

KAKEN 科学研究費助成事業データベース で見る
研究課題番号 KAKENHI-PROJECT-21591282
研究種目 基盤研究(C)
研究分野 生物系
研究機関 愛媛大学
代表研究者 長谷川 均
研究期間 開始年月日 2009/4/1
研究期間 終了年度 2011
研究ステータス 完了 (2011/4/1)
配分額(合計) 4,550,000 (直接経費 :3,500,000、間接経費 :1,050,000)
配分額(履歴) 2011年度:1,300,000 (直接経費 :1,000,000、間接経費 :300,000)
2010年度:1,300,000 (直接経費 :1,000,000、間接経費 :300,000)
2009年度:1,950,000 (直接経費 :1,500,000、間接経費 :450,000)
キーワード Regulatory T cells
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor


[学会発表] Analysis of the bioactive molecules that promote the induction of human tolerogenic dendritic cells and application to therapy for vasculitis

Hasegawa H, et al 2012

[学会発表] Antagonist of CXCL16 ameliorates the progression of vasculitis in arteritis-prone McH5/1pr mice

Hasegawa H, et al 2011

[学会発表] Lysophosphatidylcholine enhances suppressive function of human naturally occurring regulatory T cells through TGF-β production

Hasegawa H, et al 2011

[学会発表] ヒト免疫寛容樹状細胞の誘導を促進させる生理活性物質の探索

松本卓也、長谷川均、金磊、大西佐知子、末盛浩一郎、安川正貴 2011

[学会発表] Analysis of the bioactive molecules that promote the induction of human tolerogenic dendritic cells

Matsumoto T, Hasegawa H, Lei J, Onishi S, Suemori K, Yasukawa M 2011

[学会発表] ヒト制御性T細胞の誘導におけるPPARアゴニストとTSAまたはATRAの併用による相乗効果

長谷川均、金磊、松本卓也、大西佐知子、末盛浩一郎、安川正貴 2011

[学会発表] Antagonist of CXCL16 ameliorates the progression of vasculitis in arteritis-prone McH5/lpr mice

Hasegawa H, Miyazaki T, Lei J, Matsumoto T, Nose M, Yasukawa M 2011

[雑誌論文] Lysophosphatidylcholine enhances the suppressive function of human naturally occurring regulatory T cells through TGF-βproduction. Biochem

Hasegawa H, Lei J, Matsumoto T, Onishi S, Suemori K, Yasukawa M 2011

[学会発表] Lysophosphatidylcholine enhances suppressive function of human naturally occurring regulatory T cells through TGF-βproduction

Hasegawa H, Lei J, Matsumoto T, Onishi S, Suemori K, Yasukawa M 2011

[雑誌論文] Lysophosphatidylcholine enhances the suppressive function of human naturally occurring regulatory T cells through TGF-β production

Hasegawa H, et al 2011

[雑誌論文] Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha and gamma agonists together with TGF-beta convert human CD4+ CD25-T cells into functional Foxp3+ regulatory T cells

Lei J., Hasegawa H, Matsumoto T, Yasukawa M 2010

[学会発表] PPARαおよびγアゴニストによるヒト制御性Τ細胞への分化誘導機序

金磊、長谷川均、松本卓也、河野政志、安川正貴 2010

[学会発表] Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha and gamma agonists together with TGF-beta convert human CD4+CD25- T cells into functional Foxp3+ regulatory T cells

Hasegawa H, et al. 2010

[学会発表] PPARalphaおよびgammaアゴニストによるヒト制御性T細胞への分化誘導機序

金嘉、長谷川均, 他 2010

[雑誌論文] Fractalkine expression and CD16+ monocyte accumulation in glomerular lesions : Association with their severity and diversity in lupus models

Nakatani K, Hasegawa H, et al. 2010

[雑誌論文] Fractalkine expression and CD16+ monocyte accumulation in glomerular lesions : association with their severity and diversity in lupus models

Nakatani K, Yoshimoto S, Iwano M, Asai O, Samejima K, Sakan H, Terada M, Hasegawa H, Nose M, Saito Y 2010

[雑誌論文] Human herpesvirus 6 infection impairs Toll-like receptor signaling

Murakami Y, Tanimoto K, Fujiwara H, An J, Suemori K, Ochi T, Hasegawa H, Yasukawa M 2010

[雑誌論文] Human herpesvirus 6 infection impairs Toll-like receptor signaling

Murakami Y, Hasegawa H, et al. 2010

[学会発表] PPARαおよびγアゴニストによるヒト制御性T細胞への分化誘導機序

金磊, 長谷川均, 他 2010

[雑誌論文] Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha and gamma agonists together with TGF-betaconvert human CD4+CD25- T cells into functional Foxp3+ regulatory T cells

Lei J, Hasegawa H, et al. 2010

[学会発表] Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptorαandγagonists together with TGF-βconvert human CD4+ CD25-T cells into functional Foxp3+ regulatory T cells

Hasegawa H, Lei J, Matsumoto T, Yasukawa M 2010

[学会発表] CXCL16 antagonist ameliorates the progression of vasculitis in McH5/lpr mice

Hasegawa H, et al. 2010

[学会発表] Amelioration of lupus nephritis with dendritic cell using a NF-kappaB decoy and histone H3 peptide in NZB/W F1 mice

長谷川均, et al. 2009

[学会発表] Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α and γ agonists enhance human regulatory T cell function and induction

長谷川均, et al. 2009

[学会発表] PPARαおよびPPARγアゴニストはヒト制御性T細胞への誘導や機能を増強する

長谷川均、金磊、河野政志、松本卓也、安川正貴 2009