and aims to clarify the differences among the three types of attachments, namely ball, Locator, and magnet attachments. Three types of attachments, namely ball, Locator, and magnetic attachments were used. An acrylic resin mandibular edentulous model with two implants placed in the bilateral canine regions and removable overdenture were prepared. The two implants and bilateral molar ridges were connected to three-axis load-cell transducers, and a universal testing machine was used to apply a 50 N vertical force to each site of the occlusal table in the first molar region. The denture movement was measured using a G(2) motion sensor. Three installation conditions, namely, the application of 0, 50, and 100 N loads were used to install each attachment on the denture base. The load transfer and denture movement were then evaluated. The resultant force decreased with increasing installation load for all attachments. In particular, the resultant force on implants on the loading side of the Locator attachment significantly decreased when the installation load was increased from 0 to 50 N, and that for magnetic attachment significantly decreased when the installation load was increased from 50 to 100 N. For the residual ridges on the loading side, the direction of the forces for all attachments changed to downward with increasing installation load. Furthermore, the yaw Euler angle increased with increasing installation load for the magnetic attachment. Subject to the limitations of this study, the use of any installation load greater than 0 N is recommended for the installation of ball and Locator attachments on a denture base. Regarding magnetic attachments, our results also recommend installation on a denture base using any installation load greater than 0 N, and suggest that the resultant force acting on the implant can be decreased by increasing the installation load; however, a large installation load of 100 N should be avoided when installing the attachment on the denture base to avoid increasing the denture movement.
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1111/jopr.12177
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 24975368
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84923081891
(DOI: 10.1111/jopr.12177, PubMed: 24975368, Elsevier: Scopus) 中道 敦子, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.27, No.2, 71-80, 2015年.- (要約)
- We created a simple questionnaire to promote better eating habits and behavioral modification for the prevention and improvement of metabolic syndrome, examined its reliability and validity, and finally, assessed its effectiveness. A questionnaire, comprising of eighteen items to promote behavioral modification, was prepared comprising of three factors, "dietary recognition" , "eating habits" and "eating action" and was developed based on data from 125 students at the Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Tokushima. Furthermore, to assess the effectiveness of this version of the questionnaire, we conducted a survey on 845 health-care providers in Tokushima Prefecture and Hyogo Prefecture. The results confirmed a relatively high internal consistency with a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.735–0.762 for the three factors. The questionnaire scores in the "obese" group with a body mass index of 25 or higher were high for all three factors and a significant difference was noted between the "normal" and "thin" groups under the category of "dietary awareness" . Moreover, trends between men and women; and between age groups were ascertained, therefore suggesting that this questionnaire is effective in assessing eating behavior associated with obesity.
- (キーワード)
- 食行動 / 一口量 / 質問票
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1050865122807699072
(CiNii: 1050865122807699072) 市川 哲雄, 後藤 崇晴, 岩脇 有軌, 檜垣 宣明, 内藤 禎人 :
補綴装置および歯の延命のために(Part 6) 力のコントロール 力を受ける生体側の観点から,
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.7, No.4, 357-362, 2015年.- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.7.357
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.7.357
(DOI: 10.2186/ajps.7.357) Nobuaki Higaki, Takaharu Goto, Yuichi Ishida, Megumi Watanabe, Yoritoki Tomotake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Do sensation differences exist between dental implants and natural teeth?: a meta-analysis.,
Clinical Oral Implants Research, Vol.25, No.11, 1307-1310, 2014.- (要約)
- The purpose of this systematic review was to survey evidence pertaining to the sensation differences between natural teeth and osseointegrated dental implants. Using the MEDLINE (online PubMed) database, Cochrane Library, and Scientific Citation index, we performed a systematic search of articles. We used the following search terms: "perception or sensation and dental implant." The systematic review of the extracted articles was performed to see the sensation differences between natural teeth and dental implants. A total of six studies on oral sensation, "tactile sensibility," and "thickness discrimination" were included in the meta-analysis. As to the "tactile sensibility", all studies indicated the threshold levels of the implants were about 4-20 times higher than that of natural teeth. The tactile sensibility of an implant was significantly higher than that of a natural tooth, with an standardized mean difference (SMD) of 8.3619 (95% CI, 6.3920-10.3317) and a P < 0.0001. As to the "thickness discrimination", all studies indicated the threshold levels of implants were about 1.2-2.3 times higher than that of natural teeth. The thickness discrimination was significantly higher than that of natural teeth with an SMD of 1.2368 (95% CI, 0.8699-1.6038) and a P < 0.0001. This meta-analysis suggested that both tactile sensibility and thickness discrimination thresholds of implants were significantly higher than those of natural teeth. This meta-analysis reconfirms that sensation differences between dental implants and natural teeth exist.
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1111/clr.12271
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 25279692
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 25279692
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1111/clr.12271
(DOI: 10.1111/clr.12271, PubMed: 25279692) Yoshihito Naitou, Ryo Jimbo, Matthew S Bryington, Stefan Vandeweghe, Bruno Chrcanovic, Nick Tovar, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Coelho G. Paulo and Ann Wennerberg :
The Influence of 1α.25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Coating on Implant Osseointegration in the Rabbit Tibia,
Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Research, Vol.5, No.3, e3, 2014.- (要約)
- This study aims to evaluate bone response to an implant surface modified by 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1.25-(OH)2D3] in vivo and the potential link between 1.25-(OH) 2D3 surface concentration and bone response. Twenty-eight implants were divided into 4 groups (1 uncoated control, 3 groups coated with 1.25-(OH)2D3 in concentrations of 10(-8), 10(-7) and 10(-6) M respectively), placed in the rabbit tibia for 6 weeks. Topographical analyses were carried out on coated and uncoated discs using interferometer and atomic-force-microscope (AFM). Twenty-eight implants were histologically observed (bone-to-implant-contact [BIC] and new-bone-area [NBA]). The results showed that the 1.25-(OH)2D3 coated implants presented a tendency to osseointegrate better than the non-coated surfaces, the differences were not significant (P > 0.05). The effect of 1.25-(OH)2D3 coating to implants suggested possible dose dependent effects, however no statistical differences could be found. It is thought that the base substrate topography (turned) could not sustain sufficient amount of 1.25-(OH)2D3 enough to present significant biologic responses. Thus, development a base substrate that can sustain 1.25-(OH)2D3 for a long period is necessary in future studies.
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.5037/jomr.2014.5303
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 25386230
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 25386230
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.5037/jomr.2014.5303
(DOI: 10.5037/jomr.2014.5303, PubMed: 25386230) Atsuko Nakamichi, Miwa Matsuyama and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Relationship between mouthful volume and number of chews in young Japanese females,
Appetite, Vol.83, 327-332, 2014.- (要約)
- Objective: Modification of eating behavior in Japan is promoted to prevent overweight and obesity, but the effects of such modifications are unclear. This study aimed to clarify the inter- and intra-individual relationship between bite size and number of chews of food. Design and methods: Subjects comprised of 50 young healthy Japanese women (mean age 19.5 years). Food materials were boiled rice and apple. First, the average bite size and the number of chews per mouthful of food were calculated across the study cohort. The number of chews was counted by the subjects themselves and then self-reported. Correlation between the individual one-bite volume and the number of chews per volume was analyzed using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Second, the number of chews for three different sized bites of food (half of one bite, one bite, and one-and-a-half bites) were calculated as a prospective observational study. The number of chews for each of the three volumes of food was compared using one way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction. Results: For both food types, there was a negative correlation between individual mouthful volume and number of chews for both food materials. The number of chews per volume decreased as bite sizes increased. Conclusion: This study demonstrated an inter- and intra-individual relationship between bite size and the number of chews and suggested that smaller bite sizes were associated with more chews per volume of food.
- (キーワード)
- Mouthful volume / Chewing / Eating behavior / Health promotion
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2002492
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.appet.2014.08.009
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 25131904
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 25131904
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1016/j.appet.2014.08.009
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2002492, DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2014.08.009, PubMed: 25131904) 東岡 紗知江, 比嘉 仁司, 本田 剛, 中道 敦子, 本釜 聖子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
老年歯科医学, Vol.29, No.1, 3-10, 2014年.- (要約)
- 加齢や服薬に伴う唾液分泌能の低下は摂食・嚥下障害や誤嚥性肺炎につながる深刻な問題であり,有効な対策が求められている.本研究では,柑橘系のにおい刺激と顎顔面周囲への温熱刺激の併用によって唾液分泌を改善する方法を試みた.今回の試験では,スダチのにおいを実際の患者の食事に応用するにあたって,量産可能な代替香料の有効性(実験1),および作用の持続(実験2)について検討した.対象者は,健常成人94 名(実験1:68 名,男性37 名,女性31 名,平均年齢24.3±2.1 歳,実験2:31 名,男性23名,女性8名,平均年齢25.5±3.9歳)とした. におい刺激剤としてスダチ果皮より抽出したスダチ精油と,スダチの香気成分資料をもとに精製したスダチ風人工香料を用いた.温熱刺激には,使い捨て温熱アイマスク(めぐリズム蒸気でホットアイマスク<sup>®</sup>無香料,花王株式会社)を用いた.におい刺激の有無と温熱刺激部位別に8 条件を設定し,1 時間の唾液分泌量の変化を比較した.唾液分泌量の測定にはワッテ法を用いた. 安静時を基準とした唾液の増加率において,スダチ精油とスダチ風人工香料間で有意な差は認められなかった.刺激後1 時間の唾液分泌量の変化より,におい刺激は刺激当初に,温熱刺激は徐々に唾液量の増加を促すことが示された.食事時のリハビリテーションへの応用には,食事のタイミングや食事時間を考慮した刺激の組み合わせが有効であることが示唆された.
- (キーワード)
- 唾液分泌 / 温熱刺激 / におい刺激 / スダチ
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.11259/jsg.29.3
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001204334751744
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.11259/jsg.29.3
(DOI: 10.11259/jsg.29.3, CiNii: 1390001204334751744) Ashrin Nur Meinar, Rieko Arakaki, Akiko Yamada, Tomoyuki Kondo, Mie Kurosawa, Yasusei Kudo, Megumi Watanabe, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Yoshio Hayashi and Naozumi Ishimaru :
A critical role for thymic stromal lymphopoietin in nickel-induced allergy in mice.,
The Journal of Immunology, Vol.192, No.9, 4025-4031, 2014.- (要約)
- Ni is the most frequent cause of contact allergy induced by metals. However, the underlying mechanism of this induction is unknown. Our previous research demonstrates that activation of dendritic cells (DCs) through p38MAPK/MKK6 is required for Ni-induced allergy in mice. In the current study, we investigated the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying Ni-induced allergy using a mouse model that involves injecting Ni into the ear, with or without Freund's incomplete or complete adjuvants. Nickel had greater potential to cause allergic reactions compared with palladium and gold. Among the proteins expressed at higher levels in mice with Ni-induced allergy, we focused on thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), which is produced in abundance by keratinocytes. We detected increased expression of the TSLP receptor (TSLPR) in DCs from cervical lymph nodes of mice with Ni-induced allergy, suggesting that DCs in ear tissues were activated through TSLPR signaling induced by keratinocyte-derived TSLP. Furthermore, delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions in mice with Ni-induced allergy were decreased significantly by injection of a Tslp-short interfering RNA along with atelocollagen in the ear skin. These results suggest that Ni allergy may be triggered by a TSLP/TSLPR-mediated interaction between epithelial and immune cells.
- (キーワード)
- Animals / Blotting, Western / Cytokines / Dendritic Cells / Disease Models, Animal / Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay / Female / Flow Cytometry / Hypersensitivity / Immunoglobulins / 免疫組織化学 (immunohistochemistry) / Mice / Mice, Inbred C57BL / Nickel / Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis / RNA, Small Interfering / Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction / Receptors, Cytokine / Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.4049/jimmunol.1300276
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 24670797
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84899557087
(DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1300276, PubMed: 24670797, Elsevier: Scopus) B Sapaar, A Nur, Katsuhiko Hirota, Hiromichi Yumoto, Keiji Murakami, T Amoh, Takashi Matsuo, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Yoichiro Miyake :
Effects of extracellular DNA from Candida albicans and pneumonia-related pathogens on Candida biofilm formation and hyphal transformation.,
Journal of Applied Microbiology, Vol.116, No.6, 1531-1542, 2014.- (要約)
- The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of genomic DNA purified from Candida albicans and pneumonia-related pathogens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus, on in vitro biofilm formation and morphological change of 3 Candida species (C. albicans, C. glabrata, and C. tropicalis). Biofilm formation was evaluated by the crystal violet assay and colony-forming unit counts. Morphological characteristics of biofilms were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy and fluorescence microscopy. Addition of DNA at a low concentration (<1·0 μg ml(-1)) significantly increased biofilm mass of all three Candida species. In contrast, the addition of DNA at a high concentration (10 μg ml(-1)) decreased the biofilm mass. Interestingly, the formation of hyphae in a dense network of yeast cells was observed in C. albicans biofilms exposed to a low concentration of DNA (<1·0 μg ml(-1)). These findings demonstrated that extracellular DNA (eDNA) plays a crucial role in Candida biofilm formation and suggested that eDNA may induce the morphological transition from yeast to hyphal growth form during C. albicans biofilm development. A novel therapy targeting eDNA may be applicable for Candida infection to decrease biofilm formation and hyphal formation.
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1111/jam.12483
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 24661775
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84900806168
(DOI: 10.1111/jam.12483, PubMed: 24661775, Elsevier: Scopus) Yoshihito Naitou, Takayuki Terukina, Silvia Galli, Yusuke Kozai, Stefan Vandeweghe, Tatsuaki Tagami, Tetsuya Ozeki, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Paulo G. Coelho and Ryo Jimbo :
The effect of simvastatin-loaded polymeric microspheres in a critical size bone defect in the rabbit calvaria.,
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Vol.461, No.1-2, 157-162, 2014.- (要約)
- The present study describes the development of a microsphere capsule based on polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) loaded with simvastatin that was subsequently incorporated into synthetic bone cement. The osteogenic effect of simvastatin-loaded bone cement was in a critical sized defect in vivo to test the hypothesis the biologic response would be different depending on the dosage of simvastatin applied to bone cement. Our results showed that simvastatin loaded PLGA microspheres can be successfully obtained through O/W emulsion/solvent evaporation method with appropriate morphologic characteristics and high encapsulation efficiency for incorporation in bone cements. The biodegradable characteristic of the microspheres successfully presented a slow release and the duration of the release lasted for more than 1 month. The in vivo experiment revealed that the microspheres containing simvastatin significantly enhanced bone formation in the rabbit calvaria critical size defect.
- (キーワード)
- Implant dentistry / biomaterials / drug deliverly system
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2013.11.046
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 24296045
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84890281303
(DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2013.11.046, PubMed: 24296045, Elsevier: Scopus) Takanori Kawano, Widyasri Prananingrum, Yuichi Ishida, Takaharu Goto, Yoshihito Naitou, Megumi Watanabe, Yoritoki Tomotake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Blue-violet laser modification of titania treated titanium: antibacterial and osteo-inductive effects,
PLoS ONE, Vol.8, No.12, e84327, 2013.- (要約)
- Many studies on surface modifications of titanium have been performed in an attempt to accelerate osseointegration. Recently, anatase titanium dioxide has been found to act as a photocatalyst that expresses antibiotic properties and exhibits hydrophilicity after ultraviolet exposure. A blue-violet semiconductor laser (BV-LD) has been developed as near-ultraviolet light. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of exposure to this BV-LD on surface modifications of titanium with the goal of enhancing osteoconductive and antibacterial properties. The surfaces of pure commercial titanium were polished with #800 waterproof polishing papers and were treated with anatase titania solution. Specimens were exposed using BV-LD (λ = 405 nm) or an ultraviolet light-emitting diode (UV-LED, λ = 365 nm) at 6 mW/cm(2) for 3 h. The surface modification was evaluated physically and biologically using the following parameters or tests: surface roughness, surface temperature during exposure, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, contact angle, methylene blue degradation tests, adherence of Porphyromonas gingivalis, osteoblast and fibroblast proliferation, and histological examination after implantation in rats. No significant changes were found in the surface roughness or XRD profiles after exposure. BV-LD exposure did not raise the surface temperature of titanium. The contact angle was significantly decreased, and methylene blue was significantly degraded. The number of attached P. gingivalis organisms was significantly reduced after BV-LD exposure compared to that in the no exposure group. New bone was observed around exposed specimens in the histological evaluation, and both the bone-to-specimen contact ratio and the new bone area increased significantly in exposed groups. This study suggested that exposure of titanium to BV-LD can enhance the osteoconductivity of the titanium surface and induce antibacterial properties, similar to the properties observed following exposure to UV-LED.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2000123
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1371/journal.pone.0084327
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 24358355
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84892924993
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2000123, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084327, PubMed: 24358355, Elsevier: Scopus) Kan Nagao, Takaharu Goto, Yuichi Ishida, Tetsuo Ichikawa, M Hideshima, H Koshino, K Hoshiai and Y Umekawa :
Should Occlusal Pressure be Applied in Fixing Magnet Assenmlies to Denture? An Evaluation using the Delphi Technique,
The Journal of the Japanese Sociaty of Magnetic Applications in Dentistry, Vol.22, No.2, 43-46, 2013. Takaharu Goto, Yuichi Ishida, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Long-term follow-up case reports on the use of magnetic attachment as intracoronal/extracoronal attachments,
The Journal of the Japanese Sociaty of Magnetic Applications in Dentistry, Vol.22, No.2, 12-14, 2013. 市川 哲雄, 後藤 崇晴, 友竹 偉則 :
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.26, No.4, 660-667, 2013年.- (要約)
- The purpose of this study was to evaluate stress analysis of a magnet-retained mini-implant overdenture on an in vitro mandibular model. Mini implants less than 3.0 mm in diameter have been used as not only provisional use, but also permanent use to support overdentures.<br/>Four mini implants (MagDen Fixture MFI4010RF, Shinwon Dental, Seoul, Korea) were placed in edentulous regions between bilateral canines in an acrylic resin mandibular model and the abutments (MagDen Keeper MFK4020, Shinwon Dental, Seoul, Korea) for magnet attachments were used. Seven strain gauges were attached on the resin surface around the right side of two mini implants. The surface of the model was covered with silicone impression material to simulate oral mucosa and an experimental complete denture was placed on the model. A vertical force of 50 N was applied to either one of the premolar, first molar and second molar of the experimental denture using a universal testing machine. <br/>When four mini implants were supported, compressive strains were caused at the lingual side of the distal mini implant. The more posterior the loading point was, the lower the strain around the implant was generally. Although tensile strain was caused at the buccal side of the mesial mini implant, it decreased at the moment when compressive strain arose. When four implants were supported, the strain around the mini implants was distributed more evenly than those in the two implant-supported ones. The influence of implant positioning was examined by removing either two mesial or two distal attachments in the four mini implants. The maximum strain in two mesial implant-supported attachments was smaller than that in two distal implant-supported attachments.
- (キーワード)
- mini implant / stress analysis / magnetic attachment / overdenture / strain
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.11237/jsoi.26.660
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390282680483292160
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.11237/jsoi.26.660
(DOI: 10.11237/jsoi.26.660, CiNii: 1390282680483292160) 柏原 稔也, 米山 武義, 中道 敦子, 本田 剛, 東岡 紗知江, 後藤 崇晴, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
In vitroカンジダバイオフィルムに対する電解次亜水の効果,
老年歯科医学, Vol.28, No.3, 277-283, 2013年.- (要約)
- 口腔ケアは,要介護高齢者などの誤嚥性肺炎の予防など易感染性宿主に対する感染症予防において,医療現場で高く認知されている.効果的な口腔ケアをするにあたって適切な洗浄剤や清掃材料が求められる.本研究は,強力な殺菌効果が期待される電解次亜水に着目し,そのカンジダバイオフィルムに対する洗浄効果の評価法を用いて,その有効性と可能性について検討した. 試験液として,強アルカリ性電解水,弱酸性電解水,電解次亜水,2種類の市販の洗口液,滅菌蒸留水,計6種類を用いた.カンジダバイオフィルムを形成させた被着試料を用いて,各試験液の抗バイオフィルム効果およびバイオフィルム浸漬前後の有効塩素濃度の変化を検討した.歯科用金属に対する腐食性を検討するために,スチールバー,歯科用コバルトクロム合金,金銀パラジウム合金,計3種類の歯科用金属を用いて,試験液浸漬前後の pH の変化を測定した.また,試料表面の肉眼観察も行った. 電解次亜水は高いカンジダバイオフィルム殺菌・洗浄効果を認め,安定した有効塩素濃度が確保されたものの,金属腐食作用は強いことが示唆された.
- (キーワード)
- 電解次亜水 / タンパク分解型 / 機能水 / カンジダバイオフィルム / 口腔ケア
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.11259/jsg.28.277
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001204333083520
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.11259/jsg.28.277
(DOI: 10.11259/jsg.28.277, CiNii: 1390001204333083520) Megumi Watanabe and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Analysis of Small GTPases in Dendritic Cells and Keratinocytes in Nickel Allergy Mouse Model,
2013. 松香 芳三, 萩原 芳幸, 玉置 勝司, 竹内 久裕, 藤澤 政紀, 小野 高裕, 築山 能大, 永尾 寛, 津賀 一弘, 會田 英紀, 近藤 尚知, 笛木 賢治, 塚崎 弘明, 石橋 寛二, 藤井 重壽, 平井 敏博, 佐々木 啓一, 矢谷 博文, 五十嵐 順正, 佐藤 裕二, 市川 哲雄, 松村 英雄, 山森 徹雄, 窪木 拓男, 馬場 一美, 古谷野 潔 :
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.5, No.3, 281-290, 2013年.- (要約)
- 目的:(社)日本補綴歯科学会は病態とその発現機序の把握に基づく適切な補綴歯科治療を国民に提供するために,補綴歯科治療における新たな病名システムを提案した.これは患者に生じている「障害」を病名の基本とし,この障害を引き起こしている「要因」を併記して病名システムとするものであり,「A(要因)によるB(障害)」を病名システムの基本的な表現法としている.本研究の目的は考案した方法に従って決定した補綴歯科治療における病名の信頼性と妥当性を検討することである.方法:模擬患者カルテを作成し,(社)日本補綴歯科学会診療ガイドライン委員会で模範解答としての病名(以下,模範病名)を決定した.その後,合計50 名の評価者(日本補綴歯科学会専門医(以下,補綴歯科専門医)ならびに大学病院研修歯科医(以下,研修医))に診断をしてもらい,評価者間における病名の一致度(信頼性)ならびに(社)日本補綴歯科学会診療ガイドライン委員会による模範病名との一致度(妥当性)を検討した.結果:評価者間の一致度を検討するための算出したKrippendorff's αは全体では0.378,補綴歯科専門医では0.370,研修医では0.401 であった.Krippendorff's αは模範病名との一致度の高い上位10 名の評価者(補綴歯科専門医:3 名,研修医:7 名)では0.524,上位2 名の評価者(補綴歯科専門医:1 名,研修医:1 名)では0.648 と上昇した.日常的に頻繁に遭遇する病名に関しては模範病名との一致度が高かったが,日常的に遭遇しない病名は模範病名との一致度は低い状況であった.さらに,模範病名との一致度とアンケート回答時間や診療経験年数の関連性を検討したところ,相関関係はみられなかった.結論:全評価者間の一致度を指標とした本病名システムの信頼性は高くはなかったが,模範病名との一致度の高い評価者間では一致度が高かった.日常的に遭遇する補綴関連病名については模範病名との一致度が高かった.以上から(公社)日本補綴歯科学会の新しい病名システムは臨床上十分な信頼性と妥当性を有することが示唆された.
- (キーワード)
- 補綴歯科治療病名 / 要因 / 障害 / 信頼性 / 妥当性
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.5.281
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001205301084416
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.5.281
(DOI: 10.2186/ajps.5.281, CiNii: 1390001205301084416) Hideki Suito, Yuki Iwawaki, Takaharu Goto, Yoritoki Tomotake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Oral factors affecting titanium elution and corrosion: an in vitro study using simulated body fluid.,
PLoS ONE, Vol.8, No.6, e66052, 2013.- (要約)
- Ti, which is biocompatible and resistant to corrosion, is widely used for dental implants, particularly in patients allergic to other materials. However, numerous studies have reported on Ti allergy and the in vitro corrosion of Ti. This study investigated the conditions that promote the elution of Ti ions from Ti implants. Specimens of commercially pure Ti, pure nickel, a magnetic alloy, and a gold alloy were tested. Each specimen was immersed in a simulated body fluid (SBF) whose pH value was controlled (2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.4, and 9.0) using either hydrochloric or lactic acid. The parameters investigated were the following: duration of immersion, pH of the SBF, contact with a dissimilar metal, and mechanical stimulus. The amounts of Ti ions eluted were measured using a polarized Zeeman atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Eluted Ti ions were detected after 24 h (pH of 2.0 and 3.0) and after 48 h (pH of 9.0). However, even after 4 weeks, eluted Ti ions were not detected in SBF solutions with pH values of 5.0 and 7.4. Ti elution was affected by immersion time, pH, acid type, mechanical stimulus, and contact with a dissimilar metal. Elution of Ti ions in a Candida albicans culture medium was observed after 72 h. Elution of Ti ions in the SBF was influenced by its pH and by crevice corrosion. The results of this study elucidate the conditions that lead to the elution of Ti ions in humans, which results in implant corrosion and Ti allergy.
- (キーワード)
- Body Fluids / Candida albicans / Corrosion / Dental Alloys / Humans / Hydrogen-Ion Concentration / Ions / Solutions / Stress, Mechanical / チタン (titanium)
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2000185
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1371/journal.pone.0066052
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 23762461
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84878805527
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2000185, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066052, PubMed: 23762461, Elsevier: Scopus) 市川 哲雄, 友竹 偉則, 後藤 崇晴 :
インプラントの感覚能に関する文献的考察 天然歯との比較,
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.26, No.2, 272-280, 2013年.- (キーワード)
- perception / dental implants / sensation
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001205505687168
(CiNii: 1390001205505687168) Yoshihito Naitou, Jiyon Be, Yoritoki Tomotake, Kenichi Hamada, Kenzo Asaoka and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Formability and mechanical properties of porous titanium produced by a moldless process,
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B, Applied Biomaterials, Vol.101, No.6, 1090-1094, 2013.- (要約)
- Tailor-made porous titanium implants show great promise in both orthopedic and dental applications. However, traditional powder metallurgical processes require a high-cost mold, making them economically unviable for producing unique devices. In this study, a mixture of titanium powder and an inlay wax binder was developed for moldless forming and sintering. The formability of the mixture, the dimensional changes after sintering, and the physical and mechanical properties of the sintered porous titanium were evaluated. A 90:10 wt % mixture of Ti powder and wax binder was created manually at 70°C. After debindering, the specimen was sintered in Ar at 1100°C without any mold for 1, 5, and 10 h. The shrinkage, porosity, absorption ratio, bending and compressive strength, and elastic modulus were measured. The bending strength (135-356 MPa), compression strength (178-1226 MPa), and elastic modulus (24-54 GPa) increased with sintering time; the shrinkage also increased, whereas the porosity (from 37.1 to 29.7%) and absorption ratio decreased. The high formability of the binder/metal powder mixture presents a clear advantage for fabricating tailor-made bone and hard tissue substitution units. Moreover, the sintered compacts showed high strength and an elastic modulus comparable to that of cortical bone.
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- Biocompatible Materials / Compressive Strength / Dental Implants / Elastic Modulus / Humans / Materials Testing / Metallurgy / Porosity / Prostheses and Implants / チタン (titanium)
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1002/jbm.b.32919
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 23559484
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84880509056
(DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.32919, PubMed: 23559484, Elsevier: Scopus) 水頭 英樹, 後藤 崇晴, 岩脇 有軌, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.26, No.4, 660-667, 2013年. 窪木 拓男, 市川 哲雄, 馬場 一美, 秀島 雅之, 佐藤 裕二, 和気 裕之, 永尾 寛, 上田 順加, 大野 彩, 玉置 勝司, 津賀 一弘, 櫻井 薫, 佐藤 博信, 石橋 寛二, 矢谷 博文, 大山 喬史, 赤川 安正, 平井 敏博, 佐々木 啓一, 古谷野 潔 :
補綴治療の難易度を測定するプロトコルの信頼性の検討 -(社)日本補綴歯科学会による多施設臨床研究-,
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.5, No.2, 224-239, 2013年.- (キーワード)
- 診断 / 歯科補綴学 / 難易度 / 治療結果 / 患者リスク評価
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.5.224
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.5.224
(DOI: 10.2186/ajps.5.224) Yoshihito Naitou, Ashrin N. Meinar, Yuki Iwawaki, Toshiya Kashiwabara, Takaharu Goto, Teruaki Ito, Tetsuro Sakuma and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Recording of individual identification information on dental prostheses using fluorescent material and ultraviolet light,
The International Journal of Prosthodontics, Vol.26, No.2, 172-174, 2013.- (要約)
- The placement of individual identification on a prosthesis is very important for forensic dentistry and traceability. This article describes the unique naming/labeling of dentures with information for individual identification using a method in which information is invisible under natural light but visible under ultraviolet light-emitting diode/black light exposure. The use of laser beam machining with this method will enable the recording of a large amount of information.
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- Acrylic Resins / Composite Resins / Dental Materials / Denture Bases / Denture Design / Denture Identification Marking / Fluorescent Dyes / Forensic Dentistry / Humans / Image Processing, Computer-Assisted / Lasers / 界面特性 (surface properties) / Ultraviolet Rays
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.11607/ijp.3350
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 23476913
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-84879189814
(DOI: 10.11607/ijp.3350, PubMed: 23476913, Elsevier: Scopus) 水頭 英樹, 後藤 崇晴, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
四国歯学会雑誌, Vol.25, No.2, 39-46, 2013年.- (要約)
- As the connection mechanism between the superstructure and implant, the cement-retained type and screw-retained type are mainly used. The choice of a screw-retained versus a cement-retained superstructure is a complex and comprehensive decision involving many points of consideration. On the other hand, various retained methods that is complementary with each retained type have been proposed. In this article, various retained types which have been reported in the literatures and developed by us, were systematically assorted from the standpoints of retreivability, and the advantages were pointed out showing case photographs. This systematical information would help the selection of retained type of the superstructure.
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- 上部構造 / 固定方法 / 固定性 / 可撤性 / 系統的分類
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2003058
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1050020697877581056
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2003058, CiNii: 1050020697877581056) Takaharu Goto, Hidenobu Nishinaka, Toshiya Kashiwabara, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Main occluding area in partially edentulous patients: changes before and after implant treatment,
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Vol.39, No.9, 677-683, 2012.- (要約)
- The 'main occluding area', the location where food crushing occurs during the first stroke of mastication, is reported to be an important concept; however, it is currently limited to findings in individuals with normal dentition. The purpose of this study was to assess the changes in the location, area and bite force of the main occluding area before and after implant treatments. We enrolled 50 partially edentulous and 22 normally dentate subjects. To identify the location of the main occluding area, each subject was instructed to freely bite once on a dental stopping using the partially edentulous side or the normally dentate area. The location, occluding contact area and bite force of the main occluding area before and after the implant treatments were analysed. The main occluding area was located at a reproducible location in the partially edentulous and normally dentate subjects. This location was principally the first molar region, and for the partially edentulous patients with missing teeth in the molar regions, it moved from the premolar region to the first molar region after treatment. The occluding contact area and bite force for the main occluding area increased (P < 0·05) after the implant treatment in the partially edentulous patients with missing teeth in the molar regions. These results suggest that the main occluding area can be restored to the first molar region after implant treatment and may be an important factor in the assessment of prosthodontic treatment.
