

KAKEN 科学研究費助成事業データベース で見る
研究課題番号 KAKENHI-PROJECT-14571438
研究種目 基盤研究(C)
研究分野 医学
研究機関 岡山大学
代表研究者 横山 正尚
研究分担者 溝渕 知司
研究分担者 板野 義太郎
研究分担者 阿部 康二
研究期間 開始年月日 2002/4/1
研究期間 終了年度 2004
研究ステータス 完了 (2004/4/1)
配分額(合計) 3,600,000 (直接経費 :3,600,000)
配分額(履歴) 2004年度:200,000 (直接経費 :200,000)
2003年度:800,000 (直接経費 :800,000)
2002年度:2,600,000 (直接経費 :2,600,000)
キーワード 神経栄養因子
Nerve growth factor
Antisense RNA oligonucleotide
Intractable pain


[雑誌論文] Improvement of SSPE by intrathecal infusion of α-IFN

Kurata T, Matsubara E, Yokoyama M, Nagano I, Shoji M, Abe K 2004

[雑誌論文] Improvement of SSPE by intrathecal infusion of α-IFN.

Kurata T, Matsubara E, Yokoyama M, Nagano I, Shoji M, Abe K. 2004

[雑誌論文] The effects of pretreatment with lidocaine or bupivacaine on the spatial and temporal expression of c-Fos protein in the spinal cord caused by plantar incision in the rat.

Sun X, Yokoyama M, Mizobuchi M, Kaku R, Nakatsuka H, Takahashi T, Morita K. 2004

[雑誌論文] The effects of pretreatment with lidocaine or bupivacaine on the spatial and temporal expression of c-Fos protein in the spinal cord caused by plantar incision in the rat

Sun X, Yokoyama M, Mizobuchi M, Kaku R, Nakatsuka H, Takahashi T, Morita K 2004

[雑誌論文] Long-term effects of octreotide on pituitary giantism : its analgesic action on cluster headache

Otsuka F, Mizobuchi S, Ogura T, Sato K, Yokoyama M, Makino H 2004

[雑誌論文] Comparison of percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for long-term pain relief in patients with chronic low back pain

Yokoyama M, Sun X, Oku S, Taga N, Sato K, Mizobuchi S, Takahashi T, Morita K 2004

[雑誌論文] Comparison of percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for long-term pain relief in patients with chronic low back pain.

Yokoyama M, Sun X, Oku S, Taga N, Sato K, Mizobuchi S, Takahashi T, Morita K. 2004

[雑誌論文] Long-term effects of octreotide on pituitary giantism : its analgesic action on cluster headache.

Otsuka F, Mizobuchi S, Ogura T, Sato K, Yokoyama M, Makino H. 2004

[雑誌論文] Cimetidine for chronic calcifying tendonitis of the shoulder

Yokoyama M, Aono H, Takeda A, Morita K 2003

[雑誌論文] Cimetidine for chronic calcifying tendonitis of the shoulder.

Yokoyama M, Aono H, Takeda A, Morita K. 2003

[雑誌論文] Total Spinal anesthesia provides transient relief of intractable pain

Yokoyama M, Itano Y, Kusume Y, Oe Y, Mizobuchi S, Morita K 2002

[雑誌論文] Total spinal anesthesia provides transient relief of intractable pain.

Yokoyama M, Itano Y, Kusume Y, Oe Y, Mizobuchi S, Morita K. 2002