

KAKEN 科学研究費助成事業データベース で見る
研究課題番号 KAKENHI-PROJECT-18390379
研究種目 基盤研究(B)
研究分野 生物系
研究機関 香川大学
代表研究者 黄 政龍
研究分担者 石川 真也
研究分担者 横見瀬 裕保
研究分担者 上野 正樹
研究期間 開始年月日 2006/4/1
研究期間 終了年度 2008
研究ステータス 完了 (2008/4/1)
配分額(合計) 18,000,000 (直接経費 :15,300,000、間接経費 :2,700,000)
配分額(履歴) 2008年度:5,850,000 (直接経費 :4,500,000、間接経費 :1,350,000)
2007年度:5,850,000 (直接経費 :4,500,000、間接経費 :1,350,000)
2006年度:6,300,000 (直接経費 :6,300,000)
キーワード 遺伝子治療


[学会発表] Combined therapy with an adenoviral vector expressing short hairpin RNA targeting thymidylate synthase and S-1 has effective antitumor activity against 5-FU-resistant tumors

門田球一, 黄政龍, 他 2009

[学会発表] Adenoviral vector expressing short hairpin RNA targeting Wnt2b has a strong antitumor activity against Wnt2b- overexpressing tumors

劉大革, 黄政龍, 他 2009

[雑誌論文] Wnt1 overexpression associated with tumor proliferation and a poor prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer patients

Nakashima T., Liu D., Nakano J., Ishikawa S., Yokomise H., Ueno M., Kadota K., Huang, C. 2008

[雑誌論文] Wnt1 overexpression promotes tumour progression in non-small cell lung cancer

Huang C., Liu D., Ishikawa S., Nakashima T., Nakashima N., Yokomise H., Kadota K., Ueno M. 2008

[雑誌論文] The clinical significance of lymphangiogenesis and angiogenesis in non-small cell lung cancer patients

Kadota K., Huang C., Liu D., Ueno M., Kushida Y., Haba R., Yokomise H. 2008

[雑誌論文] The clinical significance of splice variants and subcellular localization of survivin in non-small cell lung cancers

Nakano J., Huang C., Liu D., Masuya D., Yokomise H., Ueno M., Haba R. 2008

[雑誌論文] The expression of osteopontin is increased in vessels with blood-brain barrier impairment

Iwanaga Y., Ueno M., Ueki M., Huang C., et.al. 2008

[図書] Motility. In : Encyclopedia of Cancer Second Edition

Cheng-long Huang 2008

[学会発表] 非小細胞肺癌における分子マーカーに基づく個別化化学療法と遺伝子治療の展開

黄政龍, 他 2008

[学会発表] Lymphangiogenesis is associated with nodal metastasis and a poor prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer patients

門田球一, 黄政龍, 他 2008

[学会発表] Wnt2b抑制アデノウィルスベクターによる癌遺伝子治療の基礎的研究

劉大革, 黄政龍, 他 2008

[学会発表] Overexpression of the Wnt family promotes carcinogenesis in non-small cell lung cancer

黄政龍 2008

[学会発表] 非小細胞肺癌における腫瘍内Wnt1発現による腫瘍増殖亢進と血管新生

黄政龍, 他 2008

[学会発表] Wnt1 overexpression is associated with tumor proliferation and angiogenesis in non-small cell lung cancer

黄政龍, 他 2008

[雑誌論文] Wntl overexpression promotes tumour progression in non-small cell lung cancer

Cheng-long Huang, et al. 2008

[図書] Motility, in Encyclopedia of Cancer Second Edition

Huang C. 2008

[学会発表] Tailor-made chemotherapy and gene therapy based on biomarkers in non-small cell lung cancer

黄政龍 2008

[学会発表] 非小細胞肺癌における分子マーカーに基づく個別化化学療法と遺伝子治療への展開

黄 政龍, 他 2008

[図書] Motlity.In:Encyclopedia of Cancer 2nd Edition

Cheng-long Huang 2008

[雑誌論文] Accumulation of triosephosphate isomerase, with sequence homology to ・amyloid peptides, in vessel walls of the newborn piglet hippocampus

Kusaka T., Ueno M., Miki T., Huang C., et.al. 2007

[雑誌論文] E2F1 overexpression correlates with thymidylate synthase and survivin gene expressions and tumor proliferation in non-small cell lung cancer

Huang C., Liu D., Nakano J., Yokomise H., Ueno M., Kadota K., Wada H. 2007

[雑誌論文] Overexpression of matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) correlates with tumor proliferation, and a poor prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer

Liu D., Nakano J., Ishikawa S., Yokomise H., Ueno M., Kadota K., Urushihara M., Huang C. 2007

[雑誌論文] Clinical significance of the p53 pathway and associated gene therapy in non-small cell lung cancers

Huang C., Yokomise H., Mitake A. 2007

[雑誌論文] En block partial vertebrectomy for lung cancer invading the spine after induction chemoradiotherapy