- (キーワード)
- Bite Force / Case-Control Studies / Dental Implants / Denture, Partial / Female / Humans / Jaw, Edentulous, Partially / Male / Mastication / Middle Aged / Treatment Outcome
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1111/j.1365-2842.2012.02318.x
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 22672204
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 22672204
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1111/j.1365-2842.2012.02318.x
(DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2842.2012.02318.x, PubMed: 22672204) 中道 敦子, 後藤 崇晴, 東岡 紗知江, 松山 美和, 市川 哲雄 :
日本咀嚼学会雑誌, Vol.22, No.1, 26-35, 2012年.- (キーワード)
- 食行動質問票 / 肥満 / BMI / 咀嚼回数
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1572543026038718848
(CiNii: 1572543026038718848) Jing Li, Katsuhiko Hirota, Takaharu Goto, Hiromichi Yumoto, Yoichiro Miyake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Biofilm formation of Candida albicans on implant overdenture materials and its removal.,
Journal of Dentistry, Vol.40, No.8, 686-692, 2012.- (要約)
- The purposes of this study were to clarify the surface characteristics of various implant overdenture materials and the capabilities of Candida albicans adherence and biofilm formation on these surfaces, and to investigate the role of salivary mucin in biofilm formation. Seven commonly used implant and restorative materials were assessed. The surface roughness averages of all materials were limited to 0.07-0.10μm. Contact angles and salivary mucin absorption were measured. After 90-min initial adhesion and 2-day biofilm formation, the amounts of C. albicans were determined by counting colony-forming units and the morphological characteristics were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The effects of saliva coating and the influences of material surface property on initial adhesion, biofilm formation and its removability were analysed by univariate two-way analysis of variance and multiple linear regression analysis. Surface contact angle of materials, the index of hydrophobicity, was found to be correlated positively with initial adhesion and biofilm formation of C. albicans. A negative correlation between mucin absorption and removability of Candida biofilm indicates that mucin plays an important role in biofilm formation and its rigidity. SEM observation also revealed fewer Candida cells on saliva-coated Ti than on saliva-coated hydroxyapatite or acrylic resin. The materials with different hydrophobic property and compositions display diverse manners of salivary mucin absorption, initial adhesion and biofilm formation. The hydrophobic materials encourage enhanced initial adhesion, subsequently resulting in the active biofilm formation. Mucin has decisive effects on Candida immobilization and biofilm development on the materials. Surface hydrophilic property and composition of materials and salivary proteins, especially mucin, affect the process of Candida biofilm formation and influence the amount and rigidity of formed biofilm. The present data may be applied as a reference for selecting materials in implant overdenture treatment from a microbiological point of view.
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.jdent.2012.04.026
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 22580351
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 22580351
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1016/j.jdent.2012.04.026
(DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2012.04.026, PubMed: 22580351) Seiko Hongama, Kan Nagao, Sachie Toko, Kyuma Tanida, Masatake Akutagawa, Yohsuke Kinouchi and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
MI sensor-aided screening system for assessing swallowing dysfunction: Application to the repetitive saliva-swallowing test,
Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.56, No.1, 53-57, 2012.- (要約)
- Assessment of swallowing dysfunction, particularly the risk of aspiration, is extremely important to clinicians because it provides crucial information for preventing morbidity and mortality from dysphagia. The purpose of this study was to describe a magneto-impedance sensor-aided screening system (MISS) for assessing swallowing function and clarify its effectiveness with the repetitive saliva-swallowing test (RSST). An MI sensor attached to the skin over the sternum detected the distance from a magnet attached to the skin over the thyroid cartilage during swallowing as the change of magnetic fields. The MISS was validated by videofluoroscopic and videoendoscopic observations. Further, the swallowing behavior of 93 individuals was assessed by using the MISS and then analyzed with the RSST. Swallowing behavior can be recorded and investigated objectively by signal inspection in the MISS compared with the conventional methods. The MISS is a simple and straightforward method for recording and safe because of dry swallow. The MISS system was validated by using simultaneous recordings with videofluoroscopic or videoendoscopic examinations, and compared with the conventional RSST method. The MISS combined with the RSST is an effective screening test for swallowing function.
- (キーワード)
- Adult / Aged / Aged, 80 and over / Deglutition / Deglutition Disorders / Electric Impedance / Female / Humans / Magnets / Male / Middle Aged / Prosthodontics / Saliva / Young Adult
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.jpor.2011.04.003
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 21646056
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 21646056
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1016/j.jpor.2011.04.003
(DOI: 10.1016/j.jpor.2011.04.003, PubMed: 21646056) Tetsuo Ichikawa, Kan Nagao and Takaharu Goto :
Alternative Decision Making Considerations in Prosthodontics,
The International Journal of Prosthodontics, Vol.25, No.3, 260-261, 2012.
(PubMed: 22545255) Chen Rong Jian, Yoritoki Tomotake, Megumi Watanabe, Yuichi Ishida, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Telescopic Magnetic Attachment for Implant-Supported Denture: Evaluation of Splint Effect,
The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, Vol.26, No.3, 657-664, 2011.- (要約)
- Retrievability, connecting strength, and ease of laboratory work are important but conflicting prerequisites for the success of an implant superstructure, particularly with regard to immediate function. To resolve this issue, a telescopic magnetic attachment system has been developed for implant-supported removable dentures. The splinting effect of the attachment was evaluated for stress distribution and elevation with an in vitro model of three implants in an edentulous mandible. Two types of telescopic magnetic attachments were prepared; the inclination angles of the axial wall of the abutment were 2.5 and 6.0 degrees. Three types of three-unit superstructures--a screw-retained superstructure and two telescopic magnet-retained superstructures--were fabricated. Static loads of 24.5, 49, and 98 N were applied vertically at three loading points on one side of each occlusal table. The elevation was measured as the height at which the magnet-retained superstructure detached from the abutment (on the other side of the prosthesis). In addition, by means of strain gauges, the stress distribution around the implants was evaluated and compared among the superstructures with the same three loads applied at six different points. The magnet-retained superstructure with the axial wall inclined at 2.5 degrees did not detach from the abutment. The differences in stress distribution between the screw-retained and magnet-retained superstructures with a 2.5-degree inclination were found to be statistically insignificant. The magnet-retained superstructure with a 6-degree inclination detached from the abutment, and the stress was concentrated during loading to a cantilever site. Because of its stress distribution and elevation, the new telescopic magnetic attachment, which has properties such as splinting the implants, ease of fabrication, and retrievability, is expected to be a viable alternative for the retention of implant-supported removable dentures.
- (キーワード)
- Dental Abutments / Dental Clasps / Dental Implantation, Endosseous / Dental Implants / Dental Models / Dental Prosthesis Design / Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported / Dental Stress Analysis / Denture Retention / Humans / Magnetics / Mandible / Materials Testing / Statistics, Nonparametric / Stress, Mechanical / Time Factors
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 21691614
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 21691614
(PubMed: 21691614) Megumi Watanabe, Naozumi Ishimaru, Meinar Nur Ashrin, Rieko Arakaki, Akiko Yamada, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Yoshio Hayashi :
A Novel DC Therapy with Manipulation of MKK6 Gene on Nickel Allergy in Mice,
PLoS ONE, Vol.6, No.4, E19017, 2011.- (要約)
- BACKGROUND: Although the activation of dermal dendritic cells (DCs) or Langerhans cells (LCs) via p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of metal allergy, the in vivo molecular mechanisms have not been identified and a possible therapeutic strategy using the control of dermal DCs or LCs has not been established. In this study, we focused on dermal DCs to define the in vivo mechanisms of metal allergy pathogenesis in a mouse nickel (Ni) allergy model. The effects of DC therapy on Ni allergic responses were also investigated. METHODS AND FINDING: The activation of dermal DCs via p38 MAPK triggered a T cell-mediated allergic immune response in this model. In the MAPK signaling cascade in DCs, Ni potently phosphorylated MAP kinase kinase 6 (MKK6) following increased DC activation. Ni-stimulated DCs could prime T cell activation to induce Ni allergy. Interestingly, when MKK6 gene-transfected DCs were transferred into the model mice, a more pronounced allergic reaction was observed. In addition, injection of short interfering (si) RNA targeting the MKK6 gene protected against a hypersensitivity reaction after Ni immunization. The cooperative action between T cell activation and MKK6-mediated DC activation by Ni played an important role in the development of Ni allergy. CONCLUSIONS: DC activation by Ni played an important role in the development of Ni allergy. Manipulating the MKK6 gene in DCs may be a good therapeutic strategy for dermal Ni allergy.
- (キーワード)
- Animals / Blotting, Western / Female / Flow Cytometry / Hypersensitivity / Immunohistochemistry / Langerhans Cells / MAP Kinase Kinase 6 / Mice / Mice, Inbred C57BL / Microscopy, Confocal / Nickel / RNA, Small Interfering
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2000206
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1371/journal.pone.0019017
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 21544193
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 21544193
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1371/journal.pone.0019017
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2000206, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0019017, PubMed: 21544193) Hideki Suito, Yoritoki Tomotake, Megumi Watanabe, Daisuke Nagao, Yuichi Ishida and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Survival of immediate implant restoration: A retrospective study through 9-year-observation,
Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.55, No.3, 141-145, 2011.- (要約)
- The purpose of this retrospective study was to assess the implant survival rate and the risk factors associated with implant failure in patients who had undergone immediate implant restoration. We performed a retrospective review and an outcome assessment of all patients who received immediate implant restoration between 2000 and 2010 in our department at Tokushima University Hospital. The patients were divided into groups on the basis of the predictor variables: age, gender, implant location, and number of implants per jaw. The cumulative implant survival rate in the paired groups was determined by using Kaplan-Meier analysis and the log-rank test. Cox proportional hazards model was subsequently used to identify exposures associated with implant failure. Using the Kaplan-Meier method, the survival rates at 1, 3, and 9 years were calculated to be 98.8%, 98.0%, and 94.7%, respectively. No statistically significant association was observed between the implant survival rates and the predictor variables: gender, age, location, and number of implants. Immediate implant restoration is a reliable prosthetic procedure with an acceptable survival rate compared to the conventional implant procedure.
- (キーワード)
- Adult / Aged / Dental Implants / Female / Humans / Kaplan-Meier Estimate / Male / Middle Aged / Proportional Hazards Models / Prosthesis Failure / Retrospective Studies / Time Factors
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.jpor.2010.10.004
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 21300587
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 21300587
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1016/j.jpor.2010.10.004
(DOI: 10.1016/j.jpor.2010.10.004, PubMed: 21300587) 岡 謙次, 井上 三四郎, 河野 孝則, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.3, No.1, 26-31, 2011年.- (キーワード)
- Blue-Violet-Diode-Laser / titanium dioxide (TiO 2) / bleaching / tooth color / roughness
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.3.26
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001205300024832
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.3.26
(DOI: 10.2186/ajps.3.26, CiNii: 1390001205300024832) 石田 雄一, 伊藤 照明, 西中 英伸, 佐藤 裕, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄, 荒井 一生 :
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.23, No.4, 715-722, 2010年.- (要約)
- 本研究では,3次元的な角度変化を計測できる姿勢検出センサを用いて開発を行った簡易的なインプラント埋入ナビゲーションシステムを開発した.本稿では,本システムの概要について紹介する.また,インプラント埋入の経験のない歯科医師を対象として,外科用ガイドプレートと本ナビゲーションシステムを用いてインプラント窩の形成を行う実験の結果について報告し,本システムの有用性と将来性について述べる.
- (キーワード)
- computer-assisted / navigation sysytem / インプラント (implant) / motion control sensor
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390282680481775744
(CiNii: 1390282680481775744) Jian-Rong CHENJ, Kenji Oka, Takanori KAWANO, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Carbon dioxide laser application enhances the effect of silane primer on the shear bone strength between porcelain and composite resin,
Dental Materials Journal, Vol.29, No.6, 731-737, 2010.- (要約)
- The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of carbon dioxide laser irradiation on the performance of silane coupling agent as an adhesion promoter. The carbon dioxide laser used in this study was Opelaser 03S II, which irradiated the silane coupling agent applied on the adhesive surface of porcelain. Before and after thermal cycling, shear bond strength was measured using a universal testing machine. Without primer treatment, most of the specimens failed adhesively before reaching the end of the thermal cycling period. For the specimens irradiated with carbon dioxide laser after primer treatment, their shear bond strengths before and after thermal cycling were higher than those treated with primer only -with a significantly pronounced difference between these two groups especially after thermal cycling. Therefore, a combined surface treatment which involved silane application followed by laser treatment was feasible and efficacious for chairside porcelain repair.
- (キーワード)
- Adhesiveness / Composite Resins / Dental Bonding / Dental Etching / Dental Materials / Dental Porcelain / Dental Stress Analysis / Feasibility Studies / Humans / Lasers, Gas / Materials Testing / Resin Cements / Shear Strength / Silanes / Spectrum Analysis, Raman / Stress, Mechanical / 界面特性 (surface properties) / 温度 (temperature)
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.4012/dmj.2009-106
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 21099155
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 21099155
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.4012/dmj.2009-106
(DOI: 10.4012/dmj.2009-106, PubMed: 21099155) 岡 謙次, 井上 三四郎, 河野 孝則, 市川 哲雄 :
CO2レーザー照射が象牙質の耐酸性向上に与えるあたえる影響 -フッ化物との併用について-,
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.2, No.4, 226-232, 2010年.- (キーワード)
- CO 2 laser / dentin / acid-resistance / fluoride / absorption spectrophotometry
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.2.226
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1570291225041307008
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.2.226
(DOI: 10.2186/ajps.2.226, CiNii: 1570291225041307008) J Li, Katsuhiko Hirota, Hiromichi Yumoto, Takashi Matsuo, Yoichiro Miyake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Enhanced germicidal effects of pulsed UV-LED irradiation on biofilms.,
Journal of Applied Microbiology, Vol.109, No.6, 2183-2190, 2010.- (要約)
- The germicidal effects of UVA-LED irradiation (365 nm, 0·28 mW cm(-2) , in pulsed or continuous mode) on Candida albicans or Escherichia coli biofilms were evaluated by determining colony-forming units. The morphological change of microbial cells in biofilms was observed using scanning electron microscopy. After 5-min irradiation, over 90% of viable micro-organisms in biofilms had been killed, and pulsed irradiation (1-1000 Hz) had significantly greater germicidal ability than continuous irradiation. Pulsed irradiation (100 Hz, 60 min) almost completely killed micro-organisms in biofilm (>99·9%), and 20-min irradiation greatly damaged both microbial species. Interestingly, few hyphae were found in irradiated Candida biofilms. Moreover, mannitol treatment, a scavenger of hydroxyl radicals (OH(•) ), significantly protected viable micro-organisms in biofilms from UVA-LED irradiation.
- (キーワード)
- Biofilms / Candida albicans / Colony Count, Microbial / Disinfection / 大腸菌 (Escherichia coli) / Free Radical Scavengers / Hydroxyl Radical / Mannitol / Microbial Viability / Ultraviolet Rays
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1111/j.1365-2672.2010.04850.x
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 20854456
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-78449262889
(DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2672.2010.04850.x, PubMed: 20854456, Elsevier: Scopus) Jing Li, Yoshihito Naitou, Jian-Rong Chen, Takaharu Goto, Yuichi Ishida, Takanori Kawano, Yoritoki Tomotake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
New glass polyalkenoate temporary cement for cement-retained implant restoration: Evaluation of elevation and retentive strength,
Dental Materials Journal, Vol.29, No.5, 589-595, 2010.- (要約)
- The purpose of this study was to evaluate four luting agents for cement-retained implant restorations in two aspects: post-cementation elevation of the superstructure and the retentive strength before and after thermocycling and mechanical cycling. The four evaluated luting agents were: new glass polyalkenoate hard-type (GH) and soft-type (GS) cements, polycarboxylate hard-type (HH) and soft-type (HS) cements. Elevation and retentive strength were measured using a CCD laser displacement sensor and a universal testing machine respectively. Elevation increased in this order: GH, GS, HH, and HS. Thermal and mechanical stresses significantly decreased retentive strength, and the mean values exhibited by GH were significantly higher than the other luting agents. The novel glass polyalkenoate cements (hard- and soft-type) experimentally prepared in the present study augured well as luting agents by virtue of their reduced film thickness and their excellent post-cementation retention and elevation.
- (キーワード)
- Aluminum / Aluminum Silicates / Cementation / Dental Abutments / Dental Bonding / Dental Implants / Dental Prosthesis Retention / Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported / Dental Stress Analysis / Denture, Partial, Fixed / Fluorine / Glass Ionomer Cements / Gold Alloys / Humans / Lasers / Materials Testing / Palladium / Polycarboxylate Cement / Silver / Stress, Mechanical / Surface Properties / Temperature
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.4012/dmj.2009-102
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 20877129
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 20877129
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.4012/dmj.2009-102
(DOI: 10.4012/dmj.2009-102, PubMed: 20877129) 皆木 省吾, 築山 能大, 有馬 太郎, 市川 哲雄, 窪木 拓男, 兒玉 直紀, 佐久間 重光, 新谷 明喜, 高津 匡樹, 竹内 哲男, 津賀 一弘, 坪井 明人, 中島 啓一朗, 中野 雅德, 成田 紀之, 波多野 泰夫, 藤澤 政紀, 船登 雅彦, 鱒見 進一, 松香 芳三 :
日本歯科医学会誌, Vol.29, No.29, 62-66, 2010年.- (キーワード)
- 外来治療
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1571135651364770560
(CiNii: 1571135651364770560) Toshiya Kashiwabara, Takaharu Goto, Yutaka Sato, Yoritoki Tomotake, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
A new method to prevent the corrosion of dental materials, during disinfection using functional water: Sacrificial protection,
Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.54, No.3, 147-149, 2010.- (要約)
- This paper demonstrates a simple method using sacrificial protection for preventing the corrosion of dental metals. Dental metals are directly connected or/and wound with a pure commercial aluminum/zinc wire/plate with high ionization tendency, before their immersion into oxidizing functional water. Dental materials such as Co-Cr alloy wires, stainless steel, and Au-Ag-Pd alloys did not corrode when this method was used. Thus, this method is very simple and effective for preventing corrosion of dental metals during disinfection using functional water.
- (キーワード)
- Corrosion / Dental Alloys / Disinfection / Stainless Steel / Water
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/j.jpor.2010.01.004
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 20189474
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 20189474
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1016/j.jpor.2010.01.004
(DOI: 10.1016/j.jpor.2010.01.004, PubMed: 20189474) 友竹 偉則, 石田 雄一, 後藤 崇晴, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
日本磁気歯科学会雑誌, Vol.19, No.1, 39-46, 2010年. 兒玉 直紀, 築山 能大, 有馬 太郎, 市川 哲雄, 窪木 拓男, 佐久間 重光, 新谷 明喜, 高津 匡樹, 津賀 一弘, 坪井 明人, 中野 雅德, 成田 紀之, 波多野 泰夫, 藤澤 政紀, 船登 雅彦, 鱒見 進一, 松香 芳三, 皆木 省吾 :
顎関節症のスプリント治療に関する実態調査 大学病院顎関節症外来および一般開業歯科医院における診療時間の比較,
日本顎関節学会雑誌, Vol.21, No.3, 222-227, 2009年.- (キーワード)
- *外来治療
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.11246/gakukansetsu.21.222
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001204419736064
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.11246/gakukansetsu.21.222
(DOI: 10.11246/gakukansetsu.21.222, CiNii: 1390001204419736064) Yuka Yoshijima, Keiji Murakami, Shizuo Kayama, Dali Liu, Katsuhiko Hirota, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Yoichiro Miyake :
Effect of substrate surface hydrophobicity on the adherence of yeast and hyphal Candida,
Mycoses, Vol.53, No.3, 221-226, 2009.- (要約)
- A biofilm composed of various microorganisms including Candida is found on denture surfaces and is likely to be involved in the etiology of denture-induced stomatitis. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of hydrophobic interactions in candidal adherence to acrylic surfaces, particularly that of the hyphal form of Candida albicans. Candida clinical isolates were used. Acrylic plates coated with carrageenan and hydrocolloid (Hitachi chemical, Tokyo, Japan) were used as a hydrophilic substratum. A microbial suspension was placed on each acrylic plate and incubated. All plates were washed in phosphate-buffered saline containing CaCl(2) and MgCl(2) [PBS (+)] and cells still adhering to the acrylic surface were collected by 0.25% trypsin treatment. Cell-surface hydrophobicity was estimated using a modification of the technique used to measure adherence to hydrocarbons. When the acrylic plates were coated with hydrophilic materials, the adherence of hydrophobic clinical isolates of Candida and the hydrophobic hyphal C. albicans decreased, whereas the adherence of non-hydrophobic Candida was not affected or increased. We suggest that hydrophilic coating of denture surfaces could be a potent method for reduction of the adherence of relatively hydrophobic fungal cells, particularly hyphal C. albicans, which causes denture stomatitis and related infections.
- (キーワード)
- Candida albicans / Candidiasis / Carrageenan / Cell Adhesion / Colloids / Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Interactions / Hyphae / Yeasts
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2009.01694.x
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 19671080
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 19671080
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2009.01694.x
(DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2009.01694.x, PubMed: 19671080) Razia Sultana, Kenichi Hamada, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Kenzo Asaoka :
Effects of heat treatment on the bioactivity of surface-modified titanium in calcium solution,
Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, Vol.19, No.2-3, 193-204, 2009.- (要約)
- The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of heat treatment on the bioactivity of hydrothermal-modified titanium in CaO solution for improved bioactivity by immersion in simulated body fluid (SBF). The hydrothermal treatment of titanium in CaO solution was performed at 121 degrees C at 0.2 MPa for 1 h in an autoclave followed by 1 h heat treatments at 200, 400, 600 and 800 degrees C simultaneously. The bioactivity of titanium was evaluated by hydroxyapatite precipitation during immersion in SBF. Surface microstructure changes after the heat treatments and immersion in SBF were determined by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Heat treatments at high temperatures (600 and 800 degrees C) promoted the synthesis of anatase, increased the thickness of the titanium oxide layer on the modified titanium surface and promoted the synthesis of calcium titanate, which possibly promoted the precipitation of apatite in SBF. The extent of precipitations increased with the time of immersion in SBF and the temperature of the heat treatment. Island-like deposits of needle-like crystals were observed only on the surface of the 600 and 800 degrees C heat-treated specimens after two or four week immersions in SBF. The results suggested that treatments of the surface of hydrothermal-treated titanium specimens at high temperatures (600 and 800 degrees C) could be effective for the surface modification of titanium as an implant material offering better osseointegration.
- (キーワード)
- Absorption / Biocompatible Materials / Body Fluids / Calcium / Crystallization / Hot Temperature / Materials Testing / Particle Size / Porosity / Solutions / Surface Properties / Titanium
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3233/BME-2008-0580
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 19581714
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 19581714
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.3233/BME-2008-0580
(DOI: 10.3233/BME-2008-0580, PubMed: 19581714) 吉田 有里, 森田 康彦, 誉田 栄一, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.22, No.1, 3-14, 2009年.- (キーワード)
- cone-beam CT / the number and sites of implants placed / geometric / accuracy
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001205505214976
(CiNii: 1390001205505214976) Tetsuo Ichikawa, Osamu Ishida, Megumi Watanabe, Yoritoki Tomotake and Hua Wei :
A new retrieval system for cement-retained implant superstructures.,
Journal of Prosthodontics, Vol.17, No.6, 487-489, 2008.- (要約)
- This article discusses two methods for improving the retrievability of cement-retained implant superstructures. One method involves incorporating a removal screw in the superstructure and the second method uses a small dimple on the abutment, accessed through a vent in the superstructure.
- (キーワード)
- Crowns / Dental Abutments / Dental Cements / Dental Debonding / Dental Implants / Dental Prosthesis Design / Dental Prosthesis Retention / Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported / Humans / 界面特性 (surface properties)
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1111/j.1532-849X.2008.00329.x
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 18544129
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 18544129
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1111/j.1532-849X.2008.00329.x
(DOI: 10.1111/j.1532-849X.2008.00329.x, PubMed: 18544129) Wei Hau, Yoritoki Tomotake, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Implant prostheses and adjacent tooth migration: preliminary retrospective survey using 3-dimensional occlusal analysis.,
The International Journal of Prosthodontics, Vol.21, No.4, 302-304, 2008.- (要約)
- Occlusal force analysis was retrospectively evaluated to clarify the proximal contact loss after fixed implant prosthesis placement. Twenty-eight patients (55 prostheses) with fixed implant prostheses in the posterior region were divided into 2 groups: proximal contact loss and unchanged groups. The occlusal force and its distribution were 3-dimensionally measured using the Dental Prescale system. A high proportion of lingual and anterior component forces and high occlusal force distribution in the intercanine region were observed in the contact loss group. The high occlusal force of the adjacent tooth may enhance the mesial migration.
- (キーワード)
- Bite Force / Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported / Dental Stress Analysis / Humans / Malocclusion / Mesial Movement of Teeth / Retrospective Studies
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 18717086
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 18717086
(PubMed: 18717086) 吉田 有里, 森田 康彦, 誉田 栄一, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.21, No.3, 439-446, 2008年. 佐藤 裕, 坂東 永一, 市川 哲雄 :
日本歯科産業学会雑誌, Vol.21, No.2, 58-67, 2007年.- (要約)
- 現在私たちの研究グループでは,顎機能制御系の仮説に基づいて,形態情報と運動を加えた咀嚼運動のCADシステム構築を目指している.本稿ではこのシステム構築のための顎関節の解析方法を示すとともに,診断への可能性を示す例として補綴装置が顎運動に及ぼす影響を提示した.骨関節隙を用いた顆頭運動評価は顎関節の微小な動きをダイナミックに表現でき,診断に有用と思われる.また,補綴装置の形態の違いによって顎関節の動きに変化が認められ,診断への応用が可能である.咀嚼運動のCADシステムが広く使用されるために克服すべき技術的課題として,CT画像における顎関節形態の自動認識,形態および顎運動の座標系統一のための冶具の改良が挙げられる.
- (キーワード)
- コンピュータ支援による診断 / 顎運動 (jaw movement) / 顎関節 / 咀嚼
Denture plaque microflora in geriatric inpatients and maxillary defect patients,
Prosthodontic Research & Practice, Vol.6, No.3, 153-158, 2007.- (要約)
- Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate denture plaque microflora of geriatric inpatients and maxillary defect patients from the standpoint of infection control in the elderly.Methods: Denture plaque was collected from 80 elderly subjects who were categorized into 3 groups: group A, 21 healthy complete denture wearers; group B, 49 complete denture wearers residing at a geriatric hospital; and group C, 10 complete denture wearers with maxillary defects. The microflora was investigated by counting the total number of microorganisms, including streptococci, staphylococci, and Candida spp.Results: The colony-forming unit (CFUs) count and incidence, particularly those of Candida spp., were significantly higher in group B (P<0.01). The CFUs of staphylococci were significantly higher in group C (P<0.01), and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was observed in all Staphylococcus-positive patients. The CFUs of Candida spp. were significantly correlated to those of staphylococci (P<0.01).Conclusion: A high CFU count of Candida spp. and staphylococci (including MRSA) are characteristic of the microflora in geriatric inpatients and maxillary defect patients, respectively. This study supports the hypothesis that dentures might serve as potential reservoirs of organisms causing systemic infections.
- (キーワード)
- denture plaque / microflora / maxillary defects / Candida / MRSA
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/prp.6.153
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390282680171157888
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/prp.6.153
(DOI: 10.2186/prp.6.153, CiNii: 1390282680171157888) 永尾 寛, 矢納 義高, 市川 哲雄, 本釜 聖子, 市場 裕康, 萬好 哲也 :
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌. 特別号, 日本補綴歯科学会学術大会抄録集 = Proceedings of the ... conference, the Japan Prosthodontic Society, Vol.51, No.116, 158, 2007年.- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1572261550564513536
(CiNii: 1572261550564513536) 吉田 有里, 誉田 栄一, 友竹 偉則, 長尾 大輔, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.20, No.2, 280-286, 2007年.- (キーワード)
- cone-beam CT / 3DX multi-image micro CT / flat panel detector / thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD)
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390282680485558656
(CiNii: 1390282680485558656) 吉田 有里, 友竹 偉則, 渡邉 恵, 長尾 大輔, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.19, No.4, 446-452, 2006年. Chen Jianrong, Kan Nagao, Yoritoki Tomotake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Influence of a Vent Hole on the Retentive Force of a Cement-retained Superstructure before/after Thermocycling,
Prosthodontic Research & Practice, Vol.5, No.3, 157-160, 2006.- (要約)
- <B>Purpose:</B> The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of a vent hole on the retentive force of a cement-retained superstructure to an abutment.<BR><B>Methods:</B> The retentive force of superstructures with/without a vent hole, retained using one of two luting cements, was measured using a universal testing machine both before and after thermocycling<BR><B>Results:</B> The retentive force of the cement-retained superstructure with the vent hole was greater than that of the cement-retained superstructure without the vent hole. While the retentive force decreased significantly after thermocycling, the size of the vent hole had little influence on the retentive force.<BR><B>Conclusion:</B> It was concluded that placement of a vent hole in the superstructure is useful, with little adverse effect on the retentive force of the restoration.
- (キーワード)
- retentive force / cement-retained superstructure / vent hole / thermocycling
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/prp.5.157
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001205195009152
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/prp.5.157
(DOI: 10.2186/prp.5.157, CiNii: 1390001205195009152) Chen Jain-rong, 岡 謙次, Hua Wei, 市川 哲雄 :
Effect of surface treatment with commercial primers on tensile bone strength of auto-polymerizing resin to magnetic stainless steel,
International Chinese Journal of Dentistry, Vol.5, No.1, 7-11, 2005年. 市川 哲雄, 佐藤 博信, 安田 登, 服部 正巳, 尾関 雅彦, 友竹 偉則, 秀島 雅之, 佐藤 裕二, 窪木 拓男, 和気 裕之, 大山 喬史 :
補綴臨床, Vol.37, No.6, 639-645, 2004年.- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1572261550747852672
(CiNii: 1572261550747852672) Hua Wei, Yoritoki Tomotake, Kan Nagao, Takafumi Ohguri, Daisuke Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
In vitro Study of Stress Distribution on Additional Posterior Mandibular Implants,
Prosthodontic Research & Practice, Vol.3, No.1, 84-91, 2004.- (要約)
- Purpose : This in vitro study investigated the influence of implant splinting on stress distribution in two experimental implant-bone models.Materials and Methods : Two experimental implant-bone models simulated the original Brånemark model with four implants between the mental foramina and one additional implant placed on each side posterior to the mental foramen. The stress distribution on each implant in the models was examined by applying a static load to the superstructure. Three types of superstructures were studied to determine the effect of additional implants in the posterior region : 1) a metal superstructure supported by all six implants (Full dental arch ; Metal FDA) ; 2) the same type of superstructure made of resin instead of metal (Resin FDA) ; and 3) the metal superstructure supported by four anterior implants, with the conical abutments removed from the two posterior implants (Short dental arch ; Metal SDA).Results : Regardless of the type of superstructure tested, high stress was observed around each loaded implant. The highest stress was concentrated on the distal implants of the FDA compared to the stress on the anterior implants.Conclusion : The elevated stress concentration around the implants found in the present in vitro study is considered to be one of the reasons for the high failure rate of additional posterior mandibular implants.
