

KAKEN 科学研究費助成事業データベース で見る
研究課題番号 KAKENHI-PROJECT-16072211
研究種目 特定領域研究
研究機関 大阪大学
代表研究者 増原 宏
研究分担者 朝日 剛
研究分担者 開 祐司
研究分担者 今元 泰
研究期間 開始年月日 2004/4/1
研究期間 終了年度 2006
研究ステータス 完了 (2006/4/1)
配分額(合計) 135,200,000 (直接経費 :135,200,000)
配分額(履歴) 2006年度:36,000,000 (直接経費 :36,000,000)
2005年度:45,100,000 (直接経費 :45,100,000)
2004年度:54,100,000 (直接経費 :54,100,000)
キーワード 顕微光散乱分光
Light Scattering Microspectroscopy
Single Bio Cell
Femtosecond Laser
Mousr NIH3T3 Cell
Fluorescence Imaging
Actin Stress Fiber
EGFP Modification


[雑誌論文] Single Particle Spectroscopic Investigation on the Interaction between Exciton Transition of Cyanine Dye J-Aggregates and Localized Surface Plasmon Polarization of Gold Nanoparticles

Takayuki Uwada, Ryo Toyota, Hiroshi Masuhara, Tsuyoshi Asahi 2007

[雑誌論文] Multipole Resonance Modes in Localized Surface Plasmon of Single Hexagonal/Triangular Gold Nanoplate

Takayuki Uwada, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara, Daisuke Ibano, Manabu Fujishiro, Toshihiro Tominaga 2007

[雑誌論文] Multipole Resonance Modes in Localized Surface Plasmon of Single Hexagonal /Triangular Gold Nanoplates

Takayuki Uwada, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara, Daisuke Ibano, Manabu Fujishiro, Toshihiro Tominaga 2007

[雑誌論文] Single Particle Spectroscopic Investigation on the Interaction between Exciton Transition of Cyanine Dye J-Aggregates and Localized Surface Plasmon Polarization of Gold Nanoparticles

Takayuki Uwada, Ryo Toyota, Hiroshi Masuhara, Tsuyoshi Asahi 2007

[雑誌論文] Realignment Process of Actin Stress Fibers in Single Living Cells Studied by Focused Femtosecond Laser Irradiation

Ryohei Yasukuni, Jean-Alexis Spitz, Rachel Meallet-Renault, Takayuki Negishi, Takuji Tada, Yoichiro Hosokawa, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Chisa Shukunami, Yuji Hiraki, Hiroshi Masuhara 2007

[図書] Nano Biophotonics : Science and Technology (第15,16,22,24章)

Hiroshi Masuhara, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Yuuji Hiraki, et al. 2007

[雑誌論文] Multipole Resonance Modes in Localized Surface Plasmon of Single Hexagonal / Triangular Gold Nanoplates

Takayuki Uwada, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara, Daisuke Ibano, Manabu Fujishiro, Toshihiro Tominaga 2007

[雑誌論文] Polarization and Wavelength Dependent Nonlinear Optical Properties of a Photo-Switchable Organic Crystal

Michel Sliwa, Keitaro Nakatani, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Pascal G. Lacroix, Robert B. Pansu, Hiroshi Masuhara 2007

[雑誌論文] Size and Phase Control in Quinacridone Nanoparticle Formation by Laser Ablation in Water

Teruki Sugiyama, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroki Takeuchi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[学会発表] Photocurrent Measurement of Quinacridone Films Consisting of Size-Controlled Nanoparticles Prepared by Laser Ablation in Water

Hyeon-Gu Jeon, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Teruki Sugiyama, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[学会発表] Light-Driven Proton Pump in Halobacterial Cells

Kazuo Tsujimoto, Taku Mizukami, Takayuki Negishi, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[学会発表] Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy of Photochromic Compounds in Microcrystalline Phase (Invited)

Tsuyoshi Asahi 2006

[雑誌論文] Higher-order Multiphoton Imaging by Femtosecond Near-Infrared Laser Microscope System

Hirohisa Matsuda, Syoji Ito, Yutaka Nagasawa, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara, Seiya Kobatake, Masahiro Irie, Hiroshi Miyasaka 2006

[雑誌論文] Time-resolved thermodynamics : Heat capacity change of transient species during photoreaction of PYP

Javaid Shahbaz Khan, Yasushi Imamoto, Mikio Kataoka, Fumio Tokunaga, Masahide Terazima 2006

[雑誌論文] Size and Phase Control in Quinacridone Nanoparticle Formation by Laser Ablation in Water

Teruki Sugiyama, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroki Takeuchi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[学会発表] Development Femtosecond Near-Infrared Microscope and Higher-Order Multiphoton Imaging

