

KAKEN 科学研究費助成事業データベース で見る
研究課題番号 KAKENHI-PROJECT-19390274
研究種目 基盤研究(B)
研究分野 生物系
研究機関 徳島大学
代表研究者 松本 満
研究分担者 堀家 慎一
研究分担者 堀家 牧子
研究期間 開始年月日 2007/4/1
研究期間 終了年度 2008
研究ステータス 完了 (2008/4/1)
配分額(合計) 18,590,000 (直接経費 :14,300,000、間接経費 :4,290,000)
配分額(履歴) 2008年度:9,100,000 (直接経費 :7,000,000、間接経費 :2,100,000)
2007年度:9,490,000 (直接経費 :7,300,000、間接経費 :2,190,000)
キーワード 自己免疫疾患


[学会発表] M. Aire-dependent organization of thymic microenvironment

Matsumoto 2008

[雑誌論文] Targeted deletion of the murine corneodesmosin gene delineates its essential role in skin and hair physiology

Matsumoto, M., Zhou, Y., Matsuo, S., Nakanishi, H., Hirose, K., Oura, H., Arase, S., Ishida-Yamamoto, A., Bando, Y., Izumi, K., Kiyonari, H., Oshima, N., Nakayama, R., Matsushima, A., Hirota, F., Mouri, Y., Kuroda, N., Sano, S., and Chaplin, D.D. 2008

[雑誌論文] The tumor necrosis factor family receptors RANK and CD40 cooperatively establish the thymic medullary microenvironment and self-tolerance

Akiyama, T., Shimo, Y., Yanai, H., Qin, J., Ohshima, D., Maruyama, Y., Asaumi, Y., Kitazawa, J., Takayanagi, H., Penninger, J.M., Matsumoto, M., Nitta, T., Takahama, Y., and Inoue, J-I. 2008

[学会発表] Aire controls the differentiation program of thymic epithelial cells in the medulla for the establishment of self-tolerance

CD Masashi, Y., Mouri, Y., Nishikawa, Y., Ikawa, T., Satoh, R., Kawamoto, H., and Matsumoto M. 2008

[学会発表] D.D. Targeted deletion of the murine corneodesrnosin gene delineates its essential role in skin and hair physiology

Matsumoto, M., Sano, S., Ishida-Yamamoto, A., Zhou, Y., Matsuo, S., Nakanishi, H., Hirose, K., Oura, H., Arase, S., and Chaplin 2008

[雑誌論文] The cytokine RANKL produced by positively selected thymocytes fosters medullary thymic epithelial cells that express autoimmune regulator

Hikosaka, Y., Nitta, T., Ohigashi, I., Yana, K., Ishimaru, N., Hayashi, Y., Matsumoto, M., Matsuo, K., Penninger, J.M., Takayanagi, H., Yokota, Y., Yamada, H., Yoshikai, Y., Inoue, J-I., Akiyama, T., and Takahama, Y. 2008

[学会発表] Aire controls the differentiation program of medullary thymic epithelial cells

Yano, M., Nishikawa, Y., Ikawa, T., Satoh, R., Kawamoto, H., Mouri, Y.and Matsumoto, M. 2008

[雑誌論文] Aire controls the differentiation program of thymic epithelial cells in the medulla for the establishment of self-tolerance

Yano, M., Kuroda, N., Han, H., Horike, M., Nishikawa, Y., Kiyonari, H., Maemura, K., Yanagawa, Y., Obata, K., Takahashi, S., Ikawa, T., Satoh, R., Kawamoto, H., Mouri, Y., and Matsumoto, M. 2008

[学会発表] Transcriptional regulation in the thymus for the establishment of self-tolerance 13<th> International Congress of Immunology Rio de Janeiro

Matsumoto, M. 2007

[学会発表] Aire-dependent organization of thymic microenvironment for the establishment of self-tolerance

Matsumoto, M. 2007

[学会発表] Thymic organogenesis controlled by NF-KB activating factors FOCiS 2007 San Diego

Yano, M., Mouri, Y. and Matsumoto, M. 2007

[雑誌論文] Transcriptional regulation in thymic epithelial cells for the establishment of self tolerance

Matsumoto M. 2007

[雑誌論文] utoimmune regulator functions in autoimmunity control

Matsumoto, M. 2007

[学会発表] Thymic stromal factors that regulate establishment and maintenance of self-tolerance RCAI-JSI international Symposium on Immunology 2007 Development and Maintenance of Immune System Pacifico Yokohama

Matsumoto, M. 2007

[学会発表] Aire in thymic stroma controls early thymopoiesis The Rolduc Workshop on Thymocyte and T cell Biology Kerkrade

Mouri, Y. and Matsumoto, M. 2007

[雑誌論文] N. Medullary thymic epithelial cells expressing Aire represent a unique lineage derived from cells expressing claudin

Hamazaki, Y., Fujita, H., Kobayashi, T., Choi, Y., Scott, H.S., Matsumoto, M., and Minato, 2007

[雑誌論文] Autoimmune regulator functions in sutoimmunity control

Matsumoto M. 2007

[学会発表] Target-organ specificity of autoimmunity defined by Aire

Niki, S., Mouri, Y., and Matsumoto, M. 2007

[学会発表] Transcriptional regulation in the thymus for the establishment of self-tolerance

Matsumoto M. 2007

[雑誌論文] Transcriptional regulation in thymic epithelial cells for the establishment of self tolerance

Matsumoto, M. 2007