- (キーワード)
- stress distribution / splinting / posterior installation of implant / mandibular distortion
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/prp.3.84
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390282680171778304
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/prp.3.84
(DOI: 10.2186/prp.3.84, CiNii: 1390282680171778304) Satoru Eguchi, Kikuji Yamashita, Hiroyuki Morimoto, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Nobuyoshi Nakajo and Seiichiro Kitamura :
Extracellular matrix formed by MC3T3-E1 osteoblast-like cells cultured on titanium 2. Collagen fiber formation,
Connective Tissue, Vol.36, No.1, 9-15, 2004.- (要約)
- Many aspects of the structures formed between titanium and cells and the mechanism of the formation are still unknown. In order to clarify these issues, we analyzed the initial structures formed between titanium and MC3T3-E1 osteoblast-like cells cultured on titanium. The present results indicate that extracellular matrix containing collagen fibers formed at the surface of a calcined layer on the titanium. At first, a hemispherical body and a small secondary spherical structure formed at the surface, followed by more beads to form a string-of-beads structure. These string-of-beads collagen structures elongated and formed spirals. For the first time ever, we directly observed the structure of collagen fiber formed between cultured osteoblasts and titanium with microscopy. Here, we describe the formation mechanism of type I collagen fibers in extracellular bone matrix. Elucidation of the mechanism of collagen fiber formation will aid in the development of controlled tissue regeneration.
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- MC3T3-E1 / 細胞外マトリックス (extracellular matrix) / collagen fiber / spherical body / string-of-beads structure
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1543950420090628096
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-2442611895
(CiNii: 1543950420090628096, Elsevier: Scopus) Kikuji Yamashita, Satoru Eguchi, Hiroyuki Morimoto, Takeo Hanawa, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Nobuyoshi Nakajo and Seiichiro Kitamura :
Extracellular matrix formed by MC3T3-E1 osteoblast-like cells cultured on titanium 1. Anchor structure,
Connective Tissue, Vol.36, No.1, 1-8, 2004.- (要約)
- In order to clarify the structure of the extracellular matrix formed by osteoblasts in contact with titanium, we analyzed the structure formed by cultured clonal MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts on a calcified surface of commercial pure titanium, after exfoliating the cells from the surface of the titanium. Collagen fibers formed between neighboring cells and between cells and titanium, in the latter case with one tip of each collagen fiber bound to the cell and the other tip bound to the surface of the titanium embedded in the calcified layer. We called this structure an "anchor structure", because the collagen fibers embedded in the calcified layer anchor the cells to the titanium. This structure may be a reason for the useful biocompatibility between titanium and bone.
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- MC3T3-E1 / 細胞外マトリックス (extracellular matrix) / チタン (titanium) / type I collagen / anchor structure
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1543668945113917440
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-2442601411
(CiNii: 1543668945113917440, Elsevier: Scopus) 赤川 安正, 早川 巌, 野首 孝祠, 寺田 善博, 市川 哲雄, 林 亮, 津賀 一弘, 織田 展輔, 下山 和弘, 堀 一浩, 沖本 公繪, 北岡 直樹 :
日本歯科医学会誌, Vol.23, No.23, 49-58, 2004年.- (キーワード)
- 舌 / 咀嚼 / 嚥下 / 機能 / 評価方法
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1570009750181556480
(CiNii: 1570009750181556480) 石川 正俊, 一宮 正美, 柏原 稔也, 岡 謙次, 市川 哲雄 :
レーザー溶接による磁性アタッチメントキーパーの取り付け法, --- 吸引力と腐蝕の検討 ---,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.47, No.3, 574-582, 2003年.- (要約)
- Purpose: Recently, laser welding has gained wide acceptance as a dental laboratory technique for bonding metals. We have previously reported a new technique for installing a magnetic keeper in the overdenture abutment coping using laser welding. In the present study, the influence of this technique on the attractive force and corrosion were evaluated.<BR>Methods: A commercially-available magnetic keeper and dental casting Au-Ag-Pd alloy were used. Specimens were prepared by one of the following procedures: original magnetic keeper only, conventional cast-on technique and laser welding technique. Attractive force between thedental magnetic assembly and magnetic keeper was measured using a self-made measuring device. The results were analyzed using the one-way ANOVA test. The external and inner surface of magnetic keepers and cross sections of specimens were observed using metal and stereoscopic microscopes before and after immersion of the specimens in 0.9% NaCl solution for 21 days.<BR>Results: There was no significant difference of attractive force between the conventional cast-on technique and laser welding technique. All of the specimens using the cast-on technique rusted in the corrosion test. Half of the specimens using the laser welding technique changed less, and no oxidized layer or corrosion was observed on the surface.<BR>Conclusions: Installation of magnetic keepers using laser welding is useful for increasing both attractive force and corrosion resistance.
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- 磁性アタッチメント / キーパー / レーザー溶接 / 吸引力 / 腐食
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/jjps.47.574
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390282679389636352
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/jjps.47.574
(DOI: 10.2186/jjps.47.574, CiNii: 1390282679389636352) 齋賀 明彦, 市川 哲雄, 友竹 偉則, 蟹谷 英生, 本釜 聖子 :
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.47, No.2, 353-360, 2003年.- (要約)
- Purpose: Misfit of superstructure-supported osseointegrated implants causes adverse stress in the prosthesis, components, and surrounding bone. A passive fit of the implant-supported prosthesis is essential for successful long-term osseointegration. Various clinical methods for evaluating the fit of implant-supported prostheses have been suggested. However, the methods have little scientific evidence to determine the acceptable fit. The present study evaluated the misfit of implant-supported prostheses by measuring the rotational angle/tightening torque in screwing the prosthesis on master models.<BR>Materials and Methods: Twenty-four implant-supported prostheses (3 single standing, 20 fixed partial, 1 full bridge) of fourteen patients were evaluated using a custom-made rotational angle/ tightening torque measuring apparatus on the master models. The influence of the order of tightening and unit number on the value was also evaluated.<BR>Results: The mean of the rotational angle/tightening torque was 2.6 (SD: 0.6) degree/Ncm in all prostheses. The value was significantly higher than that in the abutment screw as a control. The order of tightening and unit number did not significantly affect the values.<BR>Conclusions: The results suggest that measurements of rotational angle/tightening torque be useful for evaluating the fit of implant-supported prostheses. Misfit of the prostheses was below the level of acceptable fit.
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- インプラント (implant) / 上部構造 / 不適合 / スクリュー締め付け回転角 / 締め付けトルク
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/jjps.47.353
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001204412927616
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/jjps.47.353
(DOI: 10.2186/jjps.47.353, CiNii: 1390001204412927616) 齊賀 明彦, 市川 哲雄, 友竹 偉則, 蟹谷 英生, 本釜 聖子 :
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.47, No.2, 353-360, 2003年. 石川 正俊, 市川 哲雄, 永尾 寛, 瀧野 真里, 藤沼 美穂 :
四国歯学会雑誌, Vol.15, No.2, 237-242, 2003年. 谷本 啓二, 吉田 光由, 西原 達次, 市川 哲雄, 道脇 幸博, 鄭 漢忠, 二川 浩樹, 小野 高裕, 野首 孝祠, 赤川 安正 :
Dentistry in Japan, Vol.22, 43-50, 2003年. Kan Nagao, Naoki Kitaoka, Fumiaki Kawano, Junji Komoda and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Influence of Changes in Occlusal Vertical Dimension on Tongue Pressure to Palate during Swallowing,
Prosthodontic Research & Practice, Vol.1, No.1, 16-23, 2002.- (要約)
- Purpose : The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship of tongue pressure and changes in occlusal vertical dimension to swallowing.Materials and Methods : The volunteer subjects were four young male dentulous adults and eight elderly complete denture wearers. The tongue pressure to the palate was simultaneously recorded with electromyography (EMG) measurements of the suprahyoid muscles as the occlusal vertical dimension changed. The subjects were instructed to perform two actions : swallowing without any liquid or food (dry swallowing) and swallowing of 2 ml water (wet swallowing).Results : During dry swallowing, the maximum pressure decreased significantly as the vertical dimension increased in the young subjects. In the elderly, the maximum tongue pressure decreased monotonically as the vertical occlusion increased. The same results were clearly found for wet swallowing. Overall data suggested that the tongue pressure of the elderly group was lower and the duration of tongue pressure in wet swallowing was longer than that of the younger group.Conclusion : An increase of the vertical dimension decreased the tongue pressure to the palate, whereas a decrease of the vertical dimension affected the tongue pressure less. Tongue pressure is an important factor for the evaluation of tongue function, especially swallowing.
- (キーワード)
- Swallowing / Tongue Pressure / Vertical Dimension / Complete Denture
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/prp.1.16
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001205194547968
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/prp.1.16
(DOI: 10.2186/prp.1.16, CiNii: 1390001205194547968) Seiko Hongama, Masatoshi Ishikawa, Fumiaki Kawano and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Complete denture with a removable palatal lift prosthesis, --- A case report and clinical evaluation ---,
Quintessence International, Vol.33, No.9, 675-678, 2002.- (要約)
- The palatal lift prosthesis is used to alleviate rhinopharyngeal closure dysfunction. It is generally problematical to use in edentulous patients, because the palatal lift prosthesis requires secure retention of the denture base and is difficult for the patient to retain while eating. This article describes the fabrication of a complete denture with a removable palatal lift prosthesis and a clinical evaluation of the denture's stability. A sprue pin and tube were used as a connecting attachment between the removable palatal lift prosthesis and the denture base. The force required for lifting the soft palate and the denture's stability were measured in the clinical evaluation. The prosthesis required an average retentive force of 0.26 N for each 1 mm of soft palate lift. The force required to dislodge the denture was measured with and without the palatal lift prosthesis in place. The force required to dislodge the conventional complete dentures of five healthy individuals was also measured as a reference. The denture was 24.4% less stable when the palatal lift prosthesis was in place and was generally easier to dislodge than were conventional dentures. This denture with a removable palatal lift prosthesis is useful for patients with dysfunction of the soft palate involving hypernasal speech who have difficulty in retaining the prosthesis while eating.
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- cerebrovascular accident / complete denture / palatal lift prosthesis / paralytic dysarthria / retention / rhinopharyngeal closure
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 12666892
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 12666892
(PubMed: 12666892) 大村 直幹, 弘田 克彦, 蟹谷 容子, 永尾 寛, 柏原 稔也, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.46, No.4, 530-538, 2002年.- (要約)
- Purpose: Prevention of an infection, especially aspiration pneumonia, is an important theme in the elderly. We are pointing out risk that is causing an infection such as the aspiration pneumonia, and a denture acts as a reservoir of microorganisms. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between denture plaque and pharyngeal microflora in the elderly, and the drug susceptibility of isolated <I>Candida</I> spp.<BR>Methods: We collected samples of denture plaque and pharyngeal plaque from elderly patients in a geriatric hospital and Tokushima University Dental Hospital (TUDH). The microflora was investigated by the detection of oral streptococci, staphylococci, <I>Candida</I> spp., <I>Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli</I> and coliforms, and MRSA. Isolated <I>Candida</I> spp. were measured for drug susceptibility.<BR>Results: The microflora of denture plaque was very similar to pharyngeal microflora. A higher incidence of most microorganisms was observed in the patients in TUDH compared with patients in the geriatric hospital. Staphylococci were detected from the patients who harbored <I>Candida</I> spp. All strains of <I>Candida</I> spp. appeared to be susceptible to amphotericin B. Some strains of <I>C. glabrata, C</I>.tropicalis, and <I>C. krusei</I> appeared to be less susceptible to fluconazole. Fluconazole-resistant <I>C. albicans</I> was not isolated.<BR>Conclusions: Denture plaque strongly influences the pharyngeal microflora in the elderly.
- (キーワード)
- デンチャープラーク / カンジダ / 御嚥性肺炎 / 咽頭 / 薬剤耐性
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/jjps.46.530
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001204413540608
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/jjps.46.530
(DOI: 10.2186/jjps.46.530, CiNii: 1390001204413540608) Ken'ichi Yokoyama, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Hiroki Murakami, Youji Miyamoto and Kenzo Asaoka :
Fracture mechanisms of retrieved titanium screw thread in dental implant,
Biomaterials, Vol.23, No.12, 2456-2465, 2002.- (要約)
- Titanium and its alloy are increasingly attracting attention for use as biomaterials. However, delayed fracture of titanium dental implants has been reported, and factors affecting the acceleration of corrosion and fatigue have to be determined. The fractured surface of a retrieved titanium screw and metallurgical structures of a dental implant system were analyzed. The outer surface of the retrieved screw had a structure different from that of the as-received screw. It was confirmed that a shear crack initiated at the root of the thread and propagated into the inner section of the screw. Gas chromatography revealed that the retrieved screw had absorbed a higher amount of hydrogen than the as-received sample. The grain structure of a titanium screw, immersed in a solution known to induce hydrogen absorption, showed features similar to those of the retrieved screw. It was concluded that titanium in a biological environment absorbs hydrogen and this may be the reason for delayed fracture of a titanium implant.
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- チタン (titanium) / dental implant / delayed fracture / metallurgical structure / environmental corrosion / shear crack / 水素 (hydrogen) / RECONSTRUCTION / CORROSION / FAILURE / PLATES / 合金 (alloy) / 光 (light)
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1016/S0142-9612(01)00380-5
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 12033593
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1571417126701142016
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 12033593
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1016/S0142-9612(01)00380-5
(DOI: 10.1016/S0142-9612(01)00380-5, PubMed: 12033593, CiNii: 1571417126701142016) Fumiaki Kawano, Takafumi Ohguri, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Iwate Mizuno and Akira Hasegawa :
Shock Absorbability and Hardness of Commercially Available Denture Teeth,
The International Journal of Prosthodontics, Vol.15, No.3, 243-247, 2002.- (要約)
- Composite resin teeth are more widely used than porcelain or acrylic resin teeth in the fabrication of removable dentures because of their high fracture toughness and high abrasion resistance. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the shock absorbability of commercially available artificial posterior teeth by the free drop-ball test with an accelerometer and to evaluate the Vickers hardness at the surface. The tested artificial teeth included seven composite resin teeth, one acrylic resin tooth, and one porcelain tooth. Specimens were tested 50 hours after immersion in distilled water at 37 degrees C. The impact value and Vickers hardness were measured. A one-way analysis of variance was used to analyzed the data (P = .05). The composite resin teeth showed an intermediate impact value between that of the acrylic resin tooth and the porcelain tooth. Among the artificial teeth investigated, the porcelain tooth showed the highest impact value. A significant difference in the impact value was observed between the porcelain tooth and the composite resin and acrylic resin teeth. However, no significant difference was observed among the composite resin teeth tested. A significant correlation was found between the impact values and the Vickers hardness of the artificial teeth. The present findings suggest that composite resin teeth and acrylic resin teeth have a higher shock absorbability than porcelain teeth.
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- Absorption / 加速度 (acceleration) / Acrylic Resins / 分散分析 (analysis of variance) / Composite Resins / Dental Materials / Dental Porcelain / Denture Design / Hardness / Humans / Immersion / Materials Testing / Molar / Statistics as Topic / Stress, Mechanical / 界面特性 (surface properties) / 温度 (temperature) / Time Factors / Tooth, Artificial / Water
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 12066486
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-0036560357
(PubMed: 12066486, Elsevier: Scopus) Yoritoki Tomotake, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Hideo Kanitani, Masahide Nakao and Naoki Kitaoka :
Dynamics of bone marrow pressure with tapping of titanium and hydroxyapatite implants in rabbit,
Clinical Oral Implants Research, Vol.13, No.2, 221-224, 2002.- (要約)
- The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the difference in stress transfer between titanium (Ti) and hydroxyapatite (HA) by the measurement of bone marrow pressure using a catheter pressure transducer. Ti and HA implants were inserted in the tibiae of rabbits. A hole of 1 mm in diameter was drilled in the bone and a fine catheter pressure transducer was placed in the bone marrow through a tube. The top of the abutment was vertically tapped with an impulse hammer, and the acceleration signal from the hammer and pressure signal from the catheter pressure transducer were examined. The time of contact (impulse duration) recorded in the impulse with Ti and HA was 166+/-17 micro sec and 164 +/- 17 micro sec, respectively. Maximum bone marrow pressure (BMP) with Ti and HA was 54.2 +/- 32.6 and 47.5 +/- 10.0 mmHg, respectively. Variation of the BMP with Ti was significantly larger than that with HA (P < 0.05). A negative correlation coefficient between impulse duration and BMP was found. The results of the present study suggest that the stress transfer is different between Ti and HA implants using dynamics of the bone marrow pressure.
- (キーワード)
- Acceleration / Animals / Biocompatible Materials / Biomechanics / Bone Marrow / Dental Abutments / Dental Implantation, Endosseous / Dental Implants / Durapatite / Male / Percussion / Pressure / Rabbits / Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted / Statistics as Topic / Stress, Mechanical / Tibia / Titanium / Transducers, Pressure
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1034/j.1600-0501.2002.130213.x
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 11952743
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 11952743
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1034/j.1600-0501.2002.130213.x
(DOI: 10.1034/j.1600-0501.2002.130213.x, PubMed: 11952743) 齋賀 明彦, 市川 哲雄, 北岡 直樹, 友竹 偉則, 浜口 順弘 :
インプラントのスクリュー締結が周囲組織に及ぼす影響, --- 模型実験 ---,
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.15, No.1, 1-9, 2002年.- (要約)
- Screw tightening of the superstructure of osseointegrated implants often produces unsuitable strain on the prosthesis and surrounding bone The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of screw tightening on surrounding bone in several conditions <br/> Three Steri-oss® implants were placed in an acrylic resin experimental model and a three-unit framework was fabricated on the implants The fit of the framework was judged excellent by laboratory microscopy Ten strain gauges were attached on the experimental model surface around the implants The strain was measured after every screw was tightened by a custom-designed torque controller Static and dynamic strain was recorded Each test was repeated five times under the same conditions <br/> The results were as follows:<br/> 1 The order of screw tightening affected stress distribution The distribution was unequal and asymmetrical to the implants <br/> 2 Staged tightening of the screws decreased the sum of all strains <br/> 3 Tightening torque does not affect stress distribution <br/> 4 Misfit of the abutment/superstructure joint increased the sum of all strains <br/> 5 Strain induced by tightening of the second or third implant was greater than that by tightening the first one
- (キーワード)
- インプラント (implant) / screw tightening / strain / experimental model / misfit
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.11237/jsoi.15.1
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001205510335744
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.11237/jsoi.15.1
(DOI: 10.11237/jsoi.15.1, CiNii: 1390001205510335744) 友竹 偉則, 蟹谷 英生, 中尾 雅英, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.46, No.1, 110-119, 2002年.- (要約)
- Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the difference for stress transfer between titanium (Ti) and hydroxyapatite (HA) implants by measuring bone marrow pressure using a catheter pressure transducer, and then to clarify the relationship between the histological and biomechanical properties.<BR>Methods: Ti and HA implants were inserted in the tibiae of rabbits. About 10 weeks following implantation, a hole, 1mm in diameter, was drilled in the bone distal to the implant, and a fine catheter pressure transducer was placed in the bone marrow through a tube. After the abutment was connected to the implant, the top of the abutment was vertically tapped with an impulse hammer, and the acceleration signal from the hammer, and the pressure signal from the catheter pressure transducer, were examined. In addition, histological examination was performed on each implant.<BR>Results: Maximum bone marrow pressure (BMP) with Ti and HA was 117.4±54.8mmHg and 90.3±30.6mmHg, respectively. A significant difference was observed (p<0.05). Moreover, variation of the BMP with Ti was significantly larger than that with HA (p<0.05). A negative correlation coefficient between the time of contact recorded in the impulse and BMP was found with Ti. As to histological examination of the bone structure around several implants, no significant difference was found between Ti and HA implants.<BR>Conclusion: The results show that the stress transfer is different between Ti and HA implants, using dynamics of bone marrow pressure. Little relation was found between biomechanical properties and histological views. The present study suggests that the evaluation of osseointegration requires consideration of biomechanical properties.
- (キーワード)
- titanium implant / hydroxyapatite implant / osseointegration / impulse response / bone marrow pressure
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/jjps.46.110
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001204412418816
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/jjps.46.110
(DOI: 10.2186/jjps.46.110, CiNii: 1390001204412418816) Yoritoki Tomotake, Osamu Ishida, Hideo Kanitani and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Immediate implant-supported oral rehabilitation using a photocurable plastic skull model and laser welding: A technical Note of Screw Retained type: Part 1,
The International Journal of Prosthodontics, Vol.15, No.3, 303-306, 2002.- (要約)
- This article describes a new procedure for immediate implant-supported oral rehabilitation using a photocurable resin skull model and a laser-welding apparatus. Preoperatively, the framework was fabricated on a photocurable resin skull model produced from a CT scan and individually designed guide template. The implants were immediately placed using the guide template; laser welding connected the components of framework. Despite the custom-made prosthesis, the total treatment from implant placement to superstructure placement can be completed within only 1 day. This procedure for immediate implant-supported oral rehabilitation using a photocurable resin skull model and a laser-welding apparatus may be useful for any implant system and patient.
- (キーワード)
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 12066496
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-0036559364
(PubMed: 12066496, Elsevier: Scopus) 羽田 勝, 蟹谷 容子, 市川 哲雄, 佐藤 修斎 :
老年歯科医学, Vol.16, No.2, 220-227, 2001年.- (要約)
- 介護認定審査会における要介護認定では, 訪問調査員による認定調査表の「基本調査」と「特記事項」, かかりつけ医による「主治医意見書」を参考に, 要介護度が判定される.<BR>しかし, 基本調査と特記事項の全85項目中, 歯科関連調査項目は, 「嚥下」, 「食事摂取」と「口腔清潔」のわずか3項目に過ぎず, また主治医意見書においても, 「歯科」受診の有無, 「嚥下性肺炎」の発生の可能性, 「訪問歯科診療」や「訪問歯科衛生指導」の必要性の有無, 「嚥下」や「摂食」についての介護サービス上の留意事項などに限られている.<BR>そこで, 介護認定審査にかかる統計資料 (507件, 平均年齢80.4±7.5歳) について歯科関連項目の調査状況を検討し, 以下のような結論を得た.<BR>1. 基本調査について: 要介護高齢者のおおよそ40%強は, 嚥下, 食事摂取, 口腔清潔において日常生活上何らかの介助を必要としていた.<BR>2. 特記事項について: 口腔清潔に何らかの問題があった事例に対する特記事項の記載率は, 40%弱と嚥下や食事摂取 (70∼80%) に対してよりも低かった.<BR>3. 主治医意見書について: 訪問歯科診療や訪問歯科衛生指導に対する必要性の認識は極めて低く, 嚥下性肺炎や摂食・嚥下障害の可能性に対して歯科系介護サービスの必要性を認めた主治医はわずか3∼5%に過ぎなかった.<BR>このような認定調査表や主治医意見書における歯科関連項目の調査, 記載状況を改善するには, 訪問調査員や医療関係者に対する歯科的知識の啓蒙や広報活動, 口腔アセスメント表の提案や特記事項の記載方法の指導など多方面にわたる努力が必要とされよう.
- (キーワード)
- 介護保険制度 / 介護認定審査会 / 認定調査表 / 主治医意見書 / 歯科関連調査項目
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.11259/jsg1987.16.220
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390282679307243520
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.11259/jsg1987.16.220
(DOI: 10.11259/jsg1987.16.220, CiNii: 1390282679307243520) Fumiaki Kawano, Takafumi Ohguri, Naoyuki Matsumoto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Influence of thermal cycling in water on flexural strength of laboratory-processed composite resin,
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Vol.28, No.8, 703-707, 2001.- (要約)
- Recently a new generation of laboratory-processed composite resins containing submicron glass fillers was introduced, with claims of high strength. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of thermal cycling in water on the flexural strength and hardness of several laboratory composite systems. The flexural strength of the new laboratory processed composite resins (Artglass [AG], Targis [TR] and Estenia [ES]) was significantly higher than that of conventional resins (Dentacolor [DC] and Cesead II [CS]). Thermocycling caused a reduction of the flexural strength but not a reduction of the hardness for most of materials tested. It was concluded that thermocycling affected the properties of the laboratory-processed hybrid type composite resin, ES, AG and TR. However, the changes of these properties were smaller than those of microfine type composite resin DC. Thus, ES, AG and TR may maintain better properties during service compared with DC.
- (キーワード)
- 分散分析 (analysis of variance) / Composite Resins / Confidence Intervals / 弾性 (elasticity) / Glass / Glass Ionomer Cements / Hardness / Humans / Materials Testing / Methacrylates / Pliability / Polyethylene Glycols / Polymethacrylic Acids / Polyurethanes / Resin Cements / Silanes / Silicate Cement / Statistics as Topic / Stress, Mechanical / 熱力学 (thermodynamics) / Water
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1046/j.1365-2842.2001.00724.x
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 11556949
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-0035431449
(DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2842.2001.00724.x, PubMed: 11556949, Elsevier: Scopus) 羽田 勝, 蟹谷 容子, 市川 哲雄, 石川 正俊, 永尾 寛 :
老年歯科医学, Vol.16, No.1, 22-28, 2001年.- (要約)
- 要介護高齢者が義歯を使用できるか否かは, 身体的能力や精神的能力などによって影響されることが知られている.<BR>しかし, 同等のADL, 日常生活の自立度や痴呆度でありながらも一方の高齢者では義歯が使用できるが, 他方の高齢者では義歯が使用できないといった事例を多々経験する.<BR>要介護高齢者が義歯を使用できるか否かは, 単に現在の口腔内状態, ADLや痴呆度などに依存するだけでなく, 義歯を使用しなければならなくなって以来の入院歴や家族歴を始めとする人生における各種事象の影響が累積して形成された一種の生活習慣とも考えられる.<BR>そこで, この義歯使用者と不使用者とを分ける要因を明らかにするために, 徳島県下の介護保険施設に入院・入所している上下無歯顎者 (男性16人, 女性55人, 合計71人, 平均年齢85.0±5.9歳) を対象に, 全部床義歯の使用・不使用, ADL, 口腔に関連するADL, 日常生活の自立度, 痴呆度などについて調査を行った.その結果, 以下のような結論を得た.<BR>1.全部床義歯の使用率は, ADL, 口腔に関連するADL, 日常生活自立度, 痴呆度の悪化とともに低下したが, 入院・入所回数や同居家族数とは関連性がなかった.<BR>2.痴呆がありADLが中等度あるいは低度の被験者群では, 義歯の着脱や口腔清掃が自分自身で可能か否かが義歯の使用率に大きく影響する可能性が示唆された.
- (キーワード)
- The dependent elderly / Frequency of denture usage / Activities of Daily Living (ADL) / Oral ADL / Dementia / 要介護高齢者 / 義歯使用率 / 口腔に関連するADL / 痴呆
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.11259/jsg1987.16.22
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001204332476928
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.11259/jsg1987.16.22
(DOI: 10.11259/jsg1987.16.22, CiNii: 1390001204332476928) Yoko Terada, Katsuhiko Hirota, Toshiya Kashiwabara, Kan Nagao, Yoichiro Miyake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Identification of Helicobacter Pylori in Denture Plaque of Hospitalized Aged Patients,
Dentistry in Japan, Vol.37, 56-58, 2001.- (キーワード)
- Helicobacter Pylori / Denture Plaque / PCR / Oral Microorganism
歯科審美, Vol.13, No.2, 241-250, 2001年.- (キーワード)
- 前歯人工歯選択 / 形態 / 色調 / 大きさ
Bone changes around hydroxyapatite and titanium implants after abutment placement in rabbits, --- observations using histological and three-dimensional examinations ---,
The Journal of Oral Implantology, Vol.26, No.4, 251-256, 2000.- (要約)
- We have previously developed a computer-aided system for examination of the three-dimensional bone structure around implants and observed the bone changes in the healing period after implant placement. This paper describes the bone changes around hydroxyapatite (HA) and titanium (Ti) implants after abutment placement using histological and three-dimensional examinations. Twenty-four HA and Ti implants were embedded in the tibias of adult male New Zealand white rabbits. After 8 weeks, the abutment had passed through periosteum and was placed under the skin. Rabbits were sacrificed 4 and 8 weeks following abutment placement. In conclusion, histological examination showed that, at 4 weeks after abutment placement, bone resorption around the implant neck was seen in both HA and Ti implants, and at 8 weeks, excessive bone formation was seen around the implant neck. Three-dimensional bone examination showed that abutment placement may affect bone formation and cause additional bone hypertrophy in the bone marrow area.
- (キーワード)
- Animals / Bone Resorption / Computer Graphics / Dental Abutments / Durapatite / Hyperostosis / Imaging, Three-Dimensional / Implants, Experimental / Male / Rabbits / Tibia / Time Factors / Titanium
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1563/1548-1336(2000)026<0250:BCAHAT>2.3.CO;2
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 11831230
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 11831230
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1563/1548-1336(2000)026<0250:BCAHAT>2.3.CO;2
(DOI: 10.1563/1548-1336(2000)026<0250:BCAHAT>2.3.CO;2, PubMed: 11831230) 河野 文昭, 大栗 孝文, 岡 謙次, 市川 哲雄, 松本 直之, 平沼 謙二, 水野 厳根, 長谷川 明 :
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.44, No.5, 675-682, 2000年.- (キーワード)
- high-abrasion-resistance teeth / porcelain teeth / resin teeth / shock absorbability / free drop-ball test
インプラント上部構造のPassive fit適合試験法の検討,
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.13, No.3, 522-529, 2000年. 河野 文昭, 鎌田 岳志, 岡 謙次, 大栗 孝文, 市川 哲雄, 松本 直之 :
硬質レジン歯への光重合型硬質レジンの添加について, --- 表面処理が接合強さに及ぼす影響 ---,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.44, No.4, 66(544)-72(550), 2000年. Archadian Nuryanti, Fumiaki Kawano, Takafumi Ohguri, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Naoyuki Matsumoto :
Flexural strength of rebased denture polymers,
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Vol.27, No.8, 690-696, 2000.- (要約)
- The properties of denture base and reline resins may be affected by daily changes between room temperature and mouth temperature. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of thermocycling on the flexural strength of the relined denture base polymer with reline resin. Three denture base resins, three hard reline resins and their combinations were tested. Fourteen specimens, 65x10x2.5 mm, were fabricated for each material. Polymer combination specimens were made using 1.5 mm hard reline resin on 1.0 mm cured denture base resins. Half of the specimens were stored for 50+/-2 h in distilled water at 37 degrees C, while the other half were thermocycled for 20 000 cycles between 4 and 60 degrees C. Three point bending tests were conducted on a universal testing machine at a cross-head speed of 0.5 cm/s. The flexural strengths were measured and a statistical analysis was performed on the data using three-way ANOVA (P<0.05). The results showed that the flexural strength of relined denture base polymer was significantly higher than that of hard reline polymer. Thermocycling did not affect the flexural strength of the relined denture base polymers, whereas the denture base polymer and reline polymer alone showed a decrease in strength after thermocycling.