Yokomise H., Gotoh M., Okamoto T., Yamamoto Y., Ishikawa S., Liu D., Oka S., Huang C. 2007

[雑誌論文] Induction chemoradiotherapy (Carboplatin-taxanes and concurrent 50 Gy radiation for bulky c-N2, N3 non-small-cell lung cancer

Yokomise H., Gotoh M., Okamoto T., Yamamoto Y., Ishikawa S., Nakashima T., Masuya D., Liu D., Huang C. 2007

[雑誌論文] Clinical application of infrared thoracoscopy to detect bullous or emphysematous lesions of the lung

Gotoh M., Yamamoto Y., Igai H., Chang S., Huang C. and Yokomise H. 2007

[学会発表] 非小細胞肺癌におけるWnt1過剰発現の臨床的意義

劉大革, 黄政龍, 他 2007

[雑誌論文] E2F1 overexpression correlates with thymidylate synthase and survivingene expressions and tumor proliferation in non-small cell lung cancer

Cheng-long Huang, et. al. 2007

[学会発表] 非小細胞肺癌におけるWntシグナルの過剰発現とその制御への試み

黄政龍, 他 2007

[学会発表] 非小細胞肺癌における腫瘍内survivin及びsurvivin delta Ex3発現の臨床的意義

中野淳, 黄政龍, 他 2007

[学会発表] 非小細胞肺癌におけるバイオマーカーに基づく個別化化学療法の展開

黄政龍, 他 2007

[学会発表] 非小細胞肺癌におけるE2F1過剰発現によるTS発現と腫瘍増殖能への関与

黄政龍, 他 2007

[学会発表] 非小細胞肺癌におけるWnt1及びWnt5aの腫瘍内発現とVEGF-A発現との関連

劉大革, 黄政龍, 他 2007

[学会発表] E2F1 overexpression associated with TS and surviving gene expressions in non-small cell lung cancer

黄政龍, 他 2007

[学会発表] 非小細胞肺癌における腫瘍増殖能関連分子マーカーに関する臨床的検討

門田球一, 黄政龍, 他 2007

[雑誌論文] HAUSP gene plays an important role in carcinogenesis through p53 pathways in non-small cell lung cancers

Masuya D., Huang C., Liu D., Nakashima T., Yokomise H., Ueno M., Nakashima N., Sumitomo S. 2006

[雑誌論文] Evaluations of biomarkers associated with 5-FU sensitivity for non-small cell lung cancer patients postoperatively treated with UFT

Nakano J., Huang C., Liu D., Masuya D., Nakashima T., Yokomise H., Ueno M., Wada H., Fukushima M. 2006

[雑誌論文] A useful protocol for analyses of mutations of the epidermal growth factor receptor gene

Liu D., Nakano J., Ueno M., Masuya D., Nakashima T., Yokomise H., Yube K., Huang C. 2006

[雑誌論文] Two pathways of apoptosis are simultaneously induced in the embryonal brains of neural cell-specific HIF-1・-deficient mice

Ueno M., Tomita S., Ueki M., Iwanaga Y., Huang C., Onodera M., Maekawa N., Gonzalez F.J., Sakamoto, H. 2006

[雑誌論文] MRP-1/CD9 gene transduction regulates the actin cytoskeleton through the down-regulation of WAVE2

Huang C., Ueno M., Liu D., Masuya D., Nakano J., Yokomise H., Nakagawa T., Miyake M. 2006

[雑誌論文] Effects of aging and HIF-1・ deficiency on permeability of hippocampal vessels

Ueno M., Tomita S., Nakagawa T., Huang C., et.al. 2006

[雑誌論文] Spontaneous elicitation of potent antitumor immunity and eradication of established tumors by administration of DNA encoding soluble transforming growth factor-beta II receptor without active antigen-sensitization

Kontani K., Kajino K., Huang C., Fujino S., Taguchi O., Yamauchi A., Yokomise H., Ogasawara K. 2006

[雑誌論文] Tailor-made chemotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer patients

Huang C., Yokomise H., Fukushima M., Kinoshita M. 2006

[雑誌論文] Therapeutic strategy based on biological markers for non-small-cell lung cancers

Cheng-long Huang, et al. 2006

[学会発表] 非小細胞肺癌におけるバイオマーカーに基づいた個別化アジュヴァント化学療法

黄政龍, 他 2006

[雑誌論文] MRP-1/CD9 gene transduction regulates the actin cytoskeleton through the downregulation of WAVE2

Cheng-long Huang, et al. 2006

[学会発表] 癌転移抑制遺伝子MRP-1/CD9のWAVE2抑制を介した細胞運動抑制

黄政龍, 他 2006

[学会発表] WNT signal pathways and TM4SF in non-small cell lung cancer

黄政龍 2006

[雑誌論文] Tailor-made chemotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer patients

Cheng-long Huang, et al. 2006