

KAKEN 科学研究費助成事業データベース で見る
研究課題番号 KAKENHI-PROJECT-21790729
研究種目 若手研究(B)
研究分野 生物系
研究機関 高知大学
代表研究者 有川 幹彦
研究期間 開始年月日 2009/4/1
研究期間 終了年度 2010
研究ステータス 完了 (2010/4/1)
配分額(合計) 3,900,000 (直接経費 :3,000,000、間接経費 :900,000)
配分額(履歴) 2010年度:1,820,000 (直接経費 :1,400,000、間接経費 :420,000)
2009年度:2,080,000 (直接経費 :1,600,000、間接経費 :480,000)
キーワード 生体機能利用


[雑誌論文] Donepezil, anti-Alzheimer's Disease Drug, Prevents Cardiac Rupture during Acute Phase of Myocardial Infarction in Mice.

Arikawa M, Kakinuma Y, Handa T, Yamasaki F, Sato T. 2011

[学会発表] Donepezil, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, reduces the risk of left ventricular free wall rupture during an acute phase of myocardial infarction by attenuating macrophage matrix metalloproteinase-9

Mikihiko Arikawa 2010

[雑誌論文] Differential regulation of TNF receptors by vagal nerve stimulation protect heart against acute ischemic injury.

Katare RG, Ando M, Kakinuma Y, Arikawa M, Yamasaki F, Sato T. 2010

[学会発表] Effects of a non-neuronal cholinergic system equipped for cardiomyocytes, as a molecular brake, on overshooting cardiac energy metabolism.

Kakinuma Y, Akiyama T, Arikawa M, Sato T. 2010

[学会発表] Effects of a non-neuronal acetylcholine synthesis system equipped for cardiomyocytes, as a molecular brake, on overshooting cardiac energy metabolism.

Kakinuma Y, Akiyama T, Arikawa M, Handa T, Sato T. 2010

[学会発表] Donepezil, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, reduces the risk of left ventricular free wall rupture during an acute phase of myocardial infarction by attenuating macrophage matrix metalloproteinase-9.

Arikawa M, Kakinuma Y, Zheng C, Yamasaki F, Sato T. 2010

[学会発表] Effects of a non-central and non-neuronal acetylcholine synthesis system equipped for cardiomyocytes, as a molecular brake, on overshooting cardiac energy metabolism.

柿沼由彦、秋山剛、有川幹彦、半田武巳、佐藤隆幸 2010

[雑誌論文] Donepezil, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor against Alzheimer's dementia, promotes angiogenesis in an ischemic hindlimb model.

Kakinuma Y, Furihata M, Akiyama T, Arikawa M, Handa T, Katare RG, Sato T. 2010

[雑誌論文] Donepezilを使用した容量負荷心不全マウスにおける心機能改善効果、生存率改善効果の検討

半田武巳、Katare GR、柿沼由彦、有川幹彦、安藤元紀、山崎文靖、佐藤隆幸、篠栗志朗 2009

[雑誌論文] Chronic intermittent fasting improves the survival following large myocardial ischemia by activation of BDNF/VEGF/PI3K signaling pathway.

Katare GR, Kakinuma Y, Arikawa M, Yamasaki F, Sato T. 2009

[雑誌論文] Anti-Alzheimer's drug, donepezil, markedly improves long-term survival after chronic heart failure in mice.

Handa T, Katare RG, Kakinuma Y, Arikawa M, Ando M, Sasaguri S, Yamasaki F, Sato T. 2009

[学会発表] Donepezil, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor against Alzheimer's dementia, prevents remodeling in volume-overload heart failure mice: Local and central effect of donepezil

Handa T, Kakinuma Y, Arikawa M, Sasaguri S, Yamasaki F, Sato T. 2009

[学会発表] Donepezil, An acetylcholinesterase inhibitor against Alzheimer's dementia, prevents remodeling and improves survival in volume overload heart failure mice.

Handa T, Katare RG, Kakinuma Y, Arikawa M, Sasaguri S, Yamasaki F, Sato T. 2009

[雑誌論文] Vagal nerve stimulation prevents reperfusion injury through inhibition of opening of mitochondrial permeability transition pore independent of the bradycardiac effect.

Katare GR, Ando M, Kakinuma Y, Arikawa M, Handa T, Yamasaki F, Sato T. 2009