- (キーワード)
- Acrylic Resins / Analysis of Variance / Denture Bases / Hot Temperature / Materials Testing / Pliability / Polymers / Polymethyl Methacrylate / Statistics, Nonparametric
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1046/j.1365-2842.2000.00552.x
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 10931264
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-0034241433
(DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2842.2000.00552.x, PubMed: 10931264, Elsevier: Scopus) 北岡 直樹, 薦田 淳司, 市川 哲雄, 石川 正俊, 永尾 寛, 河野 文昭, 羽田 勝 :
嚥下時の口蓋に対する舌接触圧の観察, --- 若年有歯顎者と高齢総義歯装着者の比較 ---,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.44, No.3, 379-385, 2000年.- (キーワード)
- tongue pressure / swallowing / elderly / denture
頬側咬頭間隙量が負担圧分布に及ぼす影響, --- シミュレーターによる検討 ---,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.44, No.3, 394-403, 2000年.- (キーワード)
- complete denture / lingualized occlusion / buccal interocclusal distance / pressure distribution
Three-dimensional bone response to commercially pure titanium, hydroxyapatite, and calcium-ion-mixing titanium in rabbits,
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, Vol.15, No.2, 231-238, 2000. 河野 文昭, 篠原 裕志, 岡 謙次, 大栗 孝文, 羽田 勝, 市川 哲雄 :
四国歯学会雑誌, Vol.12, No.2, 239-244, 2000年.- (キーワード)
- シリコーンラバー印象材 / 常温重合レジン / 接着剤 / 剪断引張り強さ / 引張り接着強さ
Dentistry in Japan, Vol.19, 75-80, 2000年.- (キーワード)
- 高齢者 / 口腔 / 咽頭細菌 / 唾液 / 舌
Influence of lining design of three processed soft denture liners on cushioning effect,
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Vol.26, No.12, 962-968, 1999. 森川 葉子, 市川 哲雄, 北岡 直樹, 河野 文昭, 羽田 勝 :
前方部口蓋形態が発音運動に及ぼす影響について, --- 第2報 舌運動,下顎運動との関連 ---,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.43, No.5, 877-883, 1999年.- (キーワード)
- anterior palatal form / palatogram / jaw position / speech / denture
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.12, No.3, 343-349, 1999年. Takafumi Ohguri, Fumiaki Kawano, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Naoyuki Matsumoto :
Influence of occlusal scheme on pressure distribution under complete denture,
The International Journal of Prosthodontics, Vol.12, No.4, 353-358, 1999. 柏原 稔也, 弘田 克彦, 市川 哲雄, 寺田 容子, 永尾 寛, 河野 文昭 :
義歯洗浄剤としての電解水の効果, --- in vitroのCandida albicansバイオフィルムへの影響 ---,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.43, No.3, 513-517, 1999年.- (キーワード)
- Electrolyzeo Water / Candida Albicans / バイオフィルム (biofilm) / Denture Plaque / Denture Cleanser
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/jjps.43.513
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/jjps.43.513
(DOI: 10.2186/jjps.43.513) Rudi Wigianto, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Hideo Kanitani, Naeko Kawamoto, Naoyuki Matsumoto and Hiroshi Ishizuka :
Three-dimensional bone structure around hydroxyapatite and titanium implants in rabbits,
Clinical Oral Implants Research, Vol.10, No.3, 219-225, 1999.- (要約)
- Long-term support of dental implants requires adequate bone thickness in the area surrounding the implant. A three-dimensional examination, including calculations of percent bone-implant contact and percent bone volume, was conducted to clarify the bone structure around pure titanium (Ti) and dense hydroxyapatite (HA) implants. The implants were installed in the tibiae of rabbits, and the bone structure was examined after 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks. The bone formation following implantation differed in the cortical bone and cancellous bone areas. In the cortical bone area, the percent bone-implant contact and percent bone volume were comparatively consistent for both Ti and HA implants during the observation period. In the cancellous bone area, both findings were influenced by the implantation period, and the chronological bone structure in the cancellous bone area also differed between Ti and HA implants. The percent bone-implant contact and percent bone volume in the Ti implant increased over 8 weeks, whereas the dense HA implant increased for the first 4 weeks and then decreased. The implant materials, Ti and HA, affected the bone remodeling in the cancellous bone area.
- (キーワード)
- Analysis of Variance / Animals / Bone Density / Bone Remodeling / Computer Graphics / Dental Implantation, Endosseous / Durapatite / Image Processing, Computer-Assisted / Implants, Experimental / Male / Osseointegration / Rabbits / Tibia / Titanium
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1034/j.1600-0501.1999.100305.x
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 10522182
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 10522182
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1034/j.1600-0501.1999.100305.x
(DOI: 10.1034/j.1600-0501.1999.100305.x, PubMed: 10522182) 寺田 容子, 弘田 克彦, 永尾 寛, 柏原 稔也, 市川 哲雄 :
感染症予防のためのデンチャープラークコントロール, --- 第1報 デンチャープラーク中の胃潰瘍原因菌Helicobacter pyloriの検出 ---,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.43, No.1, 100-104, 1999年.- (キーワード)
- Helicobacter pylori / Denture Plaque / PCR
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/jjps.43.100
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390282679386639232
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/jjps.43.100
(DOI: 10.2186/jjps.43.100, CiNii: 1390282679386639232) 川口 真一, 下村 学, 細木 秀彦, 上村 修三郎, 坂野 啓一, 市川 哲雄, 伊賀 弘起, 吉田 秀夫 :
四国歯学会雑誌, Vol.11, No.2, 253-262, 1999年.- (キーワード)
- パノラマ / 視覚評価
部分床義歯症例の統計的観察, --- -卒前臨床実習症例について- ---,
四国歯学会雑誌, Vol.11, No.2, 217-223, 1999年. 河野 文昭, 市川 哲雄 :
顎顔面補綴, Vol.21, No.2, 1(49)-7(55), 1998年.- (キーワード)
- シリコーン·エラストーマ / 動的粘弾性特性 / 劣化処理
下顎運動時の下顎骨の変形に対するインプラント連結の影響, --- 三次元有限要素法による解析 ---,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.42, No.4, 580-585, 1998年.- (キーワード)
- mandibular flexure / finite element method / インプラント (implant) / connection
Estimation of residual stress in dental porcelain by Laser-Raman spectroscopy,
Dental Materials Journal, Vol.17, No.1, 41-50, 1998.- (キーワード)
- Dental porcelain / Residual stress / Laser-Raman spectroscopy
In vitro adherence of Streptococcus constellatus to dense hydroxyapatite and titanium,
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Vol.25, No.2, 125-127, 1998.- (要約)
- Bacterial adherence to dense hydroxyapatite (HA) and titanium (Ti) rods was examined in vitro using Streptococcus constellatus ATCC27832. Streptoccus constellatus is associated with dental abscess and was isolated from the peri-implantitis. The dense HA was etched with 5% hydrofluoric acid for 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 s Adherence to the untreated dense HA was twice as high as the adherence to the Ti. The adherence to saliva-treated Ti was 13% higher than that to untreated Ti. The adherence was increased by acid-treatment of the dense HA, following a sigmoid curve from 20 to 50 s of treatment time. The dense HA has the capacity to receive more bacterial adherence than Ti and furthermore, the etched dense HA becomes more adherent.
- (キーワード)
- Abscess / Acid Etching, Dental / 分散分析 (analysis of variance) / Bacterial Adhesion / Dental Implants / Durapatite / Humans / Hydrofluoric Acid / 歯周病 (periodontitis) / Saliva / Streptococcal Infections / 連鎖球菌 (Streptococcus) / 界面特性 (surface properties) / Time Factors / チタン (titanium) / Tooth Diseases
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1046/j.1365-2842.1998.00216.x
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 9576596
- ● Summary page in Scopus @ Elsevier: 2-s2.0-0031994809
(DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2842.1998.00216.x, PubMed: 9576596, Elsevier: Scopus) 森川 葉子, 市川 哲雄, 松本 直之 :
前方部口蓋形態が発音運動に及ぼす影響について, --- 第1報 上顎中切歯部呼気圧との関連 ---,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.41, No.2, 278-285, 1997年. Rudi Wigianto, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Hideo Kanitani, Masanobu Horiuchi, Naoyuki Matsumoto and Hiroshi Ishizuka :
Three-dimensional examination of bone structure around hydroxyapatite implant using digital image processing,
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Vol.34, No.2, 177-182, 1997. Tetsuo Ichikawa, Katsuhiko Hirota, Hideo Kanitani, Rudi Wigianto, Naeko Kawamoto, Naoyuki Matsumoto and Yoichiro Miyake :
Rapid bone resorption adjacent to hydroxyapatite-coated implants,
The Journal of Oral Implantology, Vol.22, No.3,4, 232-235, 1997.- (要約)
- This paper describes rapid bone resorption in the peri-implantitis of HA implants based on both our clinical observations of and histological research on extracted dense hydroxyapatite (HA) implants. The surfaces of extracted HA implants were rough, although they were smooth at fixture placement. Plaque formed on the necks of the implants, whereas little plaque was seen on the bottoms. The plaque consisted of cocci and rods, including filamentous bacteria. Few spirochetes were observed. Although surrounding bone was formed rapidly around the HA implant, bone thickness gradually decreased compared with the titanium implant. These facts suggest that the rigid biointegration of HA with the thin surrounding bone--that is, the overstressing of the bone--causes rapid bone resorption rather than plaque accumulation on HA.
- (キーワード)
- Hydroxyapatite / Peri-implantitis / Bone Resorption / Overstressing
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 9524500
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 9524500
(PubMed: 9524500) Tetsuo Ichikawa, Hideo Kanitani, Rudi Wigianto, Naeko Kawamoto, Masanobu Horiuchi and Naoyuki Matsumoto :
Influence of bone quality in the stress distribution, --- An in vitro experiment ---,
Clinical Oral Implants Research, Vol.8, No.1, 18-22, 1997.- (要約)
- Adequate bone quality and stress distribution to the bone are of decisive importance for implant success. The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the influence of bone quality on the stress distribution using 2 implant-bone mimicking models, simulating compact and cancellous bone quality. The resin model was made of an acrylic resin only simulating compact bone quality. The hybrid model was made of 2 kinds of materials, acrylic resin covered with a 1-mm layer of urethane to simulate cancellous bone quality. An implant was embedded in each model, and the abutment and suprastructures were connected to the implant. A strain gauge was placed perpendicular to the implant on the surface of the model and a small accelerometer was attached to the abutment. When an impact load was applied to the suprastructure, both strain and acceleration were measured. Both abutment acceleration and surface strain in the hybrid model decreased rapidly as time progressed when compared to the resin model. Abutment accelerations in the resin model were significantly lower than those in the hybrid model. In the hybrid model, the strain increased as the loading site was moved closer to the strain gauge. The influence of loading sites on strain in the resin model was greater than in the hybrid model. Therefore, the occlusal stress was distributed more widely in the hybrid model than in the resin model. This may indicate that occlusal stress in compact bone may have a tendency to concentrate in particular regions.
- (キーワード)
- Acrylic Resins / Alveolar Process / Analysis of Variance / Bite Force / Bone Density / Dental Stress Analysis / Elasticity / Humans / Models, Structural / Urethane
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1111/j.1600-0501.1997.tb00003.x
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 9586452
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 9586452
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1111/j.1600-0501.1997.tb00003.x
(DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.1997.tb00003.x, PubMed: 9586452) Masanobu Horiuchi, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Miyuki Noda and Naoyuki Matsumoto :
Use of inter-implant displacement to measure mandibular distortion during jaw movements in human subjects,
Archives of Oral Biology, Vol.42, 185-188, 1997. 市川 哲雄, 森川 葉子, 堀内 政信, 松本 直之 :
超音波計測法を用いた舌形状の動的計測, --- -咬合挙上が舌形状に及ぼす影響について- ---,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.40, No.5, 917-921, 1996年. Tetsuo Ichikawa, Masanobu Horiuchi, Rudi Wigianto and Naoyuki Matsumoto :
In vitro study of mandibular implant-retained overdentures. The influence of stud attachment on load transfer to implant and soft tissue,
The International Journal of Prosthodontics, Vol.9, No.4, 394-399, 1996. 柏原 稔也, 市川 哲雄, 川本 苗子, 蟹谷 英生, 堀内 政信, 弘田 克彦, 三宅 洋一郎, 松本 直之 :
老人病院入院患者の口腔状態とデンチャープラークの細菌構成について, --- 第1報 予備調査結果 ---,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.40, No.3, 448-453, 1996年.- (キーワード)
- Elderly Patient / Edentulous / Geriatric / Denture Plaque / MRSA
電解水の義歯洗浄効果, --- -細菌学的検討- ---,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.40, No.3, 574-579, 1996年.- (キーワード)
- Acidic Electrolyzed Water / Neutral Electrolyzed Water / Denture Cleanser / Denture Plaque
アパタイトインプラントの細菌付着に関する研究, --- -摘出インプラントの観察と細菌付着試験- ---,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.40, No.1, 40-45, 1996年.- (キーワード)
- Hydroxyapatite / 組織移植 (implantation) / Titanium / Bacteria Adherence / Streptococcus Constellatus
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.39, No.5, 948-953, 1995年. 堀坂 寧介, 蟹谷 英生, Wigianto Rudi, 河野 玲子, 堀内 政信, 市川 哲雄, 石塚 寛, 松本 直之 :
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.8, No.2, 121-125, 1995年. 市川 哲雄, Wigianto Rudi, 蟹谷 英生, 堀内 政信, 松本 直之 :
インプラントを支台としたオーバーデンチャーに関する基礎的研究, --- 第1報 スタンドアタッチメントの構造が咬合圧伝達に及ぼす影響 ---,
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.8, No.2, 136-142, 1995年. 蟹谷 英生, 堀坂 寧介, ルディ ウィギアント, 堀内 政信, 市川 哲雄, 宮本 雅司, 山下 菊治, 石塚 寛, 吉田 秀夫, 松本 直之 :
GTR法を用いたApatite 2-Piece Implant 周囲骨組織の経時変化,
日本口腔インプラント学会雑誌, Vol.7, No.2, 249-256, 1995年. Tetsuo Ichikawa, Junji Komoda, Masanobu Horiuchi and Naoyuki Matsumoto :
Influence of alteration in the oral environment on speech production,
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Vol.22, 295-299, 1995. 堀内 政信, 市川 哲雄, 堀坂 寧介, 蟹谷 英生, Wigianto Rudi, 河野 玲子, 松本 直之 :
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.39, No.2, 285-289, 1995年. 市川 哲雄, 堀内 政信, 堀坂 寧介, 蟹谷 英生, Wigianto Rudi, 宮本 雅司, 松本 直之, 吉田 秀夫 :
骨質がアパタイトインプラントの術後経過に及ぼす影響, --- -臨床治験結果と模型実験からの検討- ---,
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.8, No.1, 25-31, 1995年. Masanobu Horiuchi, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Hideo Kanitani, Rudi Wigianto, Naeko Kawamoto and Naoyuki Matsumoto :
Pilot-hole preparation for proper implant positioning and the enhancement of bone formation,
The Journal of Oral Implantology, Vol.21, No.4, 318-324, 1995.- (要約)
- We have demonstrated a new insertion technique, "pilot-hole preparation", for proper implant positioning. The purpose of this study was to investigate the histological and biomechanical efficacies of the technique. We analyzed the influence of implant position on the stress distribution to the bone by the two-dimensional finite element method (FEM). In addition, we studied the influence of the pre-operative pilot-hole preparation on the bone tissue in vivo using histological examination.
- (キーワード)
- Adult / Alveolar Process / Dental Implantation, Endosseous / Dental Implants / Dental Models / Dental Occlusion / Dental Stress Analysis / Evaluation Studies as Topic / Female / Humans / Male / Mandible / Middle Aged / Models, Anatomic / Numerical Analysis, Computer-Assisted / Osseointegration / Osteogenesis / Patient Care Planning / Stents
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 8699525
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 8699525
(PubMed: 8699525) 羽田 勝, 高津 佳彦, 河野 文昭, 市川 哲雄, 市場 裕康, 今井 守夫, 松本 直之 :
全部床義歯の動揺について, --- 第1報 MKGを用いた測定分析方法の検討 ---,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.29, No.5, 43-1019-51-1027, 1985年. 松本 直之, 市川 哲雄, 河野 文昭, 岩脇 光治, 加藤 倫, 堤 一郎 :
咬合器の顆路再現性に関する研究, --- 第1報 半調節性咬合器 ---,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.29, No.3, 1-527-9-535, 1985年. 松本 直之, 多田 芳雄, 佐藤 修斎, 市川 哲雄, 河野 文昭, 羽田 勝 :
発音のメカニズムに関する研究, --- 第1報 正常有歯顎者 ---,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.28, No.4, 162-748-173-759, 1984年. 羽田 勝, 高津 佳彦, 市川 哲雄, 河野 文昭, 松本 直之 :
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.27, No.6, 1-1077-7-1083, 1983年. Hiroshi Terada, Hideaki Nagamune, Norifumi Morikawa and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
The cyanine dye triS-C4(5) as a cationic uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation: Interaction with mitochondria detected by derivative spectrophotometry,
Cell Structure and Function, Vol.8, No.2, 161-170, 1983.- (要約)
- 微分吸収スペクトル法を用いてtri-S-C4(5)のミトコンドリアへの結合と,脱共役作用及びミトコンドリア体積膨潤作用を経時的に比較した.その結果,無機リン酸イオン存在下で脱共役状態のミトコンドリアに対してよりも,無機リン酸イオン非存在下で共役状態のミトコンドリアへの結合量が大幅に多く,しかもその際にミトコンドリアは収縮しており,tri-S-C4(5)がミトコンドリア内に蓄積する事が脱共役作用の原因では無いことを分光学的に示した.
- Lipei Liu, Megumi Watanabe and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Robotics in Dentistry: A Narrative Review,
Dentistry Journal, Vol.11, No.3, 62, 2023.- (要約)
- Robotics is progressing rapidly. The aim of this study was to provide a comprehensive overview of the basic and applied research status of robotics in dentistry and discusses its development and application prospects in several major professional fields of dentistry. A literature search was conducted on databases: MEDLINE, IEEE and Cochrane Library, using MeSH terms: ["robotics" and "dentistry"]. Forty-nine articles were eventually selected according to certain inclusion criteria. There were 12 studies on prosthodontics, reaching 24%; 11 studies were on dental implantology, accounting for 23%. Scholars from China published the most articles, followed by Japan and the United States. The number of articles published between 2011 and 2015 was the largest. With the advancement of science and technology, the applications of robots in dental medicine has promoted the development of intelligent, precise, and minimally invasive dental treatments. Currently, robots are used in basic and applied research in various specialized fields of dentistry. Automatic tooth-crown-preparation robots, tooth-arrangement robots, drilling robots, and orthodontic archwire-bending robots that meet clinical requirements have been developed. We believe that in the near future, robots will change the existing dental treatment model and guide new directions for further development.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2011349
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3390/dj11030062
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 36975559
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 36975559
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.3390/dj11030062
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2011349, DOI: 10.3390/dj11030062, PubMed: 36975559) 誉田 栄一, 伊藤 照明, 木内 陽介, 市川 哲雄, 芥川 正武, 榎本 崇宏, 吉田 みどり :
LED総合フォーラム2018 in 徳島 論文集, 111-112, 2018年. 白山 靖彦, 市川 哲雄, 吉岡 昌美, 柳沢 志津子, 竹内 祐子, 後藤 崇晴, 高橋 美和, 寺西 彩, 北村 美渚 :
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Vol.9, No.54, 710-716, 2017年.- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2490/jjrmc.54.710
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390001205274377088
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2490/jjrmc.54.710
(DOI: 10.2490/jjrmc.54.710, CiNii: 1390001205274377088) 細木 眞紀, 田上 直美, 渡邉 恵, 山瀬 勝, 飯田 俊二, 舞田 健夫, 大平 千之, 大久保 力廣, 秋葉 陽介, 服部 正巳, 峯 篤史, 高 永和, 鳥井 克典, 松香 芳三, 志賀 博, 市川 哲雄 :
日本歯科医学会誌, Vol.34, 44-48, 2015年. 吉岡 昌美, 松本 尚子, 星野 由美, 日野出 大輔, 伊賀 弘起, 横山 正明, 市川 哲雄, 河野 文昭, 野間 隆文 :
大学教育研究ジャーナル, Vol.6, 24-43, 2009年.- (要約)
- We prepared career advancement program "Experience learning in medical team treatment" towards the second,third and fouth year students of dental school. This program consits of prior learningconcerned with 'Team treatment and Dental profession' and experience learning in medical team treatment at Tokushima University Hospital.The purpose of this program was to rouse career conciousness as a dentalprofession. This program provided students with career image which they want to be in the future. Besides,they were motivated to study more widely to approach their own image. In this paper,we evaluated theeffects of the program"The experience learning in medical team treatment" on career advancement ofdental school students. As a result,it is suggested that this program might be fruitful as career advancement on dental students.我々は歯学部学生のキャリア形成支援のための教育プログラム「チーム医療体験学習」を開発し,歯学部の2,3,4年次の学生を対象として実施した.本プログラムは,グループワークによる事前学習とチーム医療の現場体験を2つの柱とし,学生の歯科医療職としてのキャリア意識を強化することを目的とした.プログラム終了時のアンケートから,学生には歯科専門職としての将来の姿勢や目指す方向性が具体化すると同時に幅広い知識を身につけたいといった学習に対する動機付が強化されるなど明らかな教育成果が認められた.プログラム実施前後のアンケートの分析結果から, 「チーム医療体験学習」が歯学部学生のキャリア形成支援教育の手法として有効なプログラムである可能性が示唆された.
- (キーワード)
- キャリア 形成 支援 / チーム 医療 / 体験 学習
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2001440
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1050302172854741376
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2001440, CiNii: 1050302172854741376) 弘田 克彦, 大村 直幹, 市川 哲雄 :
月刊 総合ケア, Vol.13, No.9, 16-20, 2003年. 市川 哲雄, 大村 直幹, 蟹谷 容子, 弘田 克彦, 三宅 洋一郎 :
デンタルデバイス感染症, --- デンチャープラークから高齢者の健康を考える ---,
歯界展望, Vol.99, No.2, 407-416, 2002年. 大村 直幹, 市川 哲雄, 弘田 克彦, 三宅 洋一郎 :
デンタルエコー, Vol.122, 31-35, 2001年. 寺田 容子, 市川 哲雄, 弘田 克彦, 三宅 洋一郎 :
要介護高齢者における咽頭微生物叢について, --- 特に義歯装着の有無による影響 ---,
私の研究から, Vol.691, 9-11, 2000年. 市川 哲雄, 柏原 稔也, 寺田 容子, 弘田 克彦, 浜田 賢一 :
電解水を利用した義歯洗浄機 イオデント,
歯界展望, Vol.94, No.3, 623-628, 1999年. 道重 文子, 吉永 純子, 寺尾 紀子, 原田 江梨子, 安岡 劭, 弘田 克彦, 三宅 洋一郎, 柏原 稔也, 市川 哲雄, 松尾 敬志 :
徳島大学医療技術短期大学部紀要, Vol.7, 35-42, 1997年.- (キーワード)
- 嚥下性肺炎 / 含嗽 / 咽頭ぬぐい液細菌数 / レンサ球菌
Effect of barium in porcelain on bonding strength of titanium-porcelain system.,
Dental Materials Journal, Vol.15, No.2, 111-120, 1996.- (要約)
- The bonding strength to titanium, thermal expansion, and bending strength of glassy porcelain containing barium of 5, 10, and 15 mass% were estimated and compared with those of barium-free porcelain, to estimate the effect of barium content on bonding strength to titanium. The three different glassy porcelains containing barium were made by melting at 950 degrees C. The bonding strength of a commercial porcelain to titanium increased with the addition of barium. Bending strength and thermal expansion were not affected by the barium content. Therefore, the addition of barium to porcelain is effective for strengthening the bonding of porcelain to titanium.
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.11, No.2, 83, 2019年. 細木 眞紀, 松尾 敬志, 永田 俊彦, 市川 哲雄, 松香 芳三, 田中 栄二 :
歯科審美, Vol.25, No.2, 196, 2013年.
- 総説・解説
- 市川 哲雄, 後藤 崇晴, 中道 敦子 :
日本咀嚼学会雑誌, Vol.34, No.2, 42-48, 2024年11月. Keiko Fujimoto, Hideki Suito, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Validity of Quantitative and Qualitative Assessments of Skeletal Muscles in the Lower Extremities Using Ultrasound Imaging: A Literature Review,
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.36, No.2, 30-35, 2024. 藤本 けい子, 岩脇 有軌, 後藤 崇晴, 岸本 卓大, 市川 哲雄 :
高齢者の義歯を含む口腔衛生状態の評価 ―ATP 拭き取り検査による評価―,
日本義歯ケア学会誌, Vol.15, No.1, 1-8, 2023年12月. 市川 哲雄, 小野 高裕, 會田 英紀, 飯沼 利光, 尾澤 昌悟, 中島 純子, 松田 謙一, 水口 一, 長谷川 陽子, 大川 周治, 藤澤 政紀, 西村 正宏, 鬼原 英道, 丸尾 勝一郎, 峯 篤史, 佐藤 雅介, 村上 小夏, 馬場 一美, 松香 芳三, 玉置 勝司, 大倉 一夫, 西山 暁, 大島 正充 :
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, 1-43, 2023年3月. 市川 哲雄, 小野 高裕, 會田 英紀, 飯沼 利光, 尾澤 昌悟, 中島 純子, 松田 謙一, 水口 一, 長谷川 陽子, 大川 周治, 藤澤 政紀, 西村 正宏, 鬼原 英道, 丸尾 勝一郎, 峯 篤史, 佐藤 雅介, 村上 小夏, 石井 智浩, 佐藤 佑介, 西尾 健介, 西山 雄一郎, 吉岡 文, 吉田 和弘, 渡辺 崇文, 馬場 一美, 松香 芳三, 玉置 勝司, 大倉 一夫, 西山 暁, 大島 正充, 河相 安彦, 水口 俊介, 武部 純, 鱒見 進一, 村田 比呂司, 大久保 力廣, 横山 文典 :
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, 1-69, 2023年3月. 白山 靖彦, 市川 哲雄 :
歯界展望, Vol.140, No.1, 174-176, 2022年7月.- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1520575207906394752
(CiNii: 1520575207906394752) 白山 靖彦, 市川 哲雄 :
歯界展望, Vol.139, No.6, 1250-1252, 2022年6月.- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1520012246886855424
(CiNii: 1520012246886855424) 白山 靖彦, 市川 哲雄 :
歯界展望, Vol.139, No.5, 1040-1042, 2022年5月.- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1520012246887400704
(CiNii: 1520012246887400704) 白山 靖彦, 市川 哲雄, 北村 美渚 :
歯界展望, Vol.139, No.4, 816-818, 2022年4月.- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1520012246887638016
(CiNii: 1520012246887638016) 白山 靖彦, 市川 哲雄 :
歯界展望, Vol.139, No.3, 618-620, 2022年3月.- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1520293721863768576
(CiNii: 1520293721863768576) 白山 靖彦, 市川 哲雄 :
歯界展望, Vol.139, No.2, 392-393, 2022年2月. Takahiro Kishimoto, Takaharu Goto, Takashi Matsuda, Yuki Iwawaki and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Application of artificial intelligence in the dental field: A literature review.,
Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.66, No.1, 19-28, Jan. 2022.- (要約)
- Application of AI in the dental field has progressed; however, the criteria for evaluating the efficacy of AI have not been clarified. It is necessary to obtain better quality data for machine learning to achieve the effective diagnosis of lesions and suitable treatment planning.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2009985
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_20_00139
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 33441504
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 33441504
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_20_00139
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2009985, DOI: 10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_20_00139, PubMed: 33441504) 市川 哲雄, 渡邉 恵, 石田 雄一, 岩脇 有軌 :
インプラント治療に関わる高齢者の諸問題とその対応 インプラント治療における多(他)職種との連携を見据えて,
日本歯科先端技術研究所学術会誌, Vol.27, No.1, 14-21, 2021年2月.- (要約)
- 高齢,要介護を見据えてのインプラントの治療計画とその対応,超高齢化が進むなかでインプラント治療において考えるべきことについて概説した.インプラントの設計において,基本的にはケアがしやすく,修理がしやすい構造にすることが挙げられる.また,これまでは避けるべき治療方法,対応方法とされてきた方法,たとえば残存歯との連結や有床義歯の支台歯として使用することなども,終末期に向かうなかではその選択を否定できないか好ましい選択肢となる場合も想定される.インプラントの上部構造を患者の身体的,精神的,社会的状況に合わせ徐々に修正,対応して行くことが求められる.
- (キーワード)
- 加齢 筋骨格系疾患 *歯科インプラント 歯科補綴 死亡 性因子 無歯顎-部分(治療,外科的療法) *高齢者歯科医療 インプラント支持歯科補綴物 *多機関医療協力システム 費用効果分析 BMI 自立生活 アドバンスケア計画 訪問歯科診療 筋肉減少症 歩行速度 フレイル 高齢化社会 メインテナンス(歯科) ロコモティブシンドローム 地域包括ケアシステム ヒト 高齢者(65∼79) 歯学
4年制口腔保健学科のあり方 過去から未来へ,
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.33, No.2, 29-32, 2021年1月.- (要約)
- 大学における歯科衛生士養成の学科としての口腔保健学科の方向性について考察した.歯科医師養成機関設置の歴史を紹介し,さらに口腔保健学科の設置の経緯と理念,社会福祉士養成の意義についても述べた.4年制の口腔保健学科の設置は口腔ケア,口腔衛生の重要性が定着し始めた頃に始まった.本学の口腔保健学科設置に当たって,並立する資格として選んだのが社会福祉士である.社会福祉はもともと社会(保障)制度であって学問ではなかったかもしれないが,今では医学,社会学,心理学,法学,行財政学などの学際的領域の学問が関係している実学であり,社会福祉士と歯科衛生士の資格を持っていることが行政,医療の世界で受け入れやすい状況を作り出している.
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2008560
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.20738/johb.33.2_29
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.20738/johb.33.2_29
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2008560, DOI: 10.20738/johb.33.2_29) 市川 哲雄 :
歯科におけるSpeechを再認識する 「発声・発語・構音」から「Speech」への転換 Speechを生物学から眺める,
歯界展望, Vol.136, No.1, 194-201, 2020年7月.- (キーワード)
- 咽頭 *会話 下顎骨 危険因子 口 犬歯 *歯科医療 食行動 生物進化 成長 *生物学 舌 舌骨 知覚 認知症 脳 歯 *発声 *構音 退化 ヒト 動物 歯学
徳島県における地域包括ケアシステムの現状と課題 -美馬市木屋平の健康調査を通じて-,
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.33, No.1, 24-27, 2020年6月.- (要約)
- It is predicted that the population of Tokushima Prefecture will decrease to 550,000 by 2040, and 17 municipalities will disappear. For that reason, the community-based integrated care system (integrated care) must be further developed. The purpose of integrated care is the realization of "community development which you can continue to live as you are in the area where you are accustomed to living". To achieve this, not only medical and care, but also the utilization of new human resources and resources has been demanded. In Japan, based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), relevant laws and systems will be revised to achieve the agenda set forth by 2030, and it has been strongly suggested that it is necessary to participate the welfare area (Long-term care insurance) not only in medicine but also in dentistry.<br>In this paper, we discuss the current situation and issues of integrated care in Tokushima Prefecture, and discuss the future state in relation to the study of the Koyadaira district in Mima City, which is an area of disappearance.
