

KAKEN 科学研究費助成事業データベース で見る
研究課題番号 KAKENHI-PROJECT-17390081
研究種目 基盤研究(B)
研究分野 生物系
研究機関 愛媛大学
代表研究者 東山 繁樹
研究分担者 檜枝 美紀
研究分担者 井上 博文
研究分担者 難波 大輔
研究期間 開始年月日 2005/4/1
研究期間 終了年度 2006
研究ステータス 完了 (2006/4/1)
配分額(合計) 14,700,000 (直接経費 :14,700,000)
配分額(履歴) 2006年度:4,900,000 (直接経費 :4,900,000)
2005年度:9,800,000 (直接経費 :9,800,000)
キーワード HB-EGF
cell cycle progression


[雑誌論文] Pbx1is a major target of PLZF-mediated melanoma cell growth suppression.

Shiraishi, K., Yamasaki, K., Nanba, D., Inoue, H., Hanakawa, Y., Shirakata, Y., Hashimoto, K., Higashiyama, S. 2007

[雑誌論文] Pbxl is a major target of PLZF-mediated melanoma cell growth suppression.

Shiraishi, K., Yamasaki, K., Nanba, D., Inoue, H., Hanakawa, Y., Shirakata, Y., Hashimoto, K., Higashiyama, S. 2007

[雑誌論文] Alternative recycling of E-cadeherin depends on metalloprotease activity of ADAM9

Hirao, F., Nanba, D., Tanaka, M., Ishiguro, H., Kinugasa, Y., Doki, Y., Yanao, M., Matuura, N., Monden, M., Higashiyama, S. 2006

[雑誌論文] Alternative recycling of E-cadeherin depends on metalloprotease activity of ADAM9

Hirao, F., Nanba, D., Tanaka, M., Ishiguro, H., Kinugasa, Y., Doki, Y., Yanao, M., Matuura, N., Monden, M., Higashiyama, S. 2006

[図書] 細胞増殖因子と再生医療

松本邦夫, 田畑恭彦, 東山繁樹 他 2006

[雑誌論文] PLZF regulates Pbx1 transcription and Pbx1-HoxC8 complex leads to androgen-independent prostate cancer proliferation.

Kikugawa, T., Kinugasa, Y., Shiraishi, K., Nanba, D., Nakashiro K., Tanji, N., Yokoyama, M., Higashiyama, S. 2006

[図書] 細胞増殖因子と再生医療

松本邦夫, 田畑泰彦, 東山繁樹 他 2006

[雑誌論文] PLZF regulates Pbx1 transcription and Pbx1-HoxC8 complex leads to androgen-independent prostate cancer proliferation.

Kikugawa T., Kinugasa Y., Shiraishi K., Nanba D., Nakashiro K., Tanji N., Yokoyama M., Higashiyama S. 2006

[雑誌論文] Loss of HB-EGF in smooth muscle or endothelial cell lineages causes heart valve malformation and cardiac hypertrophy.

Nanba, D., Kinugasa, Y., Morimoto, C., Koizumi, M., Yamamutra, H., Takahashi, K., Takakura, N., Mekada, E., Hashimoto, K., Higashiyama, S. 2006

[雑誌論文] PLZF regulates Pbxl transcription and Pbxl-HoxC8 complex leads to androgen-independent prostate cancer proliferation.

Kikugawa, T., Kinugasa, Y., Shiraishi, K., Nanba, D., Nakashiro K., Tanji, N., Yokoyama.M., Higashiyama.S. 2006

[雑誌論文] Loss of HB-EGF in smooth muscle or endothelial cell lineages causes heart valve malformation and cardiac hypertrophy.

Nanba, D., Kinugasa, Y., Morimoto, C., Koizumi, M., Yamamutra, H., Takahashi, K., Mekada, E., Hashimoto, K., Higashiyama, S. 2006

[雑誌論文] Activity-dependent shedding of heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor in brain neurons.

Shishido, Y., Tanaka, T., Piao, Y.S., Araki, K., Takei, N., Higashiyama, S., Nawa H. 2006

[雑誌論文] HB-EGF ad liver regeneration.

Higashiyama, S., Kiso, S. 2006

[雑誌論文] Activity-dependent shedding of heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor in brain neurons.

Shishido, Y., Tanaka, T., Piao, Y.S., Araki, K., Takei, N., Higashiyama, S., Nawa H. 2006

[雑誌論文] Loss of HB-EGF in smooth muscle or endothelial cell lineages causes heart valve malformation and cardiac hypertrophy.

Nanba, D., Kinugasa, Y., Morimoto, C., Koizumi, M., Yamamutra, H., Takahashi K., Takakura, N., Mekada, E., Hashimoto, K., Higashiyama, S. 2006

[雑誌論文] Ectodomain shedding of membrane-anchored heparin-binding EGF like growth factor and subcellular localization of the C-terminal fragment in a cell cycle.

Toki, F., Nanba, D., Matsuura, N., Higashiyama, S. 2005

[雑誌論文] Ectodomain shedding of membrane-anchored heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor and subcellular localization of the C-terminal fragment in a cell cycle.

Toki, F., Nanba, D., Matsuura, N., Higashiyama, S. 2005

[雑誌論文] Regenerative and therapeutic effects of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor on diabetes by gene transduction through retrograde pancreatic duct injection of adenovirus vector.

Kozawa, J., Tokui, Y., Moriwaki, M., Li, M., Ohmoto, H., Yuan, M., Zhang, J., Iwahashi, H., Imagawa, A., Yamagata, K., Tochino, Y., Shimomura, I., Higashiyama, S., Miyagawa, J. 2005

[雑誌論文] The HNF-1 target collectrin controls insulin exocytosis by SNARE complex formation.

