

KAKEN 科学研究費助成事業データベース で見る
研究課題番号 KAKENHI-PROJECT-18570109
研究種目 基盤研究(C)
研究分野 生物系
研究機関 香川大学
代表研究者 神鳥 成弘
研究分担者 吉田 裕美
研究期間 開始年月日 2006/4/1
研究期間 終了年度 2007
研究ステータス 完了 (2007/4/1)
配分額(合計) 3,890,000 (直接経費 :3,500,000、間接経費 :390,000)
配分額(履歴) 2007年度:1,690,000 (直接経費 :1,300,000、間接経費 :390,000)
2006年度:2,200,000 (直接経費 :2,200,000)
キーワード X線結晶解析
X-ray structure
Calcium binding protein
EF-hand protein
Actin-binding protein
Conformational change
Protein Complex
Synchrotron radiation


[学会発表] Binding modes of microglia-specific EF-hand protein Iba1 with targets deduced from X-ray structures

Yamada, M., Yoshida, H., Ohsawa, K., Imai, Y., Kohsaka, S. & Kamitori, S. 2007

[学会発表] Binding modes of microglia-specific EF-hand protein Ibal with targets deduced from X-ray structures

Yamada M.., Yoshida, H.., Ohsawa K., Imai, Y., Kohsaka, S.and Kamitori S. 2007

[学会発表] Binding modes of microglia-specific EF-hand protein Ibal with targets deduced from X-ray structures

Yamada, M., Yoshida, H., Ohsawa, K., Imai, Y., Kohsaka, S., Kamitori, S 2007

[学会発表] X-ray structure of microglia/macrophage-specific protein Iba1 and its binding study to actin and L-fimbin

Yamada, M., Yoshida, H., Imai, Y., Ohasawa, K, Kohsaka, S. & Kamitori, S. 2006

[雑誌論文] X-ray structures of the microglia/macrophage-specific protein IBal from human and mouse demonstrate novel molecular conformation change induced by calcium-binding

Yamada, M., Ohsawa, K., Imai, Y., Kohsaka, S., Kamitori, S 2006

[雑誌論文] X-ray structures of the microglia/macrophage-specific protein Ibal from human and mouse demonstrate novel molecular conformation change induced by calcium-binding.

Yamada, M., Ohsawa, K., Imai, Y., Kohsaka, S., Kamitori, S. 2006

[雑誌論文] X-ray structures ofthe microglia/macrophage-specific protein Iba1 from human and mouse demonstrate novel molecular confomation change induced by calcium-binding

Yamada, M., Ohsawa, K., Imai, Y., Kohsaka, S. & Kamitori, S. 2006

[学会発表] Binding modes of microglia-specific EF-hand protein Ibal with targets deduced from X-ray structures

Yamada, M., Yoshida, H., Ohsawa, K., Imai, Y., Kohsaka, S., Kamitori, S 2006