- (キーワード)
- aging / population decline / community-based integrated care system
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2007800
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.20738/johb.33.1_24
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390003825186739072
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.20738/johb.33.1_24
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2007800, DOI: 10.20738/johb.33.1_24, CiNii: 1390003825186739072) 市川 哲雄 :
認知症高齢者に対する歯科治療ガイドラインの活用 認知症患者の義歯診療ガイドライン2018,
老年歯科医学, Vol.34, No.4, 466-468, 2020年3月.- (要約)
- 認知症患者の歯科的問題を調査し,573個の臨床的疑問(CQ)をまとめた.このうち10個の認知症患者の義歯に関するCQを選び,疑問に対する日本老年歯科医学会の見解,指針を認知症患者における義歯診療ガイドライン2018としてまとめた.認知症患者の義歯補綴関係のガイドライン作成の問題点,ガイドライン2018の作成手順,ガイドラインの概要を紹介した.
- (キーワード)
- *義歯 口腔保健 *認知症 診療ガイドライン ヒト 歯学
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.11259/jsg.34.466
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.11259/jsg.34.466
(DOI: 10.11259/jsg.34.466) 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
歯界展望, Vol.135, No.2, 356-363, 2020年2月.- (キーワード)
- *剤形 *歯科インプラント(有害作用) 歯垢 *歯磨剤 歯磨き インプラント周囲炎 *顆粒剤 実態調査 ヒト 歯学
地域連携入退院と在宅支援, 44-47, 2018年9月. 岩脇 有軌, 市川 哲雄 :
日本歯科評論, Vol.78, No.10, 24-26, 2018年9月. 白山 靖彦, 市川 哲雄, 尾崎 和美, 柳沢 志津子 :
月刊介護保険, No.264, 28, 2018年2月. 市川 哲雄 :
歯界展望, Vol.140, No.4, 605-608, 2017年10月. 市川 哲雄, 矢儀 一智, 松田 岳 :
補綴臨床, Vol.50, No.2, 164-173, 2017年3月. 白山 靖彦, 市川 哲雄, 柳沢 志津子, 尾崎 和美 :
月刊介護保険, No.249, 23, 2016年11月. 石田 雄一, 藤本 けい子, 檜垣 宜明, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
審美補綴のための補綴前処置,アタッチメントレベル・歯頸線 審美歯科治療のエンドポイントと評価方法,
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.8, No.2, 161-166, 2016年4月.- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2005018
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2005018) 市川 哲雄, 矢儀 一智 :
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.8, No.1, 24-30, 2016年1月.- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2005017
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2005017) 市川 哲雄, 後藤 崇晴, 岩脇 有軌, 檜垣 宜明, 内藤 禎人 :
力を受ける生体側の観点から(シリーズ:補綴装置および歯の延命のために Part 6 -力のコントロール-),
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.7, No.4, 357-362, 2015年10月. 後藤 崇晴, 岩脇 有軌, 渡邉 恵, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.27, No.2, 21-27, 2015年2月.- (要約)
- In disasters such as hydraulic bore, earthquakes and fire, the oral structure including the dental prostheses can provide identifying information. Over the years, many different personal identification system of dental prostheses have been reported. This present study analyzes the published literature offering the description of the personal identification system of dental prostheses.Two databases, "PubMed" and "Japana Centra Revuo Medicina" were searched to retrieve research papers referred to the personal identification system of dental prostheses. Twenty four papers were selected from the database with the criteria, and they were reviewed. This literature search showed that the personal identifications in three kinds of dental prostheses: removable denture, crown and implant were reported; and more papers on removable dentures were extracted compared to the crown and implant, however there is no high quality paper indicating that the structured methods for personal identification of dental prostheses is effective. A new method and common write format for personal identification are required to improve the present problems, and our systems using fluorescent material and ultraviolet light and femtosecond pulse laser-oriented recording system would be effective.
- (キーワード)
- 大規模災害 / 個人識別 / 補綴装置
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2003085
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1050865122807699968
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2003085, CiNii: 1050865122807699968) 津村 希望, 友竹 偉則, 石田 修, 市川 哲雄 :
基本的な歯科技工の``勘どころ'' -臨床例から得られた具体的アドバイスをとおして熟練歯科技工士から新人歯科技工士への技術の継承を図る 第8回 上顎前歯部のインプラント補綴から``技工操作の総合的な調整''を学ぶ,
歯科技工, Vol.43, No.2, 208-219, 2015年2月. 鴨居 浩平, 清水 裕次, 石田 雄一, 市川 哲雄 :
基本的な歯科技工の``勘どころ'' -臨床例から得られた具体的アドバイスをとおして熟練歯科技工士から新人歯科技工士への技術の継承を図る 第7回 審議領域の1歯欠損のインプラント治療から``インプラント周囲組織への配慮''を学ぶ,
歯科技工, Vol.43, No.1, 98-106, 2015年1月. 津村 希望, 石田 修, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
基本的な歯科技工の``勘どころ'' -臨床例から得られた具体的アドバイスをとおして熟練歯科技工士から新人歯科技工士への技術の継承を図る, --- 第6回 全部床義歯における``人工歯の排列と咬合の重要性''を学ぶ-リンガライズドオクルージョンによる対応 ---,
歯科技工, Vol.42, No.12, 14061415, 2014年12月. 鴨居 浩平, 永尾 寛, 清水 裕次, 市川 哲雄 :
基本的な歯科技工の``勘どころ'' -臨床例から得られた具体的アドバイスをとおして熟練歯科技工士から新人歯科技工士への技術の継承を図る, --- 第5回 全部床義歯における歯科医師と歯科技工士との``情報共有の重要性''を学ぶ ---,
歯科技工, Vol.42, No.11, 1444-1253, 2014年11月. 鴨居 浩平, 清水 裕次, 矢儀 一智, 市川 哲雄 :
基本的な歯科技工の``勘どころ'' -臨床例から得られた具体的アドバイスをとおして熟練歯科技工士から新人歯科技工士への技術の継承を図る 第4回 少数歯残存症例のパーシャルデンチャーから残存歯との``調和''を学ぶ,
歯科技工, Vol.42, No.10, 1160-1169, 2014年10月. 後藤 崇晴, 渡邉 恵, 市川 哲雄 :
ザ·クインテッセンス, Vol.33, No.9, 183-192, 2014年9月. 津村 希望, 友竹 偉則, 石田 修, 市川 哲雄 :
基本的な歯科技工の``勘どころ'' -臨床例から得られた具体的アドバイスをとおして熟練歯科技工士から新人歯科技工士への技術の継承を図る 第3回 上顎片側中間欠損に対するパーシャルデンチャーから``技師の設計''を学ぶ,
歯科技工, Vol.42, No.9, 1000-1009, 2014年9月. 津村 望希, 清水 裕次, 渡邉 恵, 市川 哲雄 :
基本的な歯科技工の``勘どころ'' -臨床例から得られた具体的アドバイスをとおして熟練歯科技工士から新人歯科技工士への技術の継承を図る 第2回 変色支台歯へのオールセラミックブリッジから残存歯との``調和''を学ぶ,
歯科技工, Vol.42, No.8, 908-918, 2014年8月. 鴨居 浩平, 石田 修, 石田 雄一, 市川 哲雄 :
28. 基本的な歯科技工の``勘どころ'' -臨床例から得られた具体的アドバイスをとおして熟練歯科技工士から新人歯科技工士への技術の継承を図る 第1回 上顎左側中切歯ジルコニアクラウンから``色感''を学ぶ,
歯科技工, Vol.42, No.7, 765-775, 2014年7月.- (キーワード)
- Zirconium
【補綴臨床イノベーションのための若手研究者の挑戦 2 治療,検査法の新たな展開】 皮膚免疫機構を利用した金属アレルギー検査方法開発へのアプローチ,
歯界展望, Vol.123, No.5, 1012-1016, 2014年.- (キーワード)
- ニッケル
磁性アタッチメントの診療ガイドライン策定 デルファイ法とは,
日本磁気歯科学会雑誌, Vol.21, No.1, 32-36, 2012年12月. 東光 紗知江, 本釜 聖子, 本田 剛, 柏原 稔也, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
四国歯学会雑誌, Vol.24, No.2, 35-37, 2012年1月.- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2003044
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2003044) 小宮山 彌太郎, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.4, No.1, 1-2, 2012年1月.- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.4.1
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1570009750847071360
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.4.1
(DOI: 10.2186/ajps.4.1, CiNii: 1570009750847071360) 東岡 紗知江, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
【クラウンブリッジ・インプラント・デンチャー 補綴臨床のトラブルシューティング】 (Part3)デンチャー編 (Chapter2)義歯のセルフケア,
補綴臨床, 188-189, 2011年5月. 本釜 聖子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
【クラウンブリッジ・インプラント・デンチャー 補綴臨床のトラブルシューティング】 (Part3)デンチャー編 (Chapter2)装着時のトラブル 義歯装着による嘔吐反射,
補綴臨床, 134-135, 2011年5月. 岡島 雅代, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
知っておきたい「力」のこと 気づく・伝える・守る, --- 避けられる動揺を最小限にとどめることが重要 義歯の動揺 ---,
デンタルハイジーン別冊, 116-117, 2010年6月. 横山 正明, 吉岡 昌美, 平島 美穂, 横山 希実, 玉谷 香奈子, 伊賀 弘起, 市川 哲雄 :
徳島大学病院入院患者の歯科的ニーズ 口腔管理センターにおける受け入れ状況から,
四国歯学会雑誌, Vol.22, No.2, 173-177, 2010年1月.- (キーワード)
- 外来治療
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2003026
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2003026) 吉岡 昌美, 横山 正明, 市川 哲雄 :
重症患者の口腔管理, --- -ICUにおける専門的口腔ケアの取り組み- ---,
四国医学雑誌, Vol.65, No.1,2, 12-19, 2009年4月.- (要約)
- In-depth oral care toward severe human cases is crucial for the management of their general condition. As a matter of fact, maintenance of a good oral hygiene condition can reduce the risk for developing respiratory diseases such as aspiration pneumonia and ventilator-associated pneumonia. In September 2007, we initiated at Tokushima University Hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU)a collaboration between nurses and medical doctors to provide professional oral care to patients. The aim of this activity was to establish a standardized protocol of oral care in order to reduce the risk for infectious disease complications for inpatients undergoing respiratory care. At the initial oral examination, the majority of patients in ICU had dry lips, and showed tongue coating and the presence of oral debris on tooth and oral mucosa surfaces. In addition, we sometimes observed ulcer formation on oral mucosa or tooth mobility, which are conditions that ICU members should pay an attention when fixing the endotracheal tube. Our professional oral care protocol reduced oral debris, dry mouth, and oral malodor to some extent in the majority of patients at ICU. An intensive collaboration between dental professionals with nurses and medical doctors, was favored through this activity. Our long-term objective is to contribute to the maintenance of general condition continuously as a member of multi-professional team.
- (キーワード)
- professional oral care / ventilator-associated pneumonia / VAP / ICU
- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2003467
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1050583647830858752
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2003467, CiNii: 1050583647830858752) 北村 清一郎, 角田 佳折, 市川 哲雄 :
歯界展望, Vol.111, No.1, 108-115, 2008年1月. 北村 清一郎, 角田 佳折, 市川 哲雄 :
歯階展望, Vol.110, No.2, 266-273, 2007年8月. 北村 清一郎, 角田 佳折, 市川 哲雄 :
見える!わかる! 臨床に役立つ解剖写真集 8, --- 義歯は嚥下にどうかかわるのか ---,
歯界展望, Vol.108, No.2, 304-309, 2006年8月. 市川 哲雄, 本釜 聖子, 永尾 寛 :
全部床義歯による無歯顎補綴治療 発音と嚥下機能から全部床義歯を語る,
補綴臨床, Vol.38, No.5, 532-539, 2006年7月. 北村 清一郎, 角田 佳折, 市川 哲雄 :
見える!わかる!臨床に役立つ解剖写真集, --- 1 総義歯の形態にかかわる解剖構造-義歯の形を理解する①上顎義歯 ---,
歯界展望, Vol.107, No.1, 79-84, 2006年1月. 永尾 寛, 河野 文昭, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.49, No.1, 4-6, 2005年2月.
(PubMed: 15844265) 永尾 寛, 河野 文昭, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.48, No.5, 673-680, 2004年12月.- (要約)
- In case of making complete dentures, we have to consider not only denture stability but also the restoration of aesthetics and function such as mastication and speech. However these are contradictory theoretically from the point of view of denture stability, and it is very difficult to satisfy both requirements in the case of a patient who has poor upper and lower alveolar ridges. We investigated the effect of artificial posterior teeth form and occlusal scheme on the distribution of pressure on supporting structures under complete dentures during mastication with upper and lower edentulous simulators. In this report, a guideline for the selection of occlusal scheme for complete dentures, based on our previous investigations, is described. The occlusal scheme remarkably affected the distribution of pressure under simulated complete dentures, as shown by comparing the distribution of pressure using two different occlusal schemes:fully balanced occlusion and lingualized occlusion. However other factors such as posterior teeth form and position affect the distribution of pressure as well, and are related to each other. Therefore, not only occlusal scheme but also posterior artificial teeth form has to be considered, and the form of posterior teeth should be carefully and comprehensively decided when making complete dentures.
- (キーワード)
- 負担圧分布 / 全部床義歯 / 咬合様式 / 咬合面形態 (posterior teeth form)
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 15818000
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (PMID): 15818000
(PubMed: 15818000) 市川 哲雄, 渡邉 恵 :
DE, Vol.150, 11-12, 2004年7月. 市川 哲雄, 渡邉 恵 :
補綴臨床, Vol.37, No.4, 400-407, 2004年7月. 岡 謙次, 市川 哲雄, 井上 三四郎 :
四国歯学会雑誌, Vol.14, No.2, 265-276, 2002年1月. 北村 清一郎, 市川 哲雄 :
QDT, Vol.27, No.4, 405-414, 2002年. 湯本 浩通, 松尾 敬志, 市川 哲雄 :
医薬ジャーナル, Vol.37, No.10, 211-217, 2001年10月. 北村 清一郎, 市川 哲雄, 松本 直之 :
口腔解剖学の視点から義歯の床縁形態を考える, --- Ⅵ.下顎の床縁 その2 ---,
Quintessence of Dental Technology, Vol.26, No.9, 1254-1261, 2001年9月. 北村 清一郎, 市川 哲雄, 松本 直之 :
口腔解剖学の視点から義歯の床縁形態を考える, --- Ⅴ.下顎の床縁 その1 ---,
Quintessence of Dental Technology, Vol.26, No.8, 1102-1108, 2001年8月. 北村 清一郎, 市川 哲雄, 松本 直之 :
口腔解剖学の視点から義歯の床縁形態を考える, --- Ⅳ.上顎の床縁 その2 ---,
Quintessence of Dental Technology, Vol.26, No.7, 962-968, 2001年7月. 北村 清一郎, 市川 哲雄, 松本 直之 :
口腔解剖学の視点から義歯の床縁形態を考える, --- Ⅲ.上顎の床縁 その1 ---,
Quintessence of Dental Technology, Vol.26, No.6, 770-775, 2001年6月. 北村 清一郎, 市川 哲雄, 松本 直之 :
口腔解剖学の視点から義歯の床縁形態を考える, --- Ⅱ.加齢と歯の喪失による顎顔面形態の変化 ---,
Quintessence of Dental Technology, Vol.26, No.5, 620-624, 2001年5月. 河野 文昭, 市川 哲雄 :
歯界展望, Vol.97, No.4, 858-859, 2001年4月. 北村 清一郎, 市川 哲雄, 松本 直之 :
口腔解剖学の視点から義歯の床縁形態を考える, --- Ⅰ.印象と無歯顎骨形態 ---,
Quintessence of Dental Technology, Vol.26, No.4, 502-507, 2001年4月. 河野 文昭, 松本 直之, 市川 哲雄 :
四国歯学会雑誌, Vol.13, No.2, 231-240, 2001年.- (キーワード)
- 軟質裏装材 / 粘弾性 / 吸水性
感染予防のためのデンチャープラークコントロール, --- Candida app.とHelicobacter pyloriを中心として ---,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.43, No.4, 640-648, 1999年8月.- (キーワード)
- Denture Plaque / Candeda spp. / Helicobacter Pylori / Prevention of Infection
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/jjps.43.640
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390282679385051776
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/jjps.43.640
(DOI: 10.2186/jjps.43.640, CiNii: 1390282679385051776) 松本 直之, 河野 文昭, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
Quintessence of Dental Technology, Vol.23, No.9, 17(1129)-26(1138), 1998年9月.- (キーワード)
- フルデンチャー / 臼歯部人工歯 / 咬合様式 / 負担圧分布
- 講演・発表
- Kikuji Yamashita, Hiroyuki Morimoto, Masahide Nakao, Hidemi Ukai, Takeo Hamawa, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Seiichiro Kitamura :
Intact extracellular matrix can be utilized for bio-integrated materials and tissue engineering,
Mohammad Fadyl Yunizar, Megumi Watanabe, Lipei Liu and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
The pathogenesis of oral lichen planus related to metal reaction,
International College of Prosthodontics, 19th Biennial Meeting, Sep. 2021. Lipei Liu, Megumi Watanabe, Mohammad Fadyl Yunizar and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Semaphorin3A Promotes the Development of Nickel Allergy,
International College of Prosthodontics, 19th Biennial Meeting, virtual meeting, Sep. 2021. Takahiro Kishimoto, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
A novel three-dimensional face modeling using photogrammetry in dental chair-side,
The 6th Biennial Joint Congress of CPS-JPS-KAP (Online), Feb. 2021. Takaharu Goto, Tsukasa Hihara, Keiko Fujimoto, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Sex difference of clinical cascade from oral hypofunction to physical frailty,
The 7th Biennial Joint Congress of KAP-CPS-JPS, Mar. 2019. Takahiro Kishimoto, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Neuroscientific evaluation of periodontal tactile with/without sensory integration task: comparison between incisor and molar teeth,
11th Biennial Congress of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sep. 2018. Takaharu Goto, Tsukasa Hihara, Tagami Yoshihiro, Yuki Iwawaki, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Investigation with questionnaires on symptoms of physical frailty and eating behaviors,
11th Biennial Congress of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sep. 2018. Tetsuo Ichikawa, Takaharu Goto, Tsukasa Hihara, Tagami Yoshihiro and Kan Nagao :
A quantitative evaluation of oral frailty-physical frailty relationship model based on covariance structure analysis,
11th Biennial Congress of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sep. 2018. Kazumitsu Sekine, Yoshihito Naitou, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Otto Baba and Kenichi Hamada :
Development of structural and chemical enforcement of neointimal growth as the blood contacting surface for the vascular prosthesis,
45th European Society for Artificial Organs 2018 Congress, Madrid, Sep. 2018. Takaharu Goto, Hihara Tsukasa, Kishimoto Takahiro, Takashi Matsuda, Yuki Iwawaki, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Investigation with questionnaires on symptoms of oral frailty and eating behaviors: Importance of chewing,
Biennial Joint Congress of JPS-CPS-KAP, Wenzhou, China, Oct. 2017. Tetsuo Ichikawa, Higaki Nobuaki, Takaharu Goto, Kishimoto Takahiro, Yuki Iwawaki, Takashi Matsuda, Ishida Yuichi and Watanabe Megumi :
A comparison of the occlusal force-sustaining ability of natural and dental implant patients during a sensory integration task,
Biennial Joint Congress of JPS-CPS-KAP, Wenzhou, China, Oct. 2017. Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Frailty and Oral Frailty in super-aging society: Physiological considerations and Prosthodontic Strategy,
Biennial Joint Congress of JPS-CPS-KAP, Wenzhou, China, Oct. 2017. Takashi Matsuda, Kurahashi Kosuke, Ishida Yuichi, Takaharu Goto, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Part-digitizing system for complete denture fabrication using digital impression and specialized CAD/CAM tray,
The 17th Biennial Meeting of International College of Prosthodontists, Santiago, Chile, Sep. 2017. Kishimoto Takahiro, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Differences in prefrontal activities under sensory integration task: Comparison between incisor and molar teeth,
The 17th Biennial Meeting of International College of Prosthodontists, Santiago, Chile, Sep. 2017. Takaharu Goto, Hihara Tsukasa, Kishimoto Takahiro, Takashi Matsuda and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Influence of solitary eating in the elderly on symptoms on Oral frailty and Physical frailty,
The 17th Biennial Meeting of International College of Prosthodontists, Santiago, Chile, Sep. 2017. Megumi Watanabe and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
The effect of ELF pulsed magnetic fields on osteoblast differentiation via MAP kinase pathways,
International College of Prosthodontists, Sep. 2017. Junya Asano, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Shinsuke Konaka, Fumio Shichijo, Yoshio Kaji, Kazuhiko Furukawa and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Automated repetitive saliva swallowing test using magnetic sensors,
Abstracts book of the 16th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 124, Singapore, Dec. 2016. Prananingrum Widyasri, Yoshihito Naitou, Kazumitsu Sekine, Kenichi Hamada and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Application of porous titanium in tailored post-core systems using a moldless process: evaluation of the physical and mechanical properties with different particle sizes,
International Dental Materials Congress 2016, Bali, Nov. 2016. Teruaki Ito, HAMID Abdul Rahimah and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Collaborative Design and Manufacturing of Prosthodontics Wire Clasp,
Proceedings of the 23th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, 421-428, Curitiba, Oct. 2016.- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.3233/978-1-61499-703-0-421
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.3233/978-1-61499-703-0-421
(DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-703-0-421) Prananingrum Widyasri, Yoritoki Tomotake, Yoshihito Naitou, Kazumitsu Sekine, Kenichi Hamada and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Sintering Time and Its Influence on Moldless-Processed Porous Titanium's Properties,
94th General Session and Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research, Seoul, Jun. 2016. Yoshihito Naitou and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Potential bone forming properties of simvastatin loaded microspheres in a rabbit critical sized defect model 23th European association for osseointegration,
Rome, Sep. 2015. Takaharu Goto, Yoritoki Tomotake, Yuichi Ishida, Nobuaki Higaki, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Functional Significance of the Main Occluding Area for Partially Edentulous,
16th Biennial Meeting of International College of Prosthodontists, Sep. 2015. Nobuaki Higaki, Takaharu Goto, Yuki Iwawaki, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Brain Function on Modulation of Occlusal Force and Sensory Integration,
16th Biennial Meeting of International College of Prosthodontists, Sep. 2015. Megumi Watanabe and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Magnetic Fields Enhanced Osteoblast Differentiation via ERK Pathways,
16th International College of Prosthodontics Biennial Meeting, Seoul, Sep. 2015. Shiori Nakamura, Nobuaki Higaki, Takaharu Goto, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Effect analysis of oral stimulation to prevent dementia focusing on the individual sensibility,
16th Biennial Meeting of International College of Prosthodontists, Sep. 2015. Kazutomo Yagi, AA Lowe, NT Ayas, JA Fleetham, Tetsuo Ichikawa and FR Fernanda :
Parallel changes in the frequency of respiratory event and swallowing during sleep in obstructive sleep apnea patients with and without a mandibular advancement device,
American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, 24th Annual Meeting,, Seattle, Jun. 2015. Kazumitsu Sekine, Jiyon Be, Yoshihito Naitou, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Kenichi Hamada :
Development of micro-porous Titanium scaffold for promoting the early neointimal growth,
Materials Today Asia 2014, Hong Kong, Dec. 2014. Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Toshiya Kashiwabara, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Possibility of Complete Denture Fabrication using Digital Technology: the possibility of Contactless Digital Preliminary Impression,
The 3rd ASEAN plus and TOKUSHIMA Joint International Conference on ``Strategic Achievement of Oral Sciences and Promotion of Quality of Life'', Makassar, Dec. 2014. Nobuaki Higaki, Takaharu Goto, Yuichi Ishida, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Effects of vibratory and gustatory stimulations on cerebral blood flows,
The 3rd ASEAN plus and TOKUSHIMA Joint International Conference ``Strategic Achievement of Oral Sciences and Promotion of Quality of Life'', Makassar, Dec. 2014. Megumi Watanabe and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Extremely Low Frequency Pulsed Magnetic Fields Accelerate Osteoblast Differentiation,
3rd ASEAN plus and TOKUSHIMA Joint International Conference, Makassar, Dec. 2014. Yuki Iwawaki, Noriko Mizusawa, Yoritoki Tomotake, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Katsuhiko Yoshimoto :
Mechanical stress - responsive microRNA,
The 3rd ASEAN plus and TOKUSHIMA Joint International Conference, Makassar, Indonesia, Dec. 2014. Takaharu Goto, Yoritoki Tomotake, Yuichi Ishida, Nobuaki Higaki, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Clinical significance of the main occluding in prosthodontic treatment,
The 3rd ASEAN plus and TOKUSHIMA Joint International Conference on ``Strategic Achievement of Oral Sciences and Promotion of Quality of Life'', Makassar, Dec. 2014. Tsuyoshi Honda, Keiko Fujimoto, Takuro Baba, Seiko Hongama, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Elucidation of swallowing Sound Production Mechanism Using Ultrasonography,
Indonesian and Japan Prosthodontic Society JOINT MEETING, Bali, Nov. 2014. Takashi Matsuda, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Takaharu Goto, Toshiya Kashiwabara and Kan Nagao :
Digital preliminary impression for complete denture fabrication,
Indonesia Japan Prosthodontic Society JOINT MEETING, Bali, Oct. 2014. Kan Nagao, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Which is better for complete denture wearers, fully balanced occlusion or lingualized occlusion,
Indonesian and Japan Prosthodontic Society JOINT MEETING, Bali, Oct. 2014. Takaharu Goto, Yuichi Ishida, Megumi Watanabe, Yoritoki Tomotake, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Location of the main occluding area after implant treatment,
38th Annual Conference of The European Prosthodontic Association, Istanbul, Sep. 2014. Megumi Watanabe and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Analysis of Small GTPases in Keratinocytes during Nickel Allergy Development,
38th Annual Conference of The European Prosthodontic Association, Istanbul, Sep. 2014. Sachie Toko, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Atsuko Nakamichi, Tsuyoshi Honda and Kan Nagao :
Properties of Food Bolus for Assessing Quality of Mastication,
38th Annual Conference of The European Prosthodontic Association, Istanbul, Sep. 2014. Teruaki Ito, Eiichi Honda, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto and Midori Yoshida :
1/F noise-fluctuated cozy lighting system for concentration improvement,
Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, No.34335, 1-10, Buffalo, Aug. 2014.- (要約)
- 人間の心拍数のパワースペクトルは,アルファおよそ1と「べき乗則」の1 / fアルファ型スペクトル挙動は,これが1/ fのノイズのヘルプの人々がリラックスさせる理由の一つであること,または快適に感じるかもしれない24時間かけて展示を測定した.その結果,人々は,キャンドルライトを見て海の波の音を聞き,またはこれらの自然現象のすべてが1/ fノイズゆらぎに基づいているためbreezing風を感じることでリラックスした感じ.この特徴を考慮すると,1/ fノイズ変動の技術的アプローチは,快適な製品を実現するために光照射,ファン制御,温度制御,などに至るまで,さまざまな業界の製品に適用されている.例えば,一つの典型的な例は,ちょうど真ロウソクのように照明キャンドルライトを模倣する照明製品になる.キャンドルライトは,上記のようにあるため,1 / fノイズ変動の性質のある,深刻なビジネス上の問題を忘れることで私たちの心をリラックスするための居心地の良い雰囲気を提供しています.しかし,それが原因明るさの変化やろうそくの点滅自然のろうそくの光の下で濃縮による重要な何かをするには適していません.この研究デザインや,人々が無意識のうちに,1 / fノイズ変動を気付かずに,この照明システムの下でリラックスした感じ,仕事や運転に集中するように点滅することなく,安定した輝度や色度の1/ fノイズ·変動し,居心地の良い照明システムを開発しています.この照明システムを実現するために,白色LEDライトの二種類の組み合わせが使用された.白色LEDの光は異なるスペクトルを有する異なる色の組み合わせによって製造される.たとえば,RG蛍光団,RGBの蛍光団を有するUV,などとYAG系蛍光団,ブルーとブルーは,すべての白色LEDライトを提供する.これは,スペクトルの異なる組合せで同じ白い色を有するLEDライト二つの異なるタイプにすることができることを意味する. 2 LEDの2白い色が同じであれば2のLEDが定期的に,またはランダムに,互いの上に切り替えているとき,誰も気づかないことができません.人々は,唯一の白色が常に白色LED光によって提供されていると思います.スイッチングは,1 / fノイズの変動に基づいている場合は,いくつかの正の効果は,この照明システムの下で期待することができる.本稿では,1/ fノイズ,変動の良い照明システムの概念の概要を示し,その後,濃度向上に向けて,2つの基本的なアイデアは課題を提示.白色LEDと1/ fノイズ,変動したスイッチングシステムの2つのタイプの組み合わせ.これら二つの課題は,本研究で開発したプロトタイプの照明システムを使用して提示される.
