

KAKEN 科学研究費助成事業データベース で見る
研究課題番号 KAKENHI-PROJECT-19H02002
研究種目 基盤研究(B)
研究機関 愛媛大学
代表研究者 GREAUX Steeve
研究分担者 肥後 祐司
研究分担者 河合 研志
研究分担者 佐藤 友彦
研究期間 開始年月日 2019/4/1
研究期間 終了年度 2022
研究ステータス 完了 (2022/4/1)
配分額(合計) 17,810,000 (直接経費 :13,700,000、間接経費 :4,110,000)
配分額(履歴) 2022年度:2,600,000 (直接経費 :2,000,000、間接経費 :600,000)
2021年度:2,860,000 (直接経費 :2,200,000、間接経費 :660,000)
2020年度:2,470,000 (直接経費 :1,900,000、間接経費 :570,000)
2019年度:9,880,000 (直接経費 :7,600,000、間接経費 :2,280,000)
キーワード mantle composition
high pressure
ultrasonic measurement
seismological model


[学会発表] Low Velocity Zones in the Martian Upper Mantle Highlighted by Sound Velocity Measurements

Xu F., Siersch N., Greaux S., Rivoldini A., Kuwahara H., Kondo N., Wehr N., Menguy N., Kono Y., Higo Y., Plesa A.-C., Badro J. and Antonangeli D. 2022

[学会発表] Water content at the stagnant slabs deduced from the sound velocity of hydrous ringwoodite

Sun W., Greaux S., Irifune T. and Higo Y. 2022

[学会発表] Structural study of silica-free calcium aluminate (CaAl2O4) glass at high-pressures using the synchrotron X-ray facilities

Ohira I., Kono Y., Greaux S., Kondo N., Hrubiak R. and Higo Y. 2022

[学会発表] Water content at the stagnant slabs deduced from the sound velocity of hydrous ringwoodite

Sun W., Greaux S., Irifune T. and Higo Y. 2022

[学会発表] 高温高圧下における含水シリカの電気伝導度測定 ~超イオン状態の実験的証拠~

稲田 真子, 奥田 善之, 岡 健太, 桑原 秀治, Greaux S., 廣瀬 敬 2022

[学会発表] Structural study of silica-free calcium aluminate (CaAl2O4) glass at high-pressures using the synchrotron X-ray facilities

Ohira I., Kono Y., Greaux S., Kondo N., Hrubiak R. and Higo Y. 2022

[学会発表] Thermal Conductivity of Hydrous Stishovite and DHMS Minerals; Implications for Seismicity along Japanese Trench Subduction Zone

Sweidan B., Ohta K., Okuda Y., Greaux S., Kodama M., Yagi T. and Kuwahara H. 2022

[学会発表] Low Velocity Zones in the Martian Upper Mantle Highlighted by Sound Velocity Measurements

Xu F., Siersch N., Greaux S., Rivoldini A., Kuwahara H., Kondo N., Wehr N., Menguy N., Kono Y., Higo Y., Plesa A.-C., Badro J. and Antonangeli D. 2022

[学会発表] コチュナイト型ジルコニアの硬度と弾性率

Tinnakorn P., Nishiyama N., Greaux S., Kono Y. 2021

[学会発表] Sound velocities of mantle rock aggregates at simultaneous high pressure and high temperature: implications for the structure of the mantle transition region.

Greaux S., Kuwahara H., Kono Y., Higo Y., Mitsu K. Ohira I., Kondo N. and Irifune T. 2021

[学会発表] Experimental studies on phase equilibria, density and sound velocities of Martian mantle assemblages

Siersch N., Xu F., Marceline, A.-E., Greaux S., Rivoldini A., Kuwahara H., Kondo N., Wehr N., Menguy N., Kono Y., Higo Y., Plesa A.-C., Badro J. and Antonangeli D. 2021

[学会発表] CaSiO3ガラスの高密度化に伴う構造-物性変化

山田 明寛・信氏 周知・Greaux Steeve・肥後 祐司・松岡 純 2021

[学会発表] Mobility of volatile-bearing magmas in planetesimals: implications for CO2 loss and storage during accretion

Stopponi V., Stagno V., Sena F., Marras G., Codispoti N. and Greaux S. 2021

[学会発表] Structure and elastic wave velocity of SiO2-Al2O3 glass under high-pressure

Ohira I., Kono Y., Greaux S., Kondo N., Kuwahara H. and Shen G. 2021

[雑誌論文] Laboratory measurements of sound velocities of CaSiO3 perovskite reveal the fate of subducted oceanic crust into the Earth' s deep interior

Greaux S. and Irifune T. 2020

[学会発表] In situ synchrotron diffraction and sound velocity measurements of transparent nanoceramics consisting of low-symmetry crystals

Gaida N.A., Greaux S., Kono Y., Kuwahara H., Nishiyama N., Beermann O., Niwa K. and Hasegawa M. 2020

[学会発表] Towards ultrasonic measurements at lower mantle P and T conditions in the multi-anvil apparatus

Greaux S., Kono Y., Higo Y. and Irifune T. 2020

[学会発表] Low Velocity Zones in the Martian Upper Mantle Highlighted by Sound Velocity Measurements

Siersch N., Xu F., Greaux S., Badro J., Kuwahara H., Kondo N., Kono Y., Higo Y., Plesa A.-C., Rivoldini A. and Antonangeli D. 2020

[学会発表] Sound Velocities of CaSiO3 Perovskite and some Implications for the Deep Mantle Mineralogy

Greaux S. 2019

[学会発表] Sound velocity of Al-bearing phase D to 22 GPa and 1300 K

Xu C., Greaux S., Inoue T., Noda M., Sun W., Kuwahara H. and Higo Y. 2019

[学会発表] Sound velocities of CaSiO3 perovskite and some implications for the deep mantle mineralogy

Greaux S., Irifune T., Higo Y., Tange Y., Arimoto T., Liu Z. and Yamada A. 2019

[学会発表] Sound Velocities of CaSiO3 Perovskite and its Implications for the Deep Mantle Mineralogy

Greaux S., Irifune T., Higo Y. and Tange Y. 2019

[学会発表] Elastic wave velocity of Al-bearing Tschermak substitution bridgmanite under high pressure and high temperature

Noda M., Inoue T., Greaux S. and Higo Y. 2019

[学会発表] Sound velocities of pyrolite and the structure of the mantle upper transition region

Greaux S., Irifune T. and Higo Y. 2019