Hirohisa Matsuda, Syoji Ito, Yutaka Nagasawa, Hiroshi Miyasaka, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[学会発表] Polarization and Wavelength Dependence of Second Harmonic Generation in a Photo-Switchable Crystal

Michel Sliwa, Keitaro Nakatani, Robert Pansu, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[雑誌論文] Laser Nano Chemistry

Hiroshi Masuhara, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Yoichiroh Hosokawa 2006

[雑誌論文] Laser Nano Chemistry

Hiroshi Masuhara, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Yoichiroh Hosokawa 2006

[雑誌論文] Conformational Changes of PYP Monitored by Diffusion Coefficient : Effect of N-terminal □-Helices

Javaid Shahbaz Khan, Yasushi Imamoto, Miki Harigai, Mikio Kataoka, Masahide Terazima 2006

[雑誌論文] Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Single Organic Nanocrystals Investigated by Using a Far-Eield Optical Microscope Coupled with an AFM System

Tsuyoshi Asahi, Victor V.Volkov, Hideki Matsune, Hidetsugu Kawai, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[雑誌論文] Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Single Organic Nanocrystals Investigated by Using a Far-Eield optical Microscope Coupled with an AFM System

Tsuyoshi Asahi, Victor V. Volkov, Hideki Matsune, Hidetsugu Kawai, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[雑誌論文] Trans-cis Photoisomerization of a Photoactive Yellow Protein Model Chromophore in Crystalline Phase

Anwar Usman, Hiroshi Masuhara, Tsuyoshi Asahi 2006

[雑誌論文] Size and Phase Control in Quinacridone Nanoparticle Formation by Laser Ablation in Water

Teruki Sugiyama, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroki Takeuchi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[雑誌論文] Conformational Changes of PYP Monitored by Diffusion Coefficient : Effect of N-terminal α-Helices

Javaid Shahbaz Khan, Yasushi Imamoto, Miki Harigai, Mikio Kataoka, Masahide Terazima 2006

[雑誌論文] Laser Nano Chemistry

Hiroshi Masuhara, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Yoichiroh Hosokawa 2006

[学会発表] Excited State Isomerization of a PYP Model Chromophore in Crystalline Solid Phase

Anwar Usman, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[雑誌論文] Higher-order Multiphoton Imaging by Femtosecond Near-Infrared Laser Microscope System

Hirohisa Matsuda, Syoji Ito, Yutaka Nagasawa, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara, Seiya Kobatake, Masahiro Irie, Hiroshi Miyasaka 2006

[学会発表] Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Single Organic Nanoparticles (Invited)

Hiroshi Masuhara, Tsuyoshi Asahi 2006

[図書] Nanoplasmonics : From Fundamentals to Applications

Hiroshi Masuhara, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, et al. 2006

[雑誌論文] Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Single Organic Nanocrystals Investigated by Using a Far-Eield Optical Microscope Coupled with an AFM System

Tsuyoshi Asahi, Victor V. Volkov, Hideki Matsune, Hidetsugu Kawai, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[学会発表] Development of a Confocal Rayleigh Scattering Spectroscopic Imaging System and Its Application to Single Gold Nanoparticles

Takayuki Uwada, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[雑誌論文] Temperature Dependence of Ultrafast Photoinduced Ring-opening and -closure Reactions of Spironaphthooxazine in Crystalline Phase

Mototsugu Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[学会発表] Femtosecond Laser-induced Ablation and Contraction Dynamics of Actin Filaments in Mouse NIH3T3 Fibroblast Cells

Ryohei Yasukuni, Yoichiroh Hosokawa, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Yuji Hiraki, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[学会発表] "Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Single Organic Nanoparticles" (Invited)

Hiroshi Masuhara, Tsuyoshi Asahi 2006

[学会発表] Realignment Process of Actin Stress Fiber Dissected by Focused Femtosecond Laser

Ryohei Yasukuni, Jean-Alexis Spitz, Rachel Meallet-Renault, Yoichiroh Hosokawa, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Chisa Shukunami, Yuji Hiraki, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[雑誌論文] Trans-cis Photoisomerization of a Photoactive Yellow Protein Model Chromophore in Crystalline Phase

Anwar Usman, Hiroshi Masuhara, Tsuyoshi Asahi 2006

[雑誌論文] Higher-order Multiphoton Imaging by Femtosecond Near-Infrared Laser Microscope System

Hirohisa Matsuda, Syoji Ito, Yutaka Nagasawa, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara, Seiya Kobatake, Masahiro Irie, Hiroshi Miyasaka 2006