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.1115/DETC2014-34335
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.1115/DETC2014-34335
(DOI: 10.1115/DETC2014-34335) Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Pore size control of porous titanium bone substitution using moldless and space holder method The 9th Scientific Meeting of the Asian Academy of Osseointegration.,
Sapporo, Jul. 2014. Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Application of resilient liner for attachment of implant - overdenture. The 9th Scientific Meeting of the Asian Academy of Osseointegration.,
Sapporo, Jul. 2014. Kazutomo Yagi, AA Lowe, NT Ayas, JA Fleetham, Tetsuo Ichikawa and FR Almeida :
Postural movement of the mandible associated with inspiratory effort during sleep in obstructive sleep apnea patients.,
American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, 23rd Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Jun. 2014. Kazumitsu Sekine, Jiyon Be, Yoshihito Naitou, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Kenichi Hamada :
Fundamental studies of micro-porous titanium scaffold for obtaining the neointimal formation.,
Joint congress of 51st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs and 5th Congress of the International Federation for Artificial Organs, Yokohama, Sep. 2013. Yuichi Ishida, Hideki Suito, Yoritoki Tomotake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Prediction of prosthetic complications in the superstructure by assessing changes in the provisional restoration.,
The 15th Biennnial Meeting of International College of Prosthodontics, Turin, Sep. 2013. Yuichi Ishida, 水頭 英樹, Yoritoki Tomotake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Prediction of prosthetic complications in the superstructure by assessing changes in the provisional restoration.,
The 15th Biennnial Meeting of International College of Prosthodontics, Turin, Sep. 2013. Takaharu Goto, Atsuko Nakamichi, Sachie Toko, Tsuyoshi Honda, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Assessments of Quality of mastication: Relationship between overall eating behavior and mastication,
The 15th Biennial Meeting of International College of prosthodontics, Turin, Sep. 2013. Nobuaki Higaki, Takaharu Goto, Yuki Iwawaki, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Efficiency of oral stimulations on brain function activities: Evaluations using wearable near-infrared spectroscopy,
The 15th Biennial Meeting of International College of prosthodontics, Turin, Sep. 2013. Osamu Isida, Yoritoki Tomotake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
The development of implant superstructures: especially considering the retrievability.,
Programs and Abstracts of Biennial Meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics., Vol.8, 135, Dec. 2012. Takaharu Goto, Yoritoki Tomotake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Systematic literature review on sensation of osseointegrated implants.,
Programs and Abstracts of Biennial Meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics., Vol.8, 137, Dec. 2012. Yoritoki Tomotake, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
The Relationship between Main Occluding Area and Prosthetic Complains in Implant Superstructure.,
The 8th Biennial Meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics, Vol.8, 139, Chennai, Dec. 2012. Hideki Suito, Takaharu Goto, Yuki Iwawaki, Yoritoki Tomotake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Oral factors affecting titanium elution and corrosion; in vitro study using SBF solution.,
ASEAN plus and TOKUSHIMA Joint International Conference"Strategic Achievement of Oral Sciences and Promotion of Quality of Life", Dec. 2012. Takaharu Goto, Nobuaki Higaki, Yoritoki Tomotake, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Sensation of osseointegrated implants: literature review and new neurophysiological approach,
ASEAN plus and TOKUSHIMA Joint International Conference"Strategic Achievement of Oral Sciences and Promotion of Quality of Life", Dec. 2012. Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Yuichi Ishida, Toshiya Kashiwabara, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
A Trial of Complete Denture Fabrication using Digital Technology: in vitro Evaluation of digital impression,
ASEAN plus and TOKUSHIMA Joint International Conference"Strategic Achievement of Oral Sciences and Promotion of Quality of Life", Yogyakarta, Dec. 2012. Sachie Toko, Hitoshi Higa, Tsuyoshi Honda, Seiko Hongama, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Changes in the physical properties of food bolus and mandibular movement during mastication,
ASEAN plus and TOKUSHIMA Joint International Conference on "Strategic Achievement of Oral Sciences and Promotion of Quality of Life", Yogyakarta, Dec. 2012. Teruaki Ito, Hanumare C. Nevan, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Slocum H. Alexander :
Expectation management in a global collaboration project using a deterministic design approach,
Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, No.70296, 1-8, Chicago, Aug. 2012.- (要約)
- 製品エンジニアリング設計における期待の管理は,デザイナーと顧客双方に創造性と情熱の余地を残しながら達成可能な目標を設定することを目的とする.これは,グローバルな職場では特に困難である.設計プロジェクトの例を使用して,歯科ヘッドレストプロジェクト(DHR)は,この論文では期待が徳島大学(UT)とマサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)との間で成功した,共同プロジェクトで管理されたかをレビューする.プロジェクトの目標は,歯科椅子のヘッドレストはとても快適さのために,患者のニーズや柔軟性とアクセスのための臨床医の双方を満たす測位のための革新的なメカニズムを設計することである.課題は,歯科医や設計エンジニアのUTチームが提案したデザインチームは,MIT MechEの精密機械設計クラスから6の生徒で形成した.チームは挑戦を過小従来技術,戦略とコンセプト生成,詳細なモジュール設計および製造とテストを見直し,プレゼンテーションやドキュメントで最高潮に達する誘導確定的設計手順に従った.プロセスを通じてオンラインコミュニケーションや大陸間のリアルタイムな情報伝達を確保し,共同作業スペースで調整された.結論は両機関の間での対面のミーティングだった.このDHRプロジェクトはプロトタイプで実装されたヘッドレスト調整機構の革新的なデザインとなった.また,学生,教員および臨床医は学際的,グローバルチームにおける革新的なデザインのコラボレーションの経験から恩恵を受けた.
Fabrication of porous titanium using moldless and space holder technique,
90th General Session and Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research, Iguase Falls, Brazil, Jun. 2012. Yoshihito Naitou, 水頭 英樹, Kenichi Hamada and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Fabrication of porous titanium using moldless and space holder technique,
90th General Session and Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research, Iguase Falls, Brazil, Jun. 2012. Takaharu Goto, Takashi Matsuda, Yuichi Ishida, Toshiya Kashiwabara, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Digital dentistry in complete denture fabrication, --- Feasibility study ---,
International Symposium on Oral Health Education and Research, Balikpapan, Dec. 2011. Yuki Iwawaki, Yoshihito Naitou, Li Jing, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
The long-term change in properties of the anti-microbiological tissue conditioner containing Juncus powder,
The 7th Biennial Meeting of AAP, Shanghai, Oct. 2011. Megumi Watanabe and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Extremely Low Frequency Pulsed Magnetic Fields Accelerate Osteoblast Differentiation,
International College of Prosthodontics, Sep. 2011. Takaharu Goto, Kan Nagao, Yuichi Ishida, Yoritoki Tomotake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Influence of Attachments On Load Transfer in Implant Overdentures: Effect Of Denture Rigidity,
14th Meeting of International College of Prosthodontists, Hawaii, Sep. 2011. Teruaki Ito, Masayoshi Taniguchi and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Regeneration of 3D profile line using a combination of photo images and target markers,
Proceedings of the 18th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, No.XXI, 293-300, Cambridge, MA, USA, Jul. 2011.- (要約)
- 写真測量技術は,いくつかの写真画像から3次元形状を復元するための有望なツールの一つとみなされている.技術の実現可能性は,以下のような様々な分野での研究は,等建築オブジェクト,建物構造,工業製品の再構成が,この技術の用途はかなり大型のオブジェクトに対して行われてきている.この研究は,この技術に焦点を当て,かなり小さいサイズのターゲットオブジェクトに対して適用するために,デジタルカメラの画像と複数の標的マーカーの組み合わせに基づいて,3Dモデルの再構築の方法が提案されている.まず,本稿では,従来の逆モデリング技術を示しています.次に,写真測量に基づく逆モデリング技術の概要は,従来の方法と比較するために提示されている.写真測量法に基づく逆モデリングの精度を測定するために,いくつかの実験は,結果が提示されるが,実施された.写真測量法に基づくいくつかの逆のモデリングの例は,対象物の自由曲面のための輪郭線と面を含む,提示される.
- (キーワード)
- Photogrammetry / reverse modelling / contour line and surface
Analysis of Molecular Mechanism for Pathogenesis of Metal Allergy,
International Joint Symposium, The University of Tokushima-Niigata University-Gajah Mada University, Bali, Dec. 2010. Kenichi Hamada, Yoshihito Naitou, Daisuke Nagao, Yoritoki Tomotake, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Kenzo Asaoka :
Properties of Porous Titanium using Moldless Process,
International Joint Symposium on Oral Science, Denpasar, Dec. 2010. Takaharu Goto, Kan Nagao, Yuichi Ishida, Yoshihito Naitou, Yoritoki Tomotake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Observation of the Main ccluding Area with Partually bentate, changes before/after Prosthetic Treatments.,
6th Scientific Meeting Asian Academy of Osseointegration, Seoul, Nov. 2010. Takanori Kawano, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Yoshihito Naitou, Megumi Watanabe and Takaharu Goto :
Surface Modification of Titanium by Blue-violet Semiconductor Laser and Ultraviolet Light Emitting Diode,
19th Annual Scientific Meeting European Assocoation for Osseintegration, Glasgow, Oct. 2010. Megumi Watanabe and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Extremely low frequency pulsed magnetic fields accelerate osteoblast differentiation,
19th Annual Scientific Meeting European Assocoation for Osseintegration, Glasgow, Oct. 2010. Yoshihito Naitou, Kenichi Hamada, Takaharu Goto, Megumi Watanabe, Daisuke Nagao, Yoritoki Tomotake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Powder-size effect on biocompatibility of porous-titanium produced using moldless-process,
19th Annual Scientific Meeting European Assocoation for Osseintegration, Glasgow, Oct. 2010. Takaharu Goto, Kan Nagao, Yuichi Ishida, Yoshihito Naitou, Megumi Watanabe, Yoritoki Tomotake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Influence of Attachments on Load Transfer in Implant Overdentures,
19th Annual Scientific Meeting European Assocoation for Osseintegration, Glasgow, Oct. 2010. A Kimura, H Arakawa, ES Hara, Yoshizo Matsuka, Tetsuo Ichikawa and T Kuboki :
A newly-developed retrospective appraisal method for prosthodontic treatment efficacy,
International Association for Dental Research, Barcelona, Jul. 2010. Kenichi Hamada, Yoshihito Naitou, Daisuke Nagao, Yoritoki Tomotake, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Kenzo Asaoka :
Smart process of porous titanium for tailor-made medical and dental devices,
Thermec (International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials) 2009, Berlin, Aug. 2009. Yoshihito Naitou, Daisuke Nagao, Yoritoki Tomotake, Kenichi Hamada, Kenzo Asaoka and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Bioactivity of porous titanium prodeced by a newly developing moldless process,
2nd International Symposium and Workshop "The future Direction of Oral Sciences in the 21st Century", Tokushima, Dec. 2007. Yutaka Sato, Teruaki Ishikawa, Eiichi Bando, Masanori Nakano, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Maki Hosoki and Shuji Shigemoto :
Development of Real-time Monitor for Examination of Occlusal Harmony,
12th Meetings of the International College of Prosthodontists, 190, Fukuoka, Sep. 2007.- (要約)
- (Purpose) In the case preparing teeth that guide lateral excursion, prosthodontists reproduce and record original lateral jaw movements on an adjustable articulator and make restorations. However, intra-oral occlusal quilibration before setting restorations is still difficult because there is no procedure to compare jaw movements before and after restoration at the chair-side. The purpose of the study was to develop a new computer-aided technique to record and display the.relationship between incisal point path and condylar point path as diagnostic examination in real-time. (Materials and Methods) Jaw motions were recorded by magnetic jaw-tracking device(CSIIi) with 3 µm accuracy is 3 micro meters. A new software which was developed with C++ class library (Trolltech Qt) and Graphic Library (Mesa), is capable to display 1) path of incisal and condylar points, and 2)the diagnostitic diagram of relationship between incisal path and balancing-side condylar path. We measured frame rate and delay-time of displaying jaw motions with 2.4GHz of computer-clock. (Results) Our software can visualize incisal and condylar path with 25 frames per second (FPS) and display with time lag of 265ms. Diagram can display the relationship between incisal path and balancing condylar path dynamically with 12.5 FPS. (Conclusion) Our system can record jaw movements and display diagnostic diagram immediately at the chair-side. The new technique visualizing the comparison of diagnostic data before and after treatment is useful in the examination of occlusal harmony.
- (キーワード)
- リアルタイムモニタ / 咬合調整 ()
Bioactivity of porous titanium produced using moldless process,
6th International Symposium on Titanium in Dentistry, Kyoto, Jul. 2007. Kenichi Hamada, Yoshihito Naitou, Daisuke Nagao, Yoritoki Tomotake, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Kenzo Asaoka :
Moldless Process of Producing Porous Titanium for Dental Applications,
6th International Symposium on Titanium in Dentistry, Kyoto, Jun. 2007. Yoshihito Naitou, Daisuke Nagao, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Kenzo Asaoka and Kenichi Hamada :
High formable porous titanium for biomedical applications,
International Association for Dental Research, New Orleans, Mar. 2007. Yoshihito Naitou, Daisuke Nagao, Kenichi Hamada, Kenzo Asaoka and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
High formability of newly developing biomedical porous titanium,
1st International Symposium and Workshop "The future Direction of Oral Sciences in the 21st Century", Awaji, Mar. 2007. Kenji Fujita, Akihiro Takita, Yoshio Hayasaki and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Data recording on a dental device using femtosecond laser processing with a surface detection system,
5th Internatinal Conference on Optics-photonics Design & Fabrication (ODF'06), 197-198, Nara, Dec. 2006. Keiji Fujita, Akihiro Takita, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Yoshio Hayasaki :
Data recording on a dental device by use of a femtosecond laser for personal identification,
The 9th International Conference on Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS9), P1-2, Taipei, Nov. 2006. Daisuke Nagao, Katsuhiko Yoshimoto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Compressing force induces Hsp25 in a mouse osteoblast-like cell line.,
IADR General Session & Exhibition, Brisbane, Jun. 2006. Daisuke Nagao, Katsuhiko Yoshimoto, Yoritoki Tomotake, Megumi Watanabe, Y Yoshijima and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Gene expression in a mouse osteoblast like cell line in response to compressing force.,
11th International College of Prosthodontists, Crete, Greece, May 2005. Naoki Ohmura, Katsuhiko Hirota, Hiromichi Yumoto, Keiji Murakami, Hideo Kanitani, Toshiya Kashiwabara, Yoichiro Miyake and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Influence of denture plaque on the pharyngeal microflora,
80th General Session and Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research, San Diego(USA), Mar. 2002. Kikuji Yamashita, Hiroyuki Morimoto, Masahide Nakao, Hidemi Ukai, Takao Hanawa, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Seiichiro Kitamura :
Development of bio-integrated materials with intact extracellular matrix,
The International Symposium on Bio-Integrated Materials and Tissue Engineering, 126-127, 2002. 野村 太郎, 川西 範繁, 足立 拓也, 米山 喜一, 白井 麻衣, 水口 俊介, 佐藤 佑介, 武部 純, 熊野 弘一, 河相 安彦, 鈴木 亜沙子, 市川 哲雄, 藤本 けい子, 西村 正宏, 末廣 史雄, 木本 統, 星 憲幸, 木本 克彦 :
日本義歯ケア学会第17回学術大会, 2025年1月. 岸本 卓大, 後藤 崇晴, 岩脇 有軌, 藤本 けい子, 市川 哲雄 :
義歯ケアの情報ツールとしての You Tube の有用性と信頼性,
日本義歯ケア学会第17回学術大会, 2025年1月. 後藤 崇晴, 松田 岳, 岸本 卓大, 市川 哲雄 :
特定非営利活動法人 日本咀嚼学会 第35回学術大会, 2024年9月. 奥 由里, 水頭 英樹, 藤本 けい子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会第133回学術大会, 2024年7月. 後藤 崇晴, 藤原 真治, 松田 岳, 岸本 卓大, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会第133回学術大会, 2024年7月. 松田 岳, 後藤 崇晴, 岸本 卓大, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄, 岡島 雅代 :
日本補綴歯科学会第133回学術大会, 2024年7月. 藤本 けい子, 奥 由里, 水頭 英樹, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
一般社団法人日本老年歯科医学会第35回学術大会, 2024年6月. 西川 泰史, 川野 弘道, 友竹 偉則, 湯本 浩通, 市川 哲雄 :
高グルコース培養したヒト歯肉線維芽細胞に Candidalysin誘導性ROSがもたらす影響について,
四国歯学会第63回例会, 2024年3月. 天羽 紗生, 武川 香織, 藤田 晶帆, 福本 仁美, 清野 方子, 佐原 久美子, 西川 泰史, 川野 弘道, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
専門的口腔衛生管理によりインプラント周囲粘膜の 違和感が改善した1症例,
四国歯学会第63回例会, 2024年3月. 安陪 晋, 栗尾 奈愛, 友竹 偉則, 鎌田 久美子, 大川 敏永, 山内 英嗣, 宮本 洋二, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔インプラント学会誌 第43回関東・甲信越支部学術大会, 105, 2024年2月. 岩脇 有軌, 園井 厚憲, 千葉 厚子, 半田 拓弥, 中津 晋, 後藤 崇晴, 奥 由里, 藤本 けい子, 岸本 卓大, 水頭 英樹, 市川 哲雄 :
日本義歯ケア学会第16回学術大会, 2024年1月. 渡邉 恵, 南 憲一, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
第43回日本口腔インプラント学会 中国・四国支部学術大会, 2023年10月. 川野 弘道, 高野 栄之, 藤田 晶帆, 福本 仁美, 武川 香織, 西川 泰史, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
第43回中国・四国支部学術大会, 2023年10月. 枡富 由佳子, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
特定非営利活動法人 日本咀嚼学会 第34回学術大会, 2023年10月. 後藤 崇晴, 枡富 由佳子, 市川 哲雄 :
第33回日本全身咬合学会学術大会, 2023年10月. 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
第33回日本全身咬合学会学術大会, 2023年10月. 石田 雄一, 小西 晴奈, 岩脇 有軌, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
公益社団法人日本口腔インプラント学会, 2023年9月. 西川 泰史, 川野 弘道, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
高グルコース負荷がヒト歯肉線維芽細胞における Candidalysin誘導性炎症関連因子の産生に与える影響,
第53回口腔インプラント学会学術大会, 2023年9月. 岸本 卓大, 後藤 崇晴, 堀内 政信, 矢儀 一智, 市川 哲雄 :
令和5年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 中国・四国支部学術大会, 2023年9月. 北村 美渚, 白山 靖彦, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄, 藤原 真治 :
第6回徳島県地域包括ケアシステム学会学術集会, 2023年8月. 西川 泰史, 川野 弘道, 友竹 偉則, 湯本 浩通, 市川 哲雄 :
四国歯学会 第62回例会, 2023年7月. 北村 美渚, 白山 靖彦, 後藤 崇晴, 柳沢 志津子, 市川 哲雄 :
第65回日本老年医学会学術集会, 2023年6月. 永尾 寛, 藤本 けい子, 水頭 英樹, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄, 渡邉 恵 :
日本老年歯科医学会第34回学術大会, 2023年6月. 水頭 英樹, 前田 直樹, 笠井 亮佑, 富永 賢, 天野 雅史, 南 憲一, 藤本 けい子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄, 細木 秀彦 :
日本歯科放射線学会 第63回学術大会, 2023年5月. 後藤 崇晴, 岸本 卓大, 藤本 けい子, 田上 義弘, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会第132回学術大会, 2023年5月. 岩脇 有軌, 園井 厚憲, 千葉 厚子, 半田 拓弥, 中津 晋, 後藤 崇晴, 藤本 けい子, 岸本 卓大, 松田 岳, 水頭 英樹, 小西 晴奈, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会第132回学術大会, 2023年5月. 西川 泰史, 川野 弘道, 友竹 偉則, 湯本 浩通, 市川 哲雄 :
高グルコース負荷を行ったヒト歯肉線維芽細胞における Candidalysinの作用,
四国歯学会第 61回例会, 2023年3月. 市川 哲雄 :
メタルクラスプデンチャーから ノンクラスプ,ノンメタルクラスプへ,
第16回日本義歯ケア学会学術大会, 2023年1月. Adityakrisna Yoshi Putra Wigianto, 後藤 崇晴, 岩脇 有軌, 市川 哲雄 :
Germicidal efficacy of portable UV-C light against Candida albicans biofilm on PMMA and SARS-CoV-2,
日本義歯ケア学会第15回学術大会, 2023年1月. 市川 哲雄 :
日本咀嚼学会学術講演会, 2022年12月. 南 憲一, 石田 雄一, 渡邉 恵, 岩脇 有軌, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔インプラント学会 第42回中国四国支部学術大会, 2022年11月. 西川 泰史, 川野 弘道, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
第42回 公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会 中国・四国支部総会・学術大会, 2022年11月. 南 憲一, 石田 雄一, 渡邉 恵, 岩脇 有軌, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔インプラント学会 第42回中国四国支部学術大会, 2022年11月. 市川 哲雄 :
全部床義歯に与える咬合 何を見て何を判断するのか,
日本顎咬合学会 咬合フォーラム, 2022年10月. 水頭 英樹, 前田 直樹, 笠井 亮佑, 井上 直, 天野 雅史, 藤本 けい子, 市川 哲雄, 細木 秀彦 :
日本歯科放射線学会 第3回秋季学術大会, 2022年10月. 枡富 由佳子, 後藤 崇晴, 岸本 卓大, 市川 哲雄 :
特定非営利活動法人 日本咀嚼学会 第33回学術大会, 2022年10月. 岩脇 有軌, 南 憲一, 渡邉 恵, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
第52回公益社団法人日本口腔インプラント学会学術大会, 2022年9月. 西川 泰史, 川野 弘道, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
インプラント周囲炎の病態形成におけるCandida albicansの関与に関する検討,
第52回口腔インプラント学会学術大会, 2022年9月. 市川 哲雄 :
磁性アタッチメント ー基本的な考え方と臨床術式ー,
日本補綴歯科学会中国四国支部学会, 2022年8月. 市川 哲雄 :
インプラント治療において, 補綴歯科は何を見ているのか,
日本顎顔面インプラント学会, 2022年8月. 後藤 匡紀, 後藤 崇晴, 松田 岳, 岸本 卓大, Adityakrisna Yoshi Putra Wigianto, 南 憲一, 石田 雄一, 鴨居 浩平, 市川 哲雄, 今井 守夫 :
日本補綴歯科学会 令和4年度中国四国支部学術大会, 2022年8月. 藤本 けい子, 水頭 英樹, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄, 佐藤 修斎 :
歯科医師の診療および技工における感染意識の変化 COVID-19蔓延の影響,
(公社)日本補綴歯科学会第131回学術大会, 2022年7月. Adityakrisna Yoshi Putra Wigianto, 岩脇 有軌, 後藤 崇晴, 石田 雄一, 市川 哲雄 :
カンジダのバイオフィルム形成を阻害する光反応型 MPC コーティング材の効果と耐久性,
令和4年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会第131回記念学術大会, 2022年7月. 西川 泰史, 川野 弘道, 友竹 偉則, 湯本 浩通, 市川 哲雄 :
四国歯学会第60回例会, 2022年6月. 田上 義弘, 藤本 けい子, 水頭 英樹, 岸本 卓大, 岩脇 有軌, 後藤 崇晴, 渡邉 恵, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
一般社団法人日本老年歯科医学会第33回学術大会, 2022年6月. 田上 義弘, 藤本 けい子, 水頭 英樹, 岸本 卓大, 岩脇 有軌, 後藤 崇晴, 渡邉 恵, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
日本老年歯科医学会 第33回学術大会, 2022年6月. Adityakrisna Yoshi Putra Wigianto, 岩脇 有軌, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
日本義歯ケア学会第14回学術大会, 2022年3月. 友竹 偉則, 川野 弘道, 西川 泰史, 市川 哲雄 :
• 当大学病院口腔インプラントセンターにおける新来患者の臨床統計,
徳島歯科医学大会, 2022年2月. 福本 仁美, 武川 香織, 西川 泰史, 湊 晶帆, 鶴田 真生, 川野 弘道, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
第51回日本口腔インプラント学会学術大会, 2021年12月. 川野 弘道, 富永 賢, 西川 泰史, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
第51回日本口腔インプラント学会学術大会, 2021年12月. 渡邉 恵, 南 憲一, 岩脇 有軌, 石田 雄一, 市川 哲雄 :
第51回 公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会記念学術大会, Vol.0, No.0, 00, 2021年12月. Lipei Liu, Megumi Watanabe, Mohammad Fadyl Yunizar and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Semaphorin3A: A novel potential target for prevention and treatment of nickel allergy,
第50回日本免疫学会学術集会, Dec. 2021. 市川 哲雄 :
日本全身咬合学会雑誌, 2021年10月. 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
日本全身咬合学会第31回学術大会, 2021年10月. 市川 哲雄, 後藤 崇晴, 岸本 卓大, 藤本 けい子, 南 憲一, 石田 雄一, 鴨居 浩平, 市場 裕康, 萬好 哲也 :
令和3年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 中国四国支部学術大会, 2021年8月. 石田 雄一, 鴨居 浩平, 小西 晴奈, 松田 岳, Wigianto Yoshi Putra Adityakrisna, 市川 哲雄 :
令和3年度公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 中国四国支部学術大会(Web開催), Vol.0, No.0, 0, 2021年8月. Liu Lipei, 渡邉 恵, 南 憲一, MOHAMMAD FADYL YUNIZAR, 市川 哲雄 :
金属アレルギー発症過程におけるセマフォリン 3A の役割,
(公社)日本補綴歯科学会第130回記念学術大会, 2021年6月. 後藤 崇晴, 藤原 真治, 松田 岳, 市川 哲雄 :
令和3年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会第130回記念学術大会, 2021年6月. 永尾 寛, 藤本 けい子, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
2種類の硬さの粘膜調整材を用いて舌接触補助 床の口蓋形成を行った症例,
日本老年歯科医学会 第32回学術大会, 2021年6月. 柳澤 孝祐, 永尾 寛, 藤本 けい子, 田上 義弘, 渡邉 恵, 市川 哲雄 :
舌接触補助床の口蓋形成方法の確立, --- 粘膜調整材の性状 ---,
四国歯学会第57回例会, 2021年3月. 市川 哲雄, 後藤 崇晴, 岸本 卓大, 藤本 けい子, 南 憲一, 鴨居 浩平 :
日本義歯ケア学会第13回学術大会, 2021年2月. 市川 哲雄 :
歯と口と健康のための体制作り:歯学における学術活動および国民への周知活動の方向性 (日本学術会議歯学委員会・日本歯学系学会協議会主催),
2020年11月. 柳沢 志津子, 後藤 崇晴, 白山 靖彦, 市川 哲雄 :
日本老年歯科医学会第31回学術大会, 2020年11月. 岩脇 有軌, 後藤 崇晴, 岸本 卓大, 松田 岳, 藤本 けい子, 永尾 寛, 吉村 賢治, 江下 義之, 矢納 義高, 市川 哲雄 :
一般社団法人日本老年歯科医学会 第31回学術大会, 2020年11月. 藤本 けい子, 後藤 崇晴, 岸本 卓大, 岩脇 有軌, 水頭 英樹, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
一般社団法人日本老年歯科医学会 第31回学術大会, 2020年11月. 後藤 崇晴, 松田 岳, 市川 哲雄 :
特定非営利活動法人 日本咀嚼学会 第31回学術大会, 2020年10月. 石田 雄一, 渡邉 恵, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
第50回 公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会記念学術大会, 2020年9月. 友竹 偉則, 石田 雄一, 安陪 晋, 渡邉 恵, 富永 賢, 松香 芳三, 宮本 洋二, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, 2020年9月. 田上 義弘, 後藤 崇晴, 藤本 けい子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
令和2年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 中国四国支部学術大会, 2020年8月. 後藤 崇晴, 南 憲一, 松田 岳, 市川 哲雄 :
令和2年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 中国四国支部学術大会, 2020年8月. 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会第129回学術大会, 2020年6月. 水頭 英樹, 藤本 けい子, 後藤 崇晴, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
