

KAKEN 科学研究費助成事業データベース で見る
研究課題番号 KAKENHI-PROJECT-24570237
研究種目 基盤研究(C)
研究分野 生物系
研究機関 東亜大学
代表研究者 佐藤 陽子
研究分担者 音井 威重
研究期間 開始年月日 2012/4/1
研究期間 終了年度 2014
研究ステータス 完了 (2014/4/1)
配分額(合計) 5,460,000 (直接経費 :4,200,000、間接経費 :1,260,000)
配分額(履歴) 2014年度:1,690,000 (直接経費 :1,300,000、間接経費 :390,000)
2013年度:1,690,000 (直接経費 :1,300,000、間接経費 :390,000)
2012年度:2,080,000 (直接経費 :1,600,000、間接経費 :480,000)
キーワード 発生・分化


[雑誌論文] Chelation of trace elements in preservation medium influences the quality of boar spermatozoa during liquid preservation at 5°C for 4 weeks.

Taniguchi M, Wittayarat M, Morinaga K, Sato Y, Kin Do LT, Chatdarong K, Techakumphu M, Nii M, Otoi T. 2014

[雑誌論文] Cell cycle analysis and interspecies nuclear transfer of cat cells treated with chemical inhibitors.

Wittayarat M, Fujiwara A, Chatdarong K, Techakumphu M, Sato Y, Tanihara F, Morita Y, Taniguchi M, Otoi T. 2014

[雑誌論文] Effect of sericin supplementation during in vitro maturation on the maturation, fertilization and development of porcine oocytes.

Do LT, Namula Z, Luu VV, Sato Y, Taniguchi M, Isobe T, Kikuchi K, Otoi T. 2014

[雑誌論文] Effects of skim-milk supplementation on the quality and penetrating ability of boar semen after long-term preservation at 15 °C.

Namula Z, Kodama R, Tanihara F, Morita Y, Sato Y, Wittayarat M, Taniguchi M, Otoi T. 2014

[雑誌論文] Nuclear status and DNA fragmentation of oocytes from porcine, bovine and feline ovaries stored at 4 degrees C for 5 days.

Luu VV, Namula Z, Do LT, Sato Y, Taniguchi M, Karja NW, Otoi T. 2014

[学会発表] Astaxanthin effects on maturation, fertilization and development of porcine oocytes cultured under heat stress.

Do L.T., K., Luu V.V., Sato Y., Taniguchi M., Otoi T. 2014

[学会発表] Ultrasonographic monitoring of canine ovaries clamped at subcutaneous site after hormone treatment.

Terazono T., Luu V. V., Do L. T. K., Sato Y., Taniguchi M. Takagi M., Otoi T. 2014

[学会発表] Long-term ovarian function after auto grafting to peripheral body site in a dog.

Terazono T., Takagi M,, Akiyama K., Sato Y., Taniguchi M., Otoi T. 2013

[雑誌論文] Effects of green tea polyphenol on the quality of canine semen after long-term storage at 5°C.

Wittayarat M, Ito A, Kimura T, Namula Z, Luu VV, Do LT, Sato Y, Taniguchi M, Otoi T. 2013

[学会発表] Effect of trichostatin A on in vitro embryo development of interspecies nuclear transfer embryos reconstructed from cat donor nuclei and bovine cytoplasm.

M Wittayarat, Z. Namula, V.V. Luu, LTK Do, Y. Sato, M. Taniguchi, and T. Otoi 2013

[雑誌論文] Motility and fertility of boar semen after liquid preservation at 5°C for more than 2 weeks.

Namula Z, Sato Y, Kodama R, Morinaga K, Luu VV, Taniguchi M, Nakai M, Tanihara F, Kikuchi K, Nagai T, Otoi T. 2013

[雑誌論文] Cryopreservation for bovine embryos in serum-free freezing medium containing silk protein sericin.

Isobe T, Ikebata Y, Onitsuka T, Do LT, Sato Y, Taniguchi M, Otoi T. 2013

[雑誌論文] Establishment of adult mouse Sertoli cell lines by using the starvation method.

Sato Y, Yoshida K, Nozawa S, Yoshiike M, Arai M, Otoi T, Iwamoto T. 2013

[雑誌論文] The effect of relaxin supplementation of in vitro maturation medium on the development of cat oocytes obtained from ovaries stored at 4°C.

Luu VV, Hanatate K, Tanihara F, Sato Y, Do LT, Taniguchi M, Otoi T. 2013

[雑誌論文] Cell cycle analysis and interspecies nuclear transfer of cat cells treated with chemical inhibitors.

Wittayarat M, Fujiwara A, Chatdarong K, Techakumphu M, Sato Y, Tanihara F, Morita Y, Taniguchi M, Otoi T. 2013

[雑誌論文] Histone deacetylase inhibitor improves the development and acetylation levels of cat-cow interspecies cloned embryos.

Wittayarat M, Sato Y, Do LT, Morita Y, Chatdarong K, Techakumphu M, Taniguchi M, Otoi T. 2013

[雑誌論文] Comparison of activation ability between feline and bovine oocytes.

Tanihara F, Kaedei Y, Namula Z, Luu VV, Sato Y, Wittayarat M, Taniguchi M, Otoi T. 2013

[雑誌論文] Long-term preservation of chilled canine semen using vitamin C in combinationwith green tea polyphenol.

M. Wittayarat, T. Kimura, R. Kodama, Z. Namula, K. Chatdarong, M. Techakumphu, Y. Sato, M. Taniguchi, T. Otoi 2012

[雑誌論文] Effect of sericin on preimplantation development of bovine embryos cultured individually.

T. Isobe, Y. Ikebata, T. Onitsuka, M. Wittayarat, Y. Sato, M. Taniguchi and T. Otoi. 2012

[雑誌論文] Glycoconjugates recognized by peanut agglutinin lectin in the inner acellular layer of the lamina propria of seminiferous tubules in human testes showing impaired spermatogenesis.

Y. Sato, S. Nozawa, M. Yoshiike, T. Otoi, T. Iwamoto 2012

[雑誌論文] Follicle formation in the canine ovary after autografting to a peripheral site.

T. Terazono, Y. Kaedei, F. Tanihara, Z. Namura, V. L. Viet, M. Takagi, M. Inoue, Y. Sato, M. Taniguchi and T. Otoi 2012

[雑誌論文] Studying spermatogenesis by using in vivo and in vitro models: Advantages and disadvantages of these models for practical use.

Y.Sato, M. Taniguchi, T. Otoi 2012

[雑誌論文] Effects of (-)-epigallocatechin gallate on the motility and penetrability of frozen-thawed boar spermatozoa incubated in the fertilization medium.

Y. Kaedei, M. Naito, H. Naoi, Y. Sato, M. Taniguchi, F. Tanihara, K. Kikuchi, T. Nagai, T. Otoi 2012

[学会発表] Trichostatin a treatment effects on in vitro development of interspecies nuclear transfer cat embryos depend on recipient cytoplasm species.

L.T.K.Do, Y.Sato, M.Taniguchi, T.Otoi 0

[学会発表] Molecular analysis of testicular cells in Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) cryptorchid testis.

Y. Sato, T. Tharasanit, N.Tipatanavattana, C. Somgird, C. Thitaram, S. Mahasawangkul, T. Otoi, M. Techakumphu 0