Fukui, K., Yang, Q., Cao, Y., Takahashi, N., Hatakeyama, H., Wang, H., Wada, J., Zhang, Y., Marselli, L., Namno, T., Yoneda K., Onishi, M., Higashiyama S., Matsuzawa, Y., Gonzalez, F.J., Weir, G.C., Kasai, H., Shimomura, I., Miyagawa, J., Wollheim, C.B., Yamagata, K. 2005

[雑誌論文] Heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor is essential for keratinocyte migration in skin wound heaking.

Shirakata, Y., Kimura, R., Nanba, D., Morimoto, C., Yokota, K., Nakamura, M., Mekada, E., Higashiyama, S., Hashimoto, K. 2005

[雑誌論文] Helicobacter pylori-Stimulated Interleukin-8 (IL-8) Promotes Cell Proliferation Through Transactivation of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) by Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase (ADAM) Activation.

Joh, T., Kataoka, H., Tanida, S., Watanabe, K., Ohshima, T., Sasaki, M., Nakao, H., Ohhara, H., Higashiyama, S., Itoh, M. 2005

[雑誌論文] Helicobacter pylori-Stimulated Interleukin-8 (IL-8) Promotes Cell Proliferation Through Transactivation of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) by Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase (ADAM) Activation.

Joh, T., Kataoka, H., Tanida, S., Watanabe, K., Ohshima, T., Sasaki M., Nakao, H., Ohhara, H., Higashiyama, S., Itoh, M. 2005

[雑誌論文] IL-8 promotes cell proliferation and migration through metalloproteinase-cleavage proHB-EGF in Human Colon Carcinoma Cells.

Itoh, Y., Joh, T., Tanida, S., Sasaki, M,.Kataoka, H., Itoh, K., Oshima, T., Ogasawara, N., Togawa, S., Wada, T., Kubota, H., Mori, Y., Ohara, H., Nomura, T., Higashiyama, S., Itoh, M. 2005

[雑誌論文] IL-8 promotes cell proliferation and migration through metalloproteinase-cleavage proHB-EGF in Human Colon Carcinoma Cells.

Itoh, Y., Joh, T., Tanida, S., Sasaki, M., Kataoka, H., Itoh, K., Oshima, T., Ogasawara, N., Togawa, S., Wada, T., Kubota, H., Mori, Y., Ohara, H., Nomura, T., Higashiyama, S., Itoh, M. 2005

[雑誌論文] The HNF-1 target collectrin controls insulin exocytosis by SNARE complex formation.

Fukui, K., Yang, Q., Cao, Y., Takahashi, N., Hatakeyama, H., Wang, H., Wada, J., Zhang, Y., Marselli, L., Namno, T., Yoneda, K., Onishi, M., Higashiyama, S., Matsuzawa, Y., Gonzalez, F.J., Weir, GC., Kasai, H., Shimomura, I., Miyagawa, J., Wollheim, C.B., Yamagata, K. 2005

[雑誌論文] Regenerative and therapeutic effects of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor on diabetes by gene transduction through retrograde pancreatic duct injection of adenovirus vector.

Kozawa, J., Tokui, Y.Moriwaki, M., Li, M., Ohmoto, H., Yuan, M., Zhang, J., Iwahashi, H., Imagawa, A, Yamagata, K., Tochino, Y., Shimomura, I., Higashiyama, S., Miyagawa, J. 2005

[雑誌論文] G protein coupling and second messenger generation are indispensable for metalloprotease-dependent, heparin-binding epidermal growth factor shedding through angiotensin II type-1 receptor.

Mifune, M., Ohtsu, H., Suzuki, H., Nakashima, H., Brailoiu, E., Dun, N.J., Frank, GD., Inagami, T., Higashiyama, S., Thomas, W.G, Eckhart, A.D., Dempsey, P.J., Eguchi, S. 2005

[雑誌論文] Induction of Keratinocyte Migration via Transactivation of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor by the Antimicrobial Peptide LL-37.

Tokumaru, S., Sayama, K., Shirakata, Y., Komatsuzawa, H., Ouhara, K., Hanakawa, Y., Yahata, Y., Dai, X., Tohyama, M., Nagai, H., Yang, L., Higashiyama, S., Yoshimura, A., Sugai, M., Hashimoto, K. 2005

[雑誌論文] Heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor is essential for keratinocyte migration in skin wound heaking.

Shirakata, Y., Kimura, R, Nanba, D., Morimoto, C., Yokota, K., Nakamura, M, Mekada, E., Higashiyama, S., Hashimoto, K. 2005

[雑誌論文] Induction of Keratinocyte Migration via Transactivation of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor by the Antimicrobial Peptide LL-37.

Tokumaru, S., Sayama, K., Shirakata, Y., Komatsuzawa, H., Ouhara, K., Hanakawa, Y., Yahata, Y., Dai, X., Tohyama, M., Nagai, H., Yang, L., Higashiyama, S., Yoshimura, A, Sugai, M., Hashimoto, K. 2005

[雑誌論文] G protein coupling and second messenger generation are indispensable for metalloprotease-dependent, heparin-binding epidermal growth factor shedding through angiotensin II type-1 receptor.

Mifune, M., Ohtsu, H., Suzuki, H., Nakashima, H., Brailoiu, E., Dun, N.J., Frank, G.D., Inagami, T., Higashiyama, S., Thomas, W.G., Eckhart, A.D., Dempsey, P.J., Eguchi, S. 2005