令和2年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 第129回学術大会, 2020年6月. 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.13, No.2, 105-108, 2020年6月.- (要約)
- <p> 補綴歯科においても重症化予防,先制医療の考え方は重要であり,補綴歯科治療を困難にさせるハイリスクな病態を作らないような個々の状態に応じた予防策が求められる.そのようなリスクをわれわれ補綴歯科医が予測できる臨床指標が必要であり,同時に一般の医療関係者や患者自身が理解できる臨床指標の設定も必要である.</p><p> そのなかで,高齢者の「食べる力」は重要事項であり,それは口腔の因子だけではなく,食行動,食生活の因子,さらには環境因子や個人因子をも考慮した,「総合力」であると理解すべきである.最終的に,「食べる力」を表す臨床指標と最終アウトカムを確立し,国民と医療関係者に周知する必要がある.</p>
- (キーワード)
- 食べる力 / 先制医療 / 臨床指標 / 連携 / 高齢者
- (出版サイトへのリンク)
- ● Publication site (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.13.105
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1390287849572688128
- ● Search Scopus @ Elsevier (DOI): 10.2186/ajps.13.105
(DOI: 10.2186/ajps.13.105, CiNii: 1390287849572688128) 藤本 けい子, 後藤 崇晴, 岩脇 有軌, 岸本 卓大, 南 憲一, 市川 哲雄 :
日本義歯ケア学会第12回学術大会, 2020年2月. 石田 雄一, 南 憲一, 岩脇 有軌, 渡邉 恵, 市川 哲雄 :
四国歯学会第56回例会・徳島県歯科医学大会, 2020年2月. 岡本 元太, Liu Lipei, 渡邉 恵, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
徳島県歯科医学大会, 2020年2月. 市川 哲雄, 岸本 卓大, 後藤 崇晴 :
日本全身咬合学会第29回学術大会, 2019年11月. 深田 有希, 渡邉 恵, 石田 雄一, 市川 哲雄 :
第29回日本磁気歯科学会学術大会, 2019年11月. 後藤 崇晴, 岸本 卓大, 松田 岳, 市川 哲雄 :
日本顎口腔機能学会第63回学術大会, 2019年10月. 岸本 卓大, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
特定非営利活動法人 日本咀嚼学会 第30回記念学術大会, 2019年10月. 後藤 崇晴, 岸本 卓大, 田上 義弘, 市川 哲雄 :
特定非営利活動法人 日本咀嚼学会 第30回記念学術大会, 2019年10月. 岩脇 有軌, 後藤 崇晴, 南 憲一, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
第49回 公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会・学術大会, 2019年9月. 田上 義弘, 後藤 崇晴, 藤本 けい子, 岩脇 有軌, 石田 雄一, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
令和元年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 中国四国支部学術大会, 2019年9月. 水頭 英樹, 田上 義弘, 藤本 けい子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
2019年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 中国・四国支部学術大会, 2019年8月. Liu Lipei, 南 憲一, 渡邉 恵, 市川 哲雄 :
第38回分子病理研究会, 2019年7月. 市川 哲雄, 後藤 崇晴, 松田 岳, 藤本 けい子, 永尾 寛, 白山 靖彦 :
令和元年度 一般社団法人日本老年歯科医学会 第30回学術大会, 2019年6月. 南 憲一, Liu Lipei, 渡邉 恵, 市川 哲雄 :
公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会第128回学術大会, 2019年5月. 岸本 卓大, 後藤 崇晴, 岩脇 有軌, 藤本 けい子, 市川 哲雄 :
平成31年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 第128回学術大会, 2019年5月. 倉橋 宏輔, 松田 岳, 石田 雄一, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会第128回学術大会, 2019年5月. 石田 雄一, 松田 岳, 倉橋 宏輔, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会誌11巻特別号, 2019年5月.- (キーワード)
- 質問紙法 / 総義歯 / 咬合 (occlusion) / 歯学大学教育
日本補綴歯科学会誌11巻特別号, 2019年5月.- (キーワード)
- Ketones / Polyethylene Glycols / 歯科研磨 / 表面特性
高齢者歯科関連キーワードの変遷 ―学術論文検索とインターネット検索による調査―,
四国歯学会第54回例会, 2019年3月. 吉田 みどり, 誉田 栄一, 伊藤 照明, 市川 哲雄, 芥川 正武, 榎本 崇宏, 木内 陽介 :
LED総合フォーラム2019 in 徳島, 2019年2月. 岩脇 有軌, 藤本 けい子, 岸本 卓大, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
日本義歯ケア学会第11回学術大会, 2019年2月. 岸本 卓大, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
第28回日本全身咬合学会学術大会, 2018年11月. 田口 侑子, 川野 弘道, 湊 晶帆, 鶴田 真生, 清野 方子, 荒井 安希, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔インプラント学会 第38回 中国四国支部学術大会, 2018年11月. 南 憲一, 石田 雄一, 渡邉 恵, 岩脇 有軌, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔インプラント学会 第38回中国・四国支部学術大会, 2018年11月. 田上 義弘, 後藤 崇晴, 檜原 司, 中道 敦子, 市川 哲雄 :
特定非営利活動法人 日本咀嚼学会 第29回総会・学術大会, 2018年10月. 村岡 佑紀, 後藤 崇晴, 岸本 卓大, 市川 哲雄 :
特定非営利活動法人 日本咀嚼学会 第29回総会・学術大会, 2018年10月. 檜原 司, 小西 洋子, 小野寺 亜也子, 中西 真希, 立石 友子, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
身体的フレイル,オーラルフレイル関連徴候に関する高齢者の意識調査 ―「20歳代と比べてどうですか」ー,
第2回徳島県地域包括ケアシステム学会学術集会, 2018年8月. 藤本 けい子, 後藤 崇晴, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
平成30年度 一般社団法人日本老年歯科医学会 第29回学術大会, 2018年6月. 檜原 司, 後藤 崇晴, 岸本 卓大, 柳沢 志津子, 中道 敦子, 市川 哲雄 :
平成30年度 一般社団法人日本老年歯科医学会 第29回学術大会, 2018年6月. 岸本 卓大, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
平成30年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 第127回学術大会, 2018年6月. Chimeddulam G, 西川 啓介, 内藤 禎人, Dalanon Junhel Casinillo, Shaista Afroz, 葉山 莉香, 大島 正充, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄, 松香 芳三 :
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, 2018年6月. 村岡 佑紀, 後藤 崇晴, 岩脇 有軌, 岸本 卓大, 市川 哲雄 :
四国歯学会第52回例会, 2018年3月. 市川 哲雄 :
デジタル化時代の 歯科技工と歯科技工士の将来 -歯科補綴学の観点から-,
日本歯学系連絡協議会シンポジウム, 2018年3月. 誉田 栄一, 伊藤 照明, 木内 陽介, 市川 哲雄, 芥川 正武, 榎本 崇宏, 吉田 みどり :
LED総合フォーラム2018 in 徳島, 2018年2月. 岩脇 有軌, 後藤 崇晴, 藤本 けい子, 水頭 英樹, 市川 哲雄 :
日本義歯ケア学会第10回学術大会, 2018年1月. 荒井 安希, 清野 方子, 友竹 偉則, 和田 匡史, 高瀬 維彦, 後藤 崇晴, 渡邉 恵, 市川 哲雄 :
公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会 第37回中国・四国支部学術大会, 2017年11月. Ch. Gantumur, Keisuke Nishigawa, R. Hayama, Toyoko Tajima, Yoritoki Tomotake, Yoshihito Naitou, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Yoshizo Matsuka :
Etiological investigation of the marginal bone loss on the peri-implant area: a retrospective cohort study,
Tokushima University Bioscience Retreat, Sep. 2017. 渡邉 恵, 南 憲一, 高瀬 維彦, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
第47回公益社団法人日本口腔インプラント学会学術大会, 2017年9月. 後藤 崇晴, 岸本 卓大, 檜原 司, 中道 敦子, 市川 哲雄 :
特定非営利活動法人 日本咀嚼学会 第28回総会・学術大会, 2017年9月. 友竹 偉則, 荒井 安希, 清野 方子, 内藤 禎人, 田島 登誉子, 後藤 崇晴, 石田 雄一, 市川 哲雄 :
第47回 公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会・学術大会, 2017年9月. 矢儀 一智, AA Lowe, 市川 哲雄, FR Almeida :
日本補綴歯科学会 中国・四国支部, 2017年8月. 松田 岳, 倉橋 宏輔, 田上 義弘, 石田 雄一, 後藤 崇晴, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
平成29年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 中国四国支部学術大会, 2017年8月. 田上 義弘, 後藤 崇晴, 石田 雄一, 岸本 卓大, 水頭 英樹, 松田 岳, 市川 哲雄 :
平成29年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 中国四国支部学術大会, 2017年8月. 後藤 崇晴, 岸本 卓大, 檜原 司, 松田 岳, 渡邉 恵, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会第126回学術大会, 2017年7月. 市川 哲雄 :
歯科の基盤を支え,創る補綴の矜持 理事長就任にあたって,
日本補綴歯科学会学術大会, 2017年7月. 渡邉 恵, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会第126回学術大会, 2017年6月. 藤本 けい子, 本田 剛, 後藤 崇晴, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
日本老年歯科医学会第28回学術大会, 2017年6月. 水頭 英樹, 本釜 聖子, 藤本 けい子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
日本老年歯科医学会第28会学術大会, 2017年6月. 後藤 崇晴, 岸本 卓大, 檜原 司, 柳沢 志津子, 中道 敦子, 市川 哲雄 :
日本老年歯科医学会第28回学術大会, 2017年6月. 後藤 崇晴, 岸本 卓大, 松田 岳, 市川 哲雄 :
日本顎口腔機能学会第58回学術大会, 2017年4月. 水頭 英樹, 藤本 けい子, 南 憲一, 本田 剛, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
日本義歯ケア学会第9回学術大会, 2017年2月. 岩脇 有軌, 倉橋 浩輔, 檜垣 宜明, 松田 岳, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
日本義歯ケア学会第9回学術大会, 2017年2月. 岸本 卓大, 後藤 崇晴, 檜垣 宜明, 檜原 司, 中道 敦子, 市川 哲雄 :
特定非営利活動法人 日本咀嚼学会 第27回総会・学術大会, 2016年11月. 檜垣 宜明, 後藤 崇晴, 岩脇 有軌, 石田 雄一, 渡邉 恵, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
第46回 公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会・学術大会, 2016年9月. 友竹 偉側, 田島 登誉子, 内藤 禎人, 石田 雄一, 宮城 麻友, 安陪 晋, 松香 芳三, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, 2016年9月. 本田 剛, 藤本 けい子, 馬場 拓朗, 南 憲一, 檜垣 宜明, 永尾 寛, 河野 文昭, 佐藤 修斎, 市川 哲雄 :
平成28年度日本補綴歯科学会 九州支部,中国・四国支部合同学術大会, 2016年9月. 檜原 司, 後藤 崇晴, 今井 守夫, 多田 望, 萬好 哲也, 井上 三四郎, 薦田 淳司, 佐藤 修斎, 堀内 政信, 宮本 雅司, 岡島 雅代, 市川 哲雄 :
平成28年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 九州支部,中国・四国支部合同学術大会, 2016年9月. 岩脇 有軌, 後藤 崇晴, 渡邉 恵, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
平成28年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 九州支部,中国・四国支部合同学術大会, 2016年9月. 倉橋 宏輔, 松田 岳, 水頭 英樹, 後藤 崇晴, 石田 雄一, 本釜 聖子, 薦田 淳司, 市川 哲雄 :
Additive Manufacturingを用いた印象用複製義歯の製作とその評価,
平成28年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 九州支部,中国・四国支部合同学術大会, 2016年9月. Gantumur Chimeddulam, 西川 啓介, 葉山 莉香, 田島 登誉子, 友竹 偉則, 内藤 禎人, 市川 哲雄, 松香 芳三 :
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, 2016年7月. 檜垣 宜明, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
平成28年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 第125回学術大会, 2016年7月. 松田 岳, 倉橋 宏輔, 岩脇 有軌, 後藤 崇晴, 柏原 稔也, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄, 市場 裕康 :
平成28年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 第125回学術大会, 2016年7月. 後藤 崇晴, 檜垣 宜明, 石田 雄一, 渡邉 恵, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
平成28年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 第125回学術大会, 2016年7月. 倉橋 宏輔, 松田 岳, 後藤 崇晴, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
一般社団法人日本老年歯科医学会第27回総会・学術大会, 2016年6月. 馬場 拓朗, 藤本 けい子, 本田 剛, 後藤 崇晴, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
一般社団法人日本老年歯科医学会第27回総会・学術大会, 2016年6月. 関根 一光, 内藤 禎人, 市川 哲雄, 山下 菊治, 浜田 賢一 :
Surface modification of titanium scaffold for applying cell growth promotion,
第55回日本生体医工学会大会, 2016年4月. 水頭 英樹, 後藤 崇晴, 柏原 稔也, 市川 哲雄 :
日本義歯ケア学会第8回学術大会, 2016年1月. 後藤 崇晴, 藤本 けい子, 水藤 英樹, 南 憲一, 柏原 捻也, 鴨居 浩平, 市川 哲雄 :
日本義歯ケア学会第8回学術大会, 2016年1月. 市川 哲雄 :
ウサギ頭蓋骨におけるシンバスタチン封入徐放型マイクロスフェアの骨形成促進効果 公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会 第34回中国・四国支部総会 学術大会 2014.11.29 山口 内藤禎人,神保良,田島登誉子,市川哲雄,友竹偉則,
2015年11月. 石田 雄一, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
第25回日本磁気歯科学会学術大会, 2015年11月. 関根 一光, 裵 志英, 内藤 禎人, 市川 哲雄, 浜田 賢一 :
第37回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会, 2015年11月. 馬場 拓朗, 岡村 裕彦, Yang Di, 永尾 寛, 羽地 達次, 市川 哲雄 :
日本解剖学会第70回中国・四国支部学術集会, 2015年10月. 檜垣 宜明, 後藤 崇晴, 中村 詩織, 中道 敦子, 市川 哲雄 :
特定非営利活動法人 日本咀嚼学会 第26回総会・学術大会, 2015年9月. 中村 詩織, 後藤 崇晴, 檜垣 宜明, 中道 敦子, 市川 哲雄 :
特定非営利活動法人 日本咀嚼学会 第26回総会・学術大会, 2015年9月. 後藤 崇晴, 檜垣 宜明, 中村 詩織, 市川 哲雄 :
特定非営利活動法人 日本咀嚼学会 第26回総会・学術大会, 2015年9月. 市川 哲雄 :
長期経過症例とインプラントの再構成: 咬合と力への配慮 第44回公益社団法人日本口腔インプラント学会学術大会 2014.9.13 東京,
2015年9月. 市川 哲雄 :
1. ハイドロキシアパタイトナノ薄膜コーティング処理PEEKインプラントの骨形成促進効果 第44回公益社団法人日本口腔インプラント学会学術大会 2014.9.13 東京,
2015年9月. 市川 哲雄 :
低周波パルス磁場が骨芽細胞の分化に与える影響 平成26年度(公社)日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国,関西支部合同支部学術大会 2014.9.6-7 倉敷,
2015年9月. 松島 京, 植村 勇太, 南 憲一, 渡邉 恵, 市川 哲雄 :
平成27年度(公社)日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国支部学術大会, 2015年9月. 松田 岳, 後藤 崇晴, 石田 雄一, 柏原 稔也, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄, 萬好 哲也, 井上 三四郎 :
デジタル技術を用いた全部床義歯治療の効率化 -咬合圧印象用トレーの臨床評価-,
平成27年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国支部学術大会, 2015年9月. 矢儀 一智, AA Lowe, 市川 哲雄, FR Almeida :
閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸症候群患者の睡眠中の下顎の姿勢変動 口腔内装置使用時と非使用時,
日本補綴歯科学会 中国・四国支部, 2015年9月. 工藤 亮平, 市川 哲雄 :
補綴装置における個人認証システムの開発 第13回警察歯科医会全国大会,
2015年8月. 藤本 けい子, 馬場 拓朗, 本田 剛, 後藤 崇晴, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
日本老年歯科医学会 第26回学術大会, 2015年6月. 矢儀 一智, 市川 哲雄 :
閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸症候群患者の睡眠中の嚥下頻度の変化 下顎前方移動装置使用時と非使用時,
日本老年歯科医学会, 2015年6月. 岩脇 有軌, 檜垣 宜明, 後藤 崇晴, 渡邉 恵, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
microRNA -mirR-494-3p -,
平成27年度 社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 第124回学術大会, 2015年5月. 本田 剛, 藤本 けい子, 馬場 拓朗, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
(公社)日本補綴歯科学会 第124回学術大会, 2015年5月. 市川 哲雄 :
種床用材料に対する機能水の除菌効果 第16回日本口腔機能水学会学術大会 2015.3.29,
2015年3月. 藤本 けい子, 南 憲一, 本田 剛, 後藤 崇晴, 柏原 稔也, 市川 哲雄 :
日本義歯ケア学会第7回学術大会, 2015年1月. 市川 哲雄 :
咬合採得用リムを用いた無歯顎咬合採得:咬合床の動揺から見た検討 第7回 日本義歯ケア学会学術大会 2015.1.24 千葉,
2015年1月. 市川 哲雄 :
義歯安定剤および口腔保湿剤の選択基準:材料学的見地から 第7回 日本義歯ケア学会学術大会 2015.1 千葉,
2015年1月. 内藤 禎人, 神保 良, 田島 登誉子, 市川 哲雄, 友竹 偉則 :
日本口腔インプラント学会中国・四国支部学術大会, 2014年11月. 関根 一光, 裵 志英, 内藤 禎人, 市川 哲雄, 浜田 賢一 :
第52回日本人工臓器学会大会, 2014年10月. 岩脇 有軌, 水澤 典子, 岩田 武男, 小野 信二, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄, 吉本 勝彦 :
メカニカルストレス応答性 miR-494-3p による FGFR2 発現の抑制,
第56回歯科基礎医学会学術大会・総会 福岡, 2014年9月. Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Analysis of Small GTPases in Keratinocytes during Nickel Allergy Development 38th Annual Conference of The European Prosthodontic Association,
Sep. 2014. 関根 一光, Bae Ji-Young, 内藤 禎人, 市川 哲雄, 浜田 賢一 :
人工臓器, Vol.43, No.2, S-221, 2014年9月.- (キーワード)
- マイクロスフェア
第44回 公益社団法人日本口腔インプラント学会学術大会, 2014年9月. 松田 岳, 後藤 崇晴, 石田 雄一, 柏原 稔也, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
デジタル技術を用いた全部床義歯治療の効率化-非接触式デジタル印象採得の可能性の検討-, --- -非接触式デジタル印象採得の可能性の検討- ---,
平成26年度(公社)日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国,関西支部合同支部学術大会, 2014年9月. 矢儀 一智, AA Lowe, NT Ayas, JA Fleetham, 市川 哲雄, FR Almeida :
日本補綴歯科学会 中国・四国支部, 2014年9月. 岩脇 有軌, 後藤 崇晴, 柏原 稔也, 市川 哲雄 :
第13回警察歯科医会全国大会, 2014年8月. 柏原 稔也, 檜垣 宜明, 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
四国歯学会 第45回総会, 2014年6月. 関根 一光, 内藤 禎人, 市川 哲雄, 裵 志英, 浜田 賢一 :
Development and evaluation of micro-porous titanium scaffold for promoting neointimal growth as the blood contacting surface,
第53回日本生体医工学会大会, 2014年6月. 本田 剛, 藤本 けい子, 東岡 紗知江, 本釜 聖子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
日本老年歯科医学会第25回学術大会, 2014年6月. 岩脇 有軌, 水澤 典子, 水頭 英樹, 後藤 崇晴, 渡邉 恵, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会第123回学術大会, 2014年5月. Bayarmagnai Sapaar, 永尾 寛, 後藤 崇晴, 内藤 禎人, 市川 哲雄 :
公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会第123回学術大会, 2014年5月. 南 憲一, 藤本 けい子, 本田 剛, 後藤 崇晴, 柏原 稔也, 市川 哲雄 :
日本義歯ケア学会第7回学術大会, 2014年1月. 南 憲一, 後藤 崇晴, 本田 剛, 柏原 稔也, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
第6回 日本義歯ケア学会学術大会, 2014年1月. 石田 雄一, 後藤 崇晴, 渡邉 恵, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
フルートの演奏を仕事とする患者に対してインプラント治療を行った1 症例,
第33回公益社団法人日本口腔インプラント学会 中国・四国支部総会学術大会, 2013年11月. 岩脇 有軌, 後藤 崇晴, 渡邉 恵, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
第43回 公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会・学術大会, 2013年9月. Sapaar Bayarmagnai, Yoshihito Naitou, Takaharu Goto, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Loss of retentive force and per,manent deformation of polyethylene terephthalate and polyster clasps retainers,
平成25年度公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国支部学術大会, Sep. 2013. 檜垣 宜明, 後藤 崇晴, 石田 雄一, 友竹 偉則, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄, 多田 望 :
平成25年度公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国支部学術大会, 2013年8月. 松田 岳, 後藤 崇晴, 石田 雄一, 柏原 稔也, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄, 岡島 雅代 :
デジタル技術を用いた全部床義歯治療の効率化 ―3Dスキャナによる研究用模型と作業用模型の一致度の検討―,
平成25年度公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国支部学術大会, 2013年8月. 岩脇 有軌, 水澤 典子, 岩田 武男, 小野 信二, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄, 吉本 勝彦 :
第5回日本RNAi研究会 広島, 2013年8月. 本田 剛, 比嘉 仁志, 東岡 紗知江, 本釜 聖子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
日本老年歯科医学会第24回学術大会, 2013年6月. 東岡 紗知江, 比嘉 仁司, 本田 剛, 本釜 聖子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
日本老年歯科医学会第24回学術大会, 2013年6月. 水頭 英樹, 岩脇 有軌, 石田 雄一, 渡邉 恵, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会設立80周年記念 第122回学術大会, 2013年5月. 菅 俊行, 野口 直人, 松尾 敬志, 吉本 勝彦, 市川 哲雄 :
第42回四国歯学会例会, 2013年3月. 大石 慶二, 竹内 久裕, 松尾 敬志, 吉本 勝彦, 市川 哲雄 :
第42回四国歯学会例会, 2013年3月. 柏原 稔也, 米山 武義, 市川 哲雄 :
in vitroカンジダバイオフィルムに対する電解次亜水の効果,
第14回 日本口腔機能水学会学術大会, 2013年3月. 本田 剛, 後藤 崇晴, 内藤 禎人, 柏原 稔也, 市川 哲雄 :
第5回日本義歯ケア学会学術大会, 2013年1月. 水頭 英樹, 後藤 崇晴, 石田 雄一, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
第32回日本口腔インプラント学会 中国・四国支部学術大会, 2012年11月. 友竹 偉則, 藤本 直樹, 山田 幸夫, 富永 賢, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔インプラント学会中国四国支部学術大会, 2012年11月. 石田 雄一, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
日本歯科医学会総会, 2012年11月. 後藤 崇晴, 永尾 寛, 石田 雄一, 柏原 稔也, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
第22回日本歯科医学会総会, 2012年11月. 尾崎 和美, 那賀川 明美, 中野 雅德, 白山 靖彦, 松山 美和, 日野出 大輔, 羽田 勝, 吉岡 昌美, 中道 敦子, 吉田 賀弥, 竹内 祐子, 星野 由美, 藤原 奈津美, 中江 弘美, 薮内 さつき, 伊賀 弘起, 河野 文昭, 市川 哲雄 :
第22回日本歯科医学会総会プログラム・事前抄録集, 163, 2012年11月. 永尾 寛, 後藤 崇晴, 石田 雄一, 市川 哲雄, 秀島 雅之, 越野 寿, 星合 和基, 梅川 義忠 :
第22回日本磁気歯科学会学術大会, 2012年11月. 後藤 崇晴, 石田 雄一, 友竹 偉則, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
第22回日本磁気歯科学会学術大会, 2012年11月. 伊藤 照明, 市川 哲雄, ハヌマラ ネバン, スローカム アレクサンダー :
日本機械学会設計工学システム部門研究発表講演会2012・講演論文集, Vol.12, No.17, 270-277, 2012年9月.- (要約)
- UT-MIT(徳島大学とマサチューセッツ工科大学)共同研究プロジェクトは,精密機械設計クラス2.75の一環として,歯科ヘッドレスト調整機構の研究を行い,有意義な成果を得ることができた.本論文では,UT-MITの共同プロジェクトの概要を説明します.その後,プロジェクトが成功した理由をレビューし,競争/コラボレーション,個人/チームワーク,ニンジン/スティック,ICT,オンライン/オフラインを含めビューのいくつかの点から,グローバルPBL上の基本的な要件について議論する.
- (キーワード)
- PBL / Engineering Education / Engineering-based dentistry / Precision machine design
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.25, 292, 2012年9月. 岩脇 有軌, 西中 英伸, 後藤 崇晴, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.25, 295, 2012年9月. 水頭 英樹, 後藤 崇晴, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄, 西村 良一 :
第42回公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会・学術大会, 2012年9月. 大野 彩, 窪木 拓男, 市川 哲雄, 秀島 雅之, 佐藤 裕二, 玉置 勝司, 赤川 安正, 永尾 寛, 櫻井 薫, 馬場 一美, 皆木 省吾, 鱒見 進一, 佐藤 博信, 澤瀬 隆, 長岡 英一, 和気 裕之, 大山 喬史, 平井 敏博, 佐々木 啓一 :
平成24年度 (社)日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国・九州合同学術大会, 2012年9月. Sapaar Bayarmagnai, Yoshihito Naitou, Takaharu Goto, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Extracellular DNA of Candida albicans and its effect on biofilm formation on denture base materials,
平成24年度 (社)日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国・九州合同学術大会, Sep. 2012. 東岡 紗知江, 比嘉 仁司, 本田 剛, 本釜 聖子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄, 堀内 政信 :
平成24年度 (社)日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国・九州合同学術大会, 2012年9月. 松田 岳, 後藤 崇晴, 石田 雄一, 柏原 稔也, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄, 薦田 淳司 :
デジタル技術を用いた全部床義歯治療の効率化 -無歯顎模型に対するデジタル印象の印象精度の検討-,
平成24年度 (社)日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国・九州合同学術大会, 2012年9月. 本田 剛, 比嘉 仁司, 東岡 紗知江, 本釜 聖子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄, 今井 守夫 :
平成24年度 (社)日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国・九州合同学術大会, 2012年9月. 本釜 聖子, 東岡 紗知江, 本田 剛, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
日本老年歯科医学会第23回学術大会, 2012年6月. 後藤 崇晴, 石田 雄一, 友竹 偉則, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄, 宮本 雅司 :
社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 第121回学術大会, 2012年5月. 渡邉 恵, 内藤 禎人, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
ニッケルアレルギーモデルマウス樹状細胞における Rhoファミリー低分子量G蛋白質の動態解析,
日本補綴歯科学会 第121回学術大会, 2012年5月. 後藤 崇晴, 永尾 寛, 松田 岳, 柏原 稔也, 市川 哲雄 :
第4回 日本義歯ケア学会学術大会, 2012年1月. 水頭 英樹, 岩脇 有機, 内藤 禎人, 長尾 大輔, 渡邉 恵, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.4, No.1, 2012年1月. Nur Meinar Ashrin, Megumi Watanabe, Rieko Arakaki, Akiko Yamada, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Yoshio Hayashi and Naozumi Ishimaru :
Analysis of Immune Responess to Metal using Murine Nickel Allergy Model.,
Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Immunology, Vol.40, 102, Nov. 2011. 濵口 和仁, 芥川 正武, 手川 歓識, 木内 陽介, 市川 哲雄, 本釜 聖子 :
日本磁気歯科学会 第21回学術大会講演抄録集, 18, 2011年11月.- (要約)
- 嚥下障害のスクリーニング検査にはRSST(repetitive saliva swallowing test)が広く用いられている. 測定用の機器が必要ないため,簡易的に実施することが可能であるが,術者の主観的な感覚によるところがあり,より客観的な検査法あるいは検査器具が必要とされている.そこで磁気センサを用いて喉頭隆起部の運動を測定することにより,RSSTの補助あるいは代替法の開発を目指している.本研究は測定時のセンサと磁石の配置について,取り付け部位の動きの実測から適切な組み合わせについて検討している.
第31回日本口腔インプラント学会中国四国支部総会学術大会, 2011年10月. 岩脇 有軌, 石田 雄一, 後藤 崇晴, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
インプラント治療に対する認識 -学生・研修医へのアンケート調査-,
第31回 日本口腔インプラント学会 中国四国支部総会学術大会, 2011年10月. 長尾 大輔, 内藤 禎人, 水頭 英樹, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
第41回公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会・学術大会, 2011年9月. 石田 雄一, 水頭 英樹, 後藤 崇晴, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
第41回公益社団法人日本口腔インプラント学会・学術大会, 2011年9月. 松田 岳, 後藤 崇晴, 石田 雄一, 柏原 稔也, 市川 哲雄, 佐藤 修斎, 井上 三四郎 :
平成23年度(社)日本補綴歯科学会 中国・四国支部学術大会, 2011年9月. 柏原 稔也, 市川 哲雄 :
第12回日本口腔機能水学会学術大会, 2011年7月. 李 景, 柏原 稔也, 内藤 禎人, 水頭 英樹, 弘田 克彦, 三宅 洋一郎, 市川 哲雄 :
LED総合フォーラム2011 in 徳島, 2011年6月. 内藤 禎人, 東岡 紗知江, 本釜 聖子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
日本老年歯科医学会第22回学術大会, 2011年6月. 内藤 禎人, 李 景, 東岡 紗知江, 本釜 聖子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
日本老年歯科医学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集, 141, 2011年6月. 市川 哲雄, 後藤 崇晴 :
日本顎口腔機能学会第46 回学術大会 シンポジウム「顎口腔機能を測る」, 2011年5月. 木村 彩, 窪木 拓男, 市川 哲雄, 秀島 雅之, 佐藤 裕二, 玉置 勝司, 赤川 安正, 永尾 寛, 櫻井 薫, 馬場 一美, 皆木 省吾, 鱒見 進一, 佐藤 博信, 澤瀬 隆, 長岡 英一, 和気 裕之, 大山 喬史, 平井 敏博, 佐々木 啓一 :
社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 第120回記念学術大会, 2011年5月. Ashrin Nur Meinar, Megumi Watanabe and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Analysis of Molecular Mechanism for Pathogenesis of Nickel Allergy,
社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 第120回記念学術大会, May 2011. 柏原 稔也, 後藤 崇晴, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 第120回記念学術大会, 2011年5月. T Goto, H Nishinaka, Toshiya Kashiwabara, Yoritoki Tomotake, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Significance of the Main Occluding Area in Implant Treatment,
社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 第120回記念学術大会, May 2011. 永尾 寛, 藤原 奈津美, 木村 智子, 泰江 章博, 吉岡 昌美, 三宅 洋一郎, 吉本 勝彦, 市川 哲雄 :
四国歯学会第38回例会, 2011年3月. 竹内 久裕, 菅 俊行, 桃田 幸弘, 尾崎 和美, 中道 敦子, 三宅 洋一郎, 吉本 勝彦, 市川 哲雄 :
第38回四国歯学会例会, 2011年3月. 柏原 稔也, 後藤 崇晴, 内藤 禎人, 市川 哲雄 :
第3回日本義歯ケア学会学術大会, 2011年1月. 石田 雄一, 後藤 崇晴, 渡邉 恵, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
第30回日本口腔インプラント学会中国・四国支部総会・学術大会, 2010年11月. 濵口 和仁, 芥川 正武, 手川 歓識, 木内 陽介, 市川 哲雄 :
日本磁気歯科学会第20回学術大会抄録集, 32, 2010年10月. 友竹 偉則, 木村 英一郎, 河上 雄之介, 加藤 智彦, 陶山 ケイ子, 岸 祐治, 山根 進, 市川 哲雄 :
第40回日本口腔インプラント学会・学術大会, 2010年9月. 設楽 純子, 矢納 義高, 本釜 聖子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
第59回日本口腔衛生学会・総会, 2010年9月. 李 景, Yoshihito Naitou, Megumi Watanabe, Daisuke Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Characteristics of Candidal adherence and biofilm formation on materials used in the implant overdenture,
第40回日本口腔インプラント学会・学術大会, Sep. 2010. 後藤 崇晴, 石田 雄一, 友竹 偉則, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
アタッチメントの違いがインプラントオーバーデンチャー床下組織の負担圧に及ぼす影響 -義歯の剛性の影響-,
第40回日本口腔インプラント学会・学術大会, 2010年9月. 内藤 禎人, 李 景, 本釜 聖子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
老年歯科医学, Vol.25, No.2, 252-253, 2010年9月. 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
義歯の良好な術後経過を得るためのリコール間隔について ―デルファイ法による調査―,
平成22年度(社)日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国支部学術大会, 2010年8月. 後藤 崇晴, 永尾 寛, 石田 雄一, 柏原 稔也, 市川 哲雄, 萬好 哲也, 市場 裕康 :
平成22年度(社)日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国支部学術大会, 2010年8月. 西中 英伸, 後藤 崇晴, 東岡 紗知江, 石田 雄一, 内藤 禎人, 市川 哲雄, 多田 望 :
平成22年度(社)日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国支部学術大会, 2010年8月. 設楽 純子, 大熊 桂子, 矢納 義高, 本釜 聖子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
口腔衛生学会雑誌, Vol.60, No.4, 454, 2010年8月. 本釜 聖子, 東岡 紗知江, 内藤 禎人, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
日本老年歯科医学会総会第21回学術大会, 2010年6月. 内藤 禎人, 李 景, 本釜 聖子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
一般社団法人 日本老年歯科医学会第21回学術大会, 2010年6月. 河野 孝則, 岡 謙次, 市川 哲雄 :
第119回日本補綴歯科学会学術大会, 2010年6月. 内藤 禎人, 浜田 賢一, 市川 哲雄 :
第54回日本歯科理工学会学術講演会, 2009年10月. 本釜 聖子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
磁気センサを用いた簡易嚥下機能測定方法 嚥下姿勢と辛味成分が測定値に与える影響,
日本老年歯科医学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集, 167, 2009年6月. 内藤 禎人, 浜田 賢一, 淺岡 憲三, 市川 哲雄 :
日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2008, 2008年11月. 谷田 弓磨, 芥川 正武, 木内 陽介, 市川 哲雄 :
第18回日本磁気歯科学会学術大会抄録集, 15, 2008年10月. 石田 雄一, 佐藤 裕, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
第18回日本磁気歯科学会学術大会抄録, 2008年10月.- (キーワード)
- 咬合 (occlusion)
電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集, 249, 2008年9月. 奥津 達, 吉田 有里, 長尾 大輔, 石田 雄一, 佐藤 裕, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔インプラント学会・第38回学術大会抄録, Vol.21, 135, 2008年9月.- (要約)
- Ⅰ目的:力学的ストレスに対する周囲骨組織の応答を検討するこ とは, インプラント治療において重要である. 持続的圧縮ストレ スによる骨芽細胞の遺伝子発現の変化を検討している研究はこれ までに多数認められ, 我々も以前に持続的圧縮ストレスをMC3T 3-E1細胞に加えた場合, インテグリンを介してHeat shock prote in 25 (Hsp25) の発現が上昇することを見出した. しかし, 間欠 的な圧縮ストレスと持続的な圧縮ストレスを比較した報告は少な い. そこで今回, 骨芽細胞様細胞株MC3T3-E1に圧縮力を加え, そ の圧縮頻度及び時間の相違による応答を検討した. Ⅱ材料及び方法:マウス骨芽細胞様細胞株MC3T3-E1細胞をコラ ーゲンコーティングプレートに播種, コンフルエントに達するま で培養後, 自作の細胞圧縮装置によって間欠的および持続的な圧 縮力 (約320 Pa) を加えた. 間欠的圧縮力は等時間間隔で圧縮, 非圧縮を24時間繰り返す設定とした. その後, RNAを採取し, リ アルタイムRT-PCRにて特定遺伝子の発現量を検討した. 対象遺 伝子には, ストレスのマーカーとして知られているCyclooxygen ase-2 (Cox-2) 及びHeat shock protein 25 (Hsp25) を, また骨 のリモデリングの指標としてOsteoprotegerin (Opg) を, さらに 内部標準には, TATA box binding protein (Tbp) を採用した. Ⅲ結果:Cox-2, Hsp25は24時間の持続的な圧縮ストレスにより 発現量の上昇が認められた. また, 短時間の間欠的圧縮力 (8分以 下の圧縮と非圧縮の繰り返し) を加えた24時間刺激後のCox-2, Hsp25遺伝子発現は非圧縮群に比較して著明な変化は認められな かった. Opg遺伝子発現に関しては, 非圧縮群と, 持続的及び短時 間の間欠的圧縮群との間に有意差は認められなかった. Ⅳ考察及び結論:以上の結果により, 骨芽細胞様細胞MC3T3-E1 においては, Cox-2, Hsp25発現に関しては持続的な圧縮ストレス の影響が大きく, 短時間の間欠的な圧縮ストレスでは遺伝子発現 応答に影響が少ないことが示された. また, Opgに関しては持続 的, 短時間の間欠的圧縮ストレスとも遺伝子発現応答に影響が少 ないことが示された. 今後, インプラントに加わる時間的要因を 遺伝子レベルで明らかにすることによって, インプラント治療の リスクファクターを明確にできると考える.