[雑誌論文] Time-resolved thermodynamics : Heat capacity change of transient species during photoreaction of PYP

Javaid Shahbaz Khan, Yasushi Imamoto, Mikio Kataoka, Fumio Tokunaga, Masahide Terazima 2006

[学会発表] "Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy of Photochromic Compounds in Microcrystalline Phase" (Invited)

Tsuyoshi Asahi 2006

[学会発表] Size-dependent Optical and Photophysical Properties of Polydiacetylene Nanocrystal

Tsuyoshi Asahi, Victor V. Volkov, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[雑誌論文] Conformational Changes of PYP Monitored by Diffusion Coefficient: Effect of N-terminal α-Helices

Javaid Shahbaz Khan, Yasushi Imamoto, Miki Harigai, Mikio Kataoka, Masahide Terazima 2006

[学会発表] Fluorescence Microspectroscopic Measurement on Intracellular pH in Single Living Halobacteria

Takayuki Negishi, Go Tanaka, Yoichiro Hosokawa, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hirosh Masuhara, Taku Mizukami, Kazuo Tsujimoto 2006

[雑誌論文] Temperature Dependence of Ultrafast Photoinduced Ring-opening and -closure Reactions of Spironaphthooxazine in Crystalline Phase

Mototsugu Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[学会発表] Preparation of Fullerene C60 Dispersion by Laser Ablation in Poor Solvents

Teruki Sugiyama, Sen-ichi Ryou, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[学会発表] fs-Time-Resolved Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopic Studies on Dynamics of Surface Charge-Carriers of Trans-tetratoluyl Porphyrin Tin Hydroxide (SnTTP)-Incorated Titania Nanotubes

Minjoong Yoon, Ki Seok Jeon, Joon Hee Jang, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[雑誌論文] Trans-cis Photoisomerization of a Photoactive Yellow Protein Model Chromophore in Crystalline Phase

Anwar Usman, Hiroshi Masuhara, Tsuyoshi Asahi 2006

[学会発表] Dissection of Biological Filaments by Femtosecond Laser Irradiation

Ryohei Yasukuni, Yoichiroh Hosokawa, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Yuji Hiraki, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[学会発表] Realignment Process of Actin Stress Fiber Dissected by Focused Femtosecond Laser

Ryohei Yasukuni, Jean-Alexis Spitz, Rachel Meallet-Renault, Yoichiroh Hosokawa, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Chisa Shukunami, Yuji Hiraki, Hiroshi Masuhara 2006

[雑誌論文] 光の散乱を捉え粒子の形状を見るレイリー散乱分光法

朝日 剛 2005

[学会発表] Femtosecond Time-Resolved Diflectance Spectroscopy of Titania and SnTTP-Incorporated Titania Nanotubes: Dynamics of Surface Charge-Carriers

Ki Seok Jeon, Joon Hee Jang, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara, MingJoon Yoon 2005

[学会発表] Femtosecond laser-induced melting of anthracene crystal studied by ultrafast microscopy (Invited)

Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2005

[学会発表] Coherent Coupling of J-aggregate Exciton to Surface Plasmon Electronic Oscillations of Single Au Nanoparticles (Invited)

Tsuyoshi Asahi, Ryo Toyota, Takayuki Uwada, Hiroshi Masuhara 2005

[学会発表] Single Particle Spectroscopic Investigation on Gold Nanoparticles Coverd with Cyanine Dye J-aggregate

Takayuki Uwada, Ryo Toyota, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2005

[雑誌論文] A biosensor in the time domain based on the diffusion coefficient measurement : intermolecular interaction of an intermediate of photoactive yellow protein

Javaid Shahbaz Khan, Yasushi Imamoto, Yoichi Yamazaki, Mikio Kataoka, Fumio Tokunaga, Masahide Terazima 2005

[雑誌論文] Development of Near-Infrared 35 fs Laser Microscope and Its Application to the Detection of Three- and Four-Photon Fluorescence of Organic Microcrystals

Hirohisa Matsuda, Yousuke Fujimoto, Syoji Ito, Yutaka Nagasawa, Hiroshi Miyasaka, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2005

[学会発表] Spectroscopic and Photochemical Studies on Single Organic Nanoparticles (Invited)

Hiroshi Masuhara, Tsuyoshi Asahi 2005

[雑誌論文] Single Molecule Spectroscopy of Organic Dye Nanoparticles

Andre J. Gesquiere, Takayuki Uwada, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara, Paul F. Barbara 2005

[雑誌論文] Design, Synthesis, Structural and Nonlinear optical Properties of Photochromic Crystals: Towards Reversible Molecular Switches

