トップ研究者を探すUnderstanding magnetic mineral diagenesis in the methane-rich sediments from Nankai Trough

Understanding magnetic mineral diagenesis in the methane-rich sediments from Nankai Trough

KAKEN 科学研究費助成事業データベース で見る
研究課題番号 KAKENHI-PROJECT-17K05681
研究種目 基盤研究(C)
研究分野 理工系
研究機関 高知大学
研究分担者 小玉 一人
研究期間 開始年月日 2017/4/1
研究期間 終了年度 2021
研究ステータス 完了 (2021/4/1)
配分額(合計) 3,770,000 (直接経費 :2,900,000、間接経費 :870,000)
配分額(履歴) 2020年度:1,170,000 (直接経費 :900,000、間接経費 :270,000)
2019年度:910,000 (直接経費 :700,000、間接経費 :210,000)
2018年度:780,000 (直接経費 :600,000、間接経費 :180,000)
2017年度:910,000 (直接経費 :700,000、間接経費 :210,000)
キーワード magnetic diagenesis
iron cycle
microbial activity
magnetic minerals
Nankai Trough
Iron sulfides
iron sulfides
sulfidic zone


[学会発表] The influence of tectonic migration of ocean floor on (bio-)geochemical and diagenetic processes in subseafloor sediments from the Nankai Trough off Japan

Koester, M., M. Kars, F. Schubotz, M-Y. Tsang, Y. Morono, F. Inagaki, V.B. Heuer, S. Kasten, and S. Henkel 2021

[雑誌論文] volution of (Bio-)geochemical Processes and Diagenetic Alteration of Sediments Along the Tectonic Migration of Ocean Floor in the Shikoku Basin off Japan

Koester, M., M. Kars, F. Schubotz, M-Y. Tsang, M. Maisch, A. Kappler, Y. Morono, F. Inagaki, V. B. Heuer, S. Kasten, and S. Henkel 2021

[雑誌論文] Influence of Early Low-Temperature and Later High-Temperature Diagenesis on Magnetic Mineral Assemblages in Marine Sediments from the Nankai Trough

Kars M., M. Koester, S. Henkel, R. Stein, F. Schubotz, X. Zhao, S. A. Bowden, A. P. Roberts, K. Kodama 2021

[学会発表] Early low-temperature and later high-temperature diagenetic processes and their influence on magnetic mineral assemblages in marine sediments from IODP Site C0023, Nankai Trough, Northwestern Pacific Ocean

Kars, M., M. Koester, S. Henkel, S. A. Bowden, X. Zhao, and A. P. Roberts 2021

[学会発表] Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic investigation in marine sediments, Nankai Trough, offshore Cape Muroto

Myriam Kars, Tetsuya Fukuta, Carina Becker 2020

[学会発表] Characterization of complex magnetic mineral assemblages in Nankai Trough sediments, off Japan (IODP Expedition 370)

Myriam Kars, Andrew P. Roberts, Xiang Zhao 2018

[学会発表] Investigating the effects of high temperature and a deep SMTZ on rock magnetic properties at Site C0023, IODP Expedition 370

Myriam Kars, Susann Henkel, Natsumi Okutsu, IODP Expedition 370 Scientists 2017

[学会発表] Investigating the effects of high temperature and a deep SMTZ at Site C0023, IODP Expedition 370

Myriam Kars, Susann Henkel, IODP Expedition 370 Scientists 2017