日本磁気歯科学会雑誌, Vol.17, No.1, 75, 2008年9月. Masami Yoshioka, Naoko Matsumoto, Yumi Hoshimo, Daisuke Hinode, Hiroki Iga, Masaaki Yokoyama, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Fumiaki Kawano and Takafumi Noma :
第27回日本歯学医学教育学会 総会及び学術大会, Jul. 2008. 岡島 雅代, 永尾 寛, 佐藤 裕, 吉田 有里, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.52, No.117, 97, 2008年6月. 本釜 聖子, 市川 哲雄 :
静岡県立静岡がんセンターにおける口腔ケアの実際 チームアプローチを通して,
四国歯学会雑誌, Vol.21, No.2, 429, 2008年3月. 谷田 弓磨, 池田 祐一, 佐藤 康弘, 芥川 正武, 木内 陽介, 本釜 聖子, 市川 哲雄 :
第17回磁気歯科学会学術大会抄録, 75, 2007年11月. 谷田 弓磨, 池田 祐一, 佐藤 康弘, 芥川 正武, 木内 陽介, 市川 哲雄, 本釜 聖子, 山本 哲彦, 石田 雄一 :
電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集, 228, 2007年9月. 石田 雄一, 佐藤 裕, 吉田 有里, 長尾 大輔, 友竹 偉則, 市川 哲雄 :
2007年9月.- (要約)
- Ⅰ目的:我々は1993年にPilot hole preparationという埋入方法を,2002年にrapid prototypingを用いた方法をいち早く報告している.その後,CT画像からコンピュータ上で適正なインプラント埋入位置をシミュレートし,その結果を反映した外科用テンプレートにより,安全で精度の高いインプラント埋入する方法が一般化しつつある.今回,我々は3次元の全方位姿勢角度の計測可能センサを用いたインプラント埋入システムを考案したので,そのシステムの概要と有用性について報告する.Ⅱ方法:本システムは,アモルファスワイヤの磁気インダクタンス効果を利用したモーションコントロールセンサ(AMI,愛知製鋼)部と検出部からなる.測定対象の基本姿勢をセンサで計測し,この座標系に対する測定対象の3次元的な姿勢角度をリアルタイムでモニターすることができる.現時点でのシステムの角度検出の精度と,模型を使用して従来の外科用テンプレートと比較した場合の埋入精度について調査した.Ⅲ結果:時間的変動は0.46度,空間的精度は2.25度であった.埋入精度は,外科用テンプレートと比較した場合に,若干劣った.しかし,テンプレートの動揺に気を遣う必要はなく,操作性では優れていた.Ⅳ考察および結論:センサ精度としては実用化の範囲に近づいている. 本システムは,インプラント埋入において有用なしステムになりうることが示唆された.
デンタルメモリー ー 歯科補綴物への情報記録 ー,
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Vol.107, No.154, 51-54, 2007年7月. 本釜 聖子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 :
簡易嚥下障害スクリーニングシステム法の開発 : 磁気センサを用いた測定方法の概要,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌. 特別号, 日本補綴歯科学会学術大会抄録集 = Proceedings of the ... conference, the Japan Prosthodontic Society, Vol.51, No.116, 144, 2007年5月.- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1571135650657663232
(CiNii: 1571135650657663232) 内藤 禎人, 浜田 賢一, 市川 哲雄, 淺岡 憲三 :
第49回日本歯科理工学会学術講演会, 2007年5月. 永尾 寛, 矢納 義高, 市川 哲雄, 本釜 聖子, 市場 裕康, 萬好 哲也 :
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.51, 158, 2007年5月. 藤田 圭二, 田北 啓洋, 河野 孝則, 市川 哲雄, 早崎 芳夫 :
レーザー学会学術講演会弟27回年次大会講演予稿集, 119, 2007年1月. 藤田 圭二, 田北 啓洋, 市川 哲雄, 早崎 芳夫 :
Optics & Photonics Japan 2006 講演予稿集, 70-71, 2006年11月. 佐藤 康弘, 池田 祐一, 谷田 弓磨, 芥川 正武, 木内 陽介, 市川 哲雄, 山本 哲彦, 石田 雄一 :
日本磁気歯科学会第16回学術大会抄録集, 13, 2006年10月. 藤田 圭二, 田北 啓洋, 早崎 芳夫, 市川 哲雄 :
第67回応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集N0.3, 926, 2006年8月. 大村 直幹, 本釜 聖子, 柏原 稔也, 市川 哲雄 :
日本口腔機能水学会誌, Vol.6, No.1, 24-25, 2005年2月. 本釜 聖子, 永尾 寛, 羽田 勝, 市川 哲雄 :
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.48, 54, 2004年5月. 山下 菊治, 中尾 雅英, 森本 景之, 市川 哲雄, 北村 清一郎 :
第44回歯科基礎医学会総会2002, 97, 2002年. 中尾 雅英, 山下 菊治, 森本 景之, 浜田 賢一, 淺岡 憲三, 北村 清一郎, 市川 哲雄 :
徳島生物学会第108回総会, 12, 2001年11月. 本釜 聖子, 市川 哲雄, 石川 正俊, 小倉 直, 石田 修 :
脳血管障害患者に対するPLP(Palatal Lift Prosthesis)を用いた構音改善とその評価,
四国歯学会雑誌, Vol.13, No.2, 297, 2001年1月. 本釜 聖子, 市川 哲雄, 石川 正俊, 永尾 寛, 河野 文昭, 羽田 勝 :
脳卒中患者に可撤性PLP付全部床義歯を適用した1症例 音声学及び力学的考察,
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌, Vol.44, 199, 2000年11月. 中尾 雅英, 山下 菊治, 北村 清一郎, 市川 哲雄 :
第42回歯科基礎医学会, 93, 2000年. 市川 哲雄 :
- 研究会・報告書
- 岩脇 有軌, 市川 哲雄 :
萎縮した臼歯部顎堤への骨造成を伴う長い(標準長の)インプラントの代替療法としてのショートインプラント システマティックレビューとRCTのメタアナリシス,
ザ·クインテッセンス, Vol.40, No.8, 213-229, 2021年8月. 吉田 みどり, 誉田 栄一, 伊藤 照明, 市川 哲雄, 芥川 正武, 榎本 崇宏, 木内 陽介 :
LED総合フォーラム2020 in 徳島, 131-140, 2020年2月. 市川 哲雄, 岩脇 有軌, 石田 雄一, 渡邉 恵 :
歯界展望, Vol.132, No.2, 249-277, 2018年8月. 後藤 崇晴, 市川 哲雄 :
らくらくお口のケア 義歯ケア事典, 119-121, 2018年. 後藤 崇晴, 檜垣 宜明, 市川 哲雄 :
ジーシサークル CASE PRESENTATION, 2017年. 浅野 純弥, 芥川 正武, 榎本 崇宏, 加治 芳雄, 古川 和彦, 小中 信典, 市川 哲雄, 七條 文雄, 木内 陽介 :
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(MEとバイオサイバネティックス), Vol.116, No.170, 29-32, 2016年7月.- (要約)
- リハビリテーションや在宅医療の領域において,摂食嚥下障害への関心が高まっている.本研究の目的は,嚥下障害スクリーニングテストを自動化し,嚥下の有無の評価基準を確立することである.そこで,本研究ではネオジウム磁石と3次元磁気センサを用いて嚥下に伴う喉頭運動を測定する装置の開発を行った.測定の方法は代表的なスクリーニングテストである反復唾液嚥下テスト(RSST),水飲みテスト,フードテストと同様に行った.磁気センサでの測定結果において1回目の嚥下をテンプレート波形として取り出し,測定結果全体と類似度の変化を求めたところ,嚥下を行った時刻に類似度が高くなり,嚥下を行った回数,時刻を自動計数することが可能となった.今回の結果から,スクリーニングテストを特別な施設なしで客観的に行うことが可能であると示唆された.
- (キーワード)
- 摂食嚥下障害 / スクリーニングテスト / 自動計数
- (文献検索サイトへのリンク)
- ● CiNii @ 国立情報学研究所 (CRID): 1520572359415637504
(CiNii: 1520572359415637504) 竹内 久裕, 菅 俊行, 桃田 幸弘, 尾崎 和美, 中道 敦子, 三宅 洋一郎, 吉本 勝彦, 市川 哲雄 :
四国歯学会雑誌, Vol.24, No.2, 85-94, 2012年1月.- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2003052
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2003052) 永尾 寛, 木村 智子, 泰江 章博, 三宅 洋一郎, 吉本 勝彦, 市川 哲雄 :
四国歯学会雑誌, Vol.24, No.2, 79-84, 2012年1月.- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2003051
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2003051) 弘田 克彦, 市川 哲雄, 柏原 稔也, 根本 謙, 小野 恒子, 村上 欣也, 松尾 敬志, 松本 直之, 三宅 洋一郎 :
Candida albicans biofilm modelの作製と電解水の抗biofilm効果,
Bacterial Adherence & Biofilm, Vol.10, 30-35, 1996年1月. 尾崎 和美, 白山 靖彦, 市川 哲雄, 松山 美和, 濵田 康弘, 加藤 真介, 濱田 邦美, 影治 照喜, 藤原 真治, 柳沢 志津子, 渡辺 朱理, 瀬山 真莉子, 竹内 祐子 :
令和2年度 厚生労働省 老人保健事業推進費等補助金(老人保健健康増進等事業) 報告書, 1-98, 2021年3月.- (キーワード)
- ICT (ICT) / オーラルフレイル / 高齢者サロン
1-94, 2020年3月. 尾崎 和美, 白山 靖彦, 加藤 真介, 市川 哲雄, 濵田 康弘, 柳沢 志津子, 藤原 奈津美, 竹内 祐子 :
1-92, 2019年3月. 白山 靖彦, 尾崎 和美, 加藤 真介, 市川 哲雄, 岩本 里織, 永廣 信治, 柳沢 志津子, 藤原 奈津美 :
平成29年度老人保健事業推進費等補助金 中山間地域の地域包括ケアシステム構築における食支援連携促進に資するICT利活用に関する調査研究事業「那賀イーと,つながる・みまもるプロジェクト」報告書, 1-86, 2018年3月. 菅 俊行, 野口 直人, 松尾 敬志, 吉本 勝彦, 市川 哲雄 :
四国歯学会雑誌, Vol.26, No.2, 81-89, 徳島, 2014年2月.- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2003079
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2003079) 大石 慶二, 竹内 裕久, 松尾 敬志, 吉本 勝彦, 市川 哲雄 :
四国歯学会雑誌, Vol.26, No.2, 71-79, 2014年2月.- (徳島大学機関リポジトリ)
- ● Metadata: 2003078
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2003078) 市川 哲雄, 野間 隆文, 三好 圭子, 西川 啓介, 水澤 典子, 松山 美和, 吉村 弘, 細木 眞紀 :
連携機能を活用した口腔からQOL向上を目指す研究報告書, 1-67, 2012年. 佐藤 裕, 市川 哲雄 :
(講演要約,翻訳)韓国ソウル大学歯学部における大卒者向け歯学教育課程(デンタルスクール化) Dong-Seok Nahm,
平成18-19年度 文部科学省「魅力ある大学院教育」イニシアティブ 歯科専門医教育の指導者養成プログラム報告書, 54-55, 徳島, 2008年3月.- (要約)
- 2002年1月,韓国政府の教育人的資源部が新しい医歯学教育課程のための指針を打ち出した.指針の中で政府は,現在まで行われている大学での歯学教育課程に加えて,新たに大卒者向け歯学教育課程を新設し,さまざまな分野の教育を受けた幅広い人材を歯学部に迎えることを決めた.各大学はこの指針を受け,2009年までに従来型教育課程と大卒者向け教育課程のどちらかを選択する. 2004年以前の従来型教育課程は,自然,社会科学を含む2年の教養課程,および基礎医学,臨床歯学を学ぶ4年の専門課程という構成であった.しかし,世界の歯学教育が変化していく中,韓国社会からも,広い見識を持ち,未来の健康の担い手となりうる歯科医師を育てようという声が高まった.そこで先に示した指針の下,歯学部のある全国11大学のうち,ソウル大学を含む4国立大学および1私立大学が,大卒者向け教育課程を2005年に開始した.本稿では,ソウル大学における大卒者向け歯学教育課程について述べる.
- (キーワード)
- 歯学教育 / 韓国 / デンタルスクール / カリキュラム
- 特許
- 誉田 栄一, 伊藤 照明, 木内 陽介, 吉田 みどり, 市川 哲雄 : 照明装置及び照明方法, 特願2016-073116 (2016年3月), .
- 作品
- 日本補綴歯科学会 編集, 細木 眞紀, 市川 哲雄, 大川 周治, 大久保 力廣 :
お口のトラブル解決します 補綴歯科へようこそ, 36-3737, 2019年5月.- (キーワード)
- 補綴
3世代のジルコニア:前装からモノリシック修復まで パート2,
ザ・クインテッセンス, Vol.37, No.11, 191-201, 2018年11月. 市川 哲雄, 渡邉 恵 :
歯界展望, Vol.132, No.2, 249-277, 2018年8月. - 補助金・競争的資金
- 新たなIKIGAI評価指標を用いた高齢者の健康維持・改善サイクルの構築 (研究課題/領域番号: 23K09531 )
ヒト脳機能に着目した新規口腔機能訓練法の開発とその効果検証 (研究課題/領域番号: 23K09253 )
感覚機能と社会的繋がりに着目したフレイル発症・進展モデルと口腔機能管理戦略の確立 (研究課題/領域番号: 23K24540 )
傾斜地で農作業が高齢者の心身機能と健康寿命に及ぼす影響に関する研究 (研究課題/領域番号: 20K10338 )
下顎無歯顎に応用する軟質リライン材の臨床効果 -多施設ランダム化比較試験- (研究課題/領域番号: 20K10062 )
におい検知を利用した新たな唾液分泌量と咀嚼能率の同時推定法の開発 (研究課題/領域番号: 20K10037 )
AI技術と加圧的造形粘膜面デジタル印象法による自動床縁設定法の開発 (研究課題/領域番号: 19K22720 )
地域包括ケアシステムにおける歯科・福祉連携の定式化に向けたプログラムの構築 (研究課題/領域番号: 19K10227 )
地域包括ケアシステムにおける「生活支援体制整備事業」のモデル化と有用性の実証 (研究課題/領域番号: 18K09943 )
加齢による口腔機能低下の予防を目的とした経皮的電気刺激応用の口腔機能管理の確立 (研究課題/領域番号: 18K09701 )
高次脳機能-咬合・咀嚼・栄養との因果関係解明と補綴健康管理モデルの構築 (研究課題/領域番号: 18H02993 )
におい強度に着目した唾液流量測定法の開発 (研究課題/領域番号: 17K19762 )
ICTを用いた高齢者の口腔機能維持・管理データベースの開発と構築 (研究課題/領域番号: 17K11754 )
歯科インプラント治療の確実性を高める多機能メンブレンの開発 (研究課題/領域番号: 16K11598 )
認知科学に基づく施設介護従事者における口腔機能維持・管理能力向上プログラムの開発 (研究課題/領域番号: 16K11596 )
オーラルフレイルのバイオマーカーの探索と補綴治療戦略 (研究課題/領域番号: 15K15709 )
高次脳機能障害者における意思決定支援の定式化 (研究課題/領域番号: 15K01370 )
金属アレルギーの感作機序の解明とそれに基づく戦略的治療法の開発 (研究課題/領域番号: 15H05028 )
デジタル技術を用いたより衛生的で治療負荷の少ない全部床義歯治療法の実用化 (研究課題/領域番号: 26462922 )
ストレス刺激に応答するmiRNAと口腔内への分泌の解明 (研究課題/領域番号: 25670822 )
義歯安定剤利用ガイドライン構築に関する基盤研究:マルチセンター前向き臨床研究 (研究課題/領域番号: 24390439 )
咀嚼の質を測る:食品表現型、感覚、脳活動からの総体的アプローチ (研究課題/領域番号: 24390436 )
無歯顎のデジタル印象・咬合採得システムの開発 (研究課題/領域番号: 23659901 )
慢性期の口腔ケアの効果は、どうして遅延するのか (研究課題/領域番号: 23592853 )
顎機能制御系はあるか、記憶・認知・全身機能との関係はあるか:fMRIを用いた証明 (研究課題/領域番号: 21659446 )
金属アレルギーの発症機序の解析と補綴治療学的戦略 (研究課題/領域番号: 21390518 )
エリスリトールを用いた新しく安全な義歯洗浄剤の開発 (研究課題/領域番号: 20592271 )
ストレスDNAチップを用いた咀嚼障害、顎関節症、口腔顎顔面慢性疼痛の病態評価 (研究課題/領域番号: 19659509 )
患者中心医療に向けた口腔インプラント手術支援システムに関する研究 (研究課題/領域番号: 18300170 )
インプラント周囲炎に対する周囲骨再生療法の開発 (研究課題/領域番号: 17659611 )
テーラーメイド型機能的生体材料の開発 (研究課題/領域番号: 17390521 )
歯科用金属の溶出と局所免疫クロストークの相関性に関する研究 (研究課題/領域番号: 14657504 )
Osseointegrationに影響を及ぼす種々の物理的因子の検討 (研究課題/領域番号: 14370637 )
舌と喉頭運動を利用した摂食嚥下機能の評価 (研究課題/領域番号: 13672041 )
骨質の評価法の開発とチタン表面の改質 (研究課題/領域番号: 12470421 )
各種インプラントに形成された口腔内細菌バイオフィルムが周囲組織に及ぼす影響 (研究課題/領域番号: 11671937 )
加齢と骨粗鬆症による骨質の変化が生体材料周囲組織に及ぼす影響 (研究課題/領域番号: 10671831 )
生体材料-骨界面における3次元骨構造の解析と材料の表面構造の影響 (研究課題/領域番号: 08457530 )
加齢による舌の機能と形態の変化と咀嚼との関連 (研究課題/領域番号: 07838022 )
インプラント材料の骨結合強化システムの確立 (研究課題/領域番号: 07557275 )
骨誘導能を有する生体材料の開発:骨誘導因子の精製とその臨床応用への基礎研究 (研究課題/領域番号: 01480451 )
- その他
- 研究者総覧に該当データはありませんでした。
- 専門分野・研究分野
- 歯科補綴学 (Prosthodontics)
- 所属学会・所属協会
- 日本補綴歯科学会
Academy of Osseointegration - 委員歴・役員歴
- 日本補綴歯科学会 (評議員, 理事)
日本口腔インプラント学会 (評議員)
日本歯科審美学会 (評議員)
日本顎口腔機能学会 (評議員)
日本顎顔面補綴学会 (評議員)
日本口腔機能水学会 (常任理事) - 受賞
- 1991年1月, 康楽賞 (公益財団法人 康楽会)
1992年2月, 1992 Annual Meeting of Academy of Osseointegration 学会賞受賞 (Academy of Osseointegration)
1996年9月, 日本口腔インプラント学会優秀論文賞 (日本口腔インプラント学会)
2007年3月, Poster Award (1st International Symposium and Workshop "The future Direction of Oral Sciences in the 21st Century")
2007年6月, Presentation Award (6th International Symposium on Titanium in Dentistry)
2012年12月, ASEAN plus and TOKUSHIMA Joint International Conference 4th Winner of poster Competition (ASEAN plus and TOKUSHIMA Joint International Conference)
2014年9月, 平成26年度日本口腔インプラント学会特別優秀論文賞 (日本口腔インプラント学会)
2014年12月, Winner of Poster Presentation Award (The 3rd ASEAN plus and TOKUSHIMA Joint International Conference)
2016年1月, 日本義歯ケア学会第8回学術大会 優秀口演賞 (日本義歯ケア学会)
2017年4月, 日本顎口腔機能学会 第58回学術大会 優秀賞 (日本顎口腔機能学会)
2017年10月, 日中間補綴歯科学会学術大会 (Biennial Joint Congress of JPS-CPS-KAP)
2020年6月, 日本補綴歯科学会第129回学術大会優秀ポスター賞(デンツプライシロナ賞・バイオロジー・バイオマテリアル部門) (日本補綴歯科学会)
2020年11月, 課題口演賞 (日本老年歯科医学会)
2020年12月, 日本咀嚼学会第31回学術大会 優秀ポスター賞 (日本咀嚼学会)
2022年6月, 課題口演賞 (日本老年歯科医学会)
2023年5月, 令和4年度学会論文賞 (日本補綴歯科学会)
2023年10月, 第33回日本全身咬合学会学術大会 優秀口演賞 (日本全身咬合学会) - 活動
- 徳島県 (歯科技工士試験委員)
日本学術振興会 (科学研究費委員会専門委員)
- Jグローバル最終確認日
- 2025/2/22 01:16
- 氏名(漢字)
- 市川 哲雄
- 氏名(フリガナ)
- イチカワ テツオ
- 氏名(英字)
- Ichikawa Tetsuo
- 所属機関
- 徳島大学大学院 教授
- researchmap最終確認日
- 2025/2/23 01:19
- 氏名(漢字)
- 市川 哲雄
- 氏名(フリガナ)
- イチカワ テツオ
- 氏名(英字)
- Ichikawa Tetsuo
- プロフィール
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- 登録日時
- 2003/3/29 00:00
- 更新日時
- 2022/9/2 14:55
- アバター画像URI
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- ハンドル
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- eメール
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- eメール(その他)
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- 携帯メール
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- 性別
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- 没年月日
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- 所属ID
- 0344007001
- 所属
- 徳島大学大学院
- 部署
- 医歯薬学研究部口腔顎顔面補綴学分野
- 職名
- 教授
- 学位
- 歯学博士
- 学位授与機関
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- 科研費研究者番号
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- Google Analytics ID
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- その他の所属ID
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- その他の所属名
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- その他の所属 部署
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- その他の所属 職名
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- 最近のエントリー
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- Read会員ID
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- 経歴
- 受賞
- Misc
- 論文
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- 講演・口頭発表等
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- 書籍等出版物
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- 研究キーワード
- 研究分野
- 所属学協会
- 担当経験のある科目
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- その他
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- Works
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- 特許
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- 学歴
- 委員歴
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- 社会貢献活動
- リサーチマップAPIで取得できませんでした。
- 研究者番号
- 90193432
- 所属(現在)
- 2024/4/1 : 自治医科大学, 医学部, 客員研究員
- 所属(過去の研究課題
情報に基づく)*注記 - 2024/4/1 : 自治医科大学, 医学部, 客員研究員
2018/4/1 – 2023/4/1 : 徳島大学, 大学院医歯薬学研究部(歯学域), 教授
2016/4/1 – 2017/4/1 : 徳島大学, 大学院医歯薬学研究部(歯学系), 教授
2015/4/1 – 2016/4/1 : 徳島大学, 大学院医歯薬学研究部, 教授
2011/4/1 – 2014/4/1 : 徳島大学, ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部, 教授
2013/4/1 : 徳島大学, 大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部, 教授
2004/4/1 – 2012/4/1 : 徳島大学, 大学院・ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部, 教授
2005/4/1 – 2006/4/1 : 徳島大学, 大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部, 教授
1997/4/1 – 2003/4/1 : 徳島大学, 歯学部, 教授
1996/4/1 : 徳島大学, 歯学部・付属病院, 講師
1995/4/1 – 1996/4/1 : 徳島大学, 歯学部・附属病院, 講師
1991/4/1 : 徳島大学, 歯学部附属病院, 講師
1989/4/1 : 徳島大学, 歯学部, 助手
- 審査区分/研究分野
医学 / 歯学 / 補綴理工系歯学
生物系 / 医歯薬学 / 歯学 / 補綴理工系歯学
生物系 / 医歯薬学 / 歯学 / 補綴系歯学
生物系 / 医歯薬学 / 歯学 / 補綴・理工系歯学
総合・新領域系 / 総合領域 / 人間医工学 / 医用システム
生物系 / 医歯薬学 / 歯学 / 補綴系歯学
生物系 / 医歯薬学 / 歯学 / 補綴・理工系歯学
医学 / 歯学 / 補綴理工系歯学
総合系 / 複合領域 / 人間医工学 / リハビリテーション科学・福祉工学
- キーワード
金属アレルギー / 樹状細胞 / 歯科用金属 / チタン / レーザー / 酸化チタン / インプラント周囲炎 / 細菌感染 / 無毒化 / 青紫レーザー / 光触媒 / 接触角 / メチレンブルー / 接触性 / ストレス / スプリント / 急性刺激 / ホルモン / DNAチップ / 慢性疼痛 / 咀嚼障害 / MAPキナーゼ / ニッケル / T細胞 / fMRI / 脳機能解析 / 顎位・顎運動 / 脳波解析 / デジタル印象 / ラピッドプロトタイピング / 無歯顎 / インプラント / 3次元デジタイザー / 義歯製作 / デジタル印象採得・咬合採得 / 咀嚼の質 / 質問表 / 光トポグラフィー / 食品テクスチャー / 下顎運動 / 筋電図 / 一口量 / 質問票 / 感覚統合 / microRNA / メカニカルストレス / 細胞増殖 / MC3T3-E1細胞 / micro-RNA / 圧縮応力 / 骨芽細胞 / miR-494-3p / Fgfr2 / Rock1 / ストレス負荷 / 圧縮力 / マイクロアレイ解析 / FGFR2 / 舌運動 / 超音波 / 摂食 / 舌形態 / 加齢 / 舌形状 / 咀嚼 / tongue movement / ultrasonic measurement / eating / tongue shape / vertical dimension of occulusion / インプラント-骨界面 / 3次元骨構造 / アパタイトインプラント / チタンインプラント / 骨接触率 / 骨体積率 / 3次元構築システム / 骨形成メカニズム / bone-implant interface / three-dimensional examination / apatite implant / titanium implant / bone conntact rate / bone volume rate / 歯科インプラント / 骨粗鬆症 / ハイドロキシアパタイト / 老齢 / インプラント周囲骨 / アパタイト / dental implant / hydroxyapatite / titanium / osteoporosis / 石灰化物 / 細胞外マトリックス / RT-PCR / タイプIコラーゲン / osteoblast / calcification / extracellular matrix / implant / 静磁場 / 微小パルス磁場 / COX2 / cDNAマイクロアレイ / Hsp25 / 免疫反応 / 免疫応答 / 細胞外マトリクス / 骨形成 / Osseointegration / 物理的因子 / 磁場 / in vitro / in vivo / 組織 / リモデリング / mechanical stress / compressing force / magnetic field / micro pulse magnetic field / Cox2 / cDNA microarray / immune reaction / 歯学 / 生体材料 / 多孔体 / 複合材料・物性 / Dentistry / Biomaterial / Titanium / Porous Material / オーラルフレイル / フレイル / 食行動 / オトガイ舌骨筋 / 筋線維 / 生体インピーダンス / サルコペニア / 筋量 / 歯科用金属アレルギー / 上皮角化細胞 / ケラチノサイト / 金属溶出 / 唾液量 / におい / アルコール / 半導体センサ / 口腔乾燥 / 唾液分泌量測定 / においセンサ / におい強度 / 近赤外光計測 / 唾液流量 / 脳機能 / 口腔機能 / 前頭前野 / 近赤外分光分析法 / 栄養 / 口腔感覚 / 補綴健康管理モデル / 地域包括ケア / 高次機能 / 感覚 / 感覚刺激 / 咬合 / 高次脳機能 / 口腔内スキャナ / AI / 空気圧 / 床縁 / 筋形成 / デジタル / 印象採得 / デンチャースペース / 口腔内スキャナー / 感覚機能 / 社会との繋がり / 中山間地域 / 社会とのつながり / フレイルサイクル / 食事の質 / 社会的つながり
コンピュータ外科学 / 医療・福祉 / 精密部品加工 / バーチャルリアリティ / シミュレーション工学 / インプラント / エリスリトール / 糖アルコール / カンジダ / 義歯洗浄剤 / カンジダアルビカンス / バイオフィルム / 機能水 / 高齢者 / 誤嚥性肺炎 / 口腔ケア / 口腔刺激 / 免疫 / 慢性期 / 光トポグラフィー / 効果の遅延 / miRNA / 義歯安定剤 / 多施設研究 / 無作為割付臨床試験 / ガイドライン / 臨床エビデンス / 使用ガイドライン / 臨床疫学 / 臨床試験 / 診療ガイドライン / 無歯顎 / 概形印象 / 個人トレー / 咬合床型トレー / 3次元デジタイザ / 3Dスキャナ / 3Dプリンタ / CAD/CAM / 精密印象 / 3次元デジタイザー / 3Dプリンター / デジタル写真測量法 / 骨誘導因子 / アテロコラ-ゲン / ハイドロキシアパタイト / アルカリホスファタ-ゼ / 無細胞性石灰化沈着 / 筋衛星細胞 / 生体材料 / 骨芽細胞 / 軟骨芽細胞 / 石灰化 / osteoinductive factor / aterocollagen / hydroxyapatite / alkaline phosphatase / acellular mineral deposition / satellite cell / GBR法 / 吸収性膜 / 天然焼成骨 / 新生骨形成 / スペースメイキング / アパタイトインプラント / メンブレン / GBR technique / resorbable membrane / true bone ceramics / new bone formation / space making / 歯科インプラント / バイオフィルム形成能 / 口腔レンサ球菌 / チタン / 金 / 口腔内細菌 / dental implant / biofilm formation / candida / oral streptococci / titanium / gold / 嚥下 / 舌 / 加齢 / リハビリテーション / 嚥下運動 / 舌圧 / 味覚 / Swallowing / Tongue / Aging / Rehabilitation / 高次脳機能障害 / 意思決定支援 / 医療同意 / 判断能力 / 意思決定 / 質問 / 支援コーディネーター / 口腔機能維持管理 / 介護職員 / 介護保険施設 / 歯科・福祉連携 / 口腔機能維持・管理 / 介護従事者 / 歯科・福祉の連携 / 多職種連携 / 多職種協働 / 認知科学 / 骨増生 / 歯科補綴 / PLGA / 骨形成 / 歯学 / ミールラウンド / 口腔機能管理 / 口腔機能 / 高齢者福祉施設 / 食事支援 / 施設利用者 / 摂食嚥下 / 経口維持・経口移行データベースシステム / ミールラウンド電子化 / 最大開口度 / MAST / ミールラウンドシステムプログラム / 評価項目 / 情報共有 / 経皮的電気刺激 / 口腔機能低下 / 口腔乾燥 / 安静時唾液 / 嚥下障害 / 地域包括ケアシステム / 生活支援体制整備事業 / 通いの場 / 基本チェックリスト / フレイル / 新型コロナウィルス / 健康関連QOL / 高齢者サロン / 信頼 / 信頼関係の獲得 / 歯科と福祉の連携 / 咀嚼能率 / 唾液分泌量 / におい強度 / 唾液分泌関連因子 / におい検知 / 軟質リライン材 / ランダム化比較試験 / マルチセンター方式 / 患者満足度 / 満足度 / 栄養素摂取状態 / 傾斜地 / 農作業 / 生活行為 / 認知機能 / 身体機能 / 山間へき地 / 傾斜地農業 / 地域医療 / 難聴 / 生きがい / 健康寿命 / 前頭前野 / 口腔機能訓練 / ヒト脳機能 / いきがい / 孤独・孤立 / 社会とのつながり / 資源配分