

KAKEN 科学研究費助成事業データベース で見る
研究課題番号 KAKENHI-PROJECT-22590055
研究種目 基盤研究(C)
研究分野 生物系
研究機関 北海道大学
代表研究者 山本 融
研究期間 開始年月日 2010/4/1
研究期間 終了年度 2012
研究ステータス 完了 (2012/4/1)
配分額(合計) 4,680,000 (直接経費 :3,600,000、間接経費 :1,080,000)
配分額(履歴) 2012年度:1,040,000 (直接経費 :800,000、間接経費 :240,000)
2011年度:1,040,000 (直接経費 :800,000、間接経費 :240,000)
2010年度:2,600,000 (直接経費 :2,000,000、間接経費 :600,000)
キーワード 大脳皮質


[学会発表] 脊髄上行性伝導路の形成機構

山本融 2013

[雑誌論文] Mechanism of Intracellular Cleavage of Alcadeins by γ-Secretases

Piao Y, Kimura A, Urano S, Saito Y, Taru H, Yamamoto T, Hata S, Suzuki T 2013

[学会発表] 脊髄上行性伝導路の形成機構

山本 融 2013

[雑誌論文] Constitutive cleavage of the single-pass transmembrane protein Alcadein α prevents aberrant peripheral retention of Kinesin-1

Maruta C, Saito Y, Hata S, Gotoh N, Suzuki T, Yamamoto T 2012

[学会発表] Constitutive cleavage of a single pass transmembrane protein Alcadeinα prevents aberrant peripheral retention of kinesin-1

Yamamoto T 2012

[雑誌論文] A small peptide sequence is sufficient for nitiating kinesin-1 activation through part of TPR region of KLC1

Kawano T, Araseki M, Araki Y, Kinjo M, Yamamoto T, Suzuki T 2012

[学会発表] Constitutive cleavage of a single pass transmembrane protein Alcadeinα prevents aberrant peripheral retention of kinesin-1.

Tohru Yamamoto 2012

[雑誌論文] Membrane-microdomainlocalization of amyloid β -precursor protein (APP) C-terminal fragments is regulated by phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic Thr668 residue

Matsushima T, Saito Y, Elliott JI, Iijima-Ando K, Nishimura M, Kimura N, Hata S, Yamamoto T, Nakaya T, Suzuki T 2012

[学会発表] Enhanced amyloidogenic p rocessing of APP in Alcadeinα-defic ient mice

Yamamoto T 2011

[学会発表] WD motif : A small peptide motif is sufficient for initiating Kinesin-1 activation through part of the tetratricopeptide repeat region of KLC1

Yamamoto T 2011

[学会発表] Enhanced amyloidogenic processing of APP in Alcadein α-deficient mice

Yamamoto T 2011

[学会発表] Alcadeinαの欠失によりAPPのアミロイド産生的代謝は亢進する

山本融 2011

[学会発表] からだと脳はどのように結ばれるか-脊髄上行路形成機構の解析

山本融 2011

[学会発表] WDモチーフはキネシン1モーター活性化の開始に十分であり、その際キネシン軽鎖TPR領域のすべては必要とされない

山本融 2011

[学会発表] Alcadein αの欠失によりAPPのアミロイド産生的代謝は亢進する

山本融 2011

[雑誌論文] Coordinated increase of γ-secretase reaction products in the plasma of some female Japanese sporadic Alzheimer's disease patients: quantitative analysis of p3-Alcα with a new ELISA system. Mol

Konno T, Hata S, Hamada Y, Horikoshi-Sakuraba Y, Nakaya T, Saito Y, Yamamoto T, Yamamoto T, Maeda M, Ikeuchi T, Gandy S, Akatsu H, Suzuki T 2011

[雑誌論文] IgSF molecule MDGA1 is involved in radial migration and positioning of a subset of cortical upper layer neurons

Ishikawa T, Gotoh N, Murayama C, Abe T, Iwashita M, Matsuzaki F, Suzuki T, Yamamoto T 2011

[雑誌論文] Intracellular trafficking of the amyloid β-protein precursor(APP)regulated by novel function of X11-like

Saito Y, Akiyama M, Araki Y, Sumioka A, Shiono M, Taru H, Nakaya T, Yamamoto T, Suzuki T 2011

[雑誌論文] Expression of sorting nexin 18 (SNX18) is dynamically regulated in developing spinal motor neurons

Nakazawa S, Gotoh N, Matsumoto H, Murayama C, Suzuki T, Yamamoto T 2011

[学会発表] からだと脳はどのように結ばれるか-脊髄上行路形成機構の解析

山本融 2011

[学会発表] Novel IgSF molecule MDGA1 is involved in radial migration an d positioning of a subset of cortical upper-layer neurons

Yamamoto T 2010

[学会発表] IgSF molecule MDGA1 is i nvolved in radial migration and posi tioning of a subset of cortical upper-layer neurons

Yamamoto T 2010

[雑誌論文] Increased amyloidogenic processing of transgenic human APP in X11-like deficient mouse brain

Kondo M, Shiono M, Itoh G, Takei N, Matsushima T, Maeda M, Taru H, Hata S, Yamamoto T, Saito Y, Suzuki T 2010

[学会発表] IaSF molecule MDGA1 is involved in radial migration and positioning of a subset of cortical upper-layer neurons.

Yamamoto T 2010

[学会発表] Novel IgSF molecule MDGA1 is involved in radial migration and positioning of a subset of cortical upper-layer neurons.

Yamamoto T 2010