Michel Sliwa, Sylvie Letard, Isabelle Malfant, Martine Nierlich, Pascal G. Lacroix, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara, Pei Yu, Keitaro Nakatani 2005

[雑誌論文] Photochromic Dynamics of Salicylidene Aniline in Solid State by Using Femtosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy

T. Asahi, H. Masuhara, K. Nakatani, M. Sliwa 2005

[学会発表] Femtosecond Time-Resolved Diflectance Spectroscopy of Titania and SnTTP-Incorporated Titania Nanotubes : Dynamics of Surface Charge-Carriers

Ki Seok Jeon, Joon Hee Jang, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara, MingJoon Yoon 2005

[学会発表] Femtosecond Laser-induced Shockwave study on morphological dynamics of single living cells

Hiroshi Masuhara, Yoishiroh Hosokawa, Takuji Tada, Tsuyoshi Asahi 2005

[雑誌論文] Cooperative Photochemical Reaction Mechanism of Femtosecond Laser-Induced Photocoloration in Spirooxazines Microcrystals Examined by Femtosecond Double Pulse Experiments

Mototsugu Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2005

[雑誌論文] Design, Synthesis, Structural and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Photochromic Crystals : Towards Reversible Molecular Switches

Michel Sliwa, Sylvie Letard, Isabelle Malfant, Martine Nierlich, Pascal G Lacroix, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara, Pei Yu, Keitaro Nakatani 2005

[学会発表] Local deformation and regeneration processes of single animal cell by focused femtosecond laser beam

Y. Hosokawa, T. Tada, T. Asahi, H. Masuhara, C. Shukunami, Y. Hiraki 2005

[雑誌論文] Development of Near-Infrared 35 fs Laser Microscope and Its Application to the Detection of Three- and Four-Photon Fluorescence of Organic Microcrystals

Hirohisa Matsuda, Yousuke Fujimoto, Syoji Ito, Yutaka Nagasawa, Hiroshi Miyasaka, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2005

[雑誌論文] Single Molecule Spectroscopy of Organic Dye Nanoparticles

Andre J. Gesquiere, Takayuki Uwada, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara, Paul F. Barbara 2005

[雑誌論文] Development of Near-Infrared 35 fs Laser Microscope and Its Application to the Detection of Three- and Four-Photon Fluorescence of Organic Microcrystals

Hirohisa Matsuda, Yousuke Fujimoto, Syoji Ito, Yutaka Nagasawa, Hiroshi Miyasaka, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2005

[学会発表] Development of the Near-infrared Femtosecond Laser Microscope System and its Application

Hirohisa Matsuda, Syoji Ito, Yutaka Nagasawa, Hiroshi Miyasaka, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2005

[学会発表] Film Formation of Size-controlled Quinnacridone Nanoparticles by a modifield electrophoretic Deposition Method

Hyeon-Gu Jeon, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Teruki Sugiyama, Hiroshi Masuhara 2005

[雑誌論文] A biosensor in the time domain based on the diffusion coefficient measurement: intermolecular interaction of an intermediate of photoactive yellow protein

Javaid Shahbaz Khan, Yasushi Imamoto, Yoichi Yamazaki, Mikio Kataoka, Fumio Tokunaga, Masahide Terazima 2005

[学会発表] Development of the Near-infrared Femtosecond Laser Microscope System and its Application to Multiphoton Imaging

Hirohisa Matsuda, Shoji Ito, Yutaka Nagasawa, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara, Hiroshi Miyasaka 2005

[学会発表] Solvent effect on quinacridone nanoparticle formation by laser ablation of its bulk crystal in poor solvents

Teruki Sugiyama, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Kazuya Kawahara, Hiroshi Masuhara 2005

[学会発表] "Coherent Coupling of J-aggregate Exciton to Surface Plasmon Electronic Oscillations of Single Au Nanoparticles" (Invited)

Tsuyoshi Asahi, Ryo Toyota, Takayuki Uwada, Hiroshi Masuhara 2005

[学会発表] Film Formation of Size-controlled Quinnacridone Nanoparticles by a modifield electrophoretic Deposition Method

Hyeon-Gu Jeon, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Teruki Sugiyama, Hiroshi Masuhara 2005

[学会発表] "Femtosecond laser-induced melting of anthracene crystal studied by ultrafast microscopy" (Invited)

Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2005

[学会発表] "Spectroscopic and Photochemical Studies on Single Organic Nanoparticles" (Invited)

Hiroshi Masuhara, Tsuyoshi Asahi 2005

[学会発表] Single Particle Spectroscopic Investigation on Gold Nanoparticles Coverd with Cyanine Dye J-aggregate

Takayuki Uwada, Ryo